Author Topic: Akono: Merc with a dream  (Read 63593 times)

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #105 on: March 15, 2010, 08:59:26 AM »
I was playing Suikoden, and I was trying to recruit some guy.

Up Up and Away

Method: DILD
Recall:none to good
Lucid Ability:9/10
Vividness 8/10
Dream Length: average

I take flight into the night sky. I go so high that I'm above the clouds. They blanket everything thats below me and I notice the moon or the stars aren't out. I stop for a second and stabilize in mid flight, and then I focus on making stars appear. Tiny dots form all around me, and I'm really excited about it. The moon appears but it's fuzzy. I'm still stoked about being this high in the air without worrying about the effects gravity tend to take in my lucids.

The scene evolves into a dark room with glow in the dark stars on the wall. There are all these Starwars toys in boxes everywhere, and I walk out of the room after looking at them. I don't know who's house this is, but I hear a shower running. I head to the bathroom, and I see this blonde girl. She says that she's pregnant. I'm happy, and she turns her back to me. I say "is there something wrong"? She says "I'll do my best to help you two out". I was assuming she was saying that I'd be getting the child...but not her. I tried to piece it together what it meant, but I couldn't.

Pre lucid recall was horrible. I the only thing that triggers any memory is when I think about that girl, and it's just a sliver.

key notes: Flying at an all time high, and changing the look of the scene.

I'm in music class, and the teacher is playing music that sounds like it's from the 70s and asking us questions on it.  He calls on Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) to answer a question.  I thought it was a "name that tune" type of thing since he was playing only seconds of a song.  I blurted out what I thought was the right answer, and he pointed at the black board with this long list that I couldn't read.  Later on in the dream Liz is Monica, and she's sleepy.  I give her the last piece of my cinnamon flavored gum so she can make it through class.

hang on

I was at some formal ball or something when a group of people I was with decided to leave at once without me.  Jokingly I said "thats right, all the good looking people leave us ugly people alone".  I saw Kendal there and.....

(gap in recall)

We're on this platform thats about 20 feet in the air.  We take turns jumping off of it, only to grab the edge with one hand.  The other person who's remains on the platform, pulls them up as hard as they can.  This throws them in the air, and they're able to do a series of flips before landing on the platform, and then we repeat.

I was doing stuff I couldn't do in real life, but it never occurred that I was dreaming.


I remember my sister was saying that she wanted to buy me glasses with her income taxes.  I told her no, that it was a waste of money.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 07:48:44 PM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline pj

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #106 on: March 15, 2010, 09:19:16 AM »
Weird how your recall goes from zip to decent there.  When my recall is bad, I tend to lose lucids as well - I know because of the tiny fragments I do remember.

Nice job on the control!
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Offline Vex

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #107 on: March 15, 2010, 04:39:47 PM »
Much congrats on the dream control. Odd person to find in your shower. Maybe you'll run into her again and you can figure out what the heck she's talking about.
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Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #108 on: March 16, 2010, 11:59:29 AM »
Thanks guys.  I think my odd recall has something to do with these alarms I've been setting.  I've been working on something that may be worth a try, but it depends on my success rate.  So far so good though.  And VK about the woman....I remember another dream where I was married with kids, and I thought I would see her again.  It's possible that could be her, but I'd have to go through my old DJ to compare.

Terminator season 3

I'm watching it, and I'm trying to figure out how this show is even on. And just when I do, the scene changes, and I'm in the future where man kind is waging war with the machines. Theres this kid next to me that has these brown curved claws. He's complaining about them like i can help him. I take a look at them and see if they're retractable or anything. They're not. I try to get the kid to file them down on a hard surface, and just when I do a T888 Shows up.

I stuff the kid in a backpack and get the hell out of there. I head to a crowded area where I think it's safe, and then I see Eric walking up to us. He gives me a weird smile and I see that he has a 12 gauge in his hands. I duck into the next room, and try to run into another door after running down the stairs, and the people in there shut the door on me. They think I have a bomb in the bag. Eric enters, and takes two shots at me but I'm out of the room already.

I'm in a gym it's full of people, and the only person he's going after is me. I started low crawling between the people to use them as shields and I couldn't help but wonder why none of the people stopped him or panicked.

Just odd
Method: DILD
Recall: below average
Lucid Ability:8/10
Vividness 7/10
Dream Length: average

I was watching this porn that had a combination of real life and animated people. It was one huge orgy. When things started finishing up, I was more or less actually there, and I felt something get on me. I was really grossed out about it, and I started looking for some rubbing alcohol, and one guy suggested I used peanut oil. By this time, the animated women were gone, and I didn't know what the hell he was talking about, but I was hand out a beat down since i was lucid.

