Author Topic: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry  (Read 48815 times)

Offline Robot_Butler

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Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« on: April 10, 2008, 11:15:41 PM »
I will start this off with a dream as an introduction.  One that has been tumbling through my mind all day.  I feel it is an especially appropriate introduction to a journal, and a good inspiration to keep me posting.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Robot_Butler

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The Ghost of Nicholas Twist
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2008, 11:16:12 PM »
No story is new.  No great work of art is an original.  Recurring themes in Literature and Art are constantly being recycled through ancestral knowledge.  This knowledge is passed through ages, heedless of the constraints of  time or space.  This is what my Father taught me.  My friend and mentor.  I miss him terribly.  I miss him now, as I hold this pillow to his withered face.  As I listen to his dying breaths, and feel him struggle feebly under the white linen.

Long ago, when my Father first started his studies, before he adopted me, he had a wife named Margaret.  He would talk of her often.  A brilliant woman with a natural talent for storytelling, art, and all things creative.  She was a student of my Father, much like myself.  My Father told me in secret one day that he never truly had to teach her anything.  Her work was inspired by a relentless muse.  She would spend days on end locked in her room working on a painting.  When it was completed, she would bring it out to display with pride.

The only problem was, each work she would produce would turn out to be a duplicate.  A duplicate of a work she had never seen before.  My Father, knowing much about art history, would hang her fresh painting on the wall, then bring out a dusty piece of artwork hundreds of years old that matched it exactly.  The details would be different, but the forgery was clear.  The only problem was, Margaret had never seen it before that moment.

Ashamed and confused about her gift for forgery, Margaret became a recluse.  She left my Father to live on a small island in a lake.  My Father corresponded with her through letters.  Recently, the letters had stopped coming.  My Father started to worry, and decided we would take a journey to check up on her.  He thought it was time I was introduced to her, and perhaps inspired by her.

Our journey took us through landscapes that all looked familiar to me.  I realized they were all famous paintings.  Turners, Corots, landscapes from the Hudson River School.  Arriving at her island (which looked suspiciously like a Turner), we were greeted roughly by her manservant.  I could tell something was upsetting him, and he rudely kept trying to send us away.  Upon closer inspection, we noticed that the house looked run down. The servant would not send down a ladder, and scuttled away to hide from us. After much difficulty, we made our way on shore, and docked our small boat.

We were greeted with violence.  Out of nowhere, the servant lunged at my Father with a knife.  His eyes were wild, and he was babbling nonstop about old stories and mythology.  In a panic, I tried to pull the man off of my Father, and wrestle the knife from his hands.  He turned his violent attention on me, and we toppled backwards onto the boat.  He loomed over me, and I reached behind me to grab something to defend myself with.  I grabbed the boat hook, and swung it in his direction right as he fell on me.  I felt the hook sink into him, and heard him scream in pain.  He stood up, looked at the gore falling out of his belly, and stumbled away.  As my Father lifted me out of the boat, we watched the servant helplessly crawl back into the cottage with his entrails dragging behind him.  My Father set off for shore to get help while I followed the servant into the run down cottage.

The cottage was worse on the inside.  The stench of old decaying death was the first thing I noticed.  The stench that could only mean one thing.  My fears were answered when I entered the bedroom and found the servant crying over Margaret's bed.  In the bed, wrapped in Margaret's night gown, were the remains of what must have once been the poor woman.  They were in a badly decomposed state.  The servant was clinging to one skeletal hand, and weeping madly.  I could tell he was dying fast, and as soon as he began talking, I realized the extent of his senility.  While I stayed with him, trying to staunch the bleeding,  He told me a fantastic tale.  The story of the ghost of Nicholas Twist.

Nicholas Twist is a Muse.  He is the messenger who brings ideas to those in need.  He is the ghost of the world's oldest ideas and stories.  The keeper of all ancestral knowledge and mythology.  But he is also a businessman.  He does not give ideas away for free.  For each new story he brings to you, he takes one of your memories in exchange.  For each inspired image he brings you, he takes your memory of a place you have been.  This is the way he has been gathering ancestral knowledge throughout history.  This is how he collects and transmits stories across continents and across generations.

The man was clearly senile, but this is how he explained his senility.  As you grow old, your memories are taken one by one by the ghost of Nicholas Twist.  The world grows rich with your inspired work, Nicholas Twist grows fat with your memories, and you are left with nothing.  Margaret's servant had felt the touch of Nicholas Twist for too many years.  He knew the pain and confusion of senility, and could not bear to see Margaret go through the same thing.  So he killed her before Nicholas Twist could get to her.  Margaret's life of limitless inspiration would be too much to repay to Nicholas Twist.  Killing her was the only way her servant could save her.

