The SexI arrived at work to find last year's summer intern waiting at my office. As soon as I stepped in the door, she pounced on me, and started kissing me aggressively. I was shocked at first, but didn't resist for very long. We stumbled to the back of the office, still kissing, and tearing off each other's clothes along the way. We fell out the back door, and started going at it right on the floor of the garage. It was real intense, and animalistic. I was too caught up in the moment to notice a car disassembled in the garage, as if it was being serviced. When I did see it, I got nervous that the guy I work with might be coming back any minute to finish the repairs. We were having too much fun to stop, so we moved inside, to the bathroom. Things got even hotter, and before long, we were scrambling to clean up and find our clothes.
We only had time to find white undershirts, before I heard people walking around in the front room. It was the guy I work with, and he was pissed that we had sex at work He was under his car working in the garage, the whole time. He started lecturing me about it being illegal to have sex with interns. I started defending myself saying, "She's the one who initiated it! She's 22, we're both adults, and we can do whatever we want!" We got into a huge arguement, but I was too uncomfortable to defend myself much, since I was completely naked from the waist down.
Somewhere along the line, the owners of the house (wasn't it originally our offiice?) came home. The intern was now my girlfriend, and we went outside to meet the owners. We were still wearing only T-shirts, and I kept having to pull mine down to cover my junk. My girlfriend didn't seem to care that hers kept blowing up and exposing her. I kept jealously telling her to cover herself, but she didn't care. She kept saying, "Lighten up, will you? You're such a prude."
The owners drove up in a white 1980's Lamborghini Countach. It was covered in purple Transformers decals, and had strange metal antennae coming off the doors that looked like wings. I realized it was a Transformer, when the owners opened the door, and the car transformed into a strange hi-tech white machine. The owners were Jermaine Clement and Brett McKenzie from the TV show "Flight of the Conchords." They came upstairs, and we started hanging out in the kitchen, making food. I cooked up a huge skillet of shrimp in some sort of cream sauce. It was delicious.
The AwakeningI went into the back room of the house. As soon as I opened the door, something about the scene made me go instantly lucid. It was one of those really intense and surprising realizations. The intensity made the dream start to fade, and I could feel my body back in bed. My vision was completely filled with a pale peach colored diffuse light. I remained calm, and tried to re-enter the dream. Nothing was happening, until I realized the pale light was coming from a frosted window pane that completely filled my vision. My vision zoomed out to show the room I was just in, with the frosted glass window in the center of the wall. I leaped forward, and flew through the window hands first. The glass shattered, and I made sure to feel the pain as all the sharp shards cut my skin.
I landed outside on a flagstone patio. I was now completely lucid, in a very vivid and beautiful dreamscape. I think I was more lucid than I have been in a long time. Maybe ever. Just standing there was an amazing experience. I turned to my girlfriend next to me, and said, "I want to show you the amazing things that you can do in a lucid dream. If I could give you one wish, what would it be?" She looked skeptical, and said in a mocking tone, "If you could clear this cloudy sky, I would be really impressed."
No problem!
I looked up, to see a sky covered in a thick veil of purple grey haze. I raised my hands, together in front of my face, and then spread them apart in an 'open sesame' motion. The row of clouds closest to us rolled open like a purple curtain. I did the same motion again, and the next row followed suit. Each row of clouds turned two-dimensional as it opened, but the sky still looked incredibly hyper-realistic. It took several passes to clear the clouds completely.
Now there was only high wispy clouds in a beautiful purple sunset. I held my girlfriend's hand and watched the sun creep down towards the horizon. The scene was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. We were standing on a bluestone patio, looking out over a cliff. A large complex sculptural fountain stood at the edge of the cliff, with the water cascading down out of sight. Beyond the cliff, the scene opened up into a vast wild valley, shadowed with the oncoming twilight. It resembled Yosemite valley, and I could see Half Dome in the distance. As the twilight deepened, the shadows stretched realistically until the valley was covered in a pale shadow.

Now, I could make out the glowing forms of a city in the valley basin. The buildings looked enormous, and each one was lit with an orange glow. The scale of the city looked impressive, so I tightened my grip on my girlfriend's hand, and together we took off flying towards the lights.
The DreamWe ended up in a futuristic city that looked to be carved out of monolithic sandstone. Every surface was perfectly smooth and without joints. The buildings seemed to be stacked vertically in a series of terraces. Columned arcades surrounded every building, like an Egyptian or Greek temple. Ramps and staircases spiraled up to multiple terraces. From where I was standing, the city seemed limitless.

