Author Topic: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::  (Read 78336 times)

Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #120 on: March 03, 2010, 09:40:10 AM »
Interesting exit strategy there, Maya.
Is that really a feng shui saying or was it a dream memory?
Haha, yeh theres something in feng shui about smooth curved lines vs straight hard edges and how it relates to the kind of energy it brings into a space.

Lucidity level: 4/5
Lucidity lacking: remembering a real life task.
Dream sign: my strange face.
Reality checks: pull at face, look at hands, feel myself present.


i'm at some supermarket/store with the usual group (boyfriend and friends), when i look in one of the mirrors on one of the store pillars. I stop and look closer because something doesn't look right.
"Whoah my face looks so puffy today" i look closer and my skin tone is red and flushed, skin texture is like a citrus fruit and overall face is so bloated i just can't believe.
I stand there saying "This can't be, my face is so bloated, this can't be real.. this has to be a dream" i pull at my face to see if its a dream face but it hurts to do so. I look around and at my hands, i just know its a dream. Wow, its been so long since i've been lucid! It feels so real, i even feel the full weight of my body this time, which helps me feel stable enough to stop and think since i'm so 'heavily' present in this dream.
Ok so what is it that i want to do with this dream? I look around.. i'm in a shop, not much excitement here, gosh i always struggle to remember dream tasks from real life..

I know! I'll bring back one of the dreams i had tonight and re-live it (or change it) lucidly..

Lets see, the only one which comes to mind right now is the one where i had initiated sex with my boyfriend but his parents kept showing up (quite frustrating).
[sexual content] Suddenly I begin to worry.. what if my physical body is sleep talking these dirty things and my RL boyfriend can hear what i'm saying!! The thought becomes too embarrassing i forget about reaching a climax.
Instead i enter a very brief dream about me sleep talking and someone hearing it. I quickly recognize it as a dream and wake up for real. Boyfriend sound asleep.

back to sleep.

I'm outside in a sort of grass-less park area with wire fences here and there. I am very beautiful and have a choice of any man i want. I soon spot an appealing asian male. He is tall, tanned, well chiseled, a typical asian male model look, he is naked. We flirt and he courts me, i am naked too. He does all the things i like, i look closer at his face and he has everything i like in a face, only exaggerated, making him even more attractive in my mind.
He wants to begin the sexual act, i become too excited and the dream stops.

I'm now kissing and embracing this beautiful man in a large clean house with shiny blue floors. I am not only beautiful & young here, i seem to be innocently pure as well, too innocently content to worry about being naked.
If you can imagine feeling so innocent and pure in heart, mind and body (some may even call it naive).. that is how this dreams emotional atmosphere felt.. A similar feeling to being in love, but without ANY inhibitions. JUST pure of heart.. (i also have no pubic hair)
One day, as a present for my beautiful man i bring home two more young girls for him,

« Last Edit: September 15, 2020, 05:09:19 AM by miss_maya »


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #121 on: March 07, 2010, 04:53:57 AM »
Lucidity level: 4.5/5
Lucidity lacking: keeping calm.
Dream sign: not sure..
Reality checks: pull finger, various scenery checks


I'm near my house, but at the same time its a sort of new place. I realize i can jump on top of the buildings easily but theres one taller block of flats i don't think i can fly on top of right now. in fact i won't waste my energy trying. I just fly around the neighbourhood...

I'm in a store looking at nice jackets, they are all so colorful and feel soft, i want to try one on for fun, I choose a long red coat, its feminine and goes down to my knees. Before i get a chance to try it a flambuoyant gay male flutters about the shop dressed in flashy clothing and accessories. I find it amusing and actually pleasant to see such a fun personality. Then something flickers in my mind, i don't really want a coat. I stare at some clothes on the rack and ask myself whether i'm dreaming.. i look around "well am i dreaming?" i need to prove it, so i pull my middle finger. I have shiny steal grey-black nail polish, but its not enough proof to me (IRL i currently have half pealed off black nail polish with white feathers painted on). My finger stretches another fingernail length, i think thats enough. I'm dreaming! oh i'm so glad i know i'm dreaming, i go over to where my boyfriend is standing and take him somewhere to have my way with him in a nice warm bathtub :3 When i'm done, somehow i'm back at that shop entrance or something like that.. the transitions are not clear to me.
I'm overjoyed that i'm still lucid, i tell my boyfriend i'm so glad i'm dreaming and how i wish i could "discover i'm dreaming" in every dream. This very thought seems like such a wonderful idea to me. I go around telling everyone i see "i'm so happy i'm lucid, i want to be lucid in every dream!", but this is not enough, its like i'm trying to tell it to myself so that i will remember better, but i don't think its enough.
So i go outside into the open concrete area and stand there for a moment. Outside the shops, there seems to be the usual stuff like road, parking lot, etc etc, only it has a spacious feeling as though it may be near a beach. I think this is a good enough spot..
"DEAR SUBCONSCIOUS..." i boldly proclaim, and suddenly the objects in the distance subside and are replaced by the vast concrete slabs i am standing on. light grey concrete as far as the eye can see! I want to tell my subconscious my command, that i want to become lucid every night. I speak to this vast open space under the blue sky. "DEAR SUBCONSCIOUS, MANIFEST BEFORE ME NOW..."
As though in response, all along the horizon i see little white towers or cities suddenly grow from the ground, the hue of the concrete there changes and a long line of these sparsely spaced white spikes emerge from the ground, to indicate where the boundary between me and the subconscious is.

