Author Topic: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry  (Read 48965 times)

Offline dallyup52

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #90 on: June 04, 2008, 09:46:23 AM »
I had a long weekend at the tightest wedding ever

What does the above mean?  I am just way too old to understand the language.

Beautiful place.  The scenery looks like that around here where I live.
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #91 on: June 04, 2008, 02:15:21 PM »
Hmm, I don't know if that trip agreed with you (your sleep I mean) or not.  Your dreams were all kind of disturbed, but you got lucid too, so it's worth it I guess.

I think you're right.  I had strange dreams all night.  My girlfriend had a terrible sunburn, and kept tossing and turning.  I think I slept very lightly and was frustrated that she kept waking me up.  I was very disoriented the whole night, and I think that passed into my dreams.

I had a long weekend at the tightest wedding ever

What does the above mean?  I am just way too old to understand the language.

Beautiful place.  The scenery looks like that around here where I live.

"Tightest wedding ever," meaning "The most amazing wedding I've ever been to."  Great people celebrating in a great location.

The scenery was a lot like where I live too, only my valley is overdeveloped and built up with houses and strip malls.  It was at the top of a long undeveloped valley that led out to the coast.  You could not see the ocean, but at sunset, you could watch the fog rolling in from the horizon.  It would creep all the way up the valley like a billowing sea of purple and gold.  Pretty amazing.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
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Offline dallyup52

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #92 on: June 04, 2008, 03:26:55 PM »
The scenery was a lot like where I live too, only my valley is overdeveloped and built up with houses and strip malls.  It was at the top of a long undeveloped valley that led out to the coast.  You could not see the ocean, but at sunset, you could watch the fog rolling in from the horizon.  It would creep all the way up the valley like a billowing sea of purple and gold.  Pretty amazing.

Beautiful, the way you describe it.
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Offline Raklet

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #93 on: June 09, 2008, 12:29:08 AM »
Nice pics.  The place sounds really cool.

Offline Robot_Butler

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Busy Busy
« Reply #94 on: June 10, 2008, 12:04:15 PM »
I've had absolutely no time this month.  I've had a ton of great dreams, but no time to write them up. 

Its my own damn fault.  I know I'm already swamped at home and work, but for some reason I keep taking on more stuff.  Yesterday, for example, I decided I wanted to expand my backyard patio, so I go out there at 8:00 at night and start digging ditches.  Why do I think I have time to do stuff like this?
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
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Offline dallyup52

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #95 on: June 10, 2008, 12:18:22 PM »
Why do I think I have time to do stuff like this?

Because it is important to you.
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #96 on: June 11, 2008, 10:26:43 PM »
Why do I think I have time to do stuff like this?

Because it is important to you.

True.  I've found the best way for me to get things done is by overloading myself.  I procrastinate until I have a whole stack of easy tasks that I know I will never do.  To get motivated, I then take on one huge, almost impossible task.  The big task seems so daunting, I will do the easy ones just to keep from having to do the huge one.  I'm never fooling myself.  I am aware of what I'm doing.  I just don't care.  If it helps me get things done, its fine by me :)

This is bad for my dreaming.  When I run out of time, my dreams become nonsensical.  Even my lucids are disappointingly shallow, like the following one.  It is the dream of a 13 year old boy :-[
« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 11:26:08 PM by Robot_Butler »
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Boy, am I an Annoying Lucid Drunk or What?
« Reply #97 on: June 11, 2008, 11:01:59 PM »
I am relaxing with friends at an outdoor bar.  We are facing a raised stage that doubles as a counter for the bartender.  A band is playing, and people are milling around and dancing.  I see a young Asian woman sitting with friends at a nearby table.  The way she is looking at me creeps me out.  She does not look familiar, but I recognize the look she is shooting me.  Where do I know that look from?

