Author Topic: Nebulous Logic from gruffy  (Read 15874 times)

Offline Burned up

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #45 on: June 11, 2009, 04:00:43 PM »
That's a cool (haha) dream there Gruffy.

Has a wonderful post-apocalyptic feel about it.  Love that speaker!

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #46 on: June 12, 2009, 07:57:53 AM »
That's a cool (haha) dream there Gruffy.

trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #47 on: June 15, 2009, 06:08:18 PM »
This weekend was great for dreams. Lots of long nights of sleep (9+ hours, unheard of for me normally!) and I think that really reflected in my recall. I will be trying to get more sleep every night from now on- starting tomorrow of course :P

Restaurant [Fragment]  :1s:
Exactly what was written in my notes is all I remember:
Improving restaurants- Pokemon bar.

Asteroids [Dream] :4s:
Me and a few other people are in a ski lift going up the side of a mountain. The weather is really sunny, and there is lots of green grass about. The idea is that when the ski lift reaches the top, you jump out and parachute to a flat area below. We know that a bunch of asteroids will be landing soon in this area, and are sure we will have a great view.

I land in my full parachute gear and see a few asteroids land around me. They don't make much noise or damage, it's just really cool. After a while, one lands that seems normal. It cracks in half on impact, and 2 bloody big T-Rexs come out of it! DINOSAURS FROM SPACE HAVE COME TO EARTH IN A GIANT ROCK! I can immediately tell that they are not friendly.

They start chasing a DC in our group, and he pulls out a shotgun. There is some almost comedy style chasing, before he kills one of them with his gun. At this point, the one remaining dino turns to me for munching purposes. He runs for me, while the DC throws me the (now empty) shotgun. I know I can find some ammo in a large, open shipping container nearby.

I spend a while being chased in circles around the container. Finally, I see my chance and dive inside it. I run over the ammo I find and it is automatically loaded into my gun (really video game style). I jump out the box and see the angry T-Rex looking for me. I shoot it in the head and it dies in a rather bloody way.
trip me up.

Offline gruffydd

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #48 on: June 15, 2009, 06:14:34 PM »
I love this new dream rating system. Great suggestion Sara and amazing work Raklet! Thank you! Can't wait for a dream I can confidently call 5 star :D
Escape [Dream] :4s:
I wasn't in this dream at all. A real action hero style character is escaping from a massive alien city. The dude is seriously hardcore. Sort of looks like a combination between Dutch (from Predator) and Rambo. The city is really cool. Kind of spacey-age, but worn. You can tell it's been lived in by a lot of aliens for a lot of years. It is a giant column with many floors, each floor having a massive floorspace. It really was a great and completely immersive dream universe.

The main human DC (I will refer to him as Actiondude from now on) is on the run from a single alien guard, but the entire complex seems alerted to his presence and would stop him if they saw him. Actiondude starts off fighting 1 on 1 against the guard. The guard is massively strong, really throwing Actiondude around for fun. Actiondude finds his way into an airvent and crawls around a bit, just trying to stay safe. He passes some laser triggers which set off an alarm.

He drops down in some kind of gym area, and a 'female' alien is walking to the lift bouncing a basketball. Actiondude runs past her and grabs the ball, and she pulls out a pistol, pointing it right at him. He stares intently back, confident that she will not shoot as he backs into the lift. (This implied to me that there had been some kind of prior meeting between these 2, and she considered him a friend or something).

Now safely in the lift, Actiondude causes some kind of electronic error which brings it to a halt. He punches out some panels in the roof and climbs out. Another lift is quickly rushing down to where Actiondude is standing, but luckily the lifts are a bit thinner than the shaft itself. He can grab a small foldout ladder on the wall and can just about get safe.

He hangs on the ladder just below a lift entrance and waits for the coast to clear. Aliens pass above, heading about their daily lives. A curious alien somehow notices Actiondude however, and Actiondude is forced to jump down the shaft to avoid capture by a fast growing group.

