Author Topic: Nebulous Logic from gruffy  (Read 15878 times)

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #30 on: May 05, 2009, 05:02:49 AM »
Had a change of scenery last weekend, which I've heard can do wonders for dreaming- I don't think the hostel beds of Liechtenstein really gave me a boost though. These frags are from the Friday night:

Macbook [Fragment]
My sister has a new white Macbook. I look at it, it's mostly white with black sections sticking out of the sides and top. I don't really like the new look.

Bunk [Fragment]
I am talking to LS and LR as they lie in a bunk bed opposite me. The bunk was exactly like the ones we had in the hostel, but I know it was a dream as LR didn't come on the trip, only LS did.
trip me up.

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #31 on: May 05, 2009, 05:22:12 AM »
Next night, different hostel. Slightly less beer than the previous night, and a LOT more sleep. Also some of the most messed up dreams in quite a while:

'Party' [Dream]
I am hosting a party at my house with some friends. Thinking back, nothing about the place looked anything like my house. It's a flat quite high up, with a rooftop bbq area. The freezer is in a separate room down a lift.

At one point my housemate R gets locked outside the flat, and proceeds to get captured and sodomised by 4 guys. There is a really simple diagram of the 'event' on the wall, which the guys are updating as they do the deed. R returns to the party and seems pretty much normal with everything.

I am on the way back to the party after a trip to the freezer, and get in the lift with a dark haired girl who I don't know. She is on the way to our party! After we exchange names, we kiss. We both kind of sheepishly apologise and head to the party. I hope I will get to see her again. Damn loveable DCs, she was adorable. :-[

After the party now, and I am with my other housemate C. C hugs me and just cries. It feels like he crys for a long time into my shoulder.

Tram 2 [Dream]
I am on a tram with my boss from work. He is talking to me about life, and depression. His words have a strong effect on me and I feel very close to him. We arrive at his stop and he stands up and leaves.

Karts [Dream]
I am racing in a kart through Basel against my friend, A. I am whizzing through Marktplatz (going fast is now something I will be RCing :P) and it is really busy with people. A is in the lead.

I get a Mario Kart style special power type thing, that allows me to control A's kart for 10 seconds. I activate it and skid her around in a U-turn, making her drive the wrong way. Unfortunately she can control my kart and does the same thing to me. :morecry:

she wins the race, and we get out of the karts at the busy marketplace and hug.
trip me up.

Offline Burned up

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2009, 01:16:04 PM »

I am on the way back to the party after a trip to the freezer, and get in the lift with a dark haired girl who I don't know. She is on the way to our party! After we exchange names, we kiss. We both kind of sheepishly apologise and head to the party. I hope I will get to see her again. Damn loveable DCs, she was adorable.

You didn't get her number :doh:

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2009, 08:43:00 AM »
You didn't get her number :doh:

Hehe :laughtilhurts: "oh, um, yes hello, can you please tell me the area code for my dreamspace?"
trip me up.

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2009, 10:03:21 AM »
This was one I recalled a bit from Monday morning:

Bed [Fragment]
I am all naked with my girlfried in bed, but I don't recognise the bed or the room. There are some patio doors. Nothing fun happens :morecry:
trip me up.

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2009, 10:06:31 AM »
Good night last night. Woke up at 5am and 6am recalling and writing stuff all the way. A long and enjoyable dream about being in a dungeon that I can barely remember tiny bits of, but I'm certain it was inspiringly vivid. The memory of it all is on the tip of my tongue (or...tip of my brain?!):

Cult [Dream]
I have somehow been drawn into a bizarre cult. I am with a load of other people wearing robes, and looking up to some crackpot guy with crazy balding hair standing on a stage (basically your standard obsessive cult setup :P). As the leaders crazy speech about salvation ends he raises a glass of red liquid.

It is poison and everyone has some. Everyone drinks their share, but I don't recall drinking any myself. Soon people will start dying, and the leader pulls out a newspaper. It is brand new and contains a story about the cult taking all their poison (despite the fact that it just happened). The story contains a list of the first members to die, even though no-one in the cult has actually killed themselves yet.

This amuses the arrogant leader, and he mockingly starts reading out the list to the crowd. As he announces the name of a person who is supposed to be dead, that person dies on the spot. This continues to happen to about 4 people before he stops reading.

