Author Topic: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry  (Read 48868 times)

Offline Clairity

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Re: The Golden Age
« Reply #240 on: January 23, 2009, 05:09:31 PM »
As I watch the lights come on, I understand the sad meaning of all this. This is the neighborhood I grew up in. This is my old park. This is my memory of my childhood. It has been destroyed, flooded by the new memories from my life. The open fields from my memories have been flooded by new housing developments making homes for new families building new memories. Just as Atlantis represents humanity's mythological lost golden age, this is my own personal mythology. A lost utopia that seems to grow more amazing the further it sinks into the ocean of the past. I fly out over the hidden eyes of the houses, daring them to see me as I wake myself up.

Very cool symbolism RB!  Great dream!!
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #241 on: January 23, 2009, 08:42:24 PM »
Thanks, Clairity :)

I was hoping for topless mermaids and underwater pyramids, but this turned out even better.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
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Offline Robot_Butler

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The World Tree
« Reply #242 on: January 25, 2009, 10:34:01 PM »
I am almost in a dream, when I feel my girlfriend cuddle up close to me.  Frustrated, I try to shake her off.  I am too rough, and she wakes up.  She gets angry, and starts yelling at me to wake up.  I realize this is part of the WILD, and that I am hallucinating.  The dream is close, so I mumble through the paralysis, "Fuck off, I'm trying to dream."  I concentrate harder, blocking out the hallucination.  My mind's eye sees nothing but darkness.  I look harder, trying to look past my imagination and use my real dream eyes.  The darkness takes on a swirling texture.  I realize it is asphalt, seen close up and at high speed.  Like riding in the car with your head out the window, looking directly down at the road.  I see yellow striping on the road as I zoom my vision out.  Focusing on really using my eyes to see, everything becomes super vivid and sharp.  I can't believe that just moments ago, this was all just my hazy, distant imagination.

I am flying along a city street, trying to remember what I wanted to do with this dream.  I decide to go to the mall to track down some hot young women.  I haven't had a good sex dream in a while.  Before I get too far, I snap out of the dream, and find myself back in bed, lying on my side.  I lie still, and feel a wave of vibration take me again.  Repeating the hallucination from earlier, I feel my girlfriend cuddle up to me from behind.  She starts kissing my neck, and tickling my side.  I know this is a hallucination, so I try to ignore it.  Her kissing becomes painful, as she sucks hard on my neck.  Her tickling turns to pinching, as she starts digging her fingers painfully into my side.  I know this is not my girlfriend.  A monster is in my bed.  She starts to bite and chew on my neck and shoulder, tearing into my skin.  I feel her ripping chunks away from my bloody neck,  as she sucks my life energy from my veins.  I open my eyes, and see a terrible monster atop me.  Its hideous face fills my vision, all teeth, fangs, and gore.  Calm.  Stay calm.

I see the ground zooming along below me again, as I leave the nightmare behind.  This time, I am in my back yard, flying along my stone wall.  I worry I will never be able to get to the mall in time before I wake up.  An outdoor coffee counter is in the distance, run by a beautiful young woman.  I land, push my way to the front of the line, and order her to undress.  I give her specific instructions as she strips off her apron and overalls.  The manager is yelling at me, but I explain to him this is all a dream.  The woman gets really into the exhibition of undressing in front of her coworkers.  She leads us all upstairs to her apartment.  Looking through her record collection, I realize this was a setup.  She is actually a prostitute, and the manager is her pimp.  He pulls a knife on me, and attacks.  I fend off his attacks easily with my super reflexes and strength.  I scoop up the nude woman, and walk her downstairs.  Her pimp follows me, stabbing and slashing at me wildly from behind.  I laugh at him, telling him there is nothing he can do to hurt me.

Suddenly, the world changes, and I am alone and confused in a dense jungle.  I wonder at the speed and suddenness of the transition.

The jungle is beautiful.  It is a magical, prehistoric looking forest with exotic plants everywhere.  A dense mist hangs high in the air, but it does nothing to stop the bright light.  It only refracts it into rainbow colors that change as I wander through the trees.  Strange insects, like butterflies dance around me in groups.  I remember that I have been to this place before.  I have been wanting to come back here.

Before I can think about it too much, the ground shakes, and I look up just in time to see four huge legs stomping directly over me.  It must be some sort of dinosaur, in this prehistoric land.  The only thing I can see are its four gigantic legs, leading unimaginably high into the mist.  Now scared, I run to the nearest tree, and start to climb.  I imagine the tree will give me some protection from any predatory dinosaur.  I scramble into the branches, and look out over the landscape.  I see hazy shapes walking upright, moving through the mist.  Just in time!  They must be T-Rex dinosaurs stalking the large 4-legged one I saw earlier.  I climb higher, hoping to get above their reach.