The woman and her friends come and sit at our table.  The Asian woman sits down between me and my friend.  There is not enough room for her, and she has to sqeeze between us.  She doesn't say a word, even when my friend tries to talk to her.  He makes a joke about her just wanting free drinks from us guys.  I playfully pull out a two dollar bill and put it on the table in front of her as part of the joke.  She reaches over to me, and grabs my forearm.  I am a little uncomfortable, because she still has not said a word.  She is giving off this creepy vibe that feels so familiar.  Her hand starts to wander, and soon it is in my lap.  She starts grabbing me through my pants, and it is very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, I realize that she is a dream character.  I pull away from her, and stand up, lucid.  I look at her eyes, and there is something wrong with them.  They look like an animal's eyes, or a mannequin.  I feel much more calm now that I realize this is all a dream.  I thank the woman for helping me become lucid, and no longer feel creeped out. 

I look around myself, letting the lucidity wash over me.  What a great party to be lucid at!  A redheaded woman is leading a band, playing upbeat songs.  There are tons of good looking girls and guys on the dance floor, and at the outdoor tables.  I realize it is very similar to the wedding I was just at last week.  I start dancing with some friends, and it feels really good.  I am a much better dancer than in real life. 

I get a perverted idea, and climb up on the table.  I yell, "Everyone, listen up!  Time to get Naked!!  Girls on the left, Guys on the right!  Chop chop people, its Naked Time!"  Everyone starts undressing as the band plays.  I only let people back on the dance floor when they have removed some clothing.  The whole scene doesn't feel sexual at all.  It is more of a fun joke.  A story I want to tell people later.

I grab my girlfriend, and we keep dancing.  I tell her that she and I are the only ones who don't have to get naked.  People's clothes keep reappearing, and we have to keep walking around reminding them to take them off.  There is a big mess somewhere in the middle of the dance floor where I joke with a couple about their body piercings and tattoos, and we compare the work we've had done.  It escalates into a sexual situation, but we don't get far before I decide there is more fun to be had.

I jump up on the stage and yell, "Stop the music!"  The record squeals comically, and everyone stops dancing like a bad movie.  I turn to the band leader, and whisper to her , "Back to the Future, Baby!"  She starts to argue, not knowing what that means.  Instead of explaining, I then turn to the crowd, and say into the mic, "Next up, Karaoke."

My girlfriend climbs up on the stage, and starts to sing, "Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News."  I jump back into the crowd, and continue dancing.  I work the floor with a few windmills, then pop up on the table to do some head spins.  I end up doing a hand stand between two tables, with one hand on either table.  I then do a handstand push-up that launches me into the air.  As my girlfriend belts it out on the mic, I float around the dance floor hovering in mid air, doing the worm and feeling pretty cool.

I wake up, back in bed.  I head to the bathroom, and look at myself in the mirror.  I look at my teeth, and notice a chip taken out of the front one.  I think I must have done it at that great naked karaoke party last night.  As I am thinking about the huge dentis bill, I see that all my teeth are transparent, like cheap plastic.  I worry for a second, then remember, "Wait, that party was a lucid dream.  This must be one too!"  I wake up for real, back in bed.

I keep my eyes closed, and reenter the dream.  I imagine the feeling of rubbing my hands together while looking at them.  It works for a second, and I hear the music start up again.  I then slip back awake.  I try again, this time imagining rolling side to side.  This works even better.  I get a good rhythm going, and roll right off the bed and into a midair barrel roll.  I throw my arms out to stop the roll, and find myself flying above a huge 2D map.

It looks like a map you would see on a GPS display.  I fly down lower, and watch the view change to a street view, like a Google Map.  I land in a busy city street, where my girlfriend and my friend Jen are talking.  They are discussing what movie they want to see.  I refuse to see a movie, saying, "Its my dream, and I don't want to waste it with a movie."  Jen agrees, saying she has already seen the movie three times.  She explains it is a film about Italian immigrints called Mama Mia.  She then sings the annoying and catching stereotypically Italian song, "Mama mia, mama mia."  She talks about how much she hates that movie, and hates the song even more.  I agree that it is an annoying song.