Working Late [Dream]
I am driving to work, but stopping off at my friend M's house first to drop off a litte yellow box of food. The traffic is absolutely terrible. When I finally get to the office, before I know it I have worked all day and it is 10:30pm. My dad phones me randomly to ask me how I am.

I leave work to head to play football with M, and end up exploring dungeony cave places for the rest of the dream in a group. I think this may have happened after my WBTB, as it's pretty much a completely different dream that I can't accurately recall a lot about.

Video [Fragment]
My girlfriend makes and sends me a sexy video of herself involving white stockings.

Noel Edmonds [Fragment]
Noel Edmonds is married to someone I would not expect him to be with.
trip me up.

Offline Burned up

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #36 on: May 06, 2009, 10:19:48 AM »
Good night last night. Woke up at 5am and 6am recalling and writing stuff all the way. A long and enjoyable dream about being in a dungeon that I can barely remember tiny bits of, but I'm certain it was inspiringly vivid. The memory of it all is on the tip of my tongue (or...tip of my brain?!):

I know that feeling.  Like all you need is one hook and it will all come flooding back.

Cult [Dream]
I have somehow been drawn into a bizarre cult. I am with a load of other people wearing robes, and looking up to some crackpot guy with crazy balding hair standing on a stage (basically your standard obsessive cult setup :P). As the leaders crazy speech about salvation ends he raises a glass of red liquid.

It is poison and everyone has some. Everyone drinks their share, but I don't recall drinking any myself. Soon people will start dying, and the leader pulls out a newspaper. It is brand new and contains a story about the cult taking all their poison (despite the fact that it just happened). The story contains a list of the first members to die, even though no-one in the cult has actually killed themselves yet.

This amuses the arrogant leader, and he mockingly starts reading out the list to the crowd. As he announces the name of a person who is supposed to be dead, that person dies on the spot. This continues to happen to about 4 people before he stops reading.


Working Late [Dream]
I am driving to work, but stopping off at my friend M's house first to drop off a litte yellow box of food. The traffic is absolutely terrible. When I finally get to the office, before I know it I have worked all day and it is 10:30pm. My dad phones me randomly to ask me how I am.

I leave work to head to play football with M, and end up exploring dungeony cave places for the rest of the dream in a group. I think this may have happened after my WBTB, as it's pretty much a completely different dream that I can't accurately recall a lot about.

Yes, otherwise it seems unusual to be exploring the same things in two completely separate dreams.

Video [Fragment]
My girlfriend makes and sends me a sexy video of herself involving white stockings.

Sounds more like a daydream to me :chuckle:
Can we all watch?

Noel Edmonds [Fragment]
Noel Edmonds is married to someone I would not expect him to be with.

This one is fast turning into a nightmare  :o

Offline Tsunami

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #37 on: May 06, 2009, 10:37:03 AM »
Good night last night. Woke up at 5am and 6am recalling and writing stuff all the way. A long and enjoyable dream about being in a dungeon that I can barely remember tiny bits of, but I'm certain it was inspiringly vivid. The memory of it all is on the tip of my tongue (or...tip of my brain?!):

I love this feeling when you are just writing stuff all the way, as you describe. Also great when you have a vivid dream, very motivating.

Cult [Dream]
I have somehow been drawn into a bizarre cult. I am with a load of other people wearing robes, and looking up to some crackpot guy with crazy balding hair standing on a stage (basically your standard obsessive cult setup :P). As the leaders crazy speech about salvation ends he raises a glass of red liquid.

It is poison and everyone has some. Everyone drinks their share, but I don't recall drinking any myself. Soon people will start dying, and the leader pulls out a newspaper. It is brand new and contains a story about the cult taking all their poison (despite the fact that it just happened). The story contains a list of the first members to die, even though no-one in the cult has actually killed themselves yet.

This amuses the arrogant leader, and he mockingly starts reading out the list to the crowd. As he announces the name of a person who is supposed to be dead, that person dies on the spot. This continues to happen to about 4 people before he stops reading.
Wow, strange dream. Everyone around you started to just die? I would have been terrifed even if I had not drank any of the poison.

Working Late [Dream]
I am driving to work, but stopping off at my friend M's house first to drop off a litte yellow box of food. The traffic is absolutely terrible. When I finally get to the office, before I know it I have worked all day and it is 10:30pm. My dad phones me randomly to ask me how I am.
Pretty random dream, sounds like most of mine that I struggle to recall actually, despite being vivid (if it was).

