Last nights dream was so enjoyable, and so clear. I love anything set in apocalyptic future worlds where society needs to adapt or die, so this was right up my street:
Icey [Dream]
This dream is set in the future, specifically during the next ice age on Earth. Also somehow I know it is set 200 years from the present day
yeah I know, ice age, wut) . I 'awake' to find myself in a really confined and claustrophobic place. There is not much room to move and thick ice surrounds me on all sides
(it feels like when the freezer just becomes a massive block of ice and needs defrosting, and I'm in the middle). Above me I can see an air vent just sticking through the iceroof, but it is completely blocked by- you guessed it- ice.
I look around and see my parents and sister in there with me. We are all pretty panicky, and I feel nervous. Being all awake we decide we can chisel our way out, also using our body heat to help. The next thing I know we have made it through the ice. Our now thawed out home is quite small, but seems ok. Like a sort of strong tent with a panel floor. The entrance is like that of a tent, with flappy things, and the whole thing has double glazing windows
(a necessity, during an ice age I'm sure
every last degree Kelvin counts!).
Outside it is calm, just a lot of snow. Nearby I see a group of snow covered bags that look like they would contain something useful. I rush over, and when I get there I meet my oooold friend J
(havn't seen for about 10 years, but we were close back then) and we root through the bags. There is lots of different kinds of bread and some chocolate biscuits. I dispair that the bread is probably stale from sitting there until a new ice age arrived, but my dad eats some and proclaims the breads softness. We all rejoice and I start carrying it back to the tent.
Suddenly I hear a loud announcement coming from a tinny sounding speaker high up on a pole. It's a warning of some kind, so I start running to grab the last of the foods with J. A heavy rain begins falling, and I assume that is what the announcement was for- the impending arrival of some kind of gargantuan ice age storm. We crawl into our tent a bit wet, but aware we will soon dry. It is actually quite cosy and nice in there now, and I start enjoying myself.
It starts to get dark as the storm progresses, and I feel a bit cold
(it being, y'know, an ice age) so get up to close one of the windows. As I move the curtain to do so, I see a woman outside. I close the window and the curtain, and tell my mum to go and sit down. Just after that, the outside lady screeches and bangs on the window. This really frightens my mum, and my thoughts turn to just keeping this crazy ice age zombie outside. I realise that this could be what the speaker warning was about.
I spin around to check the other windows. One is wide open, so I dash over to shut it before the icezombie walks around the tent. I make it in plenty of time and we feel pleasantly secure, warm and dry in our little tent. As we all sit down to wait out the oncoming night, I awaken IRL.
Possible RL sources:
Defrosted my freezer under a week ago.
Found a box of bread I had forgotten about in kitchen last night.