Author Topic: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::  (Read 78334 times)

Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #105 on: January 25, 2010, 08:51:10 AM »
Update: 11 Jan 2010 [Midday nap, yay sleep]
Lucidity level: 7
Dream sign: Havn't been swimming IRL for years.
Reality checks: Dream control
(sorry for the poor writing it was a very hot day)


I feel so hot (the actual weather IRL during this nap was 43C) and i see an indoor public swimming pool in front of me! i want to get in but i have all these thick clothes on. I concentrate on taking at least the sweater and shirt off. This takes a fair amount of lucid concentration, i think i'm getting better at it though. i really really want to get in that cool swimming pool (this motivates me to concentrate very carefully) and i finally get enough clothes off to jump in, yay! its a little cooler in the water and i walk around.. I'm having so much fun, i might go underwater and try to breathe. I dunk under and inhale a gust of water, which frightens me, but i know to just keep breathing normally until its ok. It works, it just feels a little different. There are no markings or distinct tiles inside this pool, so it just looks plain and dim under water. I pop out of the water again. I suddenly feel the need to go to the toilet, Argh WHY during such a good lucid? oh well i'll ignore it, i waddle along to where some ladies are.. Still trying to ignore the toilet feeling. i distract myself by jumping into the water and swimming, but somehow it now turns to a feeling of arousal. I reach to touch myself and some men happen to spot me doing so. This middle aged man tells me off. When i ignore him (because he's just DC) he becomes annoyingly persistent, so i move on some place else. Suddenly i'm losing the visuals, quick rub my hands together!
A new scene arises where i'm outside and i spot a swimming pool at the bottom someones yard. I fly from the house, down to where the pool is. I jump in with whatever clothes i'm wearing (think it was only really a shirt).
Oh this pool is nicer and cooler than the last one. I think i might try breathing under water again. Since this pool is out doors, its so much brighter and clearer under the water! It even has some dark blue tile decorations on the bottom so its easy to see where i am. I simply bop along under the water in this pool, i feel that arousal again, and attempt to satisfy it, however doing this keeps making my visuals disappear, so i give that up and rub my hands together to bring back the dream. Luckily i made the same scene (under water in the pool) come back before it faded completely. I decide against satisfying any of my urges and explore the under water scene some more because i see some interesting things up ahead. On the side of the wall there seems to be a window of some kind, leading into a room under ground with no light inside. Up ahead i see that the pool divides into a T intersection at the end, and there are more windows and doors ahead, like an underwater street! I go towards this and see a car drive by, haha! Then from somewhere around another corner a small shark swims by, then another. They come in my direction and i feel their threatening presence. i really don't like it but there isn't anywhere to run, so i do my utmost to ignore them (not focus any attention on them so that i don't attract them and spoil this lucid). I keep my eyes to the wall as i swim along, i feel their uncomfortable presence swim past me (behind my back). When i feel its safe enough, i loosen up again and begin to explore that under water street up ahead. I turn right and approach a door (gosh i'm still horny, but got to keep this dream going). I enter what appears to be a beauty salon. Oh crap the visuals fade again. I rub my hands again (i feel the water between them) and spin just to make sure i come back.. i walk further.. the visuals fade again.. i rub hands and spin again, i come back. This time it appears i've come out of a cupboard, i rub my hands again to create more clarity. Oh they are dry! i'm not under water anymore. i walk further and greet the beautician lady, as i do, smoke comes out of my mouth. LOL, we both laugh at this. It also reassures me i'm still definitely dreaming. At the end of this room is a large wall mirror (its a different room to the one i originally walked into, its got pink walls). I approach the mirror and look at myself in it.. I look normal, but something catches my eye. Its.. my eyes.. I walk closer and look at my eyes, WHOAH, i have cat slit pupils! They literally look and move like live cat pupils! (i just can't describe in words how amazingly real they were on my human face!) I step back to get a broader look. Haha wow i look sexy! These are awesome! oh- dang i feel horny again, i just got to do something about this. i try to satisfy myself again, i try to concentrate really hard on succeeding, but unfortunately the sensation ejects me completely out of the dream, and no matter how much i spin or rub hands, i dont manage to get back.