I find it such a relief at how simple this (scene) is, although the spikes seem to say "enter with caution", the barrier is in fact so open, i can walk in if i want.
It all happens in the space of a few seconds, i want to speak my command to my subconscious clearly and i want to be heard. So i hover right up to the barriers. This is where i notice something interesting. On my side the concrete is dry, but on the other side, the concrete is wet like just after the rain. I take a daring step and float past the spikes on top of the wet ground.
When i float in there, i suddenly become overwhelmed with emotion, deep joy, but also a profound sadness, "so this is what its like in here" (in the subconscious) i think as i continue to watch the horizon - a brief park scene with a sad abandoned playground unfolds and disappears near me, something about my childhood - the ground wet and the air muggy with heavy emotion..
I want to state my command now, but I become so overwhelmed & emotional that it isn't possible to speak in a loud voice anymore, i have to speak a much gentler voice..
"Dear Subconscious mind............ every night......... " Its just too overwhelming, i get the sense my original 'command' doesn't quite fit the situation anymore.. A few possible statements float through my mind "every night i want to become lucid" ? "every night i want to remember to check i'm dreaming"? various intentions along those lines. I stare off into the distance realizing the need to get to the core of what i truly want to express.. my mind overcome with this emotional atmosphere as i try to align with it, its hard to think straight. When i feel a little more settled, i proceed to open my mouth for a fresh attempt, but what wants to come out evokes a sudden rush of inner excitement, i suddenly feel my body in bed and wake up for real.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2020, 04:49:43 AM by miss_maya »


Offline DrTechnical

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #122 on: March 07, 2010, 10:09:34 AM »
Honestly, this is one of the most intriging lucids I've read in a long time. I wonder where this will all go. I'm most curious about the scene your mind created. What was your mind trying to tell you, or where was it trying to take you. There are those who believe that the subconscious is basically the soul, and that it is timeless. I'm not religious, but I'm not convinced that one would need to be religious to see the possibilities in that statement.

BTW, there is some initial discussion in the research guild regarding using or otherwise "programming" DC's to get you lucid. You might want to read the discussion so far and chime in. It's not far from what you are trying to do here.
"In a fearful stampede to save themselves from the terrifying menace of an original idea, the herd can become a mindless destroyer of the light." - Thomas Campbell

"I just had to get nice last night. My Mind is so free, you wouldn't believe ... you wouldn't believe" - Dave Wyndorf

"I don't understand. How can less be more? That's impossible. More is more." - Yngwie Malmsteen

Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #123 on: March 08, 2010, 02:27:32 AM »
...I wonder where this will all go. I'm most curious about the scene your mind created. What was your mind trying to tell you, or where was it trying to take you...
about a month ago i had experimented with self-hypnosis and got a WILD out of it. Recently it had been brewing in my mind.. what would happen if i speak self-hypnosis directly to my subconscious in a lucid dream?
I've been wanting to try it out and left it up to my imagination as to how this will appear in a dream.
I had originally intended to induce the kind of hypno-commands which would improve my diet and lifestyle, however this dream proved that i have a much greater desire, to be able to become lucid more often, lol!

As to what exactly the subconscious is and does, i intend to explore with an open mind..

BTW, there is some initial discussion in the research guild regarding using or otherwise "programming" DC's to get you lucid. You might want to read the discussion so far and chime in. It's not far from what you are trying to do here.
:3 i'll be looking into it, "DC Investigations" thread right?

EDIT: i just read that thread and get the feeling that it may be the long way around. I hope to somehow speak directly to my subconscious about these matters, sort of like when you mentioned about how one could possibly ask the subconscious to get all your DC's to make you lucid.. good idea.
but i'm only speculating here, who knows where all this will go.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 04:55:26 AM by miss_maya »


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #124 on: March 10, 2010, 06:46:04 AM »
Took a nap today, not because i was tired... but because i wanted a lucid dream.. i'm about as guilty as just having eaten a most delicious pie, however somehow the very last slice has eluded me again!

Lucidity level: 4/5
Lucidity lacking: stability? remembering to rub hands or spin etc..
Dream sign: odd scenery
Reality checks: pull finger.


