Author Topic: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry  (Read 48811 times)

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2008, 07:01:54 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2008, 11:23:18 AM »
Now that you mention it, that dream was a lot like Godfather I.  I guess If I was going to plagiarize a movie, that would be a good choice.

It would be fun to make a book with one or two favorite dreams from everyone on the site.  With a short introduction to lucid dreaming in the front, and then a bunch of badass lucids with illustrations from a variety of people.  That would be the ultimate introduction to dreaming.

At the end of the dream, I have the feeling there was some sort of prophecy being fulfilled that was supposed to have taught me a lesson.  I have no idea what it was :(
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2008, 07:29:08 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2008, 12:55:35 PM »
The night before last, I took Galantamind for the first time, and didn't sleep very well.  It was a great experience,,68.msg6679.html#msg6679
but I definitely missed some REM periods.  I think I had REM rebound last night,  because I swear I was dreaming non stop all night.  I had several awakenings, but each time I would pass right back into a dream.  I was too tired to really worry about being lucid, but I slipped in and out of lucidity anyways. 

The Implants
I was on the subway in New York, when I recognized my friend who I haven't seen in a while.  I went to say hi, but she was having a hard time recognizing me.  I had to tell her several old stories about us together before she even remembered who I was.  I thought this strange, because I still talk to her on the phone all the time.

As we were leaving the subway together, I recognized her boyfriend sitting in the front of the train.  He didn't seem to recognize either of us.  In fact, he was such a zombie, it was like he couldn't even talk.  He seemed to be in some sort of a coma.  I have dealt with unaware DCs before, so I knew what to do.  I put my hand on top of his head, like I was ruffling his hair.  I felt a little static shock, and he immediately snapped out of his trance.

I was heading to a shopping mall, but they were catching another train.  I waited on the platform with them, chatting.  When we said goodbye, I think we all made out together instead of just  giving friendly hugs.

I exited the station, and went into giant shopping mall.  The place was located in a pretty bad part of town, but the stores inside were all extremely upscale boutiques.  It was deserted. Totally empty.  I found a lobby area that was decorated like an expensive hotel, with bookshelves, a fireplace, and shiny leather furniture. A homeless woman had set up camp with sleeping bags and a shopping cart.  She was delusional in that street-person kind of way.  She thought she was on a reality TV show, and was getting paid to eat these huge squirming grubs worms.  They were 6 inches long, and she had to eat them in multiple bites like a squirming candy bar.  We spoke about the empty mall, and she told me the place had been deserted for months because people were lining up to get their implants.

I kept seeing movement out of the corner of my eye.  Finally, I caught a good glimpse of a young 7 year old boy running from store to store hiding.  I chased him all over the mall, and eventually came to a dead end at the top of a huge ramp that spiraled up through four stories of shops.  The boy was precariously climbing up the rail in the center of the spiral, oblivious to the danger.  When he was almost at the top, he slipped and teetered backwards.  I planted my feet and lifted my hands.  In an instant the whole spiral ramp, shops and all, collapsed upward like a giant spring or slinky.  All the storefronts merged into the ones above them, and the ramp collapsed upward to a single story ring with a pond in the middle.  The boy fell backwards, and splashed into the pond.  I helped him out, and we made our way to an emergency fire exit.

Outside, the city was a shining futuristic utopia.  Everything was made of clean shining metal.  Ramps and stairways spiraled up to multiple terraces styled with classical details.  There were white stone bridges and silver metal arcades.  Every building looked like a courthouse or a Greek Temple.  The streets were packed with people waiting in huge lines that wound around city blocks, up staircases, and zigzagged back on themselves. It was nuts.

The scale of the city was daunting, so I held the child's hand, and teleported us  from terrace to terrace.  It really hurt my knees, and at one point the boy said to me, "You better be careful, by the time you're 30, your knees are going to be so ruined you won't be able to walk up stairs, let alone teleport."  We walked up and down the lines trying to talk to people.  They were all zombified in comas, similar to my friend on the subway.  No one would talk to me.  I stood in the middle of a courtyard, held my arms out to my sides, and slowly turned in place.  The world around me froze like I stopped time.  I explained to my new 7 year old friend what the plan was.  He ran up and down the lines of people, picking their pockets for ID cards, bank receipts, or scraps of notes that gave some hint of who these people were.  I then walked around pressing my palm to the tops of people's heads to zap them and jog their memories of who they were. I woke up several people this way.  As I woke them up, they became unfrozen, and gathered in the courtyard.

