Author Topic: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::  (Read 78333 times)

Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #135 on: March 31, 2010, 11:35:04 AM »
Date: 29 March 2010
Lucidity level: 2/5 but very vivid
Lucidity lacking: ability to remember any missions or real life.
Dream sign: Being in an interesting place.
Reality checks: Dream control


At a primary school just outside an 'open plan' classroom with Japanese kids all around, meaning there were no walls differentiating the outside and inside. I go inside to get my bag from a set of shelves at the back, when i get there the kids are more western now. I fondle through fabrics that i had apparently been working on, but i can't find my bag in there. I begin to wonder if i really need it, this is a dream-like thing i'm doing..

I walk around some buildings feeling vivid, i'm looking for something interesting to do. I find what i'm looking for when i walk into a very clean room with rounded walls. There is a small group of people sitting in there, its an Asian pop music group and the tall Chinese guy on the end in a white half done shirt looks extremely handsome! I've reached the rounded wall by now and meet some friends of ours Adrian and Kate. When i look back at the band, they've all turned American. Hmh, i want that hot guy back. So i hide the pop group from view by walking behind the rounded wall and then come back, oh good they returned to their original appearance. I consider going there, but Adrian and Kate are curious as to what i'm doing and ask me. I look back at the band, why do they turn western every time my friends talk to me!?

Fragment: I wake up in a "sick bay" type room.. perplexed i see giant posters on the walls written by some students perhaps? They are giant letters saying "welcome back" in Japanese (i somehow understand the writing). I'm quite touched.. but who made these?

I'm walking around a yard with.. an erect penis in my hand, in fact its my boyfriends penis. I got to borrow it to play with lol!  I'm done playing with it and want to give it back now. I go to a building where i know my boyfriend is in, the door seems to be locked and i don't have the key. I ask the Indian lady shop assistant next door if she has a key, don't remember after that.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2020, 08:34:56 AM by miss_maya »


Offline Higurashi

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #136 on: April 02, 2010, 10:51:53 PM »
Wow, another amazing avatar o.o I hope I didn't miss any while I was gone...

And  O_O / :rofl: @ that last dream

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Advanced Challenges: TM AN CS

Offline Vex

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #137 on: April 03, 2010, 01:51:07 AM »
 :lmao: @ the detachable penis. Man, your boyfriend must REALLY love ya.
The impossible is possible tonight. ~Smashing Pumpkins

Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #138 on: April 14, 2010, 11:57:24 PM »
Feels like a while since i got lucid last, so i've been getting back to the basics; sort of meditating, doing the ol' RC's and listing Dreamsigns when i can't be bothered writing (non-lucid) dreams.
Lucidity level: 2/5
Lucidity lacking: stabilizing or ability to remember any missions.
Dream sign: Feeling odd at the scene.
Reality checks: Pull finger


In class, only it somehow turns into a disco, with colorful lights and everyone dancing or drinking. I feel that this shift may be a little odd so i RC. I pull one finger, but its so real it doesn't budge, also my nail polish looks tattered black just like usual RL. I'm not convinced. I pull my pinkie, which also doesn't budge, i look away then look back (still pulling gently), yes! its stretched further than my other fingers. Well i don't really feel like doing anything but flying out of the window. We are on something like the 10th floor and as i prepare to jump the DC's discourage me saying its dangerous. I shake them off and show them what i can do. Jumping as far as i can, i notice i'm falling because does not feel like a normal height i'd fly at. I fall to about the 5th floor where i'm not afraid anymore and can fly. However somehow gravity has sucked me back onto the building. I feel like a spiderman sitting on the wall sideways like its a normal thing. I can hear my classmates calling for me to come back.


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #139 on: April 16, 2010, 01:33:46 AM »
Lucidity level: 1/5 maybe?


i go up this street to somebody's car which looks a little bit like mine only smaller. I'm attracted to it because it is pink, some panels light pink, other panels darker pink. I proceed to change the lighter panels to dark pink by touching them with my finger until the whole car is one color. I wonder whether the owner would be unhappy with me taking his car to play with. The car is now a third the size of a real car.