As I climb higher, I see the landscape has changed.  It looks drier.  Sparse with only scattered trees.  It looks more like the Australian or African bush.  This tree is on the edge of a clearing.  Standing alone in the middle of the clearing is a single majestic tree.  It is seated in an intricately decorated wooden pot, raised on a solitary island of red rock.  The tree is so large, I can't comprehend its scale.  The pot alone must be the size of a city block.  Its roots spill out of the pot, and climb down the cliffs to the ground below.  Its trunk stretches tall and straight to the sky above.  Resembling bamboo, a palm, or tall grass, it is like no tree I have ever seen.

Still high in the canopy of my own tree, I climb out along a branch that stretches into the clearing.  It bends precariously.  I lean my weight back and forth, swinging the branch further and further into the clearing.  As it comes close to the solitary tree, I time my jump, then leap out towards its trunk.  More a flight than a leap, the lonely tree seems to pull me towards it with a magnetic force.  I embrace its trunk with my arms and legs, feeling its powerful energy radiating into me.  It empowers me, and I climb easily up the straight trunk.

Either I begin to grow, or the tree begins to shrink.  It soon seems too small for me.  It feels like I am climbing the pole of a tall stand lamp.  The lamp shade blocks my way, but I can see the glow of the bulb just beyond.  I press myself tight against the trunk/pole, and squeeze through the barrier to the open sky above.  The tree is thin beneath me, as I balance on its peak.  I feel like I am standing on a blade of grass.

I look back at the forest.  I see the creatures I mistook for Dinosaurs are actually giants.  They stand waist high in the canopy of trees, wading through carefully.  There are two of them, walking arm in arm.  They remind me of businessmen, with neatly kept shoulder length hair.  One is incredibly beautiful, but silent.  The other is balding and overweight.  He is talking nonstop, chuckling at his own jokes.  I call to them, "Hello?!  I have some questions!"

The silent one looks directly at me, surprise in his beautiful green eyes.  I feel absolutely hypnotized by his gaze, as if one of his eyes fills my entire vision.  I lose myself,  staring into the endless depths of the green ocean.  "Oh, hello."  Surprised, he greets me like an old friend, by name.

I remember myself, and reply, "I have some questions.  What am I supposed to be doing with my life?  What is the point of all this?"  I want to explain my question further, but his easy answer silences me.  His green eye sparkles around me as he says, "Aren't you enjoying it?  Hopefully you will have a chance to learn and grow from the experience."

Before I can ask any more questions, his balding friend starts to laugh dismissively, returning to his endless stream of babble.  He reminds me of a salesman, trying to maintain a hold on the conversation.  I get the feeling he does not like me much.  He makes me uneasy in the same way the beautiful one makes me comfortable.

(I wake up.  Later, when I wake for the morning, I wander into the bathroom in a haze.  I see a new mole has grown on my neck.  The skin around it looks red, like I was scratching it.  I ask my girlfriend about it,  surprised it could have appeared overnight.  It is only later, that I read back through my journal and realize the mole is in the exact spot where the nightmare creature was biting me   O_O)
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
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Offline Serith

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #243 on: January 25, 2009, 11:39:13 PM »
The thing with the mole was very strange.  Normally with things like that, it's easy to explain it as pain in real life causing pain in dreams, but in this case that doesn't make too much sense.

At least the rest of the dream was good.  The scene with the giants was interesting, they seemed unusually intelligent for dream characters.

Offline dallyup52

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #244 on: January 26, 2009, 10:08:01 AM »
Her tickling turns to pinching, as she starts digging her fingers painfully into my side.  I know this is not my girlfriend.  A monster is in my bed.  She starts to bite and chew on my neck and shoulder, tearing into my skin.  I feel her ripping chunks away from my bloody neck,  as she sucks my life energy from my veins.  I open my eyes, and see a terrible monster atop me.  Its hideous face fills my vision, all teeth, fangs, and gore.  Calm.  Stay calm.

I remember this girl from my college days. I shouldn't have had all that beer before I met someone.  :D
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #245 on: January 26, 2009, 01:56:27 PM »
The thing with the mole was very strange. 

I'm sure the mole was there already, or had just grown large enough to notice it.  I do have other freckles around my shoulders and neck (too much time in that Hawaiian sun). Probably just coincidence that I noticed it when I did.  It is still a creepy feeling.