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #106 on: January 26, 2010, 05:19:08 AM »
Update: 13 Jan 2010
Lucidity level: 7
Dream sign: Not sure, some odd feeling maybe.
Reality checks: Rubbing hands


Random stuff happens and i'm playing with my cat Rudy. Something strikes me as weird, and its not the fact that Rudy is deceased IRL. I'm not sure what makes me lucid. i check by rubbing my hands. It feels too real "am i really dreaming? this doesn't feel like dream rubbing.." i walk along this dark room rubbing my hands many times to see if the sensation changes, the variety of sensations each time convince me i'm dreaming. i wonder what i should do. i really feel like meeting a good looking guy and begin thinking of ways to do so, there's no one around. in this dark room there's a small window dividing two rooms, i step through expecting a guy there, but nothing. i then walk over to where i see something in the wide walkway of this warehouse. Its a person covered in at least 2 blankets and they begin flailing around trying to get them off. I instantly wonder whether my guy might be under there. Whoever is in there manages to get one of the blankets off. Then finally manages to get the last blanket off and its an ugly toothless old woman. In my great disappointment i coldly walk off.. rubbing hands as i walk to keep lucid since i feel like the dream is gradually becoming weaker and darker. Even the sensation of my hand rubbing is becoming vague, i try harder and the hand rubbing becomes clear again (still in darkness). I do this a few times then lose the dream. I wake with a brief hypnogogic scene where cars had digital facebook statuses on their registration plates. LoL!

« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 05:55:57 AM by miss_maya »


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #107 on: January 27, 2010, 04:10:30 AM »
Update: 19 Jan 2010
Lucidity level: 6
Dream sign: Interesting scene
Reality checks: Dream control


I discover a pier with many boats, all kinds from yacht to speed boat. I begin to wonder whether i can use one to finally get to Japan in a dream. There are 2 guys sitting around the building there, and i'm busy considering the plausibility of a speed boat being a good mode of transport to Japan in a dream... I mean i wonder if i could possibly super-speed that thing and get there in time-
those guy's interrupt my thoughts and ask me questions. I tell them my intentions, and they tell me they want to come along. I agree, but they seem to be taking so long to get themselves together. They take so long i become really impatient. I begin to over think the whole plan, like how those boats might belong to someone and that it would be wrong to take one etc... I begin to feel real bad, i just want to get out of here. I just want to get to Japan, i get up and fly away (it feels like the only way at the time).
So i head off in the northern direction. i fly, run, manoeuvre over buildings, and doing well.. but not fast enough so i attempt high speed flying.. it only lasts a few seconds before i have to push off again or some buildings get in the way.

..It feels like it has been at least 20 minutes of constant effort now, i want to know where i am.
I look around and notice Parliament style gardens, buildings and a tour bus. This must be Canberra (capital of the next state). I'm so happy i've made progress! yet there is still so far to go.. i wish i could have taken that speed boat, but i keep going forward without a single delay. I'm somewhat impressed that my intuition is keeping me going in the right direction (north). It feels like i just have to trust it, because it feels right. I press on..
At some point a grey hooded male follows me for a little while, he seems of no threat if i just keep going, he just seems like a semi-lucid DC doing his thing, and simply curious as to what i'm doing. He disappears after a while.

At some point in my journey (at some small town between Canberra and Sydney) i begin to become a little disheartened, this dream has been going for such a long time, will i really make it to my goal? <:(
I find myself wandering around a small house where some people are having a party. Some strange female dressed in some villain outfit meets me at the side of the building and catches me. She somehow grabs me and hangs me up side down on some pole. OW! She proceeds to poke me with some electric rod thing which really hurt, and keeps paralysing me.
Its a familiar feeling back from when i used to have nightmares, so i know i have to simply fight her. I shout "Stop it!" which doesn't work. So i spend a few minutes fighting and trying to cut myself down while she keeps zapping me. I finally get down, but after all that i feel quite drained and too weak to continue my flying..
I am forced to change tact. I enter the small house and find a mirror. Perhaps i can teleport (i had chosen to fly rather than teleport because i'm just not so confident with my teleportation skills.. but its finally come to the crunch). I walk through the mirror hoping i'll end up in Japan. I enter the dark grey mirror world trying to imagine a scene, but nothing is coming, my memory of places visited in RL Japan is really bad. So instead of emerging in Japan i emerge in the yard outside the wall behind the mirror. The familiar gum trees indicate i'm still in Australia.
I'm disappointed and want to press forward.. The dream begins to fade and i wake.

Back to sleep.
I'm in a class room full of school kids, i remember my mission to go to Japan, so i walk around the room looking for something i can attempt another teleportation on. I find a tall mirror just like in the previous dream! I walk through without delay, this time determined to find a scene i remember from Japan. Walking through the darkness, i find only memories of lucid dream scenes of Japan, this is not good enough, i keep concentrating harder and then, i find one memory of a city street scene i'm pretty sure i've been to IRL, that just borderlines as adequate. I enter this scene.
I emerge in a similar building to before with school kids only they are all Japanese, and there is some music playing.
A large group of guys walks outside, and without thinking i follow. One girl tries to stop me asking why i'm following them. For some reason i ignore her question because i'm hypnotized by the music.
Once outside, i turn around and head for the roof, i jump up there, but catch only the gutter, its hard to get up. Meanwhile the guys who see me laugh, i say in Japanese
"moshi oshiri ga debu....tte gomenasai!" which in my broken language was supposed to mean "if my butt is big i'm sorry". I finally get up there and there are soft drink cans up there.
One guy who apparently knows me, asks mockingly why i'm up there, i tell him its because of all this
rubbish the boys had thrown up here, and i hurl the cans at them, some were half full.