Lucidity level: 2/5 but quite realistic (i.e. i feel the full weight and solidity of my body and surroundings)
Lucidity needed: RC'ing right away, better memory of RL, stabilizing and remembering missions IN TIME.
Dream sign: Frustration with mum
Reality checks: Pull finger


I drive up the hill to our driveway and have to stop because there is a colorful.. penguin? waddling away on our driveway. I park out of the way and proceed to inspect why there would be one of these here, but i'm distracted because in my usual car spot there are more penguins! They are dark blue with greyish bellies and bright red beaks, what a strange sight! There also seem to be some parrots of similar coloring loitering around them in my car space, there's about 7 all up now. I recognize the bird as a local breed 'the gallah' but the colors are odd. The first thing that springs to mind is to show my mother this spectacle so i run up to the front door, where i think i let our cat in (forgot our cat is not alive IRL). I tell mum that there are weird penguins on our driveway and point out of the kitchen window which is the best view. instead mum runs to the back balcony to have a look. "No mum, its too far to see them from there, come back here, this window is the best view!"
While she is out there i RC which makes some of my frustration at her go away. My hands feel so solid as i pull gently on a middle finger. I don't pull so hard these days because they get sore and i fear doing it so often might give me arthritis later in life. It takes some time to pull, looking away helps, when i look back the finger is much longer than the others.
Mum returns inside the house quite impressed at the penguins. Somehow now one of the gallahs have entered the house and i'm playing with it.
Then there is a yapping at our back door. I let "our" small whitish/grey/pink fluffy dog inside, while i take a look outside.. There's a massive shiny brown bull in our back yard which hasn't noticed me yet... o.O scary! i shut the door as soon as the little dog is inside. I feel safer in here..
I play with the cute dog. It brushes against my leg while i'm on the floor and i notice i have no clothes on my bottom half, just wearing a t-shirt. I feel aroused and a bit wrong about it so i get up and consider retiring to my room. I mindlessly go into the study instead. Its very colorful in here too. I return to the middle of the house and while pondering the intention to go to my room i wonder if my body could be laying in bed in there. The thought makes me begin to wake up - OH i just remembered my mission i set last night! to perform a healing on myself!
oh too late i woke up for real.


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #140 on: April 21, 2010, 12:20:40 AM »
Lucidity level: 4/5
Lucidity needed: better memory of RL, stabilizing.
Dream sign: routine RC in a store.
Reality checks: pull finger.


I'm in a clothing store and do a routine RC. My suspicions were correct I'm dreaming, but what should I do? Recently my personal missions seem a either difficult to achieve or not that exciting. I can't decide so I ask the person next to me (can't recall who it was now). "I'm dreaming now, what do you think I should i do?"
The person replies but so quietly I'm having a hard time making out what they are saying. I ask them to repeat it a few times I even lean right in to their whispering mouth an finally hear.. "find a real boyfriend."
...I think about this for a minute, wondering how this fits into either the context of dreaming or RL. My real boyfriend can be a tad negative sometimes, but this is a dream what can I do?
"oh yeah! I do recall 'finding a dream boyfriend' being one of the missions I wrote down a while ago" (true)
It seems like a difficult mission, but guess I'll give it a shot. I fly out of the store and observe good looking boys in various stores around. For some reason I have my water bottle in my hands. These guys are nice but none of them really hit the spot, so as I move on from store to store I splash these guys with my water,  kind of blessing them, or wishing them well in finding love. As I do they become really happy, so I continue to do this as I fly, and I think, gee, none of these guys do it for me. I'm beginning to realize how content I must be with my current boyfriend. So I give up for now and fly off into non-lucidity..

I'm flying around, I think it was a school but with high buildings. I land on the ground and (this part is vague) I watch a live visual kei style band with some school friends. Next thing I recall is flying up to some room on the 10th floor which looks like a shed inside. I see a bunch of average looking guys in there. I have a desire to turn them all into interesting looking visual kei types so I tell myself when I return here they will all turn into that. I fly out touch an opposite building and fly back. When I return things are different, but not how I expected. I dont recall much of it, only the anime style female teacher and some (dream) school girlfriends who got me distracted..



Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #141 on: May 01, 2010, 01:44:56 AM »

sitting on the toilet (a place i usually RC) observing that the bathroom looks exceptionally "reflective" tonight (with possibly extra mirrors), and that there is something a bit odd outside the window. I think, nah, this feels way too real to be a dream, i'm peeing on the toilet as usual i can feel everything! but i guess i'll RC anyway. I pull my pinkie and it extends easily. Oh it is a dream how silly of me to have ignored all these odd things.. but wow, what do i do now, i guess i have to finish off on the toilet.. oh i can't wait to do something lucid!! My confusion and excitement escalates, i somehow eject myself from this scene, but don't recall after that...