I'm loitering upstairs in the dark while dad is watching tv downstairs (he was indeed doing this IRL at the time).. i mindlessly walk into my parents bedroom which is exactly opposite mine if you pass the staircase. It's dark in there and i look out of the window, then i look at the mirrored cupboards, but can't really make much out in the patchy darkness (there's enough light from the curtains to make out where i am). I then mindlessly wander back past the staircase (this is where the most light is coming from downstairs) to where dads computer is. While looking indirectly at all the glowing diodes from the electrical things dad has there on standby, I jump around and make some emotive noise for no particular reason. I'm basically acting like a kid, because i feel right at home to do so if i want.
I walk back to my parents bedroom door and look inside, through the window i can see both cars parked in the driveway and that they seem to be on the same level as my parents 3rd floor window...
Hang on somethings not right here! it took me a while but i finally realize no way can the driveway be way up here! is this a dream?? I look at my hands and pull a finger.. grr its tough, my finger feels solid and i feel a fair bit of pain from pulling my finger, i try another, look away and look back at my middle finger which i've managed to stretch beyond its usual length. Yes i'm dreaming!
I instinctively become happy and begin to float, and think.. ok now whats my mission... umm.. i find it hard to think past my urge to just fly around, so i push myself down to land on the ground and think hard while i stare at my parents bed head.
hmm my mission is.. is... oh right! to speak to my subconscious!!
I imagine calling on it right here, but i decide against it since its so dark and cramped inside my parents dream bedroom. The best option seems if i go outside through the window. I look over and the curtains are closed, so i push through them and the window and i'm outside. I decide to fly again to find an appropriate spot to do my experiment. I fly off, its daytime, bright and sunny. There are a lot of trees around our area but soon i find a patch of grass beyond the trees. I fly towards it until the trees around have cleared..
Hovering there looking at my almost blank canvas of grassy green hillside i begin.
"Dear Subconscious.." a wind blows through the grass..

"Dear subconscious mind.. manifest before me.." and the scene begins to blur, things seem to melt together as i hover in the air, i lose the dream, i wake up for real and RC.

Dad turns the tv up somewhat, the noise prevents me from going back to sleep.

Quick analysis: i'm pretty sure the dream destabilized quickly because i had no stable connection with my visuals, hovering in mid air provided no reference point to stay in the dream if things got emotional or exciting. Rubbing hands may have aided stability, but next time i'll try to land and get "grounded" enough to continue.

What should i say to my subconscious? any suggestions? please reply to my Awake Journal.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2010, 06:52:54 AM by miss_maya »


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #125 on: March 11, 2010, 03:39:29 AM »
Lucidity level: 2/5
Lucidity lacking: higher awareness i.e. RL missions and RC
Dream sign: detachment from things.
Reality checks: none.


I'm with my parents at some large variety warehouse discount store. I separate from them when i notice the hair section has these awesome slim purse size hair sprays about the size of a thick marker. Fascinated by these i browse them, but soon realize they are not what i thought they were.. Then i walk on and test some make up, a tubby sales girl with dark purplish hair starts selling some make up thing to me. I find her sales persona very irritating and excuse myself..
I can still see mum and dad nearby and decide to browse the jackets, i may need one for winter, i'd like a black one, but they are are all so out of date and although its the womens section they all just look like they are for men..
"ugh i don't need a jacket anyway" i think, so with nothing left to do i let go all my attachment to anything here and just fly about the store. Soon i see my parents are leaving so i float behind them. We walk through the park to get home and my parents are talking about a holiday to some exotic sounding country near egypt.. i float up to them and tell them my gut feeling of where i think they will really enjoy going "how about you guy's go to San Diego?" they sort of ignore me because they turn the corner to go into our house which was right next to the park. Its evening and the street lamps shine. I stay floating on the street playing with.. can't remember what it was, some flat objects which are autonomously floating upwards. I grab onto one and it lifts me up a bit in the air.
I fly over to the roof of our house and i can see my parents inside both taking a spa bath, then, another swimming pool appears on the roof with young people having a party in it.. I'm more interested in climbing the roof to the very top, so i fly up, it takes effort this time.
When i get up on the very top of our (not like our RL) house, i sit there looking around.
The night sky is pleasant and i wonder if there is anything higher i can climb up on. I see a taller house behind me, i just manage to fly up there and even though this sort of thing is so tiring i still want to go higher. I see in front of me (its daytime now) a fence with people behind it, it seems to be that 'higher place' i was looking around for (although that doesn't logically make sense, it made sense in the dream). So i just manage to fly over there. I need to lean on the fence to take a rest. The people behind the fence are all handsome caucasian male model types, they are having a great conversation and want me to stay longer, but i have something else in mind. There is a beautiful tree over there i want to fly up to, its the highest place i can see. So i gratefully thank them for their time and fly off towards the tree. This is a great struggle, it feels like i'm almost resorting to doggy paddle! but i'm determined.. i reach the deliciously comfortable looking trunk of the tree. It has a soft bright green cushion of leaves in between its branches, which i sit down to rest on.
I look around in releif, it seems there is nothing around higher than this, i can see a light blue sky and pleasant suburban streets.
Someone catches my eye as they come walking down a distant street, this person is larger than normal height and oddly beautiful. That person walks across the street and floats up to me in the tree. For a moment he resembles my boyfriend, but when he's close i notice he is not human. 
I happily say "hello" but this stern creature puts up his hoof (yes hooves for hands) as if to say its not necessary to greet. He shows me that his intention is serious and sends what i can only describe as an energy shock from his hoof to me. I block it with my hand. I feel the shock, but it doesn't really effect me. He does it again, and i block it once more. Then without words (i think he's telepathic) he indicates that he will increase his attack to a dangerous level. He lets out an invisible shock blast twice as strong as before. I'm sort of seeing this as a wonderful game to practice creating a shield with my hands. I laugh as i just manage to half shield the effects of the third shock wave. The handsome creature withdraws his fourth attack and telepathically proclaims his defeat. I have mixed feelings about this, disappointed that i can't practice my shielding, but also flattered that i am unbeatable by this stern fawn-like creature..
He then leaves me alone and walks into a nearby house. Curious i follow him up to the porch but i feel its impolite to enter. So turn around and see a little blond girl at the side of the stairs. The fawn-like creature returns and attends to this child. My attention wanders around the outside of this interesting dark-brown wooden house. I look to an area around the corner from where the stairs are and there are a bunch of young men (and possibly females, couldn't see that far) sitting around laughing, gossipping and backstabbing some other people. Two new characters; a creature and a male return from their journeys with news for the table. Its basically how they have succeeded in their mission (given by the table of people) to cause trouble to pre-selected victims out in the world.
The table listens and then continues to gossip and laugh with their fresh news. When i have the chance i ask one of the people at the table what they do. I am told that those sitting at this table are stuck there for an eternity, they cannot move or leave. I immediately understand why they do what they do, it seems to be their only form of entertainment. This is their hell.

