Author Topic: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry  (Read 48939 times)

Offline Clairity

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #135 on: July 22, 2008, 01:36:11 PM »

That's the perfect word for your 7/21/08 dream.. "captivating".  It was like a wonderfully suspenseful novel and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #136 on: July 22, 2008, 05:50:35 PM »
Thanks, guys. I'm going to put your reviews on the back of the book jacket and slip you all a cut of the profits, right?  ;)  I don't think I could ever write anything that was longer than dream-length.  I couldn't come up with more of this crap, if I tried.  I feel like I didn't even write it.  I saw it as a flashback in another dream.  I had some sort of seizure in another dream, and ended up in this one.  A dream within a dream.  Made it feel really distant.

Where the hell does this stuff come from?  Does my subconscious mind really have nothing better to occupy itself with?  Are there really issues somewhere in there that I'm concerned about? 

It is frustrating, because I am a designer, so I have to come up with ideas and designs all day.  I studied design theory in school and I know how hard it is to come up with ideas when you need them.  People dedicate their entire lives to coming up with techniques and tools just to help other people come up with ideas.  Then dreams just appear out of nowhere so easily.  It is frustrating to know this crap is in your brain, but you just can't scoop it out of there.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Clairity

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #137 on: July 22, 2008, 09:35:09 PM »
It is frustrating to know this crap is in your brain, but you just can't scoop it out of there.

RB, it may be frustrating that you can't "scoop" it out.. but I'm certainly loving the "spoonfuls" that you are able to reach. :content:
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Offline AspirationRealized

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #138 on: July 23, 2008, 12:28:35 AM »
People dedicate their entire lives to coming up with techniques and tools just to help other people come up with ideas.  Then dreams just appear out of nowhere so easily.  It is frustrating to know this crap is in your brain, but you just can't scoop it out of there.

Would these things you can scoop out be so interesting if there weren't people dedicating their lives to making something similar, when you did it so effortlessly? Would lucid dreaming have half the appeal?

Be careful what you wish for... a world where something special becomes the norm is a scary idea.
Drow, drow, drow your canoe
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 Hysterically, hysterically, hysterically, hysterically
 Existence is hallucination

...have you ever met anyone who actually changed?

Offline Robot_Butler

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The Lotus Position
« Reply #139 on: July 28, 2008, 07:50:27 PM »
I had this lucid last night that has been giving me the blues all day.  Nostalgic about my childhood and all :(

I'm excited to be remodeling a house in my old neighborhood.  My father is driving me around the neighborhood to survey the houses.  All the new construction in the area reminds me of when we first moved to town, when I was only six.  I remember back to my first year in the new house.  A six year old, exploring a new environment with that sense of wonder that only children can experience.  Running through the half built houses collecting pieces of construction waste like treasures.

I am snapped out of my nostalgia by a kid running right in front of the car.  I scream at my father who is obviously not paying attention.  Our car buzzes by the child at full speed, missing him by less than an inch.  I yell at my father, but he doesn't seem to have even noticed the child.

Arriving at the site of my new project, I realize it is the exact same house I lived in as a kid.  The new family is already moving in, and I excitedly jump out to help them.  I survey the house as well as I can, with people coming and going.  I help move some furniture, and become friendly with the new family.  I pay special attention to the two young boys who are moving in.  I try to remember myself and my brother at their age, and what it was like to move into a new house.  I end up babysitting these two boys while everyone else moves furniture.

We play with some bright green clay that makes a mess all over my hands.  They show me to their new bathroom upstairs so I can wash my hands.  It has been remodeled since I lived there.  I try to wash my hands in the colorful red and blue plastic sink.  Water pours out of the ceiling, and mists up from the sink basin.  I realize this is a new children's shower that sprays the whole room to make it easy and fun for kids to shower.  Embarrassed, I find the real sink just outside the bathroom.  I scrub my hands and pump some soap out of the dispenser, but it just makes a bigger mess.  The kids laugh at me.  I realize the dispenser is an accessory for the clay we were playing with.  It is filled with more green clay, and I've smeared it everywhere.  I find the real bar of soap, and easily clean the mess up.  I laugh with the kids, telling them, "This is the real reason kids love me.  I do silly stuff like this.  My life is like a full time clown act."