We became a team of rebels who were investigating the cause of his worldwide phenomenon.  I thought it was some sort of alien invasion, but it turned out to be a totalitarian govenrnment plan to implant people and control them.  I guess the crazy homeless lady was right.  We established a base at the top of an abandoned skyscraper.  We gathered the children together in a nursery.  There were constant risks of sniper attacks, so we had to be careful around the windows.

The whole adventure took hours, I think I was in and out of lucidity all night.  It was really fun.  I'll write a few fun parts.

I found  a secret passage in an abandoned house that led to a long stairway.  I had to pick the lock with a safety pin.  It was so easy I became lucid.  The stairs led straight down for a mile or more.  They led to more underground bunkers and houses.  At every level, a gate or door was locked, and I had to pick the lock.  The last flight of stairs ran underneath a long banquet table.  I could only see people's legs under the table, and hear their voices.  There was a secret government meeting going on.  I was crawling around under the table trying to understand the conversation and gathering supplies.  Of course, my idea of supplies was pokemon video games, socks, and bags of candy.  I remember lucidly thinking how amazing it was that my brain was able to create dozens of conversations all at once, and that I could understand them all.

There was an action packed firefight in the desert with  these huge burrowing worms the size of buildings.  It was like a mix between that old movie 'Dune' and the beginning of the new Transformers movie.  The worms looked like the grubs the homeless woman was eating in the beginning of the dream.  They were somehow related to the implants in people's brains.

I was making myself invisible and sneaking around a town filled with people.  It felt so real, and I could physically feel the invisibility like I was shifting myself out of sync with the world.  I could look down on my body, and see myself as translucent.

I was in and out of lucidity, but I had amazing dream control.  I could manipulate the whole dreamscape just by thinking about it.  I could rearrange buildings and streets.  I could change the scale of  things, and make the world collapse on itself by changing the focus of my vision.  At times, this was all so easy, I just took it for granted and forgot I was even lucid.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2008, 01:05:26 PM by Robot_Butler »
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2008, 03:38:05 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Raklet

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2008, 12:49:57 AM »
I like the secret passage part.  I've always been fascinated with exploring and discovery secrets.  One of my favorite houses is the Winchester Mansion mystery house with all of its secret passages and the like.

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2008, 01:06:37 PM »
I love the Winchester Mystery House.  I've always wished they would let your rent it out for private parties.  Have a bunch of people wandering the place at night with drinks and mini plates of food.  Exploring and getting lost together.

I've been neglecting my journal.  I've had some interesting dreams the past couple nights.  I'll post them if I can ever get a free minute at home with my bedside journal.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #37 on: April 29, 2008, 09:38:55 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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Revenge of the Naked Lunch
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2008, 06:20:31 PM »
I was in charge of surveying abandoned houses to see if they could be rehabilitated. I was sent to measure the abandoned house in the crater, just outside of town. When I got there with my partner, everything seemed normal. It wasn't until we entered the basement that we angered the Centipedes and the Millipedes. At first, there were only one or two of the small millipedes. They were poisonous, but nothing we couldn't handle. A quick tap of my boot, a satisfying crunch, and they were out of the picture.

After crushing three or four of these fast little twerps, the big Centipedes came out to investigate. They were the size of small dogs, two or three feet long. Their segmented bodies were fuzzy and black. Shiny round red shells lined their backs like a stack of soup bowls. They appeared from the shadows in large groups. They would only approach us one at a time to examine us, then run back into the swarm.

I became more and more nervous, but we were almost finished with our measuring. My partner taunted me, saying "Whats wrong, scared of the little bugs?". I ignored him, kept alert, and finished measuring fast. As we exited the building, the swarm of giant Centipedes followed us up the stairs. They seemed angry now. From the corner of my eye, I saw one charge straight towards me. The thing was faster than I had previously thought. I fled up the stairs and out of the house, only pausing long enough to kick down the dilapidated front door.

I looked back over my shoulder in time to see the Centipede curl up like a spring, and then leap in the air. It landed on my back, and dug its razor sharp armored plates into my upper arm. I felt it squirm around like a snake as it worked its barbs deeper into the meat of my shoulder and upper arm. As I struggled to wrench it of my flesh, I saw more of the miniature Millipedes squirming all over my back. They were all over me, biting and stinging me in a thousand places. I realized that I had been covered in the millipedes the entire time I was in the house. I had only noticed the ones that had fallen off my back and dropped onto the floor.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 06:24:11 PM by Robot_Butler »
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
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Offline Robot_Butler

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The Traveller
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2008, 06:21:02 PM »
The Bear never stays in one place for long. When his work in one world is complete, he must move to the next. There are too many worlds that need his help. Each world is contained by a translucent shell, and they are strung together like a necklace of pearls. No one knows if the inhabitants of each world can travel to the others. They never try. Each globe contains everything the inhabitants would ever need. The Bear is the only one who has ever traveled between worlds, and for him, travel is an addiction.

