Author Topic: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry  (Read 48875 times)

Offline Burned up

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Re: Vex Ruins the Surprise
« Reply #225 on: December 08, 2008, 05:23:56 PM »
Looking at her, I can't pin down her age.  It seems like her appearance keeps shifting from a beautiful young teenage girl to an old woman.  The more I look at her, the more she confuses me.  Her eyes are bright and youthful, but she has wrinkly, bumpy skin like a zombie.  Her body seems fit, but her skin is stretched and loose like an old woman.  I jokingly wrestle with her, giving her a loud raspberry on her bare belly.

Wow.  Jung would say that your two images reflect the state of your own "inner female".  "She" seems to be lacking the bit in between the young woman and the old witch.  Maybe a warning?

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #226 on: December 09, 2008, 03:37:21 PM »
And that room, that would totally be my room if I was a guy. I know I'd have comic book stuff and mountains of cd's everywhere. Freakiness!

I always wanted a room like that.  It always seemed so inspirational and creative.  Even now, I keep planning on turning my office into something like that.  It is kind of pathetic that I have to plan out how to make a mess.  Like I need a shopping list of toys to buy, and a design sketched out for where on the floor I'm going to throw them.

Wow.  Jung would say that your two images reflect the state of your own "inner female".  "She" seems to be lacking the bit in between the young woman and the old witch.  Maybe a warning?

Interesting.  I just assumed it was because I've never seen Vex in real life.  I like your interpretation better.  It is true that I've never had a handle on my adult years.  I still feel like a kid, and I can't wait to be an eccentric old retired dude.  This whole 30-50 age is what really scares me.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Robot_Butler

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The End of The World
« Reply #227 on: December 15, 2008, 03:07:33 PM »
My girlfriend wanted to stop by her mother's house to make sure she was prepared for the end of the world.  The house in the countryside was not how I remembered it.  It looked like she had recently replaced the roof and thrown a fresh coat of paint over the siding.  My girlfriend went inside to pick up the mail, while I wandered the gardens.  Her orange trees were carrying a healthy crop of fruit, and the bean stalks were climbing their way up the rear lattices.

While my girlfriend talked with her mother about the approaching apocalypse, I sat down in my aluminum lawn chair and took off for a quick flight.  I held on tightly to the flimsy arm rests, and jetted out across the hills.  I sped off towards the coast to see the half completed bridge that was being built to connect our island to the mainland. Hovering just above the snow, I jumped off my chair, landing lightly on all fours.  The fresh powder crunched softly beneath my furry paws as I trotted to the cliff to inspect the new bridge construction.

The rumors I had heard were true.  A big-rig truck had fallen off the cliff, landing in the wet concrete below.  This would be a terrible setback for the construction.  We would probably not be able to finish the project before the end of the world.  I took a moment to marvel at what we had managed to build.  The raised motorway stretched out into the sea.  The white concrete pylons marched out their regular rhythm, meeting the horizon at the edge of my vision.  It was an amazing feat of engineering and construction, but it would never be completed.  What a shame.

I sat on my hind legs and watched the sea until the sky began to darken from the oncoming storm.  The falling snow quickly concealed the bridge, and soon even the coastline was invisible to me.  I decided to make my way back home as the storm picked up to become a blizzard.

In the darkness, I sniffed at the air, trying to recognize the other wolf.  Even through the wild winds, I could tell his unfamiliar scent was coming closer.  He was closer than I thought.  I saw his towering form materialize slowly out of the falling snow, right in front of me.  Standing twice my height, he was a giant.  I knew I was doomed, but charged him anyways.  If I was to die, maybe I could take this monster down with me.  The flurry of fangs and blood lasted only a moment, before I felt his jaws clamp around my throat.  He easily ripped through my fur and flesh, tearing my throat out.

He bent over me as I felt the last of my life slip from my body .  His huge hands wrapped around my waist to lift my naked, human body out of the bloody snow.  He threw me easily over one shoulder and lumbered off into the blizzard to bring me to his master.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline AspirationRealized

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #228 on: December 15, 2008, 03:14:39 PM »
Why your dreams don't get featured is beyond me.

Disturbing and beautiful, like the rest of your journal often is. Disturbing in a good way, not enough to push people away, but enough to rouse interest and persist in the memory.
Drow, drow, drow your canoe
 The stream provides flotation
 Hysterically, hysterically, hysterically, hysterically
 Existence is hallucination

...have you ever met anyone who actually changed?