(purple means i sort of fell into semi-lucidity)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 07:35:03 AM by miss_maya »


Offline DrTechnical

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #108 on: January 27, 2010, 11:11:58 AM »
LOL. Apologizing for a big butt caught me totally off guard  :D
"In a fearful stampede to save themselves from the terrifying menace of an original idea, the herd can become a mindless destroyer of the light." - Thomas Campbell

"I just had to get nice last night. My Mind is so free, you wouldn't believe ... you wouldn't believe" - Dave Wyndorf

"I don't understand. How can less be more? That's impossible. More is more." - Yngwie Malmsteen

Offline Sunshine

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #109 on: January 27, 2010, 08:00:32 PM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #110 on: January 29, 2010, 10:49:10 AM »
Your lucids are so long!   :) 
lol, nah, i think i just write too much.

Update: 20 Jan 2010
Lucidity level: 7
Lucidity lacking: Ability to stabilize excitement
Dream sign: A small room
Reality checks: Look at hand


I'm in a bed and i sit up. The bed is still warm from me laying in it as i sit and look at my hand, it looks so real in the room light. I experiment with pulling fingers to see if they stretch. One of my fingers stretches out and i show Trey who had just got up. I tell him i'm dreaming and i get up to go to the door. Since i'm dreaming i can probably make some scene appear behind that door, and this time i wish for a swimming pool. Only the door won't open. It kind of looks like the closet anyway. I walk to the other side of the room, past some wooden bunk beds and exit through that door there. I stand in this hallway between main buildings. Behind me the moonlight shines through the windows casting a shadow of me on the walls in front. In front of me are some more glass hallways that i can tell lead to a swimming pool. I can't see it but i can smell/sense it :). I have this really strong feeling that i will get into trouble if i try to break in to the pool area, so i decide to make myself invisible. I stand there and concentrate, watching my shadow(s) in front to see if i've become transparent yet. I only get about 20% invisible, it takes a lot of concentration. I realise i'm trying to meditate myself into invisibility, so i go with it. I sit down in the half-lotus position where i can still see my shadow. I keep concentrating on making myself invisible and... i hear a faint humming/vibrating... It reminds me of a very low tone "Ommmmmmmmm.." and its growing steadily louder. Its like something outside is vibrating, its so pleasant, i begin to imitate it. At first i can't get the low tone right, my female voice doesn't go that low. After a few tries, i get a steady "Ommmmmmmm" going, and it begins to feel really ecstatic. i cant hold on, the sheer ecstacy drives me straight out of the dream.

FA: In bed with Trey, i RC then lose the dream,
FA: Darkness, i dont recall how i RC

On a footpath outside a friend of the family's house. They are building the footpath around the corner and placing large white quartz crystals into the concrete to look nice and for good luck (or something). When they go back up to the house, i take a few of the large crystals and put them into some boxes then into my van. As i do this i begin to feel really bad about stealing..

Trey wakes up in bed, he seems very sleepy and doesn't want to go to work. I tell him "Apple Juice is good for waking up, but don't get the MacDonalds one its too sweet"..


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #111 on: January 31, 2010, 11:53:57 PM »

I'm switching to the Ed Kelog scale of lucidity from now on since his is more clearly defined than mine.,2213.msg73423.html#msg73423

Update: 21 Jan 2010
Lucidity level: 3/5
Lucidity lacking: Ability to slow down and make clear decisions.
Dream sign: Strong Desire
Reality checks: Dream control