Somehow Actiondude ends this fall in a large round room, after falling through some large glass panels and shattering them. Fortunately he is Actiondude and suffers no damage. Much sneaking ensues as Actiondude heads for the roof of the complex and hopefully to freedom. The roof is called Barfusserplatz.

When Actiondude arrives on the roof, there are a few wooden cargo boxes and some 'old lady' type aliens cleaning with alien broomstick things. Actiondude sneaks behind boxes over to the edge, and hangs off ready to jump into the water below. The water that surrounds the giant column city. Just before he does, as a final farewell he makes a noise to get the attention of one of the cleaning aliens. He points his finger at her, with his hand shaped like a gun and mimicks firing a shot. She looks confused and surprised as he lets go and drops to the water.

trip me up.

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #49 on: June 15, 2009, 07:31:26 PM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Burned up

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #50 on: June 16, 2009, 09:21:40 AM »
This weekend was great for dreams. Lots of long nights of sleep (9+ hours, unheard of for me normally!) and I think that really reflected in my recall. I will be trying to get more sleep every night from now on- starting tomorrow of course :P

Restaurant [Fragment]  :1s:
Exactly what was written in my notes is all I remember:
Improving restaurants- Pokemon bar.

Look at the positives - at least you could read your notes.

Asteroids [Dream] :4s:
Me and a few other people are in a ski lift going up the side of a mountain. The weather is really sunny, and there is lots of green grass about. The idea is that when the ski lift reaches the top, you jump out and parachute to a flat area below. We know that a bunch of asteroids will be landing soon in this area, and are sure we will have a great view.

I land in my full parachute gear and see a few asteroids land around me. They don't make much noise or damage, it's just really cool. After a while, one lands that seems normal. It cracks in half on impact, and 2 bloody big T-Rexs come out of it! DINOSAURS FROM SPACE HAVE COME TO EARTH IN A GIANT ROCK! I can immediately tell that they are not friendly.

They start chasing a DC in our group, and he pulls out a shotgun. There is some almost comedy style chasing, before he kills one of them with his gun. At this point, the one remaining dino turns to me for munching purposes. He runs for me, while the DC throws me the (now empty) shotgun. I know I can find some ammo in a large, open shipping container nearby.

I spend a while being chased in circles around the container. Finally, I see my chance and dive inside it. I run over the ammo I find and it is automatically loaded into my gun (really video game style). I jump out the box and see the angry T-Rex looking for me. I shoot it in the head and it dies in a rather bloody way.

I have ski dreams too.  Not generally in June, however.

A very satisfactory ending there, Gruffy. :goodjob:

I love this new dream rating system. Great suggestion Sara and amazing work Raklet! Thank you! Can't wait for a dream I can confidently call 5 star :D

I think I used to have dreams like that  :banghead:.

Escape [Dream] :4s:
I wasn't in this dream at all. A real action hero style character is escaping from a massive alien city. The dude is seriously hardcore. Sort of looks like a combination between Dutch (from Predator) and Rambo. The city is really cool. Kind of spacey-age, but worn. You can tell it's been lived in by a lot of aliens for a lot of years. It is a giant column with many floors, each floor having a massive floorspace. It really was a great and completely immersive dream universe.

The main human DC (I will refer to him as Actiondude from now on) is on the run from a single alien guard, but the entire complex seems alerted to his presence and would stop him if they saw him. Actiondude starts off fighting 1 on 1 against the guard. The guard is massively strong, really throwing Actiondude around for fun. Actiondude finds his way into an airvent and crawls around a bit, just trying to stay safe. He passes some laser triggers which set off an alarm.

He drops down in some kind of gym area, and a 'female' alien is walking to the lift bouncing a basketball. Actiondude runs past her and grabs the ball, and she pulls out a pistol, pointing it right at him. He stares intently back, confident that she will not shoot as he backs into the lift. (This implied to me that there had been some kind of prior meeting between these 2, and she considered him a friend or something).

