The night before last, I took Galantamind for the first time, and didn't sleep very well. It was a great experience,,68.msg6679.html#msg6679 but I definitely missed some REM periods. I think I had REM rebound last night, because I swear I was dreaming non stop all night. I had several awakenings, but each time I would pass right back into a dream. I was too tired to really worry about being lucid, but I slipped in and out of lucidity anyways.
The ImplantsI was on the subway in New York, when I recognized my friend who I haven't seen in a while. I went to say hi, but she was having a hard time recognizing me. I had to tell her several old stories about us together before she even remembered who I was. I thought this strange, because I still talk to her on the phone all the time.
As we were leaving the subway together, I recognized her boyfriend sitting in the front of the train. He didn't seem to recognize either of us. In fact, he was such a zombie, it was like he couldn't even talk. He seemed to be in some sort of a coma. I have dealt with unaware DCs before, so I knew what to do. I put my hand on top of his head, like I was ruffling his hair. I felt a little static shock, and he immediately snapped out of his trance.
I was heading to a shopping mall, but they were catching another train. I waited on the platform with them, chatting. When we said goodbye, I think we all made out together instead of just giving friendly hugs.
I exited the station, and went into giant shopping mall. The place was located in a pretty bad part of town, but the stores inside were all extremely upscale boutiques. It was deserted. Totally empty. I found a lobby area that was decorated like an expensive hotel, with bookshelves, a fireplace, and shiny leather furniture. A homeless woman had set up camp with sleeping bags and a shopping cart. She was delusional in that street-person kind of way. She thought she was on a reality TV show, and was getting paid to eat these huge squirming grubs worms. They were 6 inches long, and she had to eat them in multiple bites like a squirming candy bar. We spoke about the empty mall, and she told me the place had been deserted for months because people were lining up to get their implants.
I kept seeing movement out of the corner of my eye. Finally, I caught a good glimpse of a young 7 year old boy running from store to store hiding. I chased him all over the mall, and eventually came to a dead end at the top of a huge ramp that spiraled up through four stories of shops. The boy was precariously climbing up the rail in the center of the spiral, oblivious to the danger. When he was almost at the top, he slipped and teetered backwards. I planted my feet and lifted my hands. In an instant the whole spiral ramp, shops and all, collapsed upward like a giant spring or slinky. All the storefronts merged into the ones above them, and the ramp collapsed upward to a single story ring with a pond in the middle. The boy fell backwards, and splashed into the pond. I helped him out, and we made our way to an emergency fire exit.
Outside, the city was a shining futuristic utopia. Everything was made of clean shining metal. Ramps and stairways spiraled up to multiple terraces styled with classical details. There were white stone bridges and silver metal arcades. Every building looked like a courthouse or a Greek Temple. The streets were packed with people waiting in huge lines that wound around city blocks, up staircases, and zigzagged back on themselves. It was nuts.
The scale of the city was daunting, so I held the child's hand, and teleported us from terrace to terrace. It really hurt my knees, and at one point the boy said to me, "You better be careful, by the time you're 30, your knees are going to be so ruined you won't be able to walk up stairs, let alone teleport." We walked up and down the lines trying to talk to people. They were all zombified in comas, similar to my friend on the subway. No one would talk to me. I stood in the middle of a courtyard, held my arms out to my sides, and slowly turned in place. The world around me froze like I stopped time. I explained to my new 7 year old friend what the plan was. He ran up and down the lines of people, picking their pockets for ID cards, bank receipts, or scraps of notes that gave some hint of who these people were. I then walked around pressing my palm to the tops of people's heads to zap them and jog their memories of who they were. I woke up several people this way. As I woke them up, they became unfrozen, and gathered in the courtyard.
We became a team of rebels who were investigating the cause of his worldwide phenomenon. I thought it was some sort of alien invasion, but it turned out to be a totalitarian govenrnment plan to implant people and control them. I guess the crazy homeless lady was right. We established a base at the top of an abandoned skyscraper. We gathered the children together in a nursery. There were constant risks of sniper attacks, so we had to be careful around the windows.
The whole adventure took hours, I think I was in and out of lucidity all night. It was really fun. I'll write a few fun parts.
I found a secret passage in an abandoned house that led to a long stairway. I had to pick the lock with a safety pin. It was so easy I became lucid. The stairs led straight down for a mile or more. They led to more underground bunkers and houses. At every level, a gate or door was locked, and I had to pick the lock. The last flight of stairs ran underneath a long banquet table. I could only see people's legs under the table, and hear their voices. There was a secret government meeting going on. I was crawling around under the table trying to understand the conversation and gathering supplies. Of course, my idea of supplies was pokemon video games, socks, and bags of candy. I remember lucidly thinking how amazing it was that my brain was able to create dozens of conversations all at once, and that I could understand them all.
There was an action packed firefight in the desert with these huge burrowing worms the size of buildings. It was like a mix between that old movie 'Dune' and the beginning of the new Transformers movie. The worms looked like the grubs the homeless woman was eating in the beginning of the dream. They were somehow related to the implants in people's brains.
I was making myself invisible and sneaking around a town filled with people. It felt so real, and I could physically feel the invisibility like I was shifting myself out of sync with the world. I could look down on my body, and see myself as translucent.
I was in and out of lucidity, but I had amazing dream control. I could manipulate the whole dreamscape just by thinking about it. I could rearrange buildings and streets. I could change the scale of things, and make the world collapse on itself by changing the focus of my vision. At times, this was all so easy, I just took it for granted and forgot I was even lucid.