Our high school reunion is in full swing, and I'm having a blast. Everyone is chatting and reclining on blankets laid out on the grass. Music plays on the stage, like an outdoor music festival. I see my friend, Hope, a few blankets over. She sits alone on her blanket, pensive and sad. I leave my group of friends to go sit with her. We don't speak, but we lie together close so our bodies are touching. The contact feels peaceful and comforting. I can tell she appreciates the company.
Eventually, I worry that my girlfriend will be jealous if I don't spend some time with her. I return to our blanket, but am suddenly confused by Hope standing on stage, calling me out of the crowd over the PA system. I join her on the stage, where she hands me an award and leaves me with the microphone. Instead of an acceptance speech, I stammer, jokingly, "I was not, at all, paying attention. What the fuck is going on?" The crowd laughs, and an older woman explains to me that I need to nominate someone of my own to present the award to. It is a game to reconnect old acquaintances. I nominate my girlfriend, and we go inside the house together.
In the house, my girlfriend takes one of her twin sisters to the next room to help her with something. I am left alone with the other twin. She is blabbing about laundry while I browse the internet on her laptop computer. I come across one of those friend update alerts on Facebook from Hope's ex-boyfriend. Apparently he has posted nude photos of her as some sort of revenge. I try to download them to warn her, but I see the post has already been removed by the Facebook staff. In it's place is a link to the photos on Myspace. I start to download them, but remember that I am not on my own computer. I look around for my computer, only to realize I am in my old childhood home, where all the furniture has been removed.
My girlfriend's sister is still talking about laundry. She says something about washing her bras, and I reply, "Show me." She takes her shirt off, and moves to my lap to press her breasts in my face. Before we get too far, she scrambles off of me, hurrying to put her panties back on as my girlfriend walks back into the room. I laugh, and tell my girlfriend, "Don't look so worried, this is all a dream."
Just realizing this myself, I hop into the air and tuck my legs up to my chest, like I'm doing a cannonball in a pool. I leisurely float around the room, rotating my curled-up body to steer. My girlfriend floats with me, and we begin kissing and touching each other. As we make love, a loud rumbling begins. It grows to a deafening roar, and the house is torn apart around us. The wind whips enormous rocks and boulders through the air, as if a tornado was tearing the earth to pieces. The spectacle is exhilarating to watch. I try to remain calm and take it all in. Wind whips us through the maelstrom, our bodies still locked together. Chunks of earth the size of cars fly past us, colliding in catastrophic sprays of rubble. I try to look in all directions at once, worried that a boulder could hit me from behind and injure me. I have the strange notion that the only thing keeping this all a dream is my ability to witness it. Something unseen or surprising could be real, and therefore could kill me.