I remember this girl from my college days. I shouldn't have had all that beer before I met someone.  :D
:rofl: Oh, I've definitely taken home some girls like that.  You never can tell, until it is too late.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: The World Tree
« Reply #246 on: January 26, 2009, 10:52:00 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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The DV Exile
« Reply #247 on: February 11, 2009, 08:45:12 PM »
The door was left open, giving us the perfect opportunity to explore.  The tunnel led deep into the sewers below the city.  It was lit strategically with vents and skylights that led up to the street above.  The dim light revealed just enough so we could follow the trail.  It was obvious someone had come this way before us.

The water tumbled through the twisting channels, soupy with human waste and disease.  A flimsy plywood bridge spanned the gap, soggy from the wet air.  I led the way across, confident the bridge could hold my weight.  I would have made it, except for my overeager companions.  They did not wait for me to make it to the other side before joining me, and the bridge collapsed under our combined weight.  I squeezed my eyes tightly closed, and held my breath as I hit the filthy water.  I did not want to let any of the infectious soup enter my mouth or eyes.  With eyes closed, I felt my way along the slimy stones to the safety of the other side.

I lost my friends in the scramble, but did not care to wait for them.  Before me was a wooden door set into the moldy stone wall.  It looked neatly sanded and oiled, with a welcome mat and brass door knocker.  Before I could think to knock, it opened, revealing the smiling face of an older gentleman smoking a pipe.  He invited me in without hesitation, happy to have a visitor, even one covered in wet sewage.

His home was warm and dry.  It looked surprisingly nice for being located in the sewers.  Fine hardwoods lined the walls, and thick carpets were piled on the stone floor.  There was a full, luxuriously sized bathroom with clean running water and a shower.  There were even windows that opened out onto a busy cobblestone street.  This made the least sense to me.  I could not figure out why anyone would build a house so centrally located that could only be accessed from the maze like sewers.

My host seemed very familiar to me, and we immediately started conversing like old friends.  He told me about his bizarre history.  Wrongfully accused of child molestation, his reputation was ruined, and he lost his job as a school teacher.  It didn't matter that he was proven innocent.  His family and friends all abandoned him.  He knew of this abandoned hideout from his childhood.  The neighborhood kids used to sneak in on parade days to safely throw things out the windows at the people below.

I saw he had a dream journal, so I asked him about lucid dreaming.  It just so happened he was an avid lucid dreamer, and knew many people in the DV staff.  He said he had disagreements with the way the DV staff was treated, so left for another forum.  I got his phone number and email address and promised to look him up. 
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline pj

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #248 on: February 11, 2009, 09:55:46 PM »
I saw he had a dream journal, so I asked him about lucid dreaming.  It just so happened he was an avid lucid dreamer, and knew many people in the DV staff.  He said he had disagreements with the way the DV staff was treated, so left for another forum.  I got his phone number and email address and promised to look him up. 

I'm intrigued!
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline Sunshine

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Re: The DV Exile
« Reply #249 on: February 11, 2009, 10:48:43 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #250 on: February 17, 2009, 11:59:31 PM »
I'm intrigued!

I thought you guys would get a kick out of that  :D 

So was it Seeker or pj? :lol:

You ought to try and get back to that place and talk to him some more.  Did you remember any of the information he gave you?
I wish I could remember more of the conversation.  We talked for a long time, and I really should have performed a reality check :doh:  He was an absolutely fascinating guy.  One of those guys who you know will talk forever if you get him on the right subject.  I will have to go visit him again. 
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
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Offline Robot_Butler

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Cat's Eyes
« Reply #251 on: February 18, 2009, 12:00:02 AM »
I feel a jolt of electricity sizzle in the center of my brain for a split second before it disappears completely.  I relax, and bring my attention back to the spot.  The vibrating energy returns, stronger.  My attention seems to sustain it.  The vibration grows, and soon encompasses my entire body.  I know I am entering a dream, so I create a beach scene and watch it appear around me.  I hover above the red sand, floating slowly forward on the breeze as I try to remember what I wanted to do.

I remember I wanted to shoot someone with cupid's arrow.  People are splashing in the water further down the beach, so I catch the wind and speed towards them.  As I approach, I reach behind my back to pull out a shining metal bow with red accents.  I draw back an arrow, aim, and release it into the small crowd.  The arrow makes me chuckle.  It looks like a sex toy or phallus, thick and pink with a heart shaped tip.  It flies straight towards a beautiful young woman who is bent over splashing in the water, and sinks suggestively in her rear.  She turns around, and looks around for me with a look of pure lust in her eyes.  She walks towards me slowly, stripping off her swimsuit as she approaches.  She presses her naked breasts against me, and leans up on her tip toes to kiss me.  When I get a good look at her face, I realize she is beautiful, but much too young.  From up close, she looks like a child.  Uncomfortable, my consciousness drifts back to myself in bed, and I think briefly about what this means.  This very adult holiday is based on the complicated themes of love and sex, but sold to schoolchildren in boxes of cartoon valentines and candy hearts that say "kiss me".  Something is wrong with this holiday.