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #229 on: December 15, 2008, 07:47:19 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #230 on: December 15, 2008, 08:40:45 PM »
Disturbing in a good way, not enough to push people away, but enough to rouse interest and persist in the memory.

It certainly persisted in my memory as I shaved my neck this morning.  I'm sure I'll think twice next time I wrestle with the dog, too.

They have been!  His was one of the first.  Probably time for another.
You're right, I remember that dream.  That was a werewolf dream, too. Hmm, note to self, "werewolf dreams are crowd-pleasers."

Is Mark still choosing the dreams for the front page?  How is that working now?
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #231 on: December 15, 2008, 08:51:37 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline AspirationRealized

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #232 on: December 16, 2008, 12:29:01 PM »
Lumi and Snowy I think it was, but definitely not Mark. Not since two dreams ago.

I liked how you landed on your paws from the lawn chair. A transition so simple and briefly said but it stuck with me.
Drow, drow, drow your canoe
 The stream provides flotation
 Hysterically, hysterically, hysterically, hysterically
 Existence is hallucination

...have you ever met anyone who actually changed?

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #233 on: December 30, 2008, 05:45:46 PM »
I've had some great lucid dreams this past week, but no time to write them up.  I will try to squeeze one in tonight before I sneak out of town for New Years.

See, now I'm committed. No pretending to be in a dry spell to excuse my laziness.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Robot_Butler

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The Crypt
« Reply #234 on: January 05, 2009, 11:22:31 PM »
A commercial for an anti-anxiety medication comes on the television:

A handsome woman out on a date jumps in the sculptural fountain in her hotel lobby. She splashes around, playfully teasing her date. Her date is not amused. He explains to her that this hotel used to be his family's mausoleum, and the sculptures lying all around are really tombs of his long dead family members.

The sarcophagi of two lovers lie side by side in an alcove. Their weathered stone statues are sculpted into the tops of the tombs, holding hands.  The dating couple climb onto the two caskets and lie down next to the statues

Suddenly, the male statue turns its head slightly. The girl freaks out, and leaps up to run away. The male sculpture opens his stone mouth and says, "You two make a lovely couple. You remind me of your father." The female sculpture reaches out and grabs the fleeing woman. She coughs out a cloud of dust and says, in a raspy voice, "And you remind me so much of myself at your age. I can tell you are strong. Want to arm wrestle?"
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Robot_Butler

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* * *
« Reply #235 on: January 05, 2009, 11:23:04 PM »
Standing in line at my local crappy sandwich shop, I catch a glimpse of an entire room I've never seen before. Curious, I lean around the corner to have a peek. I am surprised to see rows and rows of glistening glass cases filled with every kind of deli treat you can imagine. Fine meats, cheeses and olives. Breads, pies, and tarts. I've never before seen such an incredible spread.

Tearing my eyes from the feast before me, I look up to see my friend from college working the counter. Startled, I ask what she is doing here. We haven't seen each other in years. She shushes me, and points to the television where an episode of Seinfeld is playing.

George washes up on the beach like a castaway. He coughs, and rolles over to see a pack of robotic velociraptors charging at him. The dinosaurs chase him around the beach. Their vinyl skin and animatronic pistons are not suited for walking on the soft sand. George barely makes it to the safety of my house, where I slam the door behind him.

Out of breath, he runs to the bathroom to splash some water on his grimy face. I can hear my girlfriend and her sister helping him calm down. A gang of noisy kids is on the porch, trying to break into the house to vandalize it. I yell at them to leave, that the dinosaurs will be here soon. Worried, I finally decide to let them into the safety of our house.

As soon as I touch the door handle, I realize this is all a dream. I immediately slam the door shut again, and turn to face my girlfriend and her sister. I drop to my knees, lift their shirts up, and press my face against the smooth skin of their bellies.

I suddenly find myself in bed, locked in paralysis. It is still dark, but my girlfriend is busy banging around the bedroom. I relax, knowing this is sleep paralysis, and likely a hallucination. I try to mumble to my girlfriend to help me out of bed. My arms are frozen in place, but I can see ghostly duplicates reaching out towards her for help. Focusing on these ghostly hands lifts me out of my body and into a terrible dream version of my bedroom.

There has been some kind of flood. The walls and ceiling are soaking wet, covered in thick mold and fungus. There are dirty, used paper towels scattered all over the floor. I grab some to try and wipe off some of the fuzzy, climbing mold.