I return to the adults downstairs, and find them all busy except for one man.  I know him as the owner of the house.  He is sitting, cross legged in meditation on the couch.  He is surrounded by balloons and streamers, like a birthday party.  The breeze from the open door blows the decorations around lazily.  As I approach him, I notice his skin is a deep purple color, and he is covered in glowing tattoos.  From this side of the couch, I can clearly see he is not sitting, but levitating a few inches off the cushions.  While remaining standing, I lift my legs off the ground, and fold them beneath me so I am floating also.  He opens his eyes, and I ask him, "Are you working on your lotus position?  I learned the same way you did.  Watch the rhythm of the streamers swaying in the breeze.  Match your breathing to the rhythm."  I begin floating calmly around the high ceiling room, still holding the lotus position.  I aim myself towards the balloons, and bounce off each one in series.  I have a hard time keeping myself upright, and by the end of the exercise, I am tilted sideways at a difficult angle.

I feel guilty for having so much fun while others are working, so I land to go to check my list of things to do.  Did I finish everything?  My list is written in crayon on a ratted orange piece of kid's construction paper.  I can't read a word, but I assume I've finished it all.

My best friend walks into the room right as I land, and I try to explain to her how easy it is to levitate.  She doesn't believe me.  I am so happy to see her.  This whole experience has made me so sad and nostalgic.  I curl up on the ground, holding her in my arms.  Everyone else trails into the room, exhausted from the day's work.  We watch a movie about a man and his pet grizzly bear called, "Smokey Bear and the Bandit."  It is a terrible family movie, but I don't say anything because the  children are present.  My girlfriend comes to join us, and I suddenly feel guilty for cuddling with this other woman.  I get up to explain, and hear a timer beep loudly.

It is the perfect reason to excuse myself, so I turn to the tattooed man and say, "I'll take care of it."  He replies, "Those are my sweet potatoes.  Could you just press Shift-1 on the microwave for me?"  In the kitchen, I open the microwave to see a sticky mess of purple yams, with one giant one in the center that is richly decorated with jewelery.  I try to find the 'Shift-1' button, but can't read the words on the microwave.  The buttons look like holograms.  I can barely see a shimmer if I angle my head to a certain position. 

Frustrated, I return to the movie room, and say, "Ok, I feel like an idiot, but I can't figure out the microwave.  The numbers keep shifting like holograms, or like... a dream...?"  I continue out loud, to the whole room full of people, "Oh fucking hell.  This is all a dream, isn't it?  That's why I couldn't read my list.  That explains the levitating."  I look at the TV, and say out loud, again, "So this stupid freaking movie is all my fault?  Smokey Bear and the Bandit?  That's the worst joke I've ever heard."

I kneel down to my seven year old brother (he's seven in real life), and explain to him what it means to be lucid.  He loves the concept, so I walk him over to the wall behind the stairs.  I tell him to draw a door on the wall with his crayon.  He outlines one, including squiggly hinges, and a crooked door knob.  I tell him to imagine anyplace he wants to go.  Anything he can imagine.  I reach out to grasp the doorknob, but it is too slippery.  He giggles and tries also.  His finger punches right through the drywall, and he swivels the whole section of dusty drywall forward on it's crayon hinges.

Inside, is a small cubbyhole filled with lost toys.  Transformers, action figures, old McDonalds Happy Meal toys.  I pull them out and start playing with them, but my brother can't see them.  I say to him, "Maybe you can't see them, because this is my dream.  You can only see things that you dream about."

I get an idea, and walk him into the bathroom.  We look at ourselves in the mirror, and I show him how strange things can happen in dream mirrors.  I tell him, "We need a code word that we can remember when we wake up.  Something to prove that we had this dream together."  I try to think of one, and he yells out, "Abra Kablabara."  I repeat it, trying to remember it.  He seems distracted and bored.  He runs outside, and I follow.

Outside in the driveway, everyone is climbing in a giant gold Cadillac Escalade.  I try to remind my brother to remember the phrase for when he wakes up.  I'm frustrated that he won't pay attention to me.  He is playing with his dog, and suddenly turns into a dog himself.  The two dogs sniff each other.  I'm so frustrated with my dream world, I rip a hubcap off the Cadillac and start smashing it against the side of the car.  I yell at people inside to get out of the car.  I want them to stay here.  I don't want them to leave.

I get a hold of myself, ashamed that I let the dream take over like this.  I am very emotional, and I know I can't stay lucid much longer.  I need to wake up and write it all down before I lose myself.  I stand still, and press my eyes closed hard.  I open them, and there is a black Honda Civic parked on the grass.  Confused, I try again.  This time, I really force them back open, and find myself lying in bed.

