Author Topic: Biphasic sleep instant WILD  (Read 6249 times)

Offline StephenT

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Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« on: December 26, 2008, 08:28:43 PM »
I'm just now starting a biphasic sleep schedule, but I've had some interesting dream results already.

My sleep schedule is:

4-4.5 hour core from 1:30-5:30/6:00
1-1.5 hour nap from 15:45-16:45/17:15

The times are adjustable if you would like to adopt a biphasic schedule.  You just modify them to your needs.  A man on Steve Pavlina's forum takes his nap at 19:30 with his core sleep at the same time as mine.  I get tired a bit after school at that time, and that time is non-intrusive to my daily activities, so I chose it. :D

Anyways, last night as I went to sleep for my core and earlier today for my nap, I noticed that my mind is very awake while my body is asleep.  Although I can go to sleep (I did during my earlier nap), I can also go into sleep paralysis rather quickly.  Last night, within a short amount of time (probably not any longer than 5-10 minutes) I felt the sort of wave and sinking/floating feelings that I get when SP begins.  I started to feel vibrations and had very vivid hypnogogic imagery.  I was in a sort of pseudo dream state like I get sometimes with WILDing.  I was in the state where I could feel my physical body and dream body at the same time.  I couldn't feel the surroundings of my physical body, however, and I was lucid in a dream world.  In this sort of situation one usually rolls out of their body, but I didn't want to for the fear that I would wake up my physical body and have to go back to sleep.  Since I am only just starting my schedule I didn't want to mess it up at all.  During my recent nap, I felt the initial wave, but I wanted to go straight to sleep for the same reasons as above, so I didn't pursue WILDing.

The good thing about this is that for both instances it seems that I have the ability to instantly WILD rather than waking up after some amount of sleep to WILD.  If I can keep the dream going, I could possibly be lucid for the entire nap or a good portion of the core sleep.  I've heard that polyphasic schedules allow you to instantly WILD like this, but I haven't gone fully polyphasic yet because of school.  This type of schedule isn't as tolling as uberman or everyman to start, and isn't as intrusive as them.  I believe that anybody could start a schedule like this, and the benefits of increased awake time and these lucid possibilities seem worth it!  :D

I'll try to fully WILD and have a great lucid tonight and report on that, and give status updates as I adapt to my schedule more.

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2008, 12:22:11 AM »
Awesome, Stephen! I'm about to start a biphasic schedule myself, actually, and it is very interesting to have my thought on this confirmed. From what I've been able to gather in my research, during the second phase, or nap period, you should have a much higher percentage of REM sleep, and a much lower percentage of stage 1 and 2 sleep. Thus, perfect ground for WILDing.

I'm planning to have two 3-hour sleep periods, at 05:00-08:00 and 17:00-20:00, as this fits with my own schedule best. I may adapt it as needed once I see how this effects me. I'm hoping to extend my waking free time, as well as increasing my REM cycles in my afternoon nap for more lucid dreaming opportunity.

Definitely keep us updated, and I will try to as well!
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Offline StephenT

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2008, 01:40:52 AM »
Great!  That'll be nice to have more than myself gathering results from this schedule.

The extra waking time is great.  I've had so much time to play music, I'm actually reading, and while being able to accomplish everything I did before more efficiently.  I'm not even fully adapted yet!  If I'm having such great results this far into it, I can't wait to see how it will be when I'm fully adapted... or when I switch over to Uberman in the summer!

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2008, 10:29:47 PM »
Well, I got off to a interesting start; wound up staying up too late talking to a friend on MSN (not her fault) and didn't get to bed until about 7:00am this morning. I was able to sleep till 11:30am, but it took me awhile to fall asleep, so I got my target three hours. I hit my 5:00pm nap only a tiny bit late, and this time accounted for more falling-asleep time, setting my alarm for 9:00pm, which worked perfectly. I went to sleep just before 6:00pm, and woke naturally at about 8:30 the dozed just a bit until my alarm went off.

I feel pretty good; I could have slept more, I think, but I had some interesting, quite vivid dreams (though they were somewhat linear), and almost was able to slip back into a dream lucidly during the last ten minutes. I think I'll be able to WILD with success in no time, something I never could get the hang of before. Greatly looking forward to continuing this schedule!
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Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2008, 12:28:52 AM »
You guys just talking about napping in the middle of the day?  I do whenever I get my schedule permits and I'm likely to WILD whether I like it or not.  I find that naps produce not only lucids, but very high quality lucids with good mental capacity. 