I snap back to myself in bed. I am lying on my side, paralyzed again. Through the thin curtains, I can see three stars on the horizon, like Orion's belt. They grow larger as they approach the window. In an instant, it seems they are hovering right outside the window, bouncing up and down rhythmically. I wonder for a second if I am seeing our real christmas lights in the back yard. I tell myself this is impossible, since they would have turned off hours ago.

Looking away from the hypnotic lights, I let out a stifled scream at the monster standing just to the right of my window. He is an impossibly tall and spidery humanoid, with a smooth, alien face. At first I think he is wearing a long draping robe. I know this is the same creature I saw several weeks ago. I look at him closer, and see he is naked, with his skin hanging off his bony body in long drooping folds, like cloth.

Behind him, I see my girlfriend still puttering around the room, oblivious to my hallucination. I try to call out to her for help. I reach my hand out again, trying to move. The tall, silent creature surprises me by grabbing hold of my hand. His grip is strong, but his skin feels like soft, worn leather. I suddenly have an impossibly distorted view of my body. I can feel my real left hand under my pillow, pressed against the soft sheets. At the same time, I can feel that same sensation in my dream right hand as this creature grips it. I know I am somehow transferring the sensations from my real left hand into my dream right hand.

This is too much for me, so I wiggle my big toe and instantly wake up safely in bed, with my girlfriend snoring away next to me.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #236 on: January 06, 2009, 08:39:08 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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The Quarry
« Reply #237 on: January 13, 2009, 02:14:07 PM »
I woke to the soft glow of sunlight on my tent walls.  My girlfriend was shuffling around next to me, trying to shimmy into her jeans without leaving the warmth of her sleeping bag.  I unzipped the tent, and wandered out into the morning, shoes still untied.

It was a crisp morning, but I knew the clear sunlight would soon warm it up.  I remembered the strange happenings from the night before.  Our friend, Katie had traveled back in time to confront her younger self.  Now she could not return to the future, so she changed her name to Chloe and moved in with her parents to help raise herself as a baby.  We spent the night camping on her family's land so we could be close if she needed our help again.

I rounded a large rocky hill, accompanied by my girlfriend.  We passed an enormous granite boulder taller than a man, and saw the entire valley opened up below us.  It was an incredible view.  Grassy hills spotted with white granite boulders stretched out into a shallow valley.  The far side of the valley ended in sheer rocky cliffs.  I recognized them as the remains of an ancient, abandoned quarry.  The remaining rock had been eroded by the weather, and grown over with grass and brush.  The cliffs curved in a jagged arc, reminding me of an amphitheater or stage.

The history and beauty of the place was so strong, I became very emotional.  I embraced my girlfriend and started kissing her passionately.  We dropped to the grass, and started tearing at eachother's clothes under the shelter of the huge boulder.  Before things got too far along, I heard a car door slam, and footsteps.  I poked my head around the corner to see my friend, Katie/Chloe's  father walking over to us.  We threw our clothes back on, and I stood to greet him.

I told him how impressed I was with his land, and that we wanted to hold our wedding in the abandoned quarry.  I wanted a traditional Shinto ceremony, with blessings from the spirits of the place.  He explained there was no electricity down there, as we walked down the hill to check it out.  I saw my girlfriend had fallen asleep in the grass, so I left her to go explore with my new friend.  The views were so surreal, I knew I had to be dreaming.  My guide pointed out that his land stopped at the edge of the quarry, so we would need to talk to his neighbor.

I just now noticed the small cottage on the other side of the fence beside us.  A terrible smell was coming from his yard.  Looking through the fence, I saw the rotting carcass of a stag.  Katie's father was going on about how he had to call the police to investigate his neighbor, who hadn't been seen for weeks, and had not cleaned up the dead animal in his yard.  The carcass looked half-eaten.  Apparently his pet tiger had been living off of it for the past week or two.  I saw the tiger lounging in the grass, eying us casually.  The low, chicken wire fence did not seem like it would keep that tiger in if it really wanted to leave.  I was glad he had some food left to keep him happy.

All this time, I knew I was dreaming, and was scribbling down notes in a small journal, trying to remember and interpret everything I saw.  We walked further down the slope to see the lake.  I suggested to my new friend that he should build a small cabin or gazebo on this side of the hill to take advantage of the view.  He smiled, and opened a door that led directly into the hillside.  Inside, was a natural cavern that had been hollowed out and decorated to look like a sitting room.  It had windows cut through the side of the hill, overlooking the valley floor.