Note: The fawn-like creature resembled my boyfriend, but when i awoke i noticed those people around the table resembled a group of people i know in real life, who get their kicks from elaborately gossiping about a friend who recently has been acting like a "douchbag". Although the jokes they come up with are ridiculously funny and Mr. Douchbag keeps giving them new material, sometimes it feels like they get a bit carried away.. other times they get stuck in a loop mentioning the same dry joke again to keep the conversation going.. I personally get bored at those times and wish i could just eject myself from the lingering cloud of negativity.
I'm Buddhist enough to believe that people create their own hells and are only stuck in them until they choose to grow out of it.


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #126 on: March 19, 2010, 03:31:54 AM »
Lucidity level: 3/5
Lucidity lacking: ability to remember dream tasks i set in real life.
Dream sign: emotional state at the beach.
Reality checks: Pull middle finger.


I arrive at a beach somewhere, there are lots of people around. I'm playing in the sand like a child, i go in and out of the water which feels very nice.. something about this feels.. special? I can't pinpoint why. I feel my emotions, thats all i can say. Its so beautiful i seem to become semi-lucid and want to immerse myself in this place, what actually happens is i just end up flying about the whole area, the beach, the town.
I find i have ended up inside a building and there are primary school friends around me at a table.
I get a sudden urge to RC. and without me even expecting it, the finger i pulled extends beyond its limits. Oh i must be dreaming, however i seem to be in this strange emotional state. I think "what should i do now?" i look around and i really dont know what to do except that i catch a glimpse of the view out the window. It seems we are in a super high rise building and i can see whole towns below. All i can think of is flying out there which i basically do (not even giving a thought to the fact that windows have glass, lol). So i'm flying down from a sky high level, and when i get down there i still can't think of what to do, so i just look around while flying. I think i flew to something that looked like one of my primary schools (my favourite one) only it had beautifully green grass instead of concrete grounds. The rest of the dream is vague because i just went with whatever was happening.


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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #127 on: March 19, 2010, 04:43:53 AM »
I find it very hard to recall my dreamgoals, usually i can't think of anything creative and just go of flying or exploring...
Last week i've made a list of my current dreamgoals, i've learned it in a specific order and now i try to repeat it to myself throughout my day. I haven't had a lucid since i made the list so i don't know if it's gonna work...

Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #128 on: March 21, 2010, 01:22:34 PM »
I find it very hard to recall my dreamgoals, usually i can't think of anything creative and just go of flying or exploring...
Last week i've made a list of my current dreamgoals, i've learned it in a specific order and now i try to repeat it to myself throughout my day. I haven't had a lucid since i made the list so i don't know if it's gonna work...
Keep going until you get one. Don't see those times without lucid dreams as a barrier, it will happen as long as you keep doing RC's and repeating it.

