Author Topic: Nebulous Logic from gruffy  (Read 15875 times)

Offline gruffydd

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Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« on: April 13, 2009, 05:47:08 AM »
Getting my dream journal started!
Comments from me look like this.
Lucid bits in dreams look like this.

Yay for the day off work which allowed me these 2:

Cans [Fragment]
There are two people in their large, open plan office at work. They sit at computers opposite each other on the same wide desk. One has a large-ish food can, the other has a smaller tin (about 50% of the height of a normal food tin). They both form a complicated relationship which is based on the passing of these cans between eachother by rolling- rolling the cans on their side, over the desk or the floor to the other person.

Something happens which ends the can relationship somehow. I can't remember what. I don't remember much of this dream but it felt as though it was accompanied by music the whole time, and it must have been quite intense as I woke up in tears.

Boston [Dream]
I am in a city that I somehow know to be Boston in Massachusetts with my mum. I have never been to Boston, or the USA. We are there for a short holiday and we check into a hotel. All the buildings are grand and tall, made of stone, and there are no bright colours. Soon after we check in we are somehow separated to explore the city (it is early evening).

I find a small glass dome structure in a big open square. It has a small group of people outside and a band of about 7 people playing on the inside. The band are dressed in grey boiler suits with red and white painted faces. I talk to 2 girls outside the dome to get some more information about the band, but can never quite hear the name. I strongly recognise one of the girls, but I don't think from real life. I cannot pinpoint where I know her from. I converse more with the girls. They make jokes from a comedy talk show in America, which I don't understand or laugh at (They say the name, but I have forgotten it now). They are shocked to learn that I a not from the US.

A tour bus passes and this prompts me to run to the hotel to find my mum.
I find her just walking back with a box. We get inside the foyer and she hands the box over the hotel front desk and reveals that it is a cake. We settle down in front of a tv in the main waiting area as the receptionist hands us over 2 slices of the cake. My mum's slice is much bigger than my own, but I don't say anything. We wait patiently for the adverts to end so that we can eat our snack when the actual tv programme is on (I know it will be the comedy talk show mentioned earlier). However, after some time it becomes clear that this is just a neverending stream of adverts. We leave our cake and I leave the hotel.

Suddenly, I am in Boston with a group of friends from Switzerland instead of with my mum. One of them has the job of cooking a roast dinner for his boss and other people at work. 5 of us head to a supermarket and proceed to spend a long time trying to figure out what he will need and adding things into a trolley (chicken legs, mayonnaise, parsnips are all I can remember). I put things into my rucksack as we walk around, but when we go to pay I am told that no-one wants them and I have to go put them back on the shelves (a second jar of mayonnaise, a tray of dip). I also buy a litre of milk and we leave.

As we are all walking down alongside a wiiide road, busy with people and cars, 2 of the group decided they want to go to a bar we sometimes go to in Switzerland. They leave and mock us for not wanting to join, but soon we realise that the bar is in Switzerland and they are in Boston. We joke about how long they will search for the bar.

Only 3 of us remain now. There are a few people trying to hand us leaflets as we walk, but we say no. We are walking over the roof of a tall, impressive building with several big pillars holding up the front. Someone tries to hand me a black leaflet and I jog away from them, drinking the milk I am carrying. The roof becomes very steep, like a set of stairs, but each step is very tall and very narrow. I am struggling to keep my footing as I run from the leaflet man and start to slip. I fall down a few of these crazy thin 'steps' on the roof before being able to grap one of the last ones with my hand. I drop my milk. I manage to slide the 100ft down to the floor on one of the large pillars of the building. I land next to my ruptured milk carton which has exploded everywhere.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 07:04:45 AM by gruffydd »
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2009, 07:54:03 AM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline The Cusp

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2009, 10:11:50 AM »
I thought that dream entitled "Cans" was going to be about breasts, lol.  But crying over tin cans?  I like those kinds of dreams where there are strange complex relationships like that.  THey're hard as hell to describe, but they leave you with the feeling that there is something more to them, something important.
Some people are like a Slinky - Not really much good for anything, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2009, 05:22:53 PM »
Bwahaha, breasts.