At the local shops with Trey, we look into one of those Chinese discount stores. I stay near the door and notice a few people walk in and one of the guy's is really cute. I want to get an eyefull but i'm not sure and Trey is around. I try to get closer and realize that i might be dreaming. I don't check, but i do try to control what happens. I try to get closer to this good looking boy, oh wow his face is so handsome, like in the movies. I get to a stage where we are sitting at a table and i'm so close admiring his beautiful features and despite my seething low self-confidence i take the risk to move in to kiss his flawless (perfect korean actor) lips. He's wearing white, and the moment this pristine guy notices me, he gives me a strange look like "what are you doing?" and the scene goes black. Damn rejected. I know its just my low confidence.. i'm supposed to do and be anything in dreams right? My forceful approach may have been wrong..
I fly around the streets and come to a very attractive white building. It looks like some sort of modern/designer hair salon or something, so i enter in curiosity. I still have boys in the back of my mind and there doesn't seem to be anyone in here. I decide there will be a hot guy behind that back door when i go through. I don't make my intention very specific, but i do make it strong enough to enter a scene where there are two people sitting on chairs in the back garden, only i had to make a detour and exit through a window.
A Japanese male and a female, both wearing white, are sitting playing guitars. The music is so nice i can't help but fly up into the air and start singing in Japanese. Although my intention was (and still is to go kiss the good looking guy) i just cant help this singing/flying. I find a trampoline and keep singing while i jump on it. I begin to struggle with my Japanese towards the end, so decide to end the song.
Once i've stopped singing i will go talk to them, oh the girl has gone home.. The guy is getting up to leave. I follow him and when he gets to the front door of his apartment i approach him with my original intention, only to be rudely rejected by what now is an old Japanese male (still handsome for his age).
The rejection made me feel so ugly and defeated, even insulted.
So i leave and fly the streets again (kinda sad now). I find another trampoline among some apartment blocks. While jumping on it i observe the setting sunset.

Oddly while jumping this time i keep getting pushed back onto the springs (by no particular force) making it really hard to jump in the middle and get good bounce.
I fly up and past some more nice buildings, and find another trampoline. I jump on it and still struggle to stay in the middle. I give up and walk up to one of those buildings. The ground level is so brand new with angular glass walls. I walk in and to my delight i find a swimming pool. I undress just enough to get in and waddle around in the pool. Surprisingly there is a guard dog with its owner in the same pool. It glares at me at first, but i soon charm it and have it happily swimming with me.
There seem to be a lot of people in this pool all of a sudden and the pool is getting so small and cramped. I'm actually sitting waist deep surrounded by people. I look about the room and there is an empty pool just next to us. I ask if i can go into that one, and get the feeling that the answer is.
Ah its a dream i just get up and go to it, but begin to lose the dream.

I felt kind of dejected for the rest of the day..


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #112 on: February 01, 2010, 02:39:31 AM »
Update: 25 Jan 2010
Lucidity level: 3.5/5
Lucidity lacking: Ability to think as vividly as RL.
Dream sign: Odd unrealistic position on bed.
Reality checks: WILD attempt


Feel like i'm laying half off the bed, this is odd and unusual. Could this be a WILD?? Lets try, i attempt a roll out of bed using only my mind. This takes a little time as i can feel my body twitching and don't want to let it wake me. I manage to slide out and stand on my feet, my eyes are closed, i try to open them and i'm suddenly laying in bed facing the wall.
I close my eyes and try again.
I wait for that lightweight feeling to return and roll out onto my feet. i don't open my eyes until i've taken a step or two to be sure. I stand facing the door and slowly open eyes. I notice this life size poster on Trey's door with some dark blue haired anime girl on it. I suppress my slight envy of the super human figure she has and look around the room before heading for the door. I look at my hands, wow all the lines are there (slightly more curvy) it looks so real. I'm a bit lazy to open the door so i try to walk through it. I lose the dream.
I wait, roll out again, i'm getting better at this now, when i open my eyes there are no posters on the door or the walls at all (i thought he had a few, but this looks more believable than before). I turn 180 to the window and walk toward it. I lift the blinds to make an attempt to go out through the glass. At first i touch and push slowly, it feels too solid. I remember that if i just go fast through it it should work, so i push much faster the second time and next thing i know i'm rolling down the hill on the grassy lawn sprinkled with yellow dasies. :) i look back up the hill and see a child standing to the right. I kneel down and greet him he's very young and just getting the hang of talking. I listen to him ramble disconnected sentences and expressions, he speaks clearly and i find it somehow refreshing to just hear the uninhibited flowing thought streaming out of this childs mouth. In my mind i assume he is just that part of me, but i don't really press for answers right now (later i wonder whether i should have asked him though). His big sister is suddenly kneeling next to us also, smiling and listening too. I'm assured that i can leave him with her and i say my goodbyes. When i get up i feel i'm waking.
Wake and fall back to sleep.
I'm in the back yard again and there are some friends (?) nearby. I meet Steve (an ex i taught lucidity to IRL) and we talk about what to do in this dream.. He say's its up to me, so out of no other ideas on my mind i just say "i dunno, lets have sex or something" but right after he agrees i actually realize i'm actually not in the mood at all. So i start running as a distraction, he runs along side, and i find a pair of trampolines in the back of the yard. I jump onto one and start enjoying myself greatly. I totally don't want sex anymore, and i don't think Steve really has any problem with it either, he stands there chatting to me, and those people in the yard. I face the back fence and see how high i can jump, then maybe i'll fly. Scoping the distance, i think i see a beach! OOh i got to go there! Fly! i jump as high as i can and fly towards this beach.
I fly over the water and then back to the shore. I don't remember what i do on the shore, all i recall is lots of people around and that i didn't get in the water. I look up at the sky and to one side in the distance there are some darkish grey clouds. I warn some people about this and walk up a grassy hill towards land. I look at the sky again and on the other side of the sky i see these moving semi-transparent arrows. lol, what, i stop to look at them and immediately i understand what they are supposed to mean. They point and are moving directly toward the sea, meaning that is my future. I tell the sky out loud "No.. this time i want so see my past", and confirm my right to do so. So i head in the other direction up the green hill. Its a big hill and i'm feeling a mild excitement about what i'll see over the hill. I reach a point where i can see the tops of buildngs, then the tops of trees, then the tops of heads, lots and lots, hundreds of colorful characters stand there waiting for me. I'm in total awe, it looks like some sort of cartoon, they are all so colorful, as diverse as the imagination, creatures of all shapes, sizes, textures. At the top of the hill i have apparently reached some sort of award ceremony and they are all applauding me. The speaker announces me as a great writer from the UK. I assume this may be a past life or something (nothing else comes to mind), i'm overwhelmed and feeling rather bashful. All this attention is just too flattering. It becomes a blur of emotion and i wake up.