I don't recognize the dark room for a minute.  It is almost pitch black, but something is strange.  I am smashed against the edge of the bed, about to fall off.  There is a tall post standing next to the bed that may be part of the bed frame.  Disoriented, I try to remember the dream.  I remember that I was in this house helping out.  I must have spent the night while babysitting and helping move in.  I know there are three or four people in bed with me, including my girlfriend's younger brother and my best friend.  I'm worried about sleeping in such akward arrangements, apparently naked.  I'm more worried about how I will write down this long dream.  I know I don't have my dream journal here.  I hold the dream in my mind, to lock it in my memory.  I then prepare myself to go stumble through this strange house.  I don't want to wake up the other people in bed. I am horrified about having to walk through this unknown house in the black night, trying to find a pen and paper.

I try to swing my leg out of bed, but it does not respond.  It feels like I'm paralyzed.  Or maybe it feels like sleep paralysis?  I have this thought, and wake up into my real bed.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #140 on: July 28, 2008, 08:27:40 PM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline dallyup52

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #141 on: July 28, 2008, 11:20:48 PM »
You are such a good writer.  I was so sucked into the dream and the experience.  There was so much unsaid but communicated.  WoW!

I know the feeling that you refer to and it makes me cry inside ......................I miss there
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Offline AspirationRealized

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #142 on: July 28, 2008, 11:40:42 PM »
Drow, drow, drow your canoe
 The stream provides flotation
 Hysterically, hysterically, hysterically, hysterically
 Existence is hallucination

...have you ever met anyone who actually changed?

Offline Clairity

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #143 on: July 29, 2008, 11:43:25 AM »

"I remember back to my first year in the new house.  A six year old, exploring a new environment with that sense of wonder that only children can experience.  Running through the half built houses collecting pieces of construction waste like treasures."

"Water pours out of the ceiling, and mists up from the sink basin.  I realize this is a new children's shower that sprays the whole room to make it easy and fun for kids to shower."

"While remaining standing, I lift my legs off the ground, and fold them beneath me so I am floating also.  He opens his eyes, and I ask him, "Are you working on your lotus position?  I learned the same way you did.  Watch the rhythm of the streamers swaying in the breeze.  Match your breathing to the rhythm."  I begin floating calmly around the high ceiling room, still holding the lotus position.  I aim myself towards the balloons, and bounce off each one in series.  I have a hard time keeping myself upright, and by the end of the exercise, I am tilted sideways at a difficult angle."

"I kneel down to my seven year old brother (he's seven in real life), and explain to him what it means to be lucid.  He loves the concept, so I walk him over to the wall behind the stairs.  I tell him to draw a door on the wall with his crayon.  He outlines one, including squiggly hinges, and a crooked door knob.  I tell him to imagine anyplace he wants to go.  Anything he can imagine.  I reach out to grasp the doorknob, but it is too slippery.  He giggles and tries also.  His finger punches right through the drywall, and he swivels the whole section of dusty drywall forward on it's crayon hinges."

Well I started to quote the parts of your dream that I especially loved but I soon discovered that the whole dream rang true for me! 

Fantastic RB.. simply fantastic!! :hug:
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #144 on: July 29, 2008, 01:15:05 PM »
That's funny how you get mad at yourself about the dumb movie.  That's what I'm always thinking about stuff in my dreams.

I think going over the dream in your mind or even writing it down in an FA helps a lot to really remember it.

It was kind of funny.  I was mad at myself in general for having missed so many dream signs.  I remember patiently suffering through that terrible movie in silence, only to discover It was all my fault.  I thought up that dumb bear and his dumb little hat.  I think I got back at myself with the dream I had last night.  Bear-revenge!  I'll post it in a second.

Going over the dream during the FA definitely helped me remember it.  Its weird, though.  I still woke up and had an absolutely blank memory for a second or two.  Where does it all go?  It seemed like a smooth transition.  How does it all disappear so fast?

You are such a good writer.  I was so sucked into the dream and the experience.  There was so much unsaid but communicated.  WoW!

I know the feeling that you refer to and it makes me cry inside ......................I miss there

Thanks, Dally.  I never think of myself as a good writer.  I've always been a little uncomfortable with punching a keyboard.  Maybe this is good practice for me.

I had the blues all day yesterday, missing being a kid.  I think I miss the way my family used to be, in a homesick kind of way.  I'm very happy right now, but I still get a little depressed thinking about how I can never go back to relive those memories.  I'm just spoiled.

Well I started to quote the parts of your dream that I especially loved but I soon discovered that the whole dream rang true for me! 