My girlfriend decides that if we're not going to see the movie, she wants to get some Italian food.  I refuse, still wanting to do something fun in my dream.  She then pushes me down on the ground, and sits on me.  She grows into an enormous fat man with curly hair.  She looks like the fat guy from the TV show Lost.  I start making fun of her saying, "You still want some food, fatty fatts a lot?"  I then start singing the "Mama mia" song again, and reach up to pull her/him close to me.  I wrap my arms around her lovingly and whisper in her ear, "Jen is going to hate this..."
« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 11:09:25 PM by Robot_Butler »
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
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Offline Raklet

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #98 on: June 12, 2008, 12:40:17 AM »
That may have been the dream of a 13 year old boy, but it was still fun.  "Jen is going to hate this." :chuckle:

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #99 on: June 12, 2008, 07:33:20 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline dallyup52

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #100 on: June 12, 2008, 09:18:27 AM »
Great dream wonderful control and recall.
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #101 on: June 12, 2008, 11:29:55 AM »
That may have been the dream of a 13 year old boy, but it was still fun.  "Jen is going to hate this." :chuckle:

I'm not really sure what I was talking about.  I think I was referring to the song that I started singing again.  It was a funny way to wake up, regardless.  I told my girlfriend that I turned her into a big fatty, and she loved it.  She's a martial arts instructor and fitness freak in real life, so she's not real sensitive about her weight...well... at least not as much as most women.

Wow, that was great!  Such control over the crowd of DC's!  :lol: What if that Asian girl comes back and gets you lucid again?  That would be so cool, that is exactly what I want.

I hope so too.  That would be a lucid gold mine.  I've gotten lucid a couple times last month from seeing a weird person.  My DCs seem to stare at me and creep me out until I realize its a dream. Like this lady:
I had the strange feeling that someone was watching me.  I grabbed my plate of food, found a seat, and looked back over my shoulder.  Sitting in the corner, was a woman who looked a lot like my High School French teacher.  She shot me a look of recognition, so I waved  tentatively, not knowing if it really was my old teacher.  I started eating my burrito, looked back again, and saw she was still staring at me.  I decided it must be her, so I went over to say hi.

I gave her a hug, sat down, and looked across the table at her.  It definitely was not my old teacher.  She looked frail and old, but her skin had a spooky ageless quality.  She had the same blond bowl cut hair and light eyes as the twins behind me in line.  I felt like I knew her from somewhere, maybe a party years ago. 

Getting Italian food isn't fun enough for you?  :wtf:
You know, I have been dreaming about food lately.  I've really been enjoying it.  I think you may be converting me to dream feasting.  Either that, or last month's DV TOTM is sticking with me.

Great dream wonderful control and recall.
Thanks :D I need to start focusing on dreaming again for this weekend.  Maybe a GM night, if I have time.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
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Offline Robot_Butler

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This One Almost Made Sense
« Reply #102 on: June 18, 2008, 04:48:53 PM »