Lucidity level: 2/5
Lucidity lacking: Ability to think as vividly as RL.


Fall back to sleep.
I'm in some dance hall room with many young people around. There is music playing and i instinctively fly around to it (lol, i'm always hypnotized by music in dreams) i fly upside down and realize that if i angle my body a certain way i can work out my waist muscles. I've always wanted an hour glass figure, so i practice these really effective crunches so i know how to do them at a later time. feels like i've had the best work out ever.
i spot some guy in the room with dyed blond hair. He has really attractive energy even though he's really not my type. I'm curious and in the back of my mind i wonder "can i possibly transform him into one that is my type?".
I go over to him, but something/someone distracts me and then Trey finds me saying its time to go home. We walk over to the hallway where i put on my shoes and sit on the steps waiting for Trey to get his shoes. I sit about to attempt the transformation on this 'semi-attractive' guy . Trey comes back and tells me i'm getting his shoes for him, after a silly argument it turns out that he cant find them in that pile over there. Indeed theres a heap of shoes in a pile. I look at it and find one of Trey's shoes. I can't seem to find the other, and as i dig through the pile i feel my dream become really unstable. I stand up and give Trey his one shoe telling him to find the other on his own. I walk to the door and wait for him, then wake.


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #113 on: February 01, 2010, 03:02:41 AM »
Update: 27 Jan 2010
Lucidity level: 3/5
Lucidity lacking: Lack in vividness and (bladder dream) exploration of other ideas.
Dream sign: A floating entity in the room
Reality checks: none.


The start is too illogical to make much sense. Something about sheds, outdoors, Gabrielle is sick in bed with fever, i take over duties, book? miss school for the day, some man.... :|

I'm in the bungalow at night with only Trey (where we are currently sleeping IRL at a friends place). We feel something odd about the room and Trey tells me there is a bad entity on one side of the room. i feel/see it too. Its transparent but easy to see floating about with its really bad presence. I use Reiki symbols to seal the room (triangles in each corner). I manage to trap it in the upper corner, then i perform a squiggle (ramu symbol) to banish it. As i push the symbols i just drew in the air, they all activate and the presence is successfully banished from this plane. I'm impressed at my own assertiveness, we continue to relax in the bungalow.


Fall back asleep and mid-dream i somehow manage to go see a doctor. I had been intending IRL to have a dream where i can ask a doctor about why i feel the need to pee in lucid dreams all the time. I do have this mild need at the time.
The doctor does an analysis of my bladder and associated organs by analyzing a white inflated balloon on the table, which is apparently supposed to be my real life bladder, because i can feel it when he pokes it! His diagnosis is that my bladder is normal. I'm fascinated and i observe the part of it representing the muscles which control the opening of my bladder. That part of the bladder feels really sensitive, from simply looking at it! I stare at it attempting to locate the most sensitive section with my mind, the part which makes me want to pee the most. I don't really want to make myself pee though so i don't really bother my bladder any further. I confirm with the doctor whether everything is really normal and go away thinking "oh well".
I continue to lucid dream in slight discomfort. As usual my thoughts tend towards sexual thoughts during these times, and an offer for a threesome with my own friends arises, but this is not what i want, and certainly not with a full bladder.


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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #114 on: February 08, 2010, 09:24:43 AM »
i FINALLY had a dream i can remember a fair bit of, and finally have access to a computer w00t!! :D

Lucidity level: 4/5
Lucidity lacking: Control of my emotional attachments.
Dream sign: Car disappears, Dream people have come to comfort me.
Reality checks: none.