Fantastic RB.. simply fantastic!! :hug:

Thanks, Clairity :D  It sounds like you love kids as much as I do.  I don't get to see my little brother as much as I would like.  I also used to teach a Kindergarten through 3rd grade after school art program and babysit for friends.  I don't get to do any of that anymore, and I miss it so much.  Kids have such great energy.

Last week, I had my little brother and my mom over at my house.  We were having so much fun, I guess he pooped his pants.  He comes out of the bathroom holding his underwear up, and says, "A little help here?..."  Then walks back into the bathroom.  I sent my mom in for that one ;)  After a few minutes listening to them arguing through the door, I decided to go outside to give hims some privacy, so he wouldn't be embarrassed.  He walks out  a minute later, confident as always, and says, "I'm going to need a plastic bag.  Like a Sandwich Bag?......Don't worry, by the way, your toilet is fine." 

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Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Smokey Bear's Revenge
« Reply #145 on: July 29, 2008, 02:54:33 PM »
I had to have the plans delivered to the client by 5:00.  The courier for the blueprinter was on his way, but I couldn't get the staples out.  Using pliers, I was trying to rip them out one by one.  The courier arrived.  It can't be time already!  I looked at the clock, but it didn't make sense to me.   I asked the courier, and he replied "4:38".  I was out of time!

I tried to sign for the delivery, but I couldn't find our office's name on the list.  I was having a hard time reading.  Frustrated, I awkwardly scribbled my name in on the bottom line.  I decided I would make the blueprints myself, on the way to the job site.  I grabbed he blue line machine, and started running down the street.  I fed the first sheet in as I crossed a busy intersection.  I seemed to be on roller skates.  The print came out blank, and I remembered I disposed of all the ammonia last month.  Wait, I thought I trashed my blue line machine also...

I skated back to my office, and found the courier still there.  He was loitering around, hitting on our intern.  Before I had a chance to send him off, his friends showed up.  First, a Hispanic woman with a basket of strawberries.  Then, the German woman who works there phones followed.  She had bags full of food.  Dozens of people from the blueprinter's shop started pouring in, each carrying plates and bags of food.  It looked like they were going to have a picnic.  They filled the conference room and started discussing leaving to form their own company.  It was a mutiny!

I walked into the conference room and switched the lights off.  I stood beside the long table, and pulled a small black vial out of my pocket.  I threw it into the air, with the intention of having it float above the table and then explode into some sort of  black hole or dark energy.  I couldn't concentrate with everybody jibber-jabbing.  The vial started bouncing around the room at crazy speeds. I couldn't stop it.

Two of the guys wouldn't stop talking, and I got more and more angry.  One of them suddenly leaped at me violently.  He pulled a hammer out of his pocket to attack me.  I jumped up on the table, and reached into his mouth to grab his tongue.  I stretched his tongue out of his mouth with one hand, and then slammed my other fist into his jaw.  His teeth slammed together, lopping his tongue off in a spray of blood.  I caught his hammer as he swung it towards me.  I ripped it out of his hand and threw it across the room at his friend.  The hammer flipped through the air end-over-end, and buried itself claw first in his buddy's left eye socket.

The whole crowd came at me with pliers, hammers, and other tools.  I jumped under the table to hide.  I crawled towards the other end of the table to confront their leader, a muscular woman who looked like a body builder.  I was being pummeled and stabbed with fists and sharp tools.  I felt my hair start to grow into a thick protective coat of fur.  My skin toughened, and I exploded in size.  The conference table flew off my back, splintering as I reared up to my full height as an eight foot tall rampaging grizzly bear!

I swatted away my attackers as I made my way towards the door.  The room was too small for me to maneuver in.  I knew I would never fit through the doorway.  I shifted myself sideways against reality, and watched as my attacker's fists and weapons passed right through my ephemeral  bear-body.  I charged through the walls on all fours, and out to the parking lot.  The mob followed, still throwing books, chairs, and office equipment at me.  I leaped into the air, and then watched in third person as I sprouted beautiful white feathered wings, and took off into the air.

Now part of the mob, I stood in the parking lot watching the winged bear awkwardly flap and flop around the sky in retreat.  A skinny man with glasses approached me.  "The experiments worked!"  He said, excitedly.  "The genetic modifications must be taking effect.  That must mean your gills are on their way."