I remember this story now, as I stand in my Father's bedroom.  I remember all the greatness he gave to me, to Margaret, to the world.  It was too much for him too.  Nicholas Twist started to make off with his memories long ago.  Now, there was nothing left but an empty husk.  A vegetable that could not even recognize his own son.  I remember the story as I lift the pillow from his slack and lifeless face.  As I switch off the light and go downstairs to call the doctor.

I am not so young as I used to be.  I make my living selling my ideas to the world, selling my memories to Nicholas Twist. As I lean against the phone trying to remember the doctor's phone number, I wonder how long it will be before Nicholas Twist takes his next victim.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2008, 06:59:27 AM »
Hey, welcome to the site Robot_Butler,

I always enjoy reading your lucids!
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2008, 07:04:43 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2008, 12:51:05 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys.  This site looks great.  So much excitement and positivity going around.  I don't mean to ruin it with my depressing dream. 
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Aquanina

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2008, 01:16:06 PM »
Wow...this was ...a dream? It sounds like a well developed story. I'm astounded. Very well written. Was this lucid at all? How do you remember all those details...the names..etc. Just wow! I can't wait to read more!

Offline Twoshadows

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2008, 04:57:15 PM »
I'm so glad you came, R_B!

I can't wait to continue to read your amazing dreams.

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2008, 06:18:02 PM »
Wow...this was ...a dream? It sounds like a well developed story. I'm astounded. Very well written. Was this lucid at all? How do you remember all those details...the names..etc. Just wow! I can't wait to read more!

I have these dreams sometimes.  They are my favorite kind.  You could call it low level lucidity, but it is more than that.  Its as if I hold a separate level of awareness above the dream that lasts throughout the night.  I'm sure you know the type of dream, where you know its a dream, but you sort of watch how things pan out, and guide it gently and passively.  The combination of conscious and subconscious input makes for some fascinating stories that make me say "How the hell did I come up with that?"

Recently I've been trying to encourage this kind of dream by doing an old awareness meditation I used to do.  Once I figure out how to describe it in a way that makes sense, I will post it.  You sort of just hold your awareness back from reality a bit. I learned it a long time ago when I used to do dream work with these Tibetan dudes from the Nyingma institute in Berkeley.

I'm so glad you came, R_B!

I can't wait to continue to read your amazing dreams.

Thanks for the invite, I love the new diggs! Especially the Deep Dreaming section and the DC questions.  Its a strange coincidence that I just started a list of ways to get to know my DCs.  Talking with and getting to know my DCs is my biggest lucid goal right now.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2008, 07:03:55 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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The Ghost Detectives and The Smell of Cedar
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2008, 08:56:50 PM »
I'm frustrated because I had an great dream, but I can't remember the details.  I was hoping all day that the rest would come back to me, but no such luck. Maybe I shouldn't have had so much to drink at our barbecue. Here's what I do remember:

The Ghost Detective
I am a detective in Victorian England.  I am investigating the case of a rich woman who can't leave her bed.  She believes the bed is haunted, and the spirits bind her to the mattress.  At first I believe the woman to be crazy, so I examine her with olde-tyme doctor's equipment.  Somehow, I come to learn that the case is not as simple as it seems.  I meet the maid who tells me a story of two children who were drowned in the bathtub.

I decide to investigate.  I lay down next to the woman on the bed, and induce an Out of Body Experience.  I want to communicate with the spirits of the dead children.  I enter the spirit world with my OBE, and realize the woman is really a ghost.  The children were not killed in the bathtub.  The mother went mad, and nearly drowned her twin children to the point of brain damage.  She then locked them under her bed and killed herself. 

Somehow, the children were half dead.  Half in the spirit world.  When the mother killed herself, the children trapped her soul halfway between life and death.  She could not leave the bed, because she could not leave he place of her attempted suicide.  I free the children from their prison under the bed, which restores their minds, and frees the woman's spirit.

The Smell of Cedar
I live in an old run down row house in my childhood hometown.  I nostalgically take on the task of restoring it to its former beauty.  The contractor wants to do a walkthrough of the landscaping in the back yard.  He is tearing out all the overgrown trees to pour a new concrete patio.  Like an idiot, I accidentally step in some wet concrete.  To repair the damage, I use a large, thick syringe.  I pierce the hardened skin of the cement, and draw fresh wet cement out of the center of the slab.  I then squirt this into the damaged areas, and smooth it over, good as new. 