As soon as I walked in, the dream began to fade and I found myself back in bed.  I lay still for a second, going over the details in my mind  It was very vivid, and I imagined writing it down in my journal.  As I did this, I thought about how badly I wanted to return and explore more.  My imagination took over, and I found myself back at the giant boulder, still scribbling notes in my small journal.

I retraced my footsteps down the hillside, and was surprised to see the quarry was gone.  In its place, was a clear mountain lake with a rocky shoreline.  In my absence, the quarry had been flooded.  It was even more beautiful than the previous scene, and I wanted to cry, knowing it was not real.  My guide was sitting on a low boulder, dipping his feet in the water.  I sat down to join him, fascinated by the short waves that splashed against my ankles.  The water creeped higher with every wave, until it was splashing up to my waist.  A laugh startled me.  I looked to my left at a beautiful young blond woman sitting beside me.  She giggled, teasing me about my wet clothes.  Before I could explain to her that this was all a dream, I woke to my alarm clock.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 12:28:47 AM by Robot_Butler »
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Caradon

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #238 on: January 13, 2009, 09:17:14 PM »
Damn alarm clock!

What a wonderful dream that was. So peaceful. I want to go visit that place. The tiger would probably come after me though. :D

Offline Robot_Butler

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The Golden Age
« Reply #239 on: January 19, 2009, 03:41:11 PM »
I feel disoriented as I transition to sleep. My body feels distant, and my imagination becomes more real. Instead of lying in bed, I believe I am sitting at a desk surrounded by high tech equipment. I am hooked up to an array of lights and computers I know is some kind of EEG I can control by flexing my mind. I hear a clear voice right in my ear say, "Find Annabelle, Dream Queen." I know my WILD has succeeded, so I look down at my hands to count my fingers. They look normal, so I look away and check again. This time, my fingers are stubby like a dwarf, and I count 6 on each hand.

I look up to see a beautiful young woman lying next to me. We are in my old house from high school, lying in my old bed. The woman is discussing her sex life, but I am not paying much attention. The way she is laying draped across me is very overpowering and forceful. She is incredibly strong, and holding me down without even trying. I relax, and float upward towards the ceiling, pushing her voice from my mind, and leaving her behind.

The bedroom window fills my vision, so I float towards it. I land on the sill, looking down to the front yard below me. As I leap down to the grass, I remember the DV task of the month, "Atlantis." Telling myself the grass is water, I splash right through it. It was only a thin layer of grass floating on the surface like a swamp. Darkness surrounds me as I sink down into the deep water. After a few moments, I feel my feet touch the rocky bottom. I swim swiftly in the total darkness, using my sense of touch to feel along the bottom with my hands. I try to visualize a vast, high-tech underwater city, like the one in the movie "The Abyss." A light appears ahead, and I swim towards it, assuming it will be the entrance to this underwater paradise.

When I approach the light, it turns out to be the surface of the water. I climb out, finding myself on the grassy lawn of my old neighborhood park. I must have just swam underground a few blocks to the park. The grass is swampy, and I am sunken in to mid-calf. Looking around, I see the neighborhood has all been flooded. The houses are all in the right place, but they are abandoned, boarded up, and sitting in shallow water. It looks like a tidal wave or tropical storm has ripped through the neighborhood, flooding it like Atlantis.

I climb a nearby fence, behind which used to be an open field. I want to get a good view of my surroundings. Instead of a cow pasture on the other side of the fence, I see endless rows of suburban houses. They stretch into the night as far as I can see. Sitting on top of the fence, I watch the lights come on in each house, one by one, as if they are turning back on after a blackout. I have the feeling each of the lit windows holds a pair of eyes, watching me. They are not happy about me being there.

As I watch the lights come on, I understand the sad meaning of all this. This is the neighborhood I grew up in. This is my old park. This is my memory of my childhood. It has been destroyed, flooded by the new memories from my life. The open fields from my memories have been flooded by new housing developments making homes for new families building new memories. Just as Atlantis represents humanity's mythological lost golden age, this is my own personal mythology. A lost utopia that seems to grow more amazing the further it sinks into the ocean of the past. I fly out over the hidden eyes of the houses, daring them to see me as I wake myself up.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST