Yesterday I awoke remembering nothing again. I'm pretty sure I could have recalled a dream if I had time to drift off one more time, but had to get up for work. Buuuut today I broke my 3 day mini dry spell!!

After a few weeks of being able to recall a nice amount, 3 nights with nothing seemed like such a long time. Almost started to feel like something was missing from me, or just not quite all there. Onto the dreams!
Keys [Dream]
Whilst I am sat at a bus stop with J, I see a set of someones keys on the seat next to me. Attached to the main keyring are some normal size keys, some random keyrings, an identity card and a medium size green biscuit tin full of jewellery. I think about how the person who has lost the item will be worrying, and decide to use my Sunday travelling across the country to return it to them.
I announce this to J as a bus starts to arrive. A small Portugese looking/sounding man overhears, as a stampede of people come from nowhere to try to get to the bus. The short man is happy with my 'noble decision' and thrusts a joint into my hands as he rushes off for the bus. I light it and take a singular toke before it burns right the way through, and a small cube wrapped in gold foil falls out of it. I pick it up and open it, and it looks like it is full of tobacco. I am mildly confused, but just throw it in the bin and leave.
On the ID card attached to the keys I find a womans name and address
(I really wish I could remember this) and proceed to head there. On the way there, a woman stops me and says that I have her keys. She does not look like the picture of the woman on the card, and gets really offended when I ask for proof they are hers (I am wary she may want the valuable biscuit tin). Nonetheless I remain unconvinced and leave without giving her the keys.
Time [Dream]
I am with some old friends from school in a 50's style diner. I am convinced that I am from the future and have travelled back to tell them all about what is in store for them. We talk for a while and watch some kind of slideshow presentation before I start worrying that I may change the course of the future with my carelessness. I spot a large clock on the wall showing that it is in fact 2010. I start to panic about being in the wrong year and get even more nervous.
Caves [Dream]
I walk backwards until I fall in a hole in the ground. It is a massively long, deep slope and I roll down for quite some time. I crash into a small dark room at the end, followed by my tumbling friend, J. We explore a set of underground halls and staircases- it is all a bit like an MC Escher picture. We occasionally see someone else but no one responds to us.
After a while, we come across a river with clear water and amazing waterfalls. The scene from the top of one of the waterfalls is so lively and beautiful, with rows of bright green trees stretching off for miles. I remember thinking how impressive it was that this exists underground
(I must have ignored the fact that everywhere was filled with this awesome light) and how secret it felt.
We get in the water to slide down the waterfall because it seemed like it would be fun. There was algae in the water but it wasn't a problem.