I may have been a prisoner, held underground against my will, but I was determined to make the most of it.  There was a lot that could be learned from these people.  The Accident forced them underground, away from the rest of society, but their isolation brought them together as a community.  No outsider had ever been allowed into their secret world, and I felt honored to be among them, even if it was as their prisoner.
My first cellmate was a brilliant man.  His mutation caused his brain to grow to tremendous size, until it was bursting out of his skull.  With it came an intellect that caused him to be dangerous to the community.  They locked him up, not knowing what to do with him.  Unfortunately, they never had a chance to decide.  The sirens started wailing, the earth trembled, and the ceiling of our cell exploded inward.  I struggled to free myself from the rubble, and saw the creature attack my cellmate.  It looked human until it opened it's horrible mutated mouth.  The last thing I saw before I blacked out, was the monster tearing open my cellmate's head, and devoured his huge brain in one bite.
I came to, and crawled to the bloodied body of my cell mate.  Surprisingly, he was still alive.  He told me that his brain stem was also huge, so he could survive a while longer without the rest of his brain.  He knew my secret.  That the accident had mutated me into a Researcher, and he knew the true reason I was here.  He gave me one final gift, and described what it was like to have his brain eaten.  He said the monster drilled into his head with a spinning tooth, and floated his brain out like a fish in an aquarium suspended from the ceiling.  I filed the story away in my DNA, and relaxed into a convulsion fit as I felt it change me.
I awoke in a room that looked like an indoor jungle.  The canopy of hanging vines rustled, and I knew I was not alone.  I moved to the door slowly and carefully.  I did not want to draw the attention of whatever lived in the mess of vines and moss hanging from the ceiling.   I reached for the cell door, knowing I was too late.  The first creature leaped out of the canopy to cling to the wall just above the door.  It was a green insect the size of a large dog.  It had the head of a preying mantis, and the body of a raptor.  Its exoskeleton crackled as it creeped along the wall, and I could see it's oozing green skin pulsing beneath the bony frame.  It moved with surprising speed, and leaped towards my face.  I reacted instinctually.  I grabbed it by it's slimy insect head, and squeezed until I felt it's skull give way with a satisfying pop.  More of the creatures surrounded me, and I fought them off with ease.
As I stood amongst the corpses, I knew my secret was out.  I relaxed to let the insects' DNA enter mine, and wondered what the underground would do with me.  The community would no longer be content holding me prisoner.  They must have thought I was a spy from the surface, and put me in this cage to be eaten by the giant insects.  Now they knew that I was not a human, but a mutant like them.  It had been decades since the accident, and no one had been banished since the Cleansing.  The damage had been more extensive than we imagined, and I was a sign that new mutations were starting to appear in the general population.
When I woke from my change, I was strapped to a gurney, propped upright in a lab.  A team of white coated scientists were gathered in one corner of the room.  One of them approached, and shined a bright light in my eye.  My DNA responded, and my eye twisted into a reptile's and swelled to a monstrous size.  The rest of my head followed, as my head stretched and scales sprouted from my skin.  As my arms and legs grew, my leather bindings tore open like paper. Immediately, a high pitched siren exploded in my ears.  It scrambled my brain.  I started shape shifting uncontrollably.  I flashed through several animals, before getting stuck as a baboon.  I jumped towards the wall to escape, and melted right through the bricks.

I fell intoa lab filled with computer parts.  A bald cyborg in a wheelchair was being pushed by a woman who I knew to be the leader of the underground people.  She lifted the old cyborg man out of the chair, and into a new more powerful body.  As soon as he took control of his new robot body, he went haywire.  The sirens started blaring again.  He started throwing lightning from his robot hands.  Each bolt of lightning struck a mannequin and brought it to life.  In seconds, he had an army of robot mannequins.   They were stupid, but under his control.  I knew I had to help stop him.  I climbed into his discarded wheelchair, and felt myself shift.  I could now control one mannequin at a time.  I used my new subtle control to sabotage his army.  They turned on him, and ripped him to robot pieces.

The queen of the underground people thanked me.  She was impressed by my abilities.  She had a partner who was painted green like the Incredible Hulk.  She told me that if I could defeat him in one on one combat, I could join her team on a mission to invade the surface world.  We began grappling, and I soon realized that the green man was no match for me.  He was skinny, with painted on muscles.  I pretended like he was stronger than he was, and faked the fight.  I wanted to fit in, and didn't want to hurt his feelings.  After a good show, I grabbed him with one hand and threw him easily through the brick wall.

I was introduced to my team, and we left for the surface.  We exited through a hatch to the crowds of the sunny surface world.  A group of people in green surrounded us, and started organizing into formation.  We knew they were about to attack.  As they circled, a member of my team rushed one of them.  As he ran, I heard his gears grinding, and hydraulics hissing.  I could see his mechanical frame moving beneath his false skin.  He pulled a huge club from beneath his clothes, and hit one of the green shirted women directly in the chest.  She collapsed, and her friends gathered around her to help.  I now recognized them as a group of street performers and acrobats.  I knew the leader from my old life on the surface.

The leader of the troop approached me in peace.  He knelt down in the sand, and I leaned to see what he was doing.  With his finger, he drew the outline of a door in the sand.   He then pulled a key from his pocket, and inserted it into the sand.  When he turned the key, the door opened like the entrance to a vault.  Within the vault, was the explanation to the trick.  There was a small air cannon buried in the ground that was set to blast out a puff of air when the key was near. 
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #103 on: June 18, 2008, 07:43:37 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline dallyup52

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #104 on: June 18, 2008, 07:51:08 PM »
Are you sure you aren't a writer?  That is great. What a dream.
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