Date: 20 March 2010
Lucidity level: 3/5
Lucidity lacking: remembering to ask a particular question.
Dream sign: none, checking if its FA
Reality checks: Pull index finger


I'm in Trey's room and RC just because theres not much else to do. To my surprise my index finger stretches to the length of a ruler! "Haha, hey Trey!" Trey is doing something at the desk and turns around.. "look at this!" and i wave my super long finger about. He looks annoyed and doesn't see what i'm getting at. "This is a dream!".. He walks off (out of the room)...Oh well.
I stand there looking at the big white shutter blinds "ok i'm dreaming. Time to do what i rehearsed as the mission." i look at the blinds and think about calling my subconscious, its a little cramped in here so i look to the left at Trey's blank wall above the bed. It too doesn't seem like a great canvas for my mission, but i don't have much choice, i choose to look at the blinds and say
"Dear subconscious mind, appear before me now!" and i concentrate on staying stable... I feel a glowing energy emit from and surround my entire body in a kind of sphere shape. I see swirls of faint greenish and yellowish light build up as the energy increases. Somethings happening, but whatever it was made my vision distort, so i lost my balance and fell sideways onto the floor.
The energy stopped and i look behind me. Trey is sitting there so i naturally give him a hug. I enjoy looking deep into his eyes in dreams, so i do that for a while until he looks away. He sits on the bed where i continue to stare into his eyes and kiss him. His pupils go all narrow and weird, suddenly his eyes don't look as deep as in previous dreams, and i'm just not finding what i seem to be looking for here.
So i let him be and decide to fly through the closed blinds into the yard.

These dark rain clouds cover the sky and the ground is moist. The smell of fresh moisture in the air makes me feel so free i begin to sing! I start singing a song in Japanese, it just flows out of me without even having to think. The lyrics are very simple. I fly until dawn breaks, still singing in a language i barely know.. soon i begin to concentrate too much on the words which kind of stuffs me up, my singing becomes choppy. I notice during my stuff ups that there are other female voices also singing this song. I seek them out and find 2 Japanese girls about my age singing by the clothes line. I land next to them and we finish the song.
I greet them happily and they seem pleased to see me too. I don't remember what we talk about because my next thought made me forget all the small talk. I have to ask their names, these girls seem special, could one of them even be Asuka?, i have to know. So i politely ask
"What are your names? i would really love to call you back (into my dreams) sometime!" The cheery girl on my left giggles and turns me down. Confused, i look to my right. She has long dark brown hair and looks overcome with sadness, also, seems annoyed that i asked their names. She too quietly refuses to tell me. Confused by her rejection, i stupidly say "Well then, if you won't tell me your names, how about i give my own names to you both, i'll call you (the cheery girl) _____-chan, and you can be _____-chan" She looks displeased again. I can't recall these names now, because something did not sit right. I search my intuition for a better name for the long hair girl and suddenly see the japanese letter "en" in my mind which has many meanings including "relationship with the gods" but can also be pronounced "maru" a common Japanese girls name.. "i know, i'll call you Maru-chan, that suits you much better..." but as i was ending the sentence he long hair girl got sick of listening to my crap and just started speaking on top of me "The path of a rose is difficult and ...(couldn't hear the rest)...
My ears perk up as i realize she was saying something profound while i was blabbering  :doh:. "Uh could you please repeat that?" She looks upset "i didn't hear what you said, would you please?" I become really frustrated because i feel like i'm insulting these girls more every time i talk! I really want to hear that profound thing again, i just look at her, she looks sad. Actually the whole time i was trying to figure out if this could be Asuka, but i tried to get her to tell me herself instead of asking straight out.
Luckily the profoundness of her deep words quickly quietened my mind. I stopped pressing the matter, went meditatively silent (finally on her level) and looked up at the sky.
I see many long cones of falling petals in the sky coming from the clouds! Oh what an awesome sight! The whole sky releasing falling flowers. I watch them fall until they become visible, they turn out to be orangy-red hibiscus flowers floating down from the heavens. "How beautiful!!" i say.. The girls sit there silently as her words suddenly come back to me. "The path of a rose is difficult and beautiful" is what she had actually said, her message just echoed in my mind.. I became incredibly flattered as soon as i understood that this message was referring to me.
As i look back down the girls (whose mission is now complete), quickly bid their goodbyes and leave, they are swiftly replaced by what looks like my boyfriend and 2 friends with chainsaws!!! Coming right at me, swinging wildly. I jump to action and manage to get a closer look at the main guy, who now looks like an older much uglier man. I dodge and back up toward the wall, as they edge closer, i put my foot up against the wall and start climbing it backwards while keeping an intense eye on the murderers. As i stand on the wall the murderer takes a swing. I put up my hand "You will not hurt me!" because i know i'm dreaming. I concentrate on making my body ghost-like so that anything solid would go straight through me. He edges even closer. Even as a ghost-body, i don't really want to know what it feels like to have a chainsaw run through me, so i side jump to my left. The attackers vanish but somehow they set a swarm of bees at me. I quickly jump through a fly-screen window into a small workshop. The bees all smack against the fly-screen, but then i notice another smaller window which isn't fully shut and doesn't have a screen. I go to shut it, but my black jumper sleeve gets caught on the corner of something and in haste i try to shut the window with just my finger tips. I find it odd that no bees actually got in during this time, i wonder why. I finally shut the window and look outside, it had started to rain. Maybe thats why the bees went away...