I leave work to head to play football with M, and end up exploring dungeony cave places for the rest of the dream in a group. I think this may have happened after my WBTB, as it's pretty much a completely different dream that I can't accurately recall a lot about.

Video [Fragment]
My girlfriend makes and sends me a sexy video of herself involving white stockings.

Noel Edmonds [Fragment]
Noel Edmonds is married to someone I would not expect him to be with.

I lol'd at the last two. Shame you could not recall more detail  ::)

I get small details very much like this and find it hard to piece them together/tell if they are from the same dream if I wake up a few times in the night, or when I am sleeping lightly.
- Tsunami -

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #38 on: June 03, 2009, 06:33:34 PM »
Wow, been traveling some more. 5 countries in not so many weeks. I hoped (like I normally do) that the frequent scenery changes would do some cool stuff for my dreams.

Referee [Dream]
I know I am at my place of work, but it looks totally different. Very sleek and open plan. My boss and lots of other people I recognise from my floor are about to play a game of football.

They form 2 teams and head to an outdoor upstairs pitch area, surrounded on all sides by a small wall. They need a referee to manage the game, and I volunteer. I can't remember anything specific about the match itself except that I am criticised by everyone during the game for not blowing my referees whistle enough.

FA Cup [Dream]
The whole dream was the final match of the English FA Cup. Everton (my team) were playing. The weather is great. They go on to win 2 - 0, courtesy of 2 penalties.

The team is not completely normal however- 2 of the players are female superheroes. A pretty big advantage I reckon. They have crazy superhero names and spend a lot of time flying around the pitch. They also wear really bright, but vaguely Everton themed, kits. At the end of the game they float off the pitch, celebrating.
trip me up.

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #39 on: June 03, 2009, 06:34:34 PM »
Waterfall [Dream]
I am walking really slowly along a grassy hill. Everything is really vivid- the grass is an intense green, the sky is blue. Behind us is a gushing waterfall backdrop. The water is blue, clear, and reflecting the sunlight. I am viewing the scene very much in third person. Two girls are with me. One of them tells me she thinks I am cute. I become enamoured. I awake saddened.
trip me up.

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #40 on: June 03, 2009, 06:37:42 PM »
This dream had some serious lucid potential. I remember thinking pretty hard (in the dream) about why the football TV show was on at the wrong time. Bit of a random dreamsign.

Dubai [Dream]
I am travelling around Dubai with my friend J. We are driving around lots of small, dark roads, looking for our hostel. The turns in the road are all very stark and angular. Every so often we will come across a couple of small speakers near the road.

Each set of speakers has a plaque with some info, and 2 songs playing. The only speakers I remember now were near a small swamp, and playing a song by Foals.

We find our hostel, and it is run by a mustachioed chef and his silver haired wife. We mock him for reasons that are now unclear, and his wife shouts at us to get on with finding our hostel room. As we search for it, we find a television. Match of the Day is playing. This confuses us all a lot, as it is only 9pm and MotD is normally on much later.
trip me up.

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #41 on: June 03, 2009, 06:41:08 PM »
Ooh, a kind of ultra basic lucid! Was not awesomely satisfying but it still felt good when I knew I hadn't missed the flight :]

Flight (no, not exciting dream flight) [Semi-Lucid!]
I am running in an airport, heading for a gate. As I am sprinting nervously, a guy I pass puts 3 cigarettes into my pocket. I end up missing my flight, but feel completely relieved when I realise it is a dream. I guess I don't become fully lucid as I don't act on this at all.

Not Quite [Fragment]
A married guy who works in a normal, industrial looking office is flirting with a woman. He doesn't do anything more than flirt in the end, but his wife nearly leaves him.
trip me up.

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #42 on: June 03, 2009, 06:42:06 PM »
Star [Fragment]
My flatmate R is presesented with a gold star from a girl we know, A. She says it is because he suggested an idea for a fun sounding trip.
trip me up.

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #43 on: June 10, 2009, 05:53:12 PM »
Luminous' recall workshop seems to be doing some good things- 2 nights and lots of long vivid dreams! I will try the questioning technique tomorrow morning to hopefully coax some more detail.