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #142 on: May 04, 2010, 10:41:24 AM »
Lucidity level: 2/5
Lucidity needed: RC'ing to be more aware.
Dream sign: a scene which makes me feel like flying out of there.
Reality checks: jump up to fly.


I'm at a shopping center and walk into a sort of nightclub/game center. There's a DJ playing everyone in there is quite typical and i simply want to fly out of here (or more of a feeling that i want to show these losers i don't care much for this place by flying over their heads, i get this feeling often in dreams). I test to see if i can fly, at the same time using it to test if i'm dreaming. Yes it works, i fly up and leave this scene.
I fly around the multi-story shopping center and suddenly get distracted by a cage of kittens "how cute!" i approach it and play with them, wondering which one i would buy if i could.
I somehow end up inside the large cage with the kittens at my feet. They play around, i look at what each of them are doing. One black kitten is being bullied by surrounding black kittens. I feel a little sorry for him and i think i move him. I simply watch as some other kitten tries to climb the cage wall. I look down again and one kitten starts hissing at me. 2 more join in and i decide its time to get out of the cage. I just walk through the bars (like through a wall).
I return to flying up and out of the shopping center. I take effort to fly above all of the buildings i can see. I seem to have flown up to the top of some stadium and i'm standing on the roof. However there is one more platform blocking my full view of the sun and sky. I use my last flying energies to get to the top of it.
Now i'm at the very top. i find Trevor sitting on it. I look down at the stadium its even bigger, i feel good at how far i've come. I look into the distance, i see the city scape! i'm so happy to have gotten above all the bullshit to a place where i can see a city scape! I feel that its rare for me to get this far in a dream, and i'm quite happy about it. We are so high up. In excitement i shout "Trey trey! look i can see the city from here!" Trey continues to sit there not really caring much, but i don't mind. I look again and instead of me flying towards the city scape (which i have no energy left to do at this time), the city scape came to me! yay. I play among the tall apartment buildings. Touching the balconies and windows of brand new designer apartments as i fly/walk past (on top of the stadium still). I'm dreaming of going inside one, perhaps living in one (always wanted to IRL but can't afford).
I'm so happy, but i have little energy left for dream control, i simply find a beautiful polished wooden staircase and climb it hoping it leads somewhere nice. Unfortunately it just tangles with other stair cases and i end up having to walk 'through' the staircase to get out of the confusing mess of staircases..


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #143 on: May 18, 2010, 02:41:41 AM »
Lucidity level: various, 3/5 being highest.
Dream sign: realizing that perhaps in real life we can't fly.
Reality checks: jump to hover.


Not sure which order all these go in, just writing as it comes.

I'm on a hill which i run down and leap into the air to fly. I fly around with my arms spread out like an airplane.. I begin to wonder whether such low flying is possible in real life.. It normally isn't, i must be dreaming.
I want to make sure so i do something that's hard to describe. I automatically "wake up" into another scene, this one a lot more realistic, so realistic that i'm convinced it must be real life, but i'm here to test that.. I walk around what looks like a very comfortable-modern looking old peoples village. An very fit man comes out a few times a day to do exercises (like tai chi, but something more rigorous). I notice the great amount of people who come out of their rooms to join him in the sunshine. I find out its not an old people's village, but all kinds of people live here. This daily exercise routine has been happening for such a long time, everyone just does it and no one is shy. I feel a warmth from this lovely community..
However i'm here to test the gravity. I keep searching for a small grassy area, each place i go there are people gathering together for some activity. One of them even looked like a small group dressed for a funeral.
Anyway i finally find a spot right at the very back of that large block of buildings. I run off the hill and sure enough i can glide around the yard with my arms spread out.