A few FA's followed involving my boyfriends house (which i forgot to RC)..

Before i went to sleep i had a heavy thought on my mind. I didn't want to post it on the appropriate forum because i thought it would be very rude to assume these things about Asuka.
However with my foot in my mouth i will tell you how confused i got laying there with this idea in my head, how Asuka's week with me got cut short, due to attacks and that she got depression. I wouldn't be surprised if she had caught it off me because i recently was diagnised with depression. Secondly i used to have incredibly hostile things attacking me in my dreams since 2007, i just learned to deal with them.. My assumption is that these things may have affected her. I went to bed sad that i never had a lucid chance with her..

That out of the way; there is also no telling who those girls actually were in the dream. I may have feelings and assumptions that the sad girl could have been Asuka, but they didn't tell me their names so i can't prove anything.
The flowers in the sky were hibiscus, a specific symbol of the feminine god of compassion "Kwan Yin" in chinese and "Cannon" in Japanese.. so perhaps those girls were messengers of that sort? i dont know, all i know is that they sang in Japanese.


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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #129 on: March 21, 2010, 01:41:58 PM »
 That may have been her. the other night she was behaving strangely in my dreams as well... I sought to heal her with my friends. I remember her crying after the healing because she had done many nasty things. I left her to sleep then.

 Please don't blame yourself for her behavior. There are many forces at work in dreaming, negative and dark energy. Dream demons. Parasites that can effect and control the Dream body. Kind of a hassle but there's always time for dream healing.

 also: sometimes when  go through a rough period with her... a country lyric sounds in my head "I never promised you a rose garden."

Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #130 on: March 23, 2010, 07:27:06 AM »
..Kind of a hassle but there's always time for dream healing...
Would love to give lucid healings sometime. I used to do Reiki with a group in real life, but found its a really different challenge while dreaming.

Lucidity level: 3/5
Lucidity lacking: remembering any real life tasks.
Dream sign: automatically reciting the affirmation.
Reality checks: none.


I only remember from the part where i walk around a school yard where there are lots of students in uniform. I go towards a bench with a shrub behind it and as i'm about to sit i suddenly recite "I am awake within a dream" just like i had been repeating before falling asleep. I become instantly lucid and don't remember to RC. Instead i go straight into altering the look of DC's around me. I feel that the population is too "white" and say "OK, everybody's Asian!" i look away and then back at them all, the ones i can see all look the same only their skin had become exceptionally soft looking and all paler than before.. lol.. i turn around again and decide to go the extreme
"OK everyone is Japanese.." i turn to look and every student there is now Japanese! I become so happy i fly around the crowd of people doing their own thing. The further i fly the more varied in age the people get. I fly down to an open field where i see market stalls. The place begins to look more like old Japan now. As i fly i feel so free i get this unusually beautiful feeling in my heart, as though a pleasant wind is blowing through my heart as i fly, it makes me even more content.
I float down repeating the words "i am awake in a dream".. i look at everyone and then pick up a hand mirror from a stall. "And i am?...." i shyly peer into the mirror only needing to see some of my face "...Japanese". I am a Japanese male about my real age, with a very simple roundish samurai-type face..


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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #131 on: March 23, 2010, 11:33:31 AM »
Nice dream! That's the first I've read of someone changing the race of the DC's around them. Pretty awesome how doing that also changed the environment to Japan. 

Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #132 on: March 24, 2010, 02:36:14 AM »
Nice dream! That's the first I've read of someone changing the race of the DC's around them. Pretty awesome how doing that also changed the environment to Japan. 
It even changed me! lol manly i was!

Lucidity level: 4/5
Lucidity lacking: not 'super lucid' according to Kelog's scale.
Dream sign: being inside a tidal wave
Reality checks: holding breath for as long as i want, pulling fingers.