As I lie in bed, I hear voices all around me.  A group of people are shuffling around in the doorway, apparently filming a movie with a boom microphone and a camera.  I try to make out what they are saying, but am suddenly startled by the appearance of two disembodied eyes hovering in the darkness at the foot of my bed.  They materialize into a face I recognize as my old roommate who passed away several years ago.  As his body materializes before me, he starts to speak quickly.  At first it sounds like he is speaking Hawaiian.  I can barely make out a word or two.  Eventually, I catch one phrase.  He warns me, "You are in danger.  You will be called to defeat great evil."  I struggle to speak through my paralysis as I watch him fade back to two glowing eyes.  I wiggle my big toe furiously, but can not wake up.

My girlfriend climbs out of bed to use the bathroom, finally waking me up.  I watch her slide the bathroom door closed, and hear the toilet lid open.  Lying still in bed, I focus on the door, and will it to open with my mind.  I see it shake a little, then slowly begin to inch open as if by telekinesis.  I call out through the opening door, "I know you are not my girlfriend.  Who are you?"  The door draws back, and my girlfriend looks up, locking me in her gaze.  Her eyes are pitch black and glossy, like an animal or an alien.  Without answering me, she charges the bed, and leaps on top of me.  I struggle against my paralysis as she grapples with me.  My strength returns all at once.  In an uncontrollable burst, I grab her and leap out through the patio doors, shattering the glass all around us and slamming into the stone garden wall.  Frightened I hurt the creature, I hold its hands tenderly.  Billowing white wings unfurl from my back, and I float upwards gently into the night sky.  I look down, holding this creature's hands as I carry it with me into the chilly air.  I watch the land shrink below me.  Soon, it looks like nothing but a map, and I am alone, surrounded by stars.

I flap my wings, tuck them behind my back, and dive back down to earth in a freefall.  The land speeds towards me, too fast to make out any details.  At the last second, I spread my huge wings, and feel them catch the air.  I swoop along the ground, and rise to the tops of the brownstone buildings.  I soar along the tree lined boulevard, enjoying its beauty and peacefulness.  Two friends from high school are walking, hand in hand on the street below.  I call to them, and drop down to say hello.

I wake up abruptly in the darkness of a strange room.  It is my house in Hawaii.  I walk out to the hallway, and into the other room.  The room is dimly lit by the glow of a computer screen.  My brother is playing video games, and explaining all sorts of complicated things I don't understand.  I try to listen, but am distracted by something out of the corner of my eye.  It looks like a little boy.  As soon as I look at him he vanishes as if he was never there.  I try to watch him out of my peripheral vision.  When I quickly swing my head to look again, I see it is a black cat hiding beneath the table.  His unnatural, unblinking eyes glisten wet and black as he locks me in a staring match, like cats do.  He freezes for only a moment, before jetting out of the room into the hallway.  I follow him, calling out to him, "I have more questions for you.  I don't want to hurt you."  As I say this, I round the corner of the doorway and come face to face with the creature.  His towering, humanoid form fills the hallway, almost too big to stand fully upright.  In the dim light, I see his twisted muscles bulging powerfully beneath his short velvety black fur.  He bends down so his feline face is inches from my own.  His empty black eyes meet mine as he growls in a low rumbling voice, "You could not hurt me if you wanted to."
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Cat's Eyes
« Reply #252 on: February 18, 2009, 08:47:16 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #253 on: June 04, 2009, 12:09:43 PM »
I've been purposefully ignoring this journal lately to study for my LEED/ Green Building exams.  Something I've been meaning to do for a while.   I haven't taken a test in 6 years, and that was definitely a bad choice to ease me back into the mindset.  There was way too much memorization involved, leaving me with no brain power or time for writing up dreams.  I even ended up using my lucid dreams for meditation and clearing my mind. Its all over now, though.  I aced the exams  :boogie:  I can now add yet another confusing string of credentials after my name on my business cards.

Now, back to dreaming :D  I have some great dreams from the past few weeks that I will try to write up.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline dallyup52

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #254 on: June 04, 2009, 01:19:10 PM »
Congratulations on passing the exam.  Nice to have you back.

I think that blue buildings are pretty, also but green is nice.
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