Once again i wake myself into another scene, supposedly more "real" than the previous. This time into an empty urban land lot, its covered in lush green grass. I run and see how long i can stay in the air while jumping. Turns out its as long as i want.. Oh i'm still dreaming. This time i'm mildly annoyed as i begin to wonder "can this really be done in real life? hovering a bit while jumping?" A part of me knows i shouldn't be able to. As i look at the sky i begin to dwell on the differences between dream and real life. A great sorrow comes over me. My frustrations on this topic are so great that i allow my sadness to permeate the white cloudy sky. My sadness turns the sky dark grey, and i begin to cry. "Why is real life so different? so difficult?" emotions run through me i don't even have words for and at the same time a giant moon like orb manifests in the sky, yet its alive and i almost mistake it for an alien space ship. I begin an attempt to verbalize my feelings and frustrations to it from where i stand, but can't find words to verify my confusion. I feel it is listening because i'm already one with the whole scene. "why am i here on this earth?" is the only thing i can say among other unaddressable sorrows.. (I think) the orb begins to change shape and my mind just follows it into distraction.

I'm laying in bed and Trey finds a big Daddy long legs spider which he proceeds to play with in a torturous sort of way. Pulls at one of its legs, this thing is huge, i warn him not to be too rough, because although they rarely ever bite, their bite is actually lethal..
next thing i remember is finding some kind of similar shaped creature attached to my leg and sucking my blood. I pull it off, its body is really long. It keeps crawling back and attaching itself to me. Even tries to get a suck from out of my hand. I finally address it as "Alien creature, i'm afraid i can't let you do this, here have some steak and tomato sauce, its MUCH more tasty, trust me!" I stick its sucker to a plate of steak and sauce, which it does indeed enjoy suckling on. I leave it be and go off..

I walk into Trey's room and he has moved his mattress for some reason. I suggest "How about we place the bed in another position for a change" and i go on imagining places to put it. The room has a fascinating shape, and i dwell briefly in the corners.

I go out to the living room, Trey's mum is really nice, i hang out at this blue couch and begin to think about the rest of the house. I'm convinced this is the layout, but how come i can't recall what the back of the house looks like? ..but i was sure this was the layout of their house... uhh since its incomplete in my mind.. maybe not. guess its a dream.

Also i remember doing a fair few finger pulling RC's here and there, but struggle to recall exactly when i did them. Feels like i did them in the house and in other dreams i may not be able to recall now.


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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #144 on: May 18, 2010, 08:25:26 AM »
"When you get sad it always seems to rain."
"Lots of people get sad when it rains!"
"It rains because you're sad, baby."

--Agent Kay and Laura
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #145 on: June 02, 2010, 06:23:33 PM »
Lucidity level: 3/5
Dream sign: Talking about Lucidity, Flying and recalling previous dreams.
Reality checks: none really..


I'm in some nice bathroom playing with make up, i'm doing a very dark bluish/silver eye shadow all around my eyes, then lots of black, it looks quite good. A girl appears, sort of teleports in. Apparently i know her "I finally made it" she says. We had previously arranged to meet in a dream through MM (false memory) and she finally managed to pull it off. She is about the same height as me, slim with black (or very dark brown hair). We just chat about stuff..

struggle to recall how this dream starts but i begin to fly up above some large forest area, and then i hit a ceiling, its a local sports stadium ceiling. I mentally investigate the feeling of the place and some people doing something at the back there, and then just keep flying up, through the ceiling. When i get through i'm in another building and i just keep flying up and through that ceiling (feels like i had gone up through other rooms/levels too but can't remember them now), then i'm in my room. I fly up to my ceiling and become a little worried that this may be my last stop. The reason is because i recall other dreams and OBE's where i struggled to get through it, i hope i can this time. I try to push through my ceiling but its rather dense, i keep trying until i can't no more..

i know there was more but lost it now..


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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #146 on: June 09, 2010, 05:49:15 AM »
Date: 9-06-2010
Lucidity level: 3/5
Dream sign: Being someone else, and new scenery.
Reality checks: Comparing scenery with my real life.


Its a warm sunny day and i'm walking towards a ramp that leads to a primary school class room. As i approach i notice that i'm a little girl and at the same time become aware that this is a dream. I suddenly become my age again and begin to enjoy the dream by happily walking up to the teacher which is standing by the door and asking "OK i'm here, so what would you like me to do?"
The young friendly female teacher hands me a large black (graphics) folio folder, a few sheets of large paper or cardboard, and perhaps a box of markers. I happily walk on,
i'm not sure if i walk into the class room though..
Whatever happened next is vague or i'm having trouble remembering now...