I'm in the city, just left some place where there seem to be "Melbourne" fashionable girls around, like fashion retail types. I go to a grassy area, like out the front of a library or something. I sit there among friendly people.
I'm playing some car game where i steer through tunnels. The tunnels divide, and divide again, the trick is to know which way to take. Soon i'm actually in the game, still guiding the little race car in front of me, at the end of one level, the car stops and i have to physically walk through a little door to the next level. Then i'm guiding the car through the splitting tunnels again pretty much using my intuition to know which way to go. I think i finish 2 levels and at the end of the last level i reach the 'goal' where the tunnel opens up to a big cave with a petrol stand to refill the car, and a mechanics desk at the back. I walk past those things and jump over the mechanics desk, behind that there seems to be a tea party going on.
Theres a table with my mum, auntie, step-sisters, and any female relative you could think of all sitting there having a nice lunch. I don't think i bother much with what they have to say, it kind of feels like this place (still inside a cave) is my aunties house. Like a child i wander off and explore. I have this great urge "i want to visit the beach!" and so i head to the back of the cave where it shrinks down to a small exit hole about half my size. I see the beach outside! but as i'm about to exit, a boy wants to come in with his sleeping bag. I tell him assertively that i should be let out first, then he can enter. He does what i say. Once outside i'm so happy i made the beach come to my aunties house (semi-lucid) since she lives relatively far from it IRL. I walk around enjoying the atmosphere.
As i walk about this beach, there seem to be more and more houses around the more i walk, i lose sight of the beach itself. I recompose my concentration and look for the sea shore. Instead, i notice that the whole time i had been walking under these sheltered pathways between the houses, and that it had been drizzling rain around me the whole time. Only noticed all this just now!
The house i'm facing now has a sheltered gazebo attached to the side of it, and behind it is the sea! Found it! The sheltered pathway i'm currently standing under leads to that gazebo in a winding sort of way, but i don't want to follow it. When i'm about to step out from under it, the rain begins to pour. Its the kind of rain that pelts you soaking wet the moment you step out. I prepare myself to run across, but soon the rain dies down a little bit. I go to the gazebo. Its still raining and the wind makes it come in at an angle. I don't mind getting wet, i'm happy i can see the sea, its a wonderful unobstructed view from here..
Suddenly i spot a big wave in the distance. It comes closer and i can tell by its size it might be a tidal wave. For some reason i just keep staring at it in disbelief until the last moment when i can see it is much taller than the house AND the small cliff it sits on. I do the only thing i can think of. I brace myself to take a deep breath just before the wave hits me and hold on to the wooden rail..
The wave engulfs me and everything around. I patiently hold my breath waiting for it to pass through. I think i have my eyes closed, but i can certainly feel the rushing deafening water. I wonder when it is going to pass.. i'm running out of breath. I almost panic, but decide i will hold my breath no matter what. A part of me soon realizes that i've been holding my breath for much too long without any consequences, because i'm probably dreaming. My panic is replaced by curiosity and i wait..
Finally the roaring tidal wave passes over. I'm still holding the rail and my breath, checking if it really has gone. It has and i let my breath go. There is no house, i'm standing waist deep in water, facing the shore. I'm happy that i'm ok, and i think i'm lucid.

FA: I'm in bed and look around my room. There seems to be white colored branches artistically placed in my bookshelf.. did i put them there? I turn around and in front of my very nose are all these colorful paper shapes hanging by string all above my bed and around it. Apparently I made them and put them there! When did this happen? lol this is a funny dream i'm in, must be FA. I RC and my pulled finger extends, so real looking. I observe my "hanging art" for a little longer before rolling out of the bed and onto the floor. I'm a little paranoid of little spiders or bugs possibly being there so i scuttle away off to the toilet.
I get there and the whole bathroom window is covered in my "art"! Little black paper diamond or square shapes, with colorful paintings of faces and shapes on them. All hanging on long string from the ceiling. I must have had total free reign over this house before i woke into this dream scene because "I" apparently even managed to move the toilet to a nicer spot in the bathroom. Something my mother surely wouldn't permit! lol. I sit on it to do my thing and take that opportunity to observe the art at a slower pace. I RC again and am surprised at the amazing stability AND vividness of this dream, i can actually slow down and look at each artwork in detail and nothing distorts! I'm in disbelief that i could have painted some of these, i don't usually like to paint peoples faces, but apparently they are all my doing, and a style that i am perfectly capable of.
I finish with sitting on the toilet and go stand in the hallway facing my dads computer desk.
Dad has cakes sitting here and there on his desk. Dad does like cakes IRL. Perhaps this is a reality where stuff from each of our personalities has manifested in the house.. I look down the open staircase. Dad had just come in and there are even more colorful cakes around him. I feel that the cakes remind him of his mother, since she used to make nice things for him..
I look back at the computer desk. I RC again, my finger consistently extends longer than the others. I double check this with another finger.
There's a big tape recorder on the desk and i switch it on. My "old skool R'n'B singing practice tape" begins to play.. man! its been years since i heard this, i try to sing along, but i've forgotten some of the words. Secondly my voice has deteriorated greatly over the years, it even sounds creaky.. I try harder, it sounds worse.. What if i ask my subconscious for help - oh yeah my dream mission! I turn around to ask my subconscious for help with my singing. Nothing happens, i'm still singing badly.. So i resort to my real mission, which is to ask the subconscious to help me have more lucid dreams. "Dear subconscious mind..." i can't recall how i asked for more lucid dreams, because it didn't sound very effective anyway. I turn back to the desk and turn off the tape recorder. I stand there thinking about my mission..
I hear a vibrating alarm clock, i think its time to wake up.. but i return to dreams.