He saved my world once. I helped him as much as I could in my old age. I used to be a fierce warrior, and a fearsome fighter pilot. By the time The Bear needed my help, I was too old to offer him anything but friendship and advice. My hair was thin and wiry, and my skin dry and ashy from overexposure to the caustic gasses of the upper atmosphere.

I remember shaking his hand as we said our final goodbyes. His grip felt hot with the energy and vigor of youth. My own bony fingers dug into his strong, muscled hand, It brought back memories of sinking my teeth into a thick cut of roasted meat. No one had eaten meat since the world's energy gave out. The livestock stopped reproducing and the crops died in the fields.

Now that The Bear had set in motion the healing process on our world, I tried to convince him to stay. I told him tales of the beautiful sunsets over the high terraced grasslands. I described the way the great silver blimps shifted the magnetic fields to make the air shimmer with rainbows.

I knew that there was nothing I could do to convince him. He could never be content with peace and beauty. Other worlds would need his help, and he would be drawn to their turmoil like an addict. With all the worlds he would save, I wondered if he would ever stay to see the end result of his healing.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2008, 06:51:12 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Raklet

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2008, 10:37:55 PM »
The Traveler is really cool.  It is not just a great dream, but it makes a great story too.  I really enjoyed that.

Eating meat...that reminded me of a news story I heard today.  Scientists are growing meat in the laboratory from stem cells.  They say they have already made some and that it tastes just like beef.  The hope is to someday be able to produce food without actually having to kill animals for it.  Would that change your feelings about eating meat?

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #42 on: May 05, 2008, 11:41:30 AM »
Yukky millipedes all over you.  :P  Did you read War against the Chtorr series (sp?), the first one was called A Matter for Men.  Kind of reminded me of that.

Last week, I was measuring a 100 year old church building that we are doing some restoration work for.  Its an awful building that probably should be condemned.  It's filthy, leaky, and bug infested.  It was pretty horrible having to survey it.  Plus, I just watched Naked Lunch last week, and I think some of those images stuck.  Giant bugs and all.

The Traveler is really cool.  It is not just a great dream, but it makes a great story too.  I really enjoyed that.

I dreamed that dream after incubating Amy Sol's artwork.  It was a very neat world.  I actually had two dreams in a row about the same character.  I haven't had any time to write up the second one.  It was a cool dream where the hero/ traveller guy got in over his head.  In a situation where he couldn't be the hero, and everyone hated him.  Strange double dream. 

Eating meat...that reminded me of a news story I heard today.  Scientists are growing meat in the laboratory from stem cells.  They say they have already made some and that it tastes just like beef.  The hope is to someday be able to produce food without actually having to kill animals for it.  Would that change your feelings about eating meat?

Thats sort of gross in its own way.  It sounds like it could be a lot more efficient.  I had a dream last night where I was working with a Landscape Architect trying to plant an elm tree on these grassy hills.  We were having trouble finding the perfect spot for it that would get the best natural light and water.  Instead of seeds, we had a plastic bowl filled with marinated steaks.  I had to scoop them out of the meat juice and marinade with a fork, and plant them in the soil.  This dream was before I read your post.  Weird.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #43 on: May 05, 2008, 11:52:22 AM »
Friday night I tried 8mg GM.  After an hour with a pounding heart and distracting thoughts, I took 3mg Melatonin, and moved to the guest room to avoid my girlfriend's snoring.

I think the melatonin messed up my dream recall, because I had a series of short dreams with FAs and real awakenings in between.  I sort of remember them all as one long dream.

I started with GH's relaxation technique and some Reverse Blinking.  I entered a trance within minutes.  I felt Sleep Paralysis set in, with some strange body vibrations and such.  I could hear my girlfriend banging pots and pans in the kitchen, and then watching old episodes of Roseanne in the living room.  I knew this was impossible, because we don't have a TV.  Still, it sounded so real, I considered that maybe she somehow was watching them on the internet.