I'm flying somewhere and then it feels like i'm driving up and down some local hilly streets. Suddenly something reaches breaking point. All at once the car, my body, my emotions and my mind run completely out of fuel. I have no more energy to keep flying or running away. I feel no point continuing such an activity. I stand there on the road, my car has just vanished. A feeling of loss and sadness overwhelms me as i stand on the grey grass. I'm overwhelmingly sad for no precise reason only that i'm exhausted. i see now, i realize its time to stop running, my heart feels like it's on the floor. I've realized i cannot run inside my dreams any longer.. As soon as i look up i see some people who have come to comfort me during this important moment. My mother in her most compassionate form, my cat Kicha (deceased IRL) and 2 other small animals.
It calms my heart to see them all here, i bend down and gently pat Kicha on her head while she looks up at me concerned. I tell her in my quiet thoughts "i know.. i'm dreaming". She understands.
I had just surprised myself at how i had became very lucid without the need to proclaim i'm dreaming or do interesting RC's. Its the gentlest lucidity awakening i've ever experienced.
I also got this vague feeling that i've been lucid in more dreams than i've been admitting..
Back to the story, Kicha wants to help my state of extreme weakness, so she brings out a small bottle (nail polish size) of what i understand is "life-nectar", which she telepathically tells me will replenish the energy i've lost during all that escaping i've been doing in dreams and possibly in life.
I'm touched and i take the bottle. As i look at it, i notice Kicha has vanished.
No, i can't take it, where did she go? i forget about the drink and call Kicha to come back. I call her until she does return. I pick her up and hold her. She places her paws around my neck like a hug, just like she used to do in real life. Its such a good familiar feeling, i walk around with her like that until the dream fades
(or maybe i woke).

I'm in some really nice school building by the sea. It has cream pillars. The place has this Japan feeling to it but actually i'm not sure where this is.
Inside the building i meet some beautiful people. One of them is a very beautiful tall Japanese man. Otherworldly beautiful in fact, very rare face i get to enjoy looking at quite closely. He is kind but turns to walk down the hall. I follow him and these people into the dark depths of this building..

I can't recall how i got to this next part, but i'm near the door of the school now looking out into the scenery. To my delight i see the sea! I become lucid, because i realize the sea looks incredibly closer this time than it has been in previous dreams. This must be a good thing! it certainly feels so, and as i go onto the street to look at the sparkling sea in the noonish sunlight, i feel my eyes feeling so fresh, so lucid. I have this distinct feeling that something in has changed in me today, i feel like i'm entering a new beginning of some sort. Definitely like something has changed, i just can't find the words.
For some reason i begin thinking about left and right brain functions and how they might effect dreaming (totally something i never thought about IRL, spur of the moment).
I decide to do a little experiment. "ok so, right eye connects to the left brain.. k.."
I close my left eye and observe the street/beach/school scene.
I close my right and open my left eye, i'm in the bedroom in bed! ok,
I switch eyes again and i'm back at the scene.
I'm fascinated and keep walking along experimenting with this interesting new RC.
I see new scenes, and my room. The results of what i can see in each eye are inconsistent, but the right eye tended to see a dream scene while the left eye saw the room i'm sleeping in. fascinating.
I do it until i lose the dream..

I wake up and realize that seeing my room was probably FA.


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #115 on: February 09, 2010, 06:19:42 AM »
hot day.. took a nap

Lucidity level: 4/5
Lucidity lacking: Certain details and accurate recall.
Dream sign: The grass texture, The sea
Reality checks: Concentration on the scene.


I'm roaming the city streets at night, various people and parties are happening, everything is relatively alive with activity.
I play outside a window on the 2nd floor of a business building (i guess i'm hovering there). Inside the window are work people who are hanging out after work. They gossip about this and that.
Outside the window, in a surreal way are the people i normally hang out with including my boyfriend. There are bits of paper stuck to the window. The writing faces into the window, and i try to read through the paper. I can't quite make out what it all says but i understand its some sort of gossip or prank meant to confuse the work people inside. The prank was set up by one of our guys.

