Although it helps to have had some sleep before attempting this, I have been able to enter a WILD using this technique right after going to bed at times.
Entering A Trance State:
The first step is to enter a trance state. This can be done using various relaxation or deep breathing techniques, although the best method I've found for doing this is by using the following visualizations. Feel free to add your own visualizations to this list, as mine changes all the time.
One thing to keep in mind when entering a trance state is that this is also a very effective method for falling asleep. If you wish to fall asleep just allow your mind to drift. If you wish to enter a WILD though, you will need to monitor your trance state, and concentrate more on the images if you feel yourself beginning to get spacey.
Trance Exercises:
Feel yourself sinking down in your bed while you concentrate on becoming completely engulfed by your bed and practice expanding your white light around yourself. (It's always a good idea to protect yourself before going out and about)
Imagine yourself going down in an elevator. Remember a time when you have ridden down in an elevator and recreate this experience. (You can also feel yourself riding down a long escalator for a different variation.)
Imagine yourself climbing down a rope that is hanging from a cliff. Climb down this rope as far as you can until you reach the bottom of the cliff. (Feeling yourself being lowered while hanging onto a rope can be substituted for climbing down if you prefer. You might also imagine yourself being lowered down into a deep well.)
Imagine yourself climbing down a ladder that goes down many levels underground. (As an alternative, feel yourself just sliding down these ladders as you hold on the outside of the ladders with your hands.)
Imagine yourself sliding down a long slide over and over again that takes you all the way down to a beach. (As an alternative, you can feel yourself sliding down a long, winding water slide that deposits you into a pool at the bottom.)
Feel yourself sinking down to the bottom of the ocean as you watch air bubbles around you rising to the surface.
Feel yourself falling backwards and just continuing to fall.
While doing these exercises, imagine yourself getting out of bed from time to time, and feeling yourself being about 15 to 20 feet tall. If you are able to sense this and really feel it, then you are have entered a good trance state, where you should be able to easily enter a WILD now.
Entering A WILD:
Although you may occasionally find yourself enter a WILD while doing the trance exercises, the following exercises are usually more effective for me in entering a WILD.
There are two ways in which I enter the WILD, the first method which is intentional, and the second which is unintentional.
With the intentional method, the scene that I am visualizing myself in comes to life, and I find myself in a WILD doing the thing I was visualizing. This happens sometimes with visualizations in which I am visualizing myself climbing a very high ladder or taking an escalator into the sky.
With the unintentional method, I find myself in an entirely different scene doing something completely different than what I had been visualizing myself doing earlier.
Once one of these visualizations works at producing a WILD, it will often work several times in a row, so after completing a WILD you can often return right back the same visualization that produced it to enter another WILD.
WILD Exercises:
Imagine yourself riding a very long escalator to the top of a roller coaster. The higher the escalator goes, the steeper it gets to where you are almost going straight up in the air at the end of it. (Be sure to hang on to the railing, but realize you are in your dream body so that nothing can hurt you.)
Get off the escalator at the top and imagine yourself standing on a very narrow platform with a single railing. Feel yourself being very high in the air as you look down at the ground. Does it make you feel dizzy to look down? (These first two simple visualizations alone have taken me in several WILDs.)
There are several things you can do at this point if you have entered a WILD, one being to stand up on the railing in front of you and walk across it, and another one being to just dive off of the platform and start flying. Use your imagination.
Imagine getting on the roller coaster and riding it up and down the steep inclines and declines. Really feel the movement of the roller coaster as it takes you up and down, and feel the breeze on your face while you are going straight down the long declines.
Imagine yourself climbing up a very high ladder, the kind you might have seen at an amusement park that a clown climbs up on and then dives off of into a pool several hundred feet below. As you are climbing, look down at the ground from time to time, and notice how high you are getting. If you happen to notice that you are very high up in the air when you look down, so high that it makes you feel a little dizzy, then you have entered a WILD, so either continue climbing higher, or else allow yourself to fall off the ladder and start flying, or else land in the pool below.
(This one can be used in place of the above visualization)
Imagine yourself climbing up to very high platform in a circus arena. Now, either walk across a tight rope wire to a platform on the other side, or else grab a trapeze bar and swing to the other side, turning a few flips in the middle before catching a bar to the other side. (For a variation, walk across the tight rope wire while standing on your hands).
Imagine yourself ice skating around a large ice skating rink , doing all kinds of fancy spins while you skate. (As an alternative to doing spins, just get up a full head of steam and skate around the rink as fast as you can over, getting faster each time you go around. Or just imagine yourself skating down a frozen river where you can really get going fast.)
Imagine yourself skiing down a long snowy slope in which you ski off of a cliff at the bottom of and become airborne. When you land, feel yourself going down another long snowy slope which also has a cliff at the bottom that you go off. Continue going from one slope to the next in this fashion.
Imagine yourself water skiing, and going over certain jumps that cause you to turn frontwards or backward somersaults as you go over them, and others that are tilted to the left and right that cause you to spin to the right or left as you go over them. (As an alternative the spinning, just feel yourself being pulled faster and faster through the water while you jump back and forth through over the waves that the boat is creating in front of you.
In Closing:
It helps to do a lot of different visualization exercises rather than just one or two, and to switch back and forth between the different exercises quickly, as this keeps the conscious mind guessing as to what is coming next, and will often allow you to catch it snoozing, which allows the subconscious to get some of its thoughts in, which can take you right into a WILD.
Be conscious of your thoughts while doing these visualizations, even those that are weak. Not every WILD starts out as a full blown mind blowing scene. If you did not consciously put that thought in your mind, then it probably came from your subconscious, and is the beginning of a dream. So pay attention to those stray thoughts that slide in, and focus on them, as they may just take you into a WILD.
Three things that I've recently found helpful in inducing WILDs are danger, speed, and difficulty. To use the danger method, make the visualization you are doing feel as dangerous as possible. If you are imagining yourself riding up an escalator, have it be one with no hand rails that you could easily fall off of, and feel a strong breeze blowing toward you as you ride up the escalator that is about to blow you off. Just be sure and remind yourself that you are in your dream body so that nothing can harm you.
When using the speed method to induce a lucid dream, just feel yourself doing whatever you are doing really fast until you find yourself somewhere else in a WILD. If you are roller blading like I often to do to get lucid, just feel yourself going really fast down a long hallway or parking lot, going faster and faster until the scene changes and you are lucid.
When inducing difficulty into the visualization, just make the thing you are doing more difficult. If you are climbing a ladder, have it be missing a few steps where you have to pull yourself up to the next step, or imagine some of the steps breaking as you step on them.
Although these techniques may only work once in a while when you first start using them, if you continue practicing them your visualization skills will improve which will make it easier to become lucid while doing the visualizations. They will work if you keep at it.