The alarm rings again, i wake up and it turns out the first alarm was real.


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #133 on: March 24, 2010, 03:49:26 AM »
funny... just noticed, there actually is a dead bug next to my bed where i imagined them to be in the dream. lol, what are the chances..  :P


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #134 on: March 27, 2010, 03:27:46 AM »
Lucidity level: 2/5 but very vivid
Lucidity lacking: thinking about missions.
Dream sign: The very vivid beach
Reality checks: Breathing underwater


My parents have a brand new house and we have guests over. I need to go use the toilet so i go to the en suite next to my parents bedroom. I didn't want to stink up the main bathroom with number 2's. I do my thing and come back out..  Now it seems like we are at an "aunties" place (my parents there too), she has this really big clean house, and seems to like pink ornaments on her walls and curtains. They look home made, actually i find them cute.
I need to use the toilet again.. I find her bathroom.. Its REALLY quite pink in there, but its not too tacky so i'm kind of cool with it. While sitting on the throne i kind of envy this 'aunt'. She has enough money and spare time to decorate her home however she wishes.. I get to feeling a little down about my own money-less situation. I finish up, but immediately feel the need to poo again.. I find another toilet, but it feels more like i'm sitting on a bucket in a bath tub.. "oh no, this could fill up quickly, i have a lot more coming"  :-[
This time i find some abstract public toilets at a shopping centre. These toilets just get more and more abstract. I have to put this one together, a tube and a funnel-type thing.. :? I put it together and do what i gotta do. I just can't shake this need to empty my bowels.. but something on the ground catches my attention. Its a puppy, which somehow resembles a robot or something. It keeps my attention for long enough for my urge to die down a little. I walk on..

Me and someone i know are out doors somewhere, there's lots of stuff on the ground. That person finds this black thing on the ground. I look at it and it looks exactly like a part of one of my ear piercings, only it has a diamond embedded into it. I look at it and say "hey i've wanted one of these for a long time!" i replace it with the one i'm wearing and walk on..

I find a beach with beautifully clean water.. wow i.. i think I've been here before! This time i'm going to enter the water. So i walk into the knee deep water and submerge as soon as i can because i just can't wait to swim. Its SO clear and vivid under the water! my eyes don't even hurt from it i can see clearly! I let go my breath and try to breath under the water, breathing is fine but i remain conscious of it for a while. It feels like i'm making my RL body (in bed) breathe a bit deeper, but i dont push too much or i might wake. I look at my hands, they itch for some reason and its because there are these little bubble parasites between my fingers. I try to ignore it, but then scratch them off, the rest are harmless. I keep swimming and see schools of little fish scattered about. I look a head, then down again. The sand turns into millions of sand coloured fish, which suddenly swim away to reveal a further part of the water. However as i keep swimming forward, the sand begins to become shallow again until it reveals a sand dune up ahead, i stand up to walk. I seem to remember this dune from a previous dream also. This time i will not give up, i'll keep going until i find the deeper sea.
I see small pools here and there, but i have to watch where i'm stepping, there's this suddenly deep canyon of a rock pool. It's really long and so deep that i become a little giddy when i try to look down it. There's a lot of sea life in there. I walk along it to find a way around. Suddenly i see two (final fantasy type) Australian people, who are running past and urge me to follow them. I follow them between some building nearby and through a barbed wired gate and to another open beach area.
Up ahead i watch a brief scene of a 'Hero' fighting some other guy metal-grey. They are both 'final-fantasy-type' handsomeness! I seem to know the good guy (like he's a boyfriend or something). Immediately i know what i'm supposed to do. I jump into the air, and my white wing cape opens up. I use it to glide down to where the fight is happening, i jump the bad guy who is now a reasonable distance from the good guy.
The first thing i do is disarm the grey guy's weapon which is this bow-arrow thing. I break a few of his arrows (they are wooden containing poisonous lead on the inside). He tries to grab them back, but i dodge him continuously. He resorts to his charms and attempts to court me, knowing very well that i find him very attractive. I hold all of his arrows in my hand, under my leg where he can't reach them. He leans in for a kiss, its very tempting and i'm mesmerized by being so close to his lips, he lingers there as i stay very still. His lips are also half grey, and just as he touches my lips he leans for the arrows at the same time. I react quicker than him and swing around to break the rest of his arrows. He will not hurt my hero any further. The Australian kids are looking after his wounded body while i keep wrestling the bad guy..I think i win the battle, but the rest is vague.

Note: I don't play Final Fantasy, but i enjoy watching my boyfriend play. He hadn't played it for quite a while so the characters didn't look exactly like the game, but they were certainly stylish.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2010, 08:04:13 AM by miss_maya »