The dream becomes so melty and fluid, that its hard to recall. I go through the window and end up inside the building, then i see something to do with a hand, then something about Trey's crazy hairdresser friends, and at some point i exit the back of some house onto the grassy lawn.
Its still night time, but the back yard is lit up by the light of the house.
I notice the amazingly long grass has this fascinating texture! It feels harder than normal grass. I follow 2 DC's frolicking into the grass, they are an actor and actress about to kiss in this grass on camera. I'm much more interested in this sensation of the grass in my hands, i play around with it, i roll in it and when i get up i'm lucid enough to stabilize the scene.
I stand there looking out to the back of the yard, and i notice the sea. Its right there, at the end of the yard!. I stand and admire it, i'm so happy to see it. It makes me lucid enough to realize that I finally have an opportunity to interact with the sea in a calm lucid manner.
In the back of my mind is that love story that just went on in the grass, but it was someone else, not me.
This is why i face the sea, i want to find that someone.. I've done it before (see note below), now after years of dreaming i have a second chance..
I walk through the grass closer to the water. I look for signs of life in the water and as soon as i do, some little bubbles come up. That's a good sign. I walk closer and stand there. I observe the bubbles and suddenly a big glob of bubbles comes up from the water.. Somethings about to happen, will my prince emerge?
A big frog on a throne emerges from the water. Uh, i'm pretty certain that its not the frog prince, there must be another way rather than kissing it. I have a feeling i dont need to, but this frog still has something to do with what i'm looking for. I simply stand there in respect for this creature and try to keep a stable lucid mind, in hope that he will somehow appear.
Suddenly (no idea how) i'm kissing a guy who is laying on a bench in the yard. He is handsome, and sometimes he turns into my (current RL) boyfriend. I try to control the dream and turn him into someone even more beautiful like a very handsome rock star i've seen, but this proves to be a struggle, it keeps defaulting back to my boyfriend sleeping on this bed/bench, kissing me at the same time.
I do like my boyfriend a lot, but i seem to be trying to change him into some higher fantasy of mine..
can't recall what the rest of the dream involved.

note: Years ago i had this amazing vivid dream about the ocean and i've been attracted to it ever since. To cut a long dream short, basically i had dropped all attachment to money, which made my fly up into the air and fly across a golden desert. Rising upon a plateau where it turned to lush green jungle and then the ocean. When i reached the ocean it was so beautiful i dived right in. I dived so deep i saw the bubbles above me. As i began to rise again, someone else dropped into the ocean right in front of me. I could not see very well through the water. All i could make out is a very well proportioned Asian male with dyed blond hair, wearing black singlet and shorts. He was walking on the ocean floor towards me. As i reached the shore, i beckoned him to emerge from the water, i waited excitedly, but i woke before i got to see his face.

Almost a year later i met that Asian male with blond hair and fell heavily in love with him. A difficult situation arose and sadly the relationship was terminated.. but i got to fall in love.


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #116 on: February 15, 2010, 08:54:35 AM »
Lucidity level: 4/5
Lucidity lacking: sustaining the dream.
Dream sign: listening to my own words.
Reality checks: seeing, knowing and feeling.


Brief dream about me being part of a team of ice skaters. We had finished our skating and are now watching other groups. The teacher hands everyone a ginger bread man (or flower shaped one) for their hard work. I spot the place where she put the rest of them and i want another one. I jump down through a hole in the second floor balcony (where we all sat) to the lower level where we keep out stuff and look at the other ginger bread shapes.

I'm riding a bicycle down a generic street during the day. Its kind of pleasant to be riding a bike for a change. I observe the scenery. I see that the street ends at a pier. There are many people fishing at that pier. As i come closer i notice that they are all Japanese. Although i would love to stop and interact, i don't know these people, so i concentrate on carefully turning the corner at the pier so that i don't get too close to the water. I ride away by the water and then a corner turns back into a block of houses.
I ride to the end of the street, through a dark alley way, and then back onto a street again...
I stop and get off my bike. There is someone there who tell how boring this dream has been.
Its hard to describe this interaction. Its as though i was talking mainly to myself, but at the same time speaking to a female in front me, but i also don't recall actually seeing anyone.