I felt a strange pain in my neck, and reached up to feel a long gash running from my ear down to my shoulder.  It was tender, but not bleeding.  I took a deep breath, and felt myself draw air through the flap of skin.  I took another breath, and this time, felt myself draw air into my lungs from under my arm.  I reached under my left arm pit to finger another long tear in my skin.  Each breath felt like it was ripping my skin open more and more.  I joked with my nerdy companion, "What a terrible place for a gill.  Is everything going to smell like armpit?  This is like having your nose in your ass."

My companion didn't answer.  Instead he took off running, yelling, "Hurry! To the creek!"  I had a brief flash of seeing myself swimming underwater, breathing easily through my new gills, then I woke up.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
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Offline dallyup52

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #146 on: July 29, 2008, 04:24:01 PM »
I have a great life here also and I still miss that place where my soul resides.

This is like having your nose in your ass.

That's funny :D
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #147 on: July 29, 2008, 04:41:18 PM »
Maybe that is what I miss.  I can't pinpoint exactly what it is.  It is a feeling that is not really directly connected to any one place or event in my life.  It may be a feeling that only exists in my memories.  Maybe I can only find that feeling in the place where my soul resides; my memories and dreams.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #148 on: July 29, 2008, 07:32:44 PM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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Lucid at Work With Aquanina
« Reply #149 on: August 04, 2008, 12:58:19 PM »
I was researching flashing details for a storefront window set in masonry.  It was frustrating, because all I could in my reference books were old black and white photos of underground brickwork.  I recognized some of the pictures as being from the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.  The brick work was built right into the ceiling of an underground cavern.  I couldn't understand why I had never seen these photos before. I asked Aquanina for help, but she was mystified also.  We had a long conversation, and ended up talking about the pros and cons of different 3D modeling programs.

We ended up at my coworker's desk, helping him retrofit some inappropriately large classical columns onto the brick building I was working on.  As he zoomed into one of the details on the screen, I realized something was wrong.  The zoom looked really smooth, and popped out like a 3D movie.  I wondered if this was a dream.  As soon as the thought crossed my mind,  I lifted into the air, and flew away.  It all happened so fast, I barely had time to think.  One second I was immersed in work, the next I was flying out the door.  I yelled back to Nina, "Sorry, I have to go.  This is just too weird for me."

I could see darkness outside the front door of my office. Night time already?  I flew out into the darkness, and realized it was an empty void.  I tried to think of something to fill the void.  I pictured the image I had just seen on my coworker's computer screen.  The brick building with oversized columns.  I knew it was a new memorial monument on the Mall in Washington DC.  I got a flash of the building in front of me.  It was coming at me too fast, and I flew right through it like a mirage.

I knew the dream was slipping, so I looked down at my hands, extended in front of me like superman.  They did not look like my hands at all.  The skin was aged and leathery from sun exposure.  I felt  very detached from them, like I could barely move them.  They felt heavy and numb, like when you sleep on your arm and wake up with it numb.  I struggled to make my left hand reach over and grab my right forearm.  As soon as I felt the touch, the dream stabilized and I was back in my office.

Things still felt very shaky, and I could sense my real body back in bed. I walked around the office picking things up and touching everything in sight to try to ground myself.  I knew the dream was not stable enough to try flying or traveling, so I decided to stay put and explore my current environment.

I tried to find Nina again, but she had transformed into her sister.  I recognized that threatening, creepy look in her eyes.  I knew she was an impostor who wanted to somehow trap me in the dream.  I had a half empty bottle of rootbeer in my hand that I had found in the office.  I was holding onto it to keep the dream stable.  Nina's sister was talking non-stop, trying to distract me and make me lose my lucidity.  I knew my expectations were the only thing making the situation feel scary.  I tried to think of something funny that would change the feel of the dream.  I reached over, and dumped the rootbeer down the front of her pants, laughing.  It just made her more aggressive and monstrous.  I tried to think of pleasant thoughts to keep this from turning into a nightmare, knowing that it was too late.  She went from threatening to aggressive, and started to grab me with her creepy witch hands.

I still had the bottle in my hand.  I slammed it down on the edge of the table to break it in half and use it as a weapon.  Instead of breaking, it bounced like it was made of rubber.  I tried again, throwing all my weight into it.  When the bottle hit the table, I felt a pain in my jaw, like someone punched me.  I experimented again, hitting the bottle on the table.  Again, I felt the impact in my jaw.  The witch laughed  at me, explaining that any harm I did to my dream world was only harming myself.  I wondered for a second if I was sleeping strangely back in my bed, somehow putting weird pressure on my face and jaw.  As soon as I thought of my body back in bed, I became aware of it and woke up.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
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