Yeah I couldn't begin to really explain that relationship, especially as I only remembered it as a fragment. I really felt there was something more to it. I agree it wasn't very fun to wake up in tears, but at the same time it felt good to have had a dream that was so meaningful (even if I don't remember why it was!).
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2009, 09:05:28 AM »
Two that I can remember from last night without checking the notes I scribbled down every time I woke up:

Percentages [Dream]
A group of friends from different times in my life are sat around in quite a big circle. We are all on a concrete football pitch surrounded by tall fences. I have a piece of paper and a pen, and am asking each person individually how likely they are to contribute some money to mine and a friends birthday presents. I record each persons likeliness as a percentage (one I remember: S is 80% likely to donate some money for my present and 54% likely to donate money to J's present).

As I progress, I do not recognise one of the people in the group. He has blonde hair shaved very short, and a dangly gold earring in his right ear. He introduces himself as Yahoo, and I record his percentages.

My birthday and J's birthday are 2 months apart and never been celebrated together.
I would have treated this as a fragment if it hadn't lasted so long, I asked every person.

Portaloo [Fragment]
A large robot of some kind rips a portable toilet up from the concrete groud next to a road. As the robot lifts it, I see that the toilet has a big drill on the bottom, like a massive electric screwdriver. The robot proceeds to use it to do some construction.
trip me up.

Offline Namaste

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2009, 09:36:47 AM »
Cool DJ  :goodjob: I will give it a read often :D

I thought the one about the can relationship read quite intensely and it felt emotional reading about it LOL! The portaloo one made me laugh hehe  :content:

Very Interesting Dreams - looking forward to read some more!
Total Lifetime LDs: 54
(53 DILDS 1 FILD - many of the DILDs have been induced by WBTB or FILD/WILD Attempts - or both)

Challenges completed
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Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2009, 05:32:50 PM »
Thanks Namaste! This pleases me, I only wish I could remember some more of that can dream. Despite not being able to recall much it was possibly my favourite dream in a few weeks.

A few more from last night I recalled from my notes:

Tram [Fragment]
An elderly man is sat on the number 11 tram (this is a tram I regularly travel on) heading away from me. I am aware that over the course of the dream he and I have built up a friendship. I jokingly swear at him, holding up 2 fingers. He seems not to understand the joke so I switch it to a thumbs up. He still looks a bit annoyed. The tram rounds a corner and I don't see him again.

Technician [Fragment]
A Canadian school are organising a trip somewhere for a group of students. The school employs an 'eBay Technician'; a guy who is in charge of everything the school does on eBay. The eBay technician is not happy with something about the plan and is shouting at a group of people.
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2009, 03:47:16 AM »
One from last night. I had another dream, but when I woke and remembered it I somehow convinced myself I didn't need to write it down and would be able to recall it in the morning GRRRR ARRG.

War [Dream]
It is the future. I would guess maybe 100 years from now. I am my current age.
The city I am in is the only human city on earth. It doesn't look like a mess, but is not futuristic at all. Lots of antique shops. Food is quite scarce, I buy some expensive pears. A random DC and I walk down small, cobbled streets.

The next thing I know, I am in a ditch in a field and robot bombers are passing overhead. They are laying fire and destruction on the ground, but I am not hit. Still with the DC, we head for the city (which is in a crazy panic).

We head underground, and find ourselves in a small corridor with a few rooms branching off. The DC tells me that this is the research lab of a scientist. He is developing a kit for connecting to the robots private communications network, and it is to be commercially released today! I turn around and see a large glass panel. Behind it are hundreds of pushing, restless people waiting for the kit to be released. The scientist emerges from a door holding a stack of rectangular boxes (the kits), causing the crowd to get even more excited. He doesn't see me and the DC, and I spot a small ledge next to where we are stood. On it is a white bag. Somehow I know this contains a prototype 'kit'- functional, but just not boxed for release. I grab it and we scramble through a small gap in the wall.