I'm wandering around a large area with many people, sometimes it looks like a school, sometimes like a theme park or festival where among the usual people, many are dressed up or in costumes. As i walk i confirm again that i'm still dreaming, this scene is very dreamlike. The experiment for today is to be "passively lucid" rather than try to control or change the dream. I somehow feel i will be able to maintain my lucid awareness longer if i do this, and that is exactly what happens through to the rest of this dream.
I wander towards some white tent where i see more people pass me by dressed up as anime characters, circus outfits, and as i enter the tent i see some kids dressing up in Visual Kei style which i smile as i appreciate their efforts. They run around having fun. I'm drawn to some toilets as i feel i need to go. I stop at the last minute and reconsider. Toilets usually lead to complications in my lucidity, i think i'll try to hold off for now. So i wander around this "festival" observing the various people. I pass over a green field looking at some building. I maintain that i'm still aware and that all i'm seeing is "just karma" like the Tibetans describe (in dream yoga). I still feel the need for the toilet but i continue to distract myself and attempt to maintain lucidity as long as i can manage. I walk past a food cart thinking, gee, i think i can't last much longer i'd better do something dream like to prove that this is indeed a dream. I see some children sitting on the other side of the cart eating snacks. They have brightly colored hair, red and purply-blue. I walk past them and touch their really yummy looking hair. It comes off onto my hands like fairy floss (the kids don't react at all, happy sitting there). I put each of the colors in my mouth to taste it. mmm sweet fairy floss.. although the texture is slightly more hairy than usual and less sweet, it still melts in my mouth. I walk back over to where i was standing before.. I begin to think about doing a RC and can't recall if i did one or not, but i do remember thinking that it would be redundant at this point, since i know i've been dreaming already.


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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #147 on: June 09, 2010, 06:48:03 AM »
Lucidity level: 1/5 but fairly vivid.
Dream sign: Trey drives??, Some wall shelves not there before..
Reality checks: Comparing scenery with my real life.


I'm sitting in a 4WD car being driven by Trey to his work in the morning. Its still dark and as i stare at the vivid road i think, "Hang on, since when did Trey drive?" This might be a dream, mmm but it sure feels comfortable being driven for a change.. Suddenly Trey wants MacDonalds for breakfast and as soon as we park the car he has a big bag of food for himself in his hand. I say "but i wanted some too" he replies "you told me you didn't want any" and i say "no i didn't, i wanted some".
We get into this big argument and i walk out of the car crying and i crouch in the rain on the other side of someone elses car (the driver sits in his car wondering what on earth i'm doing there). Trey comes around to get me, we continue to argue to the point where its physical and he threatens to throw me down the slope of trees.

FA: i wake up and laying next to Trey. I look around the room and spot some shelves on the wall that i know he doesn't have in real life "Hey those weren't there before, am i dreaming?" and i sit up and pull my finger. It stretches twice its length and i show Trey "look this is a dream!". As he sits up i notice there is a red laser beam pointed at his forehead, and i tell him. He doesn't seem to care, but i do. It seems to be coming from the window. "Someone might be trying to kill you" i tell him and i begin to worry a bit more. I pick up a CD and hold it up to his forehead as some attempt to deflect the laser or protect him..

I see a brief scene of two young married fat people having sex on a sofa. They finish and the woman releases a satisfied "sounding" sigh, which is enough to convince her husband and perhaps even herself that it was good. Something is telling me that although they act it, they are not fully in love, or at least not on a relationship level where they can realize the full potential of their intimacy..
I'm suddenly sitting at a table where i'm meeting someone's relatives for the first time. Two children come in from the back yard, i realize they are the children of that couple before. They are awkward, with overgrown foreheads and an inability to socialize comfortably. My observation is confirmed when i ask the little boy if he wants something to eat (from the table) and he seems to be either unable to understand me or respond appropriately. I begin to feel sorry for these deranged children having been the result of an unfulfilled couples false love for each other..


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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #148 on: June 11, 2010, 06:12:00 PM »
Date: 11-06-2010
Lucidity level:
Dream sign: Wanting to do a dream action.
Reality checks: Pull my finger.


I'm at a public swimming pool. I get excited and want to get in the water, but there are a lot of people around so i have to choose where i will enter the pool from where i am. I walk over to where my parents might be and sitting on the bench are some friends of my parents (husband and wife). The old man greets me happily in a typical Polish way, but i get a very perverted vibe from him and his tone of voice, i want to leave as soon as possible..

