Hello Everybody
I am fairly new to LD, and I appreciate all of the tips that have been posted. Currently I have gotten a break from school, and I've spent the past five days practicing. All of the days I was unsuccessful, which resulted in frustrating insomnia. I slept for 4-5 hours, then woke up to attempt WILD'S. However, I could not enter a wild nor fall asleep normally. Today I actually laid in bed for 6 hours (after the initial wake up) attempting to WILD. I am a little frustrated with myself, but I will keep on trying.
Do you have any suggestions for dealing with insomnia?
I am unsure if active visualizations overstimulate my brain causing me to become overly awake, or if it is just a matter of inexperience. Tonight I am going to attempt to listen to a lucid dream induction audio recording. I am also going to attempt a more passive technique such as counting, and stating "I am dreaming" (this is a WILD technique in LeBerge's book).
Thank you again and have a great day,