Still underground, we come across a white place lit with a blue glow. Robot HQ.
The digital leaders of the robots were just blue holographic heads, lined up in 3 long rows on a white stone wall. Each had a different face, and they all spent their time arguing amoungst themselves. They would also change colour a bit based on their current emotion. Listening but unseen, it is here I learn that the war started unexpectedly for the humans, but it had been planned for a long time by the robots. The leaders also talk about how well it is going for them.

Somehow I leave the underground and am walking down a street with the same DC. The sun is out. Now we know that the robots are assured to destroy humanity, we no longer worry or run. There is no panic, and we accept it. As we laugh and walk along, I see a tattoo shop. I say that I may as well finally get that tattoo I have always wanted.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 05:18:19 AM by gruffydd »
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2009, 04:50:30 PM »
Last night was quite good for recall. I had my second and third ever false awakenings too! I am not sure if that represents progress exactly, but it makes a change :]

Hole [Dream]
I am with the 2 people I currently live with. We are planning to head to this adventure park place, and I am explaining the activities we can do there. I know there are 6 on offer, and we will only do 3. I can only remember explaining one though. As I explained it in my dream, I could see myself actually doing the activity- but I knew I was just explaining it. It was strange.

The activity I explained:
We were all wearing plastic body armour in a modern looking adventure park (a building with a shiny metal interior). The 'game' was to jump into a very deep hole in the floor, and direct your fall so that you passed through several rings held near the sides of the metal pit. The rings were held in place by complicated looking robots.

Milan [Dream]
4 friends from here in Switzerland (2 of whom I live with) and the mother of a friend of mine from back in school (odd group!) are on holiday in Milan. I was on a trip to Milan last weekend. The city does not really resemble Milan, for example there are bridges over quite a wide river. I just know that's where it is.

We are leaving a train station when an old friend from Wales (that I have not seen for 9 years) jumps on my back. Over my shoulder he points at a wall which has 'EJAC EJAC EJAC' written on it. He laughs a lot about how similar this is to 'ejaculation'. He drops to the floor and I don't see him again.

I see the famous character Borat running around shouting nonsense to people driving trucks. He also runs to the nearby river and yells at the people sailing boats. We all ignore him and head for the bridges spanning the river. Once there we see a lot of people lined up on a different bridge, and I say that we "need to ejaculate those people into the river". I turn to my friends mum (who is a teacher IRL) and ask if this is proper use of the word ejaculate. She responds "Umm..well..I suppose technically yes". This makes me happy and I smile.

Shortly after, all the people jump into the river. This surprises me because the weather and the water are coooold. One of the friends I am with also sings a short song about me.

Scribbling [Dream]
I wake up in my bed. I lean over to my notepad and pen to write down the Milan dream. I write down words like 'bridge' and 'ejaculate'. I put no effort at all into quickly writing down the final word (which I can't remember now). Despite this, when I look at what I have written, it is nice smooth bubble writing with a separate border around the letters. It also takes up a whole page. I think nothing of this and lie back down to sleep again.

I awake shortly IRL and check my pad. It is blank and I realise what I have done! ARRRG. Luckily I think it assisted me in remembering my Milan dream a bit, but still...

Monster [Dream]
I awake to see a strange creature next to my bed. It is like a large lizard. 4 legged with a tail and pointed head. Probably about the size of a person. It has no eyes. I get the impression that it knows I am on my bed, but not my exact location.

It freqeuntly extents these strange appendages around the room. They are like tentacles with large umberella shaped bits on the end. There is one that comes out of its mouth and one out of its side, between its legs. It is 'feeling' closer to me so I get a bit nervous and start edging around my bed to the door. As I do so it gets angry and lays a black egg on the floor. I look at where it's face should be and its pretty messed up and scary.