I see an ancient Indian city (as though i'm looking at it on a map or TV documentary). I see in the very center a large orange brick building about the size of a university. A voice explains that although old, this civilization was quite advanced and built big buildings for common use as well as spiritual purposes. I imagine walking among those pillars and then i find myself standing just below a metal Art structure, perhaps meant to be a star, but the spikes are too organic looking like branches of a tree. I find it fascinating and can't contain my urge to jump and hang from it.
Somehow while i hang, i seem to be holding another metal art structure of similar type but much longer with my other hand..
I hang there while people walk by and one young girl approaches me to tell me off for hanging on the art.
I pose some philosophical question arguing that there is nothing wrong with what i'm doing and she leaves me alone..
I jump down anyway and suddenly spot the beach off in the distance.. Naturally i walk towards it and arrive at the seaside.
There are many young people sitting on the sand enjoying the scenery. I see seagulls fly past and i want to fly too!! but before i do so i must RC (don't want to make an idiot of myself trying to fly if its not a dream). I pull my finger and yes i'm dreaming. I proceed to jump and fly like a seagull. Over the water, it feels great, soaring this way and that. I even cast a few seagull calls "kaaaaa kaaaa" haha yeh its silly but it feels good. While the people on the sand gaze, i lower my toe into the water while i fly and feel the water rip.. I fly on to the right, along the coast, until i reach a hillside with a beach-side house on it.
I become curious and fly up to see over the fence. A swimming pool! It looks warmer and clearer than the beach water! I fly and land in the pool standing up at first. I want to breathe under water so i dunk under, but my fear of choking makes it unsuccessful and i float too strongly. Third try i get some force into my dive and let go the bubbles, breathing under water.
I swim along the bottom of the pool, the water seems so shallow. I can also see that this house joins the pool under there and as though being under water means nothing, i see a person up ahead in the yard. This person notices me and tells his friend who just arrived home (to my left), closing the garage after himself.
Soon we are on a beach house style balcony getting to know each other. They are 2 Japanese male's in their 30's. One has a stocky build with dyed blondish curl permed hair, the other with black hair. They seem very pleased to have me at their place, i even get a slightly flirtatious vibe from one of them as they show me around their beach house. Its a strange place where the dining room and living area are outside on the balcony, then doors lead to rooms around the corner and at the back. I'm guided to the bathroom, i'm being shown around as though i will be staying there. I spot the bathtub behind the door "what a pretty bath tub!" i exclaim. It has a side area with white engraved flowers. The guy's move the door so i can see the rest of it, they show me that it is also a piano! and has a recording feature on the side, so you can record music while you take a bath! fascinating but we move on.

.. soon we are just standing and chatting outside the broom cupboard/laundry.
The next scene is like the guy's have gone off to work and i'm clearing the dining table (outdoor), after a big meal. I notice one of the men's mother has arrived. I welcome her and she sits on one of the dining table seats while i continue to clean. She asks me the usual questions as we get to know each other. She is a rather stiff lady, interested in what is going on more than in me. All is well until she asks "What do you do?". I find her so intimidating and judging that i lie and tell her i'm in Hospitality. I'm a little tense now and can't wait until the guy's get home. I hear something and peek over the balcony. The dark hair guy returns home. Ignoring the mother's next question, i call down and wave excitedly to the guy coming out of the garage..

Note: Its the 3rd time in a lucid dream i met these Japanese males, they are much older this time, but i recognize them because they always come in a pair... ??


Offline miss_maya

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Re: ::Maya's Lucid Journal::
« Reply #149 on: June 16, 2010, 07:08:21 AM »
Date: 14-06-2010
Lucidity level: 4/5
Dream sign: Dads here.
Reality checks: Dad is actually overseas IRL.