The Dream Guide

I heard some rustling in the darkness of my room.  I could not see anything.  It sounded like short animals or people too small to be seen over the side of the bed.  I was trying to roll myself out of the paralysis and into a dream without much success.  After a few minutes, I heard a small mousy voice call out my name.  It surprised me so bad, I popped right out of SP.

At least, I thought I did.  I rolled to my side with some difficulty, not sure if I was asleep or awake.  I could not move to perform a RC, so I wiggled my toes until I could move my arms.  I heard the voice again.  It sounded like a child's voice.  It said, "Where do you want to go?  What do you want to do tonight?"  The voice was coming from behind me, just outside my field of vision. I assumed it was some sort of dream guide, so I answered it, "I want to go to France.  To Paris."  I was still gently struggling to free myself from my sleeping body, or turn around to see who I was talking to.  The voice asked, "What is France?"  I replied "Montmartre, Le Chat Noir."

I freed one of my arms, and reached out to the darkness.  I asked, "Help me up."  Out of nowhere, an old ghastly looking woman's face appeared.  She latched onto my hand.  She is babbling about a hunger, and a need for human touch.  I heard my dream guide yelling at her.  He was threatening her with his child's voice, and yelling at her to let me go.  More greedy hands grabbed at me from the darkness.  One bent my arm back painfully in an arm lock.  My dream guide's voice was yelling warnings to me and to the greedy spirits.  I knew this was an illusion, and I was not afraid of the spirits.  I stopped the argument by yelling out, "Help me out of bed, and I will let you touch me all you want."

Somewhere during all of this, I woke up multiple times.  I was sleeping on a futon unfolded to a bed.  While talking and trying to roll over, I remember the futon was upright, like a couch.  I was propping myself on my side with the back of the couch to try to see who I was talking to.  I then snapped awake, and I was flat on my back with the futon in its real position as a bed.

My memory is hazy, I think from the melatonin.  The next thing I remember is being in the guest room in full daylight.  I was playing with a young alien looking child or dwarf, and asking him really deep questions about dreaming, life, and death.  I can't remember his answers!!!!  I do remember we were playing with Transformer toys, and he answered one of my questions by saying to me, "Let me show you..."

The Toy Junkyard

My vision zoomed into the toys we were playing with.  Suddenly, I was watching a movie about the Transformer toys on a junkyard planet.  They had just landed, and were scouting around for life.  They each took on the shape of a ruined machine they found in the junkyard.  The villain, Megatron, was a giant plastic T-Rex dinosaur.  The good guys were trying to fight him, but they were outmatched.  They were exploring the planet trying to find and free other robots to help them in the battle.  They ended up finding a Robot Cheetah.

Another Megatron landed on the planet.  He was a giant helicopter.  He was very cocky, and volunteered to fight the dinosaur version of himself.  While they battled, a countdown started to launch missiles out of missile silos.  The team of good robots ran to bury themselves in sand bags, hoping it would protect them from the radiation.  The Robot Cheetah couldn't find a place to bury himself, so he ran to the missile silos to try and stop the launch.  He found the silos empty.  The missiles were already launched long ago, and that is why there was no life on this planet.  They were all destroyed in a nuclear holocaust.  The Cheetah ran at super-robot-speed to all the missile silos on the planet.  They were all empty.

The Succubus

After waking to record my dreams, I relaxed back into another WILD.  I entered SP again, and heard the door to my room open.  I could not turn to see, but I felt a woman enter the room stand next to the bed, right behind my head.  She was whispering in my ear seductively.  Her voice sounded evil and threatening despite her words.  I felt her lie down behind me, and press her lips against the back of my neck, right at the base of my skull.  She was pretending to kiss me, but when her lips touched my neck, I felt an intense pain.  She latched onto the base of my neck, her lips locked against me, and something sharp pierced my spinal cord.  She was sucking out my thoughts and energy.

I was lucid, and not fooled by the dream.  My memory is hazy, but I remember turning to embrace her.  The dream turned into an unbelievably awesome sex dream, but I don't remember the details!!!  I lied in bed for a loooooong time after awakening trying to remember the details, because I don't have many sex dreams.  I only remember a general sense of mind blowing sex with several women in every room of my house.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Tyrant

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2008, 02:18:44 PM »
Nice dreams! :D

Have you met this dream guide in another dream before? Just curious.

I lied in bed for a loooooong time after awakening trying to remember the details, because I don't have many sex dreams.  I only remember a general sense of mind blowing sex with several women in every room of my house.


I wouldn't mind a succubus like that... hahaha.