Yellows [Dream]
I am waiting at a busy transport hub on the fringe of a large city. It's pretty industrial, factories and the like. Plenty of tram tracks in the wide road all curving off at different angles. I am waiting to catch a yellow number 11 tram (the yellow number 11 is a tram that goes near my house) into the city in a large group.

One starts to get near where I am waiting, when I see a BRAND NEW YELLOW NUMBER 11 TRAM (wow, my dreams have become as exciting as my real life..) heading the opposite way. I decide that although it is heading in the opposite direction, it will get me where I want to go as it is new and very shiny. I give chase but end up missing it, as well as my original tram!

Several other trams pass in varied directions, but I am unable to get on any of them. I end up walking perilously through a large tunnel that looks build for big trains to pass through. There are some kids ahead of me.

I think I WBTB now and enter a similar dream, or perhaps, an extension of the same dream.

First Flight [Dream]
I'm walking around the city. I realise that when I jump and level out my body, I can glide to the ground! This really excites me (and despite being one of the most prominant, famous dream signs I remain happily unlucid!). I spend a while perfecting my technique, by sort of pulling my chest up and down I can angle my glide nicely. I can also jump really high, which helps.

I meet up with a big group friends which includes my mum and sister. I am so proud of my new skill, I immediately try to get their attention. "Hey guys check this out!" style. I really bend my knees and get a big launch, before semi-gracefully 'flying' to the floor. I come in to land on my stomach (kind of like a regular airplane), my chin nearly scraping the floor as I approach.

I am pretty pleased with it all, the only passionate reaction comes from my mum who is kind of like "gruffy don't do that you'll get hurt! Omg you're ok, thank heavens you're ok!". We then all get in a taxi and I awake.
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #44 on: June 11, 2009, 03:30:29 AM »
Last nights dream was so enjoyable, and so clear. I love anything set in apocalyptic future worlds where society needs to adapt or die, so this was right up my street:

Icey [Dream]

This dream is set in the future, specifically during the next ice age on Earth. Also somehow I know it is set 200 years from the present day (??? yeah I know, ice age, wut) . I 'awake' to find myself in a really confined and claustrophobic place. There is not much room to move and thick ice surrounds me on all sides (it feels like when the freezer just becomes a massive block of ice and needs defrosting, and I'm in the middle). Above me I can see an air vent just sticking through the iceroof, but it is completely blocked by- you guessed it- ice.

I look around and see my parents and sister in there with me. We are all pretty panicky, and I feel nervous. Being all awake we decide we can chisel our way out, also using our body heat to help. The next thing I know we have made it through the ice. Our now thawed out home is quite small, but seems ok. Like a sort of strong tent with a panel floor. The entrance is like that of a tent, with flappy things, and the whole thing has double glazing windows (a necessity, during an ice age I'm sure :P every last degree Kelvin counts!).

Outside it is calm, just a lot of snow. Nearby I see a group of snow covered  bags that look like they would contain something useful. I rush over, and when I get there I meet my oooold friend J (havn't seen for about 10 years, but we were close back then) and we root through the bags. There is lots of different kinds of bread and some chocolate biscuits. I dispair that the bread is probably stale from sitting there until a new ice age arrived, but my dad eats some and proclaims the breads softness. We all rejoice and I start carrying it back to the tent.

Suddenly I hear a loud announcement coming from a tinny sounding speaker high up on a pole. It's a warning of some kind, so I start running to grab the last of the foods with J. A heavy rain begins falling, and I assume that is what the announcement was for- the impending arrival of some kind of gargantuan ice age storm. We crawl into our tent a bit wet, but aware we will soon dry. It is actually quite cosy and nice in there now, and I start enjoying myself.

It starts to get dark as the storm progresses, and I feel a bit cold (it being, y'know, an ice age) so get up to close one of the windows. As I move the curtain to do so, I see a woman outside. I close the window and the curtain, and tell my mum to go and sit down. Just after that, the outside lady screeches and bangs on the window. This really frightens my mum, and my thoughts turn to just keeping this crazy ice age zombie outside. I realise that this could be what the speaker warning was about.

I spin around to check the other windows. One is wide open, so I dash over to shut it before the icezombie walks around the tent. I make it in plenty of time and we feel pleasantly secure, warm and dry in our little tent. As we all sit down to wait out the oncoming night, I awaken IRL.

Possible RL sources:
Defrosted my freezer under a week ago.
Found a box of bread I had forgotten about in kitchen last night.
trip me up.