That monster dream was probably the strangest I have had in ages.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 07:23:02 AM by gruffydd »
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2009, 07:08:46 AM »
Wowowow. I had a small, brief lucid encounter last night! I wasn't expecting any results so soon after starting this journal so am surprised/happy. Most of the dream wasn't very clear, and the lucid part wasn't especially vivid either. I suppose there are varying levels of lucidity...or maybe not, and there are only different levels of clarity and recall..? Either way I hope this is a solid bit of progress that I can build on :]

Tickets [Fragment]
I am talking about buying tickets for a video game convention. A guy who works in my office says he will buy 10 (the limit for one person). I secretly think that this is too many.

Mansion [Lucid!]
I am in a large, old haunted house style place. Gothic interior and all that- dark and spikey with the occasional cobweb. Myself and another guy are in a room, and he asks me to get the air hockey table out of the fridge. I look into the fridge and see 2 white halfs of an air hockey table at the back. They are small, like a kids set. I set them up and we play for a bit. The next thing I know the air hockey table is huge, taking up a large area of the floor. I am on top of it sliding stuff (and myself!) around on the many small jets of air.

Some things happen that I forget, but I reckon it the same dream- it is the same building and air hockey guy is there. And it just...feels the same. The group is bigger now though, maybe 4-5 people.

We are nervously gathered in a small dark room. There is one door, and in the room on the other side of it is some kind of scary hound beast monster. I can hear it, and am trying to think how we can get out of the situation. I realise that, as it is a dream (strangely this is not a sudden earth-shattering realisation, just something that casually occurs to me), I can try putting my head through a panel of tinted glass on the door (I believe I got this idea from reading the MM challenges) to see the beastie. The group seem enthusiastic about this and I slowly walk to the door, willing my head to go through the glass. When I put the top of my head against it it passes straight through! It feels like putting my head into a sink full of water, only without the wet feeling- it's dry. I get excited and everything starts fading to white. I wake up.

Bonfires [Dream]
I am in a familiar looking garden with 3 other people. We are a band supposed to be playing in the section of the garden furthest away from the house between some trees. The only one I recognise is the drummer (he is the drummer from my old band IRL). Me and him make frequent trips from the end of the garden up to the top, where a bonfire is burning. We carry our gear up there every time.

On a return journey to the bottom of the garden, I stop alone by a patch of grass which has recntly had a fire on it. It is still warm and smoking a bit. There is a piece of unburnt cardboard on the pile of ashes, which I decide to push into the underlying embers with my foot. I keep lightly standing on it until it is all burnt and black. This part of the dream was noticably more vivid.

I also remember a fragment of this dream where me and the drummer are stood by a car at a petrol station.
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2009, 07:34:01 AM »
Well Done  :goodjob:

Yes DJ's can certainly produce very quick results :D It's very good news and your LD was certainly very interesting - shame about the excitement ending it but that does happen.

I am sure you can build on things into the future if you keep a consistent DJ to build your recall and focus on achieving lucidity.
Total Lifetime LDs: 54
(53 DILDS 1 FILD - many of the DILDs have been induced by WBTB or FILD/WILD Attempts - or both)

Challenges completed
          Bas:  HA, FL, GG, SO
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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2009, 07:20:26 AM »
I had this dream on Saturday (18th April) night:

Subs [Dream]
I am in a race against maybe 10 other people. We are racing small, quick, one-person submarines around a narrow course. It is my first time doing it, and it's great fun. I finish third and get a small printout stating this. I am handing the printout in to the main reception of the submarine place, and the woman behind the desk says that I "could probably have done better". I tell her its my first time and she says something like "oh you didnt do so bad then".

I then go to the gift shop.
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2009, 04:00:13 PM »
2 from last night:

Puppies [Fragment]
Walking through a train station I see an open suitcase full of puppies.

Ausflug [Dream]
A lot of people are waiting around at a transport hub in Switzerland, where lots of buses are coming and going. I hear someone mention one of the places I grew up in, and ask them about it. We shake hands and I learn there is a large group of them on holiday in Switzerland. I offer to help them find there way around and to give them some local information. They accept, and I head quickly to the toilet, leaving my rucksack with them.