Now safely in the lift, Actiondude causes some kind of electronic error which brings it to a halt. He punches out some panels in the roof and climbs out. Another lift is quickly rushing down to where Actiondude is standing, but luckily the lifts are a bit thinner than the shaft itself. He can grab a small foldout ladder on the wall and can just about get safe.

He hangs on the ladder just below a lift entrance and waits for the coast to clear. Aliens pass above, heading about their daily lives. A curious alien somehow notices Actiondude however, and Actiondude is forced to jump down the shaft to avoid capture by a fast growing group.

Somehow Actiondude ends this fall in a large round room, after falling through some large glass panels and shattering them. Fortunately he is Actiondude and suffers no damage. Much sneaking ensues as Actiondude heads for the roof of the complex and hopefully to freedom. The roof is called Barfusserplatz.

When Actiondude arrives on the roof, there are a few wooden cargo boxes and some 'old lady' type aliens cleaning with alien broomstick things. Actiondude sneaks behind boxes over to the edge, and hangs off ready to jump into the water below. The water that surrounds the giant column city. Just before he does, as a final farewell he makes a noise to get the attention of one of the cleaning aliens. He points his finger at her, with his hand shaped like a gun and mimicks firing a shot. She looks confused and surprised as he lets go and drops to the water.


Love it!

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #51 on: June 17, 2009, 06:40:29 PM »
Well, a couple 4-star dreams, that's not bad!

Very true! I was very pleased with that night :D
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #52 on: June 17, 2009, 06:45:27 PM »
Look at the positives - at least you could read your notes.

I am taking more and more time with them. I think its helping.

I have ski dreams too.  Not generally in June, however.

A very satisfactory ending there, Gruffy. :goodjob:

Yes I think so! I think some skiing memories will have been pulled up for this one- a few days before, I had returned the snowboard I had rented for the last season.

Coincidence? I think not!
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #53 on: June 17, 2009, 06:47:02 PM »
Cooking [Dream] :2s:
I am walking through a large city. It's full of wide, busy streets and elegant buildings, but I can't tell where it is. I am heading to meet a group of friends, and keep passing random people I know on the street. They say things like "Hey man, the guys are not far from here!".

When I find the rest of the group, they are all sat in between 2 sides of the road on a grassy platform. About 20 meters away in the road is a shiny widescreen telly. Everyones getting ready to watch a DVD, and E (a dude I kind of know a bit IRL) whips out an action film.

I don't really get a look at it, and the next thing I know I am with my good friends R and L in a very slick apartment kitchen, being tasked with making food for everyone enjoying the film on the streets below! Typical! We decide on some nice gourmet pizza and soups. The soup was green with a white blob in it. (I suspect pea soup with sour cream).

Next followed a surprisingly stressful montage, in which we all sweat trying to put together the needed foods. I am adding salads to the pizzas and stuff, when R announces he has pulled the last pizza from the oven. L assures us her neighbour will have one and runs off to get it.

Finally I am nearing completion of my preparations, so I ask L where she has put all the soups she has preparared. She says she has stored them all in the boot of her car.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2009, 06:14:29 AM by gruffydd »
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #54 on: June 21, 2009, 01:40:52 AM »
Asteroids [Dream] :4s:
:shakehead:  You would think the only thing to worry about might be aliens.  Surely not dinosaurs..  Surely not from space.

If it weren't for strategically scattered open shipping containers!  Well done!

Escape [Dream] :4s:
Actiondude!  :lol:  :goodjob:

It does sound like you have a very rich, detailed world there.  There's nothing like a movie that takes place in a completely real, awe-inspiring world; and you're "in" that world.

Really great dream!

Offline Burned up

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #55 on: June 22, 2009, 07:33:47 AM »
The soup was green with a white blob in it. (I suspect pea soup with sour cream).

Or something much worse...

Next followed a surprisingly stressful montage, in which we all sweat trying to put together the needed foods. I am adding salads to the pizzas and stuff, when R announces he has pulled the last pizza from the oven. L assures us her neighbour will have one and runs off to get it.