I'm in my bedroom and the door is wide open.  I see dad walking up the stairs. Huh? I'm instantly lucid because my dad is currently overseas and i told myself it would be a dream if i see him. "Oh its a dream" i say to myself then i speak to the dad that's coming towards my room (it feels just like my dad).
I ask "who are you? and why are you here?" i don't get a reply to this question so i ask again "Is there any message you have for me?"
He stops in my room and says
"yes, say hello to Hailey for me, i'm going (inaudible word).." i was unable to hear the last part because my own thoughts muffled his voice, it was one of those situations where i habitually finished his sentence in my head. Thought he was going to say "i'm going away somewhere" but he actually said something else. I also knew somehow that he is her dad (but has taken the form of mine to seem familiar to me).
I said "Ok i'll tell her" (as in; i'll post my dream on the forums and see if there is a Hailey on there, because i don't know any Hailey's IRL)
When he heard my reply he was satisfied and went back out the way he came.

I must get over this bad habit of finishing other peoples sentences for them..

Lucidity level: 3/5


I'm in my dining room still feeling kind of lucid, my dog is in her usual spot but there are all these purple and white strings hanging from the ceiling like a party just happened.  A few helium balloons bobble between the beams.
I take one of them and throw it at my dog who playfully jumps at it and soon pops it.
I decide i want to make more balloons so i put my empty hand up to my mouth (like i'm about to blow a balloon) and i blow into it. The first try i get what feels like a small balloon going but it pops about half way. I blow 2 more which pop before they are complete. Then i blow slower and concentrate on the feeling and the pressure of blowing a balloon. It feels so real! The rubber resisting the air inside, the air that would press back into your mouth.. I finally have a pearl white balloon in my hand. Its still about 3/4 of a full balloon and in the shape of a pear, but its a fully conjured balloon none the less!! I try and tie up the end, blelelele (yes, the sound my fingers might make in this case), my dream fingers have a really hard time tying the knot. I try about 5 times and lose the dream because it's so complicated!!!!!


I'm in a basketball gymnasium but its later in the day and the lights are on and there are people holding some kind of event/gathering. I'm with Brian again and he sees the members of a band he likes standing nearby. He says "oh man i really want to meet these guy's from 'Black Band'..."
Because i love him so much i would do anything for him, so i maneuver my way towards them and stick my head right in the middle of the 3 band members and say "Excuse me uhhh..." i put my finger up for their attention.
I don't know what else to say, as i didn't think this through, but it got all of their attention for a good 2 seconds. The tall skinny guitarist thinks i'm a waste of his time and pushes in front of me, the second band member also joins in pushing me away. However not all is lost. The amount of time i held their attention was exactly the amount of time Brian needed to approach the main singer, speak to him and ask him for a photo.
So here we are having a photo taken with the band. Unfortunately i got stuck with the fat guy putting his arm around me. I stand there wishing it could be Brian putting his arm around me like that it would be bliss. This horrible fat guy in black is making me feel so ill that i faint onto the floor.. Plonk!
All i want is for brian to hold me, to be with me.. As i lay there Brian bends down and tells me he will go get help.
"Be right back' he says and goes off to look for help.. He takes so long, all i want is for him to come back.. The dream ends before he gets back..

I walk past a bag store and stop to look at the pile of wallets they have in the basket out the front. As i sift through them i pick one up and just faint onto the floor, suddenly overwhelmed by emotion. A shop assistant comes to help, but i wake up almost immediately. She asks whats wrong. I say "Nothing, its just that this wallet, i kind of really like it, i think i'll buy it"  (it reminds me of the feelings i had with Brian somehow)
My logic is that if the wallet made me feel so intensely that i would faint, it must be the right one for me..
I place the wallet i bought into my hand bag and am surprised that it (a blue fluffy wallet) really matches my bag! (a bluish bag).

I'm in some kind of surreal room (looks like i'm in a 3D game, walls are darkish and platforms and certain parts glow) I have to play some sort of game with the pokemon-like characters on the platforms to be able to rescue my friends from vanishing?? the rest is vague..


I enter my room, the light is on, and i find a large greyish cat laying on the pillow of my bed.  I call to it and i don't want it to run away or vanish as i approach so i attempt LaBerge's idea of projecting love to it as i approach. I manage to approach and pat it all the while trying to intensify this love projecting feeling i'm trying to do. As i do this i notice that my chest is not feeling the way i would imagine it should. I only just feel a tiny spot of pleasant love in my heart area, but its surrounded by pain, some muscle discomfort and generally surrounded by stuff pressing against my heart.. I try to intensify the feeling to overcome that stuff, but doing so also makes the surrounding discomfort more intense..

I've been putting off going to the Physiotherapist for my shoulder, i really should organize it.