Missed my nap today though. :yawn:

Offline StephenT

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2008, 02:12:45 AM »
You guys just talking about napping in the middle of the day?  I do whenever I get my schedule permits and I'm likely to WILD whether I like it or not.  I find that naps produce not only lucids, but very high quality lucids with good mental capacity. 

Missed my nap today though. :yawn:

Well yes, we're talking about napping during the day, but we're starting a biphasic sleep schedule so that our body's normal schedule will be biphasic.  So we'll actually need to nap.  If we miss a nap, it's like barely sleeping at all for people that sleep monophasically.

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2008, 03:19:34 AM »
My normal schedule is biphasic. :D

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2008, 11:05:17 AM »
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Offline StephenT

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2008, 01:44:05 PM »
Overslept a couple hours this morning.  :sad1:  I knew I had it coming, too.  I woke up and started watching TV because I was really tired, and I started nodding off.  I should've forced myself to do something.

Learn from my mistakes and keep going.  :D  That should only delay my adaption by a day.

I had some interesting dreams, though.  :P

Offline Josh

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2008, 12:28:50 AM »
I too overslept a bit, after having trouble getting to sleep. Then my alarm didn't go off, either. I wound up getting about 4.5-5 hours of sleep, though not consecutively; I woke up by myself at the end of my second sleep cycle and tried to WILD or DEILD, with no success. I got up for lunch, though I didn't really want to.

My afternoon nap went considerably better, netting a solid 2.5-3 hours. No real interesting dreams today, unfortunately. I had to sleep in my parents' bed for my afternoon nap, as my own was in disarray from cleaning my room. My energy level has been low today, but this is not unusual for me, and is perhaps even not as low as normal. I've been downright lethargic the past couple of weeks, so it's hard to tell.
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Offline Mortalis

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2008, 11:28:44 PM »
Personally, the subject of polyphasic sleep interests me a decent amount with regards to LDing.  I've got about 3 weeks before I'm back to university, so perhaps I'll give bi-phasic a shot.  I'll try to keep you all updated on my progress, and with three of us doing it, maybe we can reach some conclusions.

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2008, 01:53:42 AM »
I've been having some trouble getting to sleep, but I am already automatically waking after every sleep cycle. I've also been playing around a bit with the length of my naps, to get a better idea of what works best for me, though I know I should probably get adjusted to it first. Today I did 4.5 hours in the morning and 1.5 in the afternoon. I'll probably shot for a full six hours this morning, just because I've got a lot to do tomorrow and it will be close to 7:00 before I'm able to nap, and I don't really want to crash too bad. I may try to WBTB though, haven't really tried that in a long time.
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Offline Mortalis

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2008, 03:53:11 PM »
I've started my bi-phasic schedule today.  I was getting used to a 3 hour time zone change last night so I slept about 8hours.  Tonight at 5:00pm I'll be taking a 1.5 hour nap.  Then at 1:30-6:00 I'll be sleeping my core 4.5 hour nap.  I'll let you know how it goes.  To Josh: From what I've heard about the transition to polyphasic (not sure if this counts for bi-phasic) but you should try to stick to the schedule, even if it leaves you tired.  This means setting the alarm for 1.5 hours and getting up even if you've only slept 20 min during it.  That way your body will get used to the schedule faster.  Good luck, and I'll keep you updated on my progress.

*edit 'you're' is not 'your'.

Offline Mortalis

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2009, 11:15:01 PM »
Well, a quick update on my progress, I pretty much messed up my schedule because of new years..i got way to drunk, fell asleep at 4am, and woke at 10am..I guess that the thing that is nice about monophasic is the flexibility.  However, I haven't given up yet!  I'll be trying again tonight.  My bedtime is 1:00am and I'll be setting my alarm for 5:30am.  Hopefully it'll be ok, but I feel like I'll have a tough day tomorrow..still worn out from new years, I almost feel like passing out now, and its only 10:15pm.

Offline StephenT

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Re: Biphasic sleep instant WILD
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2009, 02:41:40 AM »
Well, a quick update on my progress, I pretty much messed up my schedule because of new years..i got way to drunk, fell asleep at 4am, and woke at 10am..I guess that the thing that is nice about monophasic is the flexibility.  However, I haven't given up yet!  I'll be trying again tonight.  My bedtime is 1:00am and I'll be setting my alarm for 5:30am.  Hopefully it'll be ok, but I feel like I'll have a tough day tomorrow..still worn out from new years, I almost feel like passing out now, and its only 10:15pm.

Yeah, drinking and drugs don't work well with polyphasic sleep.  Perhaps once you adapt completely and have been at it for at least 4-6 months you could try drinking a little and seeing if you're able to maintain your schedule, but while adapting you shouldn't.