Finally I am nearing completion of my preparations, so I ask L where she has put all the soups she has preparared. She says she has stored them all in the boot of her car.

You been watching Gordon Ramsay there Gruffy?

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #56 on: June 23, 2009, 10:45:54 AM »
:shakehead:  You would think the only thing to worry about might be aliens.  Surely not dinosaurs..  Surely not from space.

If it weren't for strategically scattered open shipping containers!  Well done!

Sneaky buggers too, hiding inside rocks. Always one step ahead. Good job they don't have the dextrous digits for firing a gun.

Actiondude!  :lol:  :goodjob:

It does sound like you have a very rich, detailed world there.  There's nothing like a movie that takes place in a completely real, awe-inspiring world; and you're "in" that world.

Really great dream!

As we know, those captivating dream locations are the best ;) Actiondude provided the perfect/ultimate seasoning on top of that :lol:
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #57 on: June 23, 2009, 10:47:55 AM »
You been watching Gordon Ramsay there Gruffy?

Ok now I'm freaked out. I have in fact been watching almost embarrassing amounts of Gordon Ramsay, yes :P
trip me up.

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #58 on: June 23, 2009, 10:50:47 AM »
I was at a music festival last weekend, and the frequent awakenings caused by sleeping in a field with 35,000 other people provided me with some great dreams! However, to my annoyance I nectlected my note taking duties at the time and can barely remember anything :sad1:

But joy of joys, I was able to recall these 2 thrillers (::))  from last night as compensation:

Office [Dream] :2s:
I am in my office at work, but it is very pleasantly lit with a warm, dim, soft light. F, who sits behind me in my real life office is being moved to another office and a girl my age will take his desk. The girl seems shy and pleasantly nerdy. This leaves myself, the girl and S (also my age) in the office. There are a lot of shelves in the office and we all decide to build up a comprehensive videogame and DVD collection.

(cute nerd girl and the awesome warm lighting nearly made this a 3 star, but alas..)

Beards [Dream] :1s:
I am pushing a trolley through a supermarket with L. She goes off ahead to a toilet and I see 2 guys on my left. One is smiling and talking to some people, when I notice that both guys have massive beards. So very very long. One is dark brown and like a thick tube of hair down to the dudes knees. The other is ginger and splits off into 3 different mini beards. Each of the 3 beard 'tentacles' is sticking up in a crazy direction. They are both dirty and pretty hobo ish. I scurry away.
trip me up.

Offline Burned up

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Re: Nebulous Logic from gruffy
« Reply #59 on: June 23, 2009, 01:24:51 PM »
I was at a music festival last weekend, and the frequent awakenings caused by sleeping in a field with 35,000 other people provided me with some great dreams! However, to my annoyance I nectlected my note taking duties at the time and can barely remember anything :sad1:

But joy of joys, I was able to recall these 2 thrillers (::))  from last night as compensation:

Office [Dream] :2s:
I am in my office at work, but it is very pleasantly lit with a warm, dim, soft light. F, who sits behind me in my real life office is being moved to another office and a girl my age will take his desk. The girl seems shy and pleasantly nerdy. This leaves myself, the girl and S (also my age) in the office. There are a lot of shelves in the office and we all decide to build up a comprehensive videogame and DVD collection.

(cute nerd girl and the awesome warm lighting nearly made this a 3 star, but alas..)

Yup, would have done it for me too.


Beards [Dream] :1s:
I am pushing a trolley through a supermarket with L. She goes off ahead to a toilet and I see 2 guys on my left. One is smiling and talking to some people, when I notice that both guys have massive beards. So very very long. One is dark brown and like a thick tube of hair down to the dudes knees. The other is ginger and splits off into 3 different mini beards. Each of the 3 beard 'tentacles' is sticking up in a crazy direction. They are both dirty and pretty hobo ish. I scurry away.

I can't get ZZTop out of my mind now.