"Man this dream is so boring!" i exclaim and briefly have a sensation of rolling in the grass from frustration.
"i mean, what should i do? theres nothing to do here.. i can't even remember the things i wanted to do from real life.." i struggle for a moment to remember any dream tasks, vague mental block.. i stand there staring at the grassy patch next to the street gutter fully realizing the words i've been saying. I am lucid aren't i, at least now i'm fully lucid. I concentrate harder on remembering dream tasks, this time i'm determined to overcome this memory block i seem to be having..
{i don't actually notice any scene change, but there seems to be a sudden shift in me}
I suddenly walk into a room, very happy that i had found my lucidity. Inside the small lightbulb lit room is a window, bunk beds, an old class mate Nathan. Since he's a scrawny geeky type, i would normally ignore him and get on with my dream even making sure he wouldn't get in my way, but i remember making a resolution during the space between this dream scene and the previous one. "I should really be nicer to my DC's" i think to myself, and cheerily wave to this person i barely even knew in school "Hi Nathan, mind if i just do some stuff in here?" he happily replies "sure". I feel rather good about my resolution.
I pick up a pillow from the top bunk and (while the ideas are still fresh in my mind) begin writing my dream tasks on it with some blue and green pencils i have.
"- I want to meet a Japanese boy/guy the one i'm going to marry"
"- I want to meet more Japanese people"
It felt so right to write this, and i do recall writing it once in my notes in real life. (only it was not high on the priorities)
Writing it down allows me to remember it better.
I read it over and confirm that this is what i would really like.
I look out the window (the room seems bigger now) and see a range of people outside in what looks like a school yard. Mostly Japanese, people of all ages. I wish i could be out there too, but i get up and go to the TV, which has a scene with young Japanese guy's enjoying a skiing trip. I so badly want to be there, i get up and attempt to jump into the TV legs first. Its a struggle, my butt gets stuck in the screens frame as though i'm trying to put on a tight pair of jeans, but i keep pushing..
I finally fall through rolling down a snow covered hill. I put my hands on the ground to feel the snow. i made it, wow! the ground and snow feels real. i'm here! i teleported! i get up to look around but i lose the dream.
Suddenly i'm in a new place. Its a town, all the people are friendly and dressed colorfully yet stylishly. I ask them, what is this place? i'm told that everyone who dies or gets killed on Valentines day comes here. Its a friendly little town where everyone is surprisingly close.
I meet a handsome young Japanese guy he has such a gentle personality, i begin to like him a lot, although i'm a bit shy.
We walk back to where the group is and i sit next to him while he talks about himself. (probably about his Valentines story.. i could remember when i woke up but not anymore what he spoke about) I sit there listening to him, wishing i could get close to him sooner, but i'm so shy, i notice that i'm in the body of a very young girl, younger than the boy. I don't mind that i'm awakened by noise, because listening to the his story and being next to such a gentle person was enough for me.


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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #117 on: February 15, 2010, 09:21:23 AM »
Fascinating dream and fascinating place.  Interesting how Valentine's day got into that. . .

You can come here and enjoy all the snow you want!
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Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #118 on: February 16, 2010, 12:05:53 AM »
Lucidity level: 3/5
Lucidity lacking: (i won't put anything here since everything felt natural and flowing)
Dream sign: Feel light, see light.
Reality checks: Spiraling out of body/bed.


I'm laying in bed when i feel an odd sensation. It feels like i'm lighter somehow and whatever darkness is in front of my eyelids is somehow brighter. I question whether its a WILD opportunity and don't know how i knew to do this, but i begin to consciously spiral out of my bed. When i mean spiral i mean big circles as large as my room about 3 times. It seemed to be the only way to move and in the back of my head i recall a feng shui saying that good spirits don't move in straight lines lol.
The irony here is that when i step just outside my door, i notice my face is very different. It feels larger, hard and heavy. I have bulky fangs coming out of my bottom jaw. I cannot see any reflection of myself, but my face is like one of those Japanese masks. (oddly i did not touch my face once, its like i just knew what i looked like)
Japanese masks - - the black one.
I'm not really phased by this, it feels natural right now. I may be some kind of demon form, but not necessarily a bad one, more like the simple spirit kind (these are the only words i can think of to describe my state here).
Also, since i look like a goolie myself, i have no fear at all of the darkness or anything else that could be lurking in our house.
I walk over to my parents room and straight accross to my sleeping mother. I call to her gently
"mama.. mama.. mama wake up i want to talk to you.."
She does not stir, but my voice wakes dad up. He reacts in fear towards my ugly form and threatens to beat me with a wooden plank (i see him holding). It's as though deep down he knows its actually me, but since he's still drowsy, he only sees the ugly demon form in front of him.. The way he threatens me sounds like the way a dad would threaten to smack a child when naughty.
I put my hand up towards my dad to proclaim control over the situation. I tell him he will not hurt me..
Things calm down a little, and i feel a gentle pull to go back to my room. I walk back through the hallway in the dark and return to my bed in the same spiraling way as i had come out.

Note: this morning while getting breakfeast, my mother says to me "Maya, you must be hunting me in my sleep, i had the strangest dream of you!" My ears perk up. Its quite rare for my mum to make such sweeping statements.
Curious, i ask her what her dream was, hoping she didn't see me with a demon face.
"i dreamt that you were a toddler and a truck almost ran you over, and you just ran under it, completely unhurt, but it was so scary!" She trails off recalling the rest of her vivid dream..


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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #119 on: February 16, 2010, 03:46:49 PM »
When i mean spiral i mean big circles as large as my room about 3 times. It seemed to be the only way to move and in the back of my head i recall a feng shui saying that good spirits don't move in straight lines lol.

Interesting exit strategy there, Maya.

Is that really a feng shui saying or was it a dream memory?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 03:52:42 PM by pj »
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.