When I get back from doing the deed, the group has gone and taken my bag with them! A schoolfriend of mine (R) approaches and hands me a bus ticket. R says that they all had to catch their bus, but I spent too long on the bog and missed it. But the group kindly bought me a ticket and took my bag, how sweet.

I realise there has been a gross misunderstanding- I was just gonna give the group some info while we all waited, and they thought I offered to be some kind of tour guide!! I keep quiet though, and get on the bus. I get to the stop written on the ticket, and pull a picture of the groups hostel out my pocket. Every time I look at the picture or turn it over, it is a different image. The town is nice, and I turn around to see the Jungfrau, Eiger and Mönch fill the skyline.

Eventually I give up looking for the place in the image and find a cafe to sit in. I enter a cafe and see the group I was looking for! Crazy. I seem to have a running joke with one of them in which it looks like I am trying to show him the screen of my phone and he leans over, when in fact it is just the way I am holding it and this disappoints him.
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2009, 05:09:57 AM »
No recall at all for the last two nights, sigh. Didn't really expect any on Monday night as I only managed a couple of hours of sleep, but even 6 hours and my normal WBTB yielded nothing last night. I think general life stresses may have been to blame.

The waking part is easy, but a lot of the time the BTB can take me a bit too long! Fingers crossed for tonight.
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2009, 03:37:04 AM »
Yesterday I awoke remembering nothing again. I'm pretty sure I could have recalled a dream if I had time to drift off one more time, but had to get up for work. Buuuut today I broke my 3 day mini dry spell!! :D After a few weeks of being able to recall a nice amount, 3 nights with nothing seemed like such a long time. Almost started to feel like something was missing from me, or just not quite all there. Onto the dreams!

Keys [Dream]
Whilst I am sat at a bus stop with J, I see a set of someones keys on the seat next to me. Attached to the main keyring are some normal size keys, some random keyrings, an identity card and a medium size green biscuit tin full of jewellery. I think about how the person who has lost the item will be worrying, and decide to use my Sunday travelling across the country to return it to them.

I announce this to J as a bus starts to arrive. A small Portugese looking/sounding man overhears, as a stampede of people come from nowhere to try to get to the bus. The short man is happy with my 'noble decision' and thrusts a joint into my hands as he rushes off for the bus. I light it and take a singular toke before it burns right the way through, and a small cube wrapped in gold foil falls out of it. I pick it up and open it, and it looks like it is full of tobacco. I am mildly confused, but just throw it in the bin and leave.

On the ID card attached to the keys I find a womans name and address (I really wish I could remember this) and proceed to head there. On the way there, a woman stops me and says that I have her keys. She does not look like the picture of the woman on the card, and gets really offended when I ask for proof they are hers (I am wary she may want the valuable biscuit tin). Nonetheless I remain unconvinced and leave without giving her the keys.

Time [Dream]
I am with some old friends from school in a 50's style diner. I am convinced that I am from the future and have travelled back to tell them all about what is in store for them. We talk for a while and watch some kind of slideshow presentation before I start worrying that I may change the course of the future with my carelessness. I spot a large clock on the wall showing that it is in fact 2010. I start to panic about being in the wrong year and get even more nervous.

Caves [Dream]
I walk backwards until I fall in a hole in the ground. It is a massively long, deep slope and I roll down for quite some time. I crash into a small dark room at the end, followed by my tumbling friend, J. We explore a set of underground halls and staircases- it is all a bit like an MC Escher picture. We occasionally see someone else but no one responds to us.

After a while, we come across a river with clear water and amazing waterfalls. The scene from the top of one of the waterfalls is so lively and beautiful, with rows of bright green trees stretching off for miles. I remember thinking how impressive it was that this exists underground (I must have ignored the fact that everywhere was filled with this awesome light) and how secret it felt.

We get in the water to slide down the waterfall because it seemed like it would be fun. There was algae in the water but it wasn't a problem.
trip me up.