I had the impression of sleek flying machines hovering around the city, but I don't remember seeing any specifically. The streets were packed with people, like there was a parade or festival happening. I recognized many people in the crowd as friends from college and high school. I approached several people to say hi. I remember messing with one of my old roommates. He was standing with his girlfriend, talking with a group of people. I made myself invisible, and sneaked up on them from behind. I gave both him and his girlfriend a friendly slap on the ass, and then watched as they blamed each other, and looked around confused. I kept pestering them by giving them pinches and slaps, before I finally became visible to chat with them.
They told me about the city. It was the last city on earth after the apocalypse. It was called "The New Acropolis" and was ruled by an elite group of tyrants who horded their high technology to keep themselves in power. This gathering of people was a religious ceremony to worship this ruling elite as gods. They called themselves "The New Pantheon." I thought this sounded like great fun. I said my goodbyes, and took off flying to cause some trouble.

I soared across the amazing cityscape, wondering at its complexity. I made my way to the highest point in the city. It was a huge round temple resembling the Pantheon in Rome. Inside, was a large domed room, ringed with high stone thrones. Giant people sat in each throne, in some sort of trance. They looked like statues. I climbed atop a stage or pedestal in the center of the room. I started singing a beautiful song about dreams, and danced in place. As I waved my arms around, blue lightning started shooting from my fingertips. I was soon surrounded in a crackling sphere of glowing blue electricity. I sang my song, harmonizing with the hum of the electromagnetic field. As I finished my song, I released all the built up electricity outward. It exploded, and shattered the statue-like people sitting on their thrones. The entire building crumbled, as I flew away satisfied.
The AftermathI was now part of a group of outlaws trying to rebuild society. The world had a post apocalyptic junkyard type of feel to it. I was still mildly lucid, but caught up in the story. My lucidity made everyone view me as some kind of traveler, or time traveler. I was a prophet to help lead the rebels. I remember joking with some of them about how cliche this storyline was. I made some pun about the movie Terminator 2, making fun of the post apocalyptic genre. I had a bad attitude, like I really didn't care about this world, but I would do my part to help. Jermaine and Brett were with me again. I remember someone making a joke about me and Jermaine having the same sideburns and fashion sense.

At one point, we were fighting a battle in the ruined streets of a huge city. People were dying, and kept asking me to do something. I decided to summon something to help. I planted my feet, and concentrated on creating a robot or tank to help them. It was really hard to concentrate, and I couldn't make anything happen except a flash of light in the middle of the street. I remember wishing I played more video games, or watched movies about this sort of robot crap. Frustrated, I decided to play a joke. I thought of a toy from when I was a kid. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Party Wagon. It popped into my hands in a flash of light. I threw it out into the battlefield. As it flew through the air, it grew from the size of a shoebox, to the size of a jumbo jet. Everyone piled in, and I drove through the battlefield shooting plastic pizzas to knock people down.

We ended up at a safe house on the top floor of a hi-rise building in a really run down part of town. Everyone was now happy, playing video games, and watching TV like zombies. I ran around trying to remind people of the war going on. I didn't want the dream to end on such a boring note. The last thing I remember was looking out the window and seeing huge two legged robotic battle machines surrounding the building. One of them was right in front of the window aiming a huge cannon into the room. Finally, some action! I jumped behind a couch, and started yelling at everyone to get down.

I woke up to my alarm, and completely forgot this entire series of dreams. I had a faint sense that my MILD worked, but my mind was totally blank. Thank god I took another minute to try and wrack my brain. How the hell did I forget this?
EDIT: I just remembered another piece of the dream. I was at dinner with a bunch of friends in the rebel camp. My friend, Allison told my girlfriend that I had sex with the intern earlier in the dream. I was pissed that she would be such a bitch. I flew across the table, and grabbed her by the shirt. I carried her across the room, then landed. I held her up above my head, and blew her up on a molecular level, into a cloud of atoms. Everyone was mad that I would kill her, but I told them not to worry, I just scattered her molecules apart for a while as punishment. She would reform at her family's cabin in the mountains, and have a hard time getting back to the city alone.