One of the slabs is too badly damaged, and I volunteer to help re-pour it.  I go into the garage to get my concrete sculpture equipment, but it is all entangled in overgrown roots.  I end up having to carry a huge tree stump out to the construction site.  While I struggle to untangle the roots, the contractor tells me about his plans to cut down all the trees in the yard.

I get an odd feeling, and my sense of smell becomes super heightened.  I can smell everything.  The wet concrete, the nutty smell of the treeroots.  Most of all, I can smell the old trees themselves.  They smell absolutely incredible.  I walk around the yard smelling all the trees up close.  I am intoxicated by the clean pine, the hearty redwood, the sharp cedar.  As soon as I get a whiff of the cedar, I become completely lucid.  I look around and realize this house is not just a house in my hometown, it is the house I grew up in.  I get a flood of my waking memories, and all the nostalgic memories of my childhood empower me.  My sense of smell is still heightened, and I reach out through the smells to touch the trees with my mind.    I pour all my memories directly into them, and they begin to grow. 

Their branches start twisting and reaching.  Their roots burst out of the ground.  I see freshly poured concrete torn apart by the tree roots.  The branches touch the walls of the house, and rip through them like paper.  I feel like the trees are part of me.  We are connected through their strong earthy aromas.  Pushing out with my branches, I feel the man made materials of the house disintegrate under my power.  Soon the house is a pile of rubble, and I am reaching out to the sunlight with my wide branches. 

I do not want to wake up yet.  I know it is a dream, so I want to enjoy the feeling before I lose it.  The sunlight strengthens me, and the breeze stretches my trunk like a satisfying morning yawn.  I try to remember the powerful scent of all the different wood.  I hope that when I wake, I will still have this ability to reach out to the world through my sense of smell.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 11:09:04 PM by Robot_Butler »
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Sunshine

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Re: The Ghost Detectives and The Smell of Cedar
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2008, 09:55:50 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Raklet

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2008, 10:30:13 PM »
This is the first time I've read your journal (here or there), but I really enjoy it.  You have a great descriptive writing style and amazing dreams.  The dream about the trees, smells, and childhood memories was awesome.

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: The Ghost Detectives and The Smell of Cedar
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2008, 07:09:48 PM »
O_O Egads, that was a spooky one!  I'd be scared if I were you when I woke up from that one.

It was kind of eerie in that 1890s detective story kind of way.  I'm frustrated because I remember it being an incredible dream, but all I can remember is the basic plotline.  There was all sorts of cool paranormal goings on, some action packed ghostbusting, and a love story about the haunted woman.  I just can't dig out the details.

This is the first time I've read your journal (here or there), but I really enjoy it.  You have a great descriptive writing style and amazing dreams.  The dream about the trees, smells, and childhood memories was awesome.

Wow, thanks Raklet.  I can't remember ever having a dream that was so based on my sense of smell.  I think I want to explore my other senses (besides vision) more.  So many things I want to do.  It doesn't help that my recall has been so spotty lately. 
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Robot_Butler

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Lucky to be Alive?
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2008, 07:17:54 PM »
I had this brilliant idea to set up my friends Mike and Bella on a date.  They would make a crazy hot couple.  I remembered this great beach bar near the Kahala on Diamond Head.  It would be a perfect romantic spot for these two kids.  I made some phone calls and took off to meet them.

I was running late, and speeding dangerously.  Driving along the coast, I came around a sharp turn and lost control of my car.  I felt the tires lose traction, and I drifted towards the cliff.  I was in a complete panic.  I had a split second where I saw edge of the cliff drop away below me to the rocky surf. The first thought that went through my mind was, "I'm going to die.  This is just like one of my dreams where I lose control of my car, but this time its REAL and I'm going to die!  I wish this was a dream, because this is really going to hurt."

I tumbled down the rocky slope.  The glass of my windows and windshield shattered against the sharp volcanic rocks.  I rolled for what seemed like way too long.  I don't have a lot of experiences with driving off cliffs, but I imagine it happens pretty quick.  This was just maddening.  It got to the point where I was a little bored as I slid and rolled along.  By the time I hit the sand, I was just glad to be able to get out of the car.  I felt like I had just been on a long boring road trip.  I don't have time for these things.  Glad to be out of the car, I stretched my legs on the beach, and went to meet Bella at the bar.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Raklet

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2008, 01:04:54 AM »
LOL, what a missed opportunity for lucidity.  That's great!