I thought about it for a moment, and just went with the flow for a little bit. I sat down next to a guy and said "you know this is a dream right?". The guy turned to me and said "you know what you're doing isn't special right?". I walked outside, and I saw my old First Sergeant in the hallway. He said something to me, and this lady said there was a baby on the ledge. I went to the window and removed the entire window frame. He was crawling around on the ledge, and before I knew it, he was rolling on the ground across rocks.

There really wasn't much else to do other than jump out, and get away from the nagging mother. I ripped an air conditioning unit out of the ground and threw it away. I thought the baby would be near, but it wasn't. I continued on and climbed up a tree and worked on acrobatics until the dream faded.

I remember reading some news paper about buying new cars. They had some good upgrades for them when you bought them, but they were no longer available. The only thing was left was they would make a song list of the buyers choosing and rip them from youtube to make a mp3 playlist. I couldn't help but think how crappy that sounded.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #109 on: March 17, 2010, 03:07:48 PM »
heh, I guess that multi alarm streak would last for so long.  I felt tired as crap for most of those days, and today I only remembered one of my three dreams i had.


My nephew is in at my house and he's watching the third Matrix.  Something is wrong doesn't have the special effects, and it looked like it was shot on a made for TV budget.  There was a scene in it that looked as horrible as last one in the Miami Vice move.  I have to leave the room

scene change

I'm at some place and the line has died down, and I decide to get in.  As soon as I do, Cayla and Robert, jump right in front of me.  They're yapping about how this is their third trip to this place, and I'm hoping my outcome is a little better.  I get to the counter, and apparently I need to fill out all of this stuff i had before all over again, and the lady hands me a toy train, and some monopoly houses, and condos.  They fall to the ground, and I'm picking them up and I put them in my cargo pockets.  While I'm doing that, other people pass me.

Finally I get to the first station, and it requires I say something like "I confirm" on a microphone.  When I looked at the buttons i didn't know what to press, and apparently the button was taped down, and it came loose when I pressed it.  I fumbled around with it, and finally got it back in, and said it.  I headed to the next station, and it said I needed page 21.  I looked all through my folder and couldn't find it.  The lady who processed me said "oops, I thought we didn't need that form anymore".  I knew I was here before, so i decided to look through my old paperwork.  It was a different type of copied form, but hell i wasn't going to ask what would happen if we turned in different types of the same form.  Then i woke up.

"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #110 on: March 18, 2010, 04:30:01 PM »
WILD attempt.
everything went smoothly....transition ect ect.  And then there was complete darkness.  I tried visualizing the scene....nothing.  So I finally tried opening my eyes, and I saw the wall.  I don't if it was a FA or what, because I didn't RC right afterwards.  I simply rolled over and continued sleeping.

Wounded Horse
I was walking outside towards my back yard, and I saw some guy ride off on a horse.  Moments later, I saw a blue horse that was injured right near my basketball court.  Like deep was so weird.  From a distance, it looked like it's left rear leg was bleeding.  I don't know crap about helping horses, but I grab a towel and I head over.  I'm thinking about how it might go crazy, and use it's last bit of strength to mule kick me to the front yard.  When  I get there, the horse is small...and brown.  This doesn't make sense.  I look around, and I see the blue horse is in my field.  It's bucking around, and I have that "oh shit, this is the horses kid" feeling.  It runs in my direction, and I head over to a tractor and hop on it.  I know I'm not going to be able to outrun it, so I figure if I can out maneuver it on a big object I'll stand a chance.

When I get on it, it's light enough to rock back and fourth, and I move it just behind another tractor, and cross over to the other one.  I turn it on, and I start driving (oddly enough it's pedal operated).  None of the horses are around, as I head back to the front yard, I notice there are like 7 buses full of really young kids there.  Some of the kids wave at me....I wave back.  I don't know whats going on, but some of the teachers get out, and say something to the students like they have to take a break here.  I get off the tractor, and when I started walking it felt like I had chunks of hardened cement in my mouth. I was slowly taking out one piece after another while the dream ended.

Tape dream
I remember using a cassette in a dream to disrupt someone else's dream.  I don't know what I did, but I remember the tape looking like one I personally had a long time ago.  And talking with that unknown person about their dream.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline feist

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #111 on: March 18, 2010, 05:09:25 PM »
Moments later, I saw a blue horse that was injured right near my basketball court.

Aww, to much my little pony? :)

I get off the tractor, and when I started walking it felt like I had chunks of hardened cement in my mouth. I was slowly taking out one piece after another while the dream ended.

I hate that!
I once dreamed i had a ninja star in my mouth, after i pulled it out, later in the dream i was still pulling out bits and pieces of it. The taste of dirty rusted metal, so akward.

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #112 on: March 19, 2010, 03:30:35 PM »
Feist, I don't know what that was about...the strange thing is, every time I have a dream about a horse, I want to look it up and see what it means.

Indoor smashball

I'm inside some building with black floors, and we're playing this game where our objective is to get this ball to a certain location without being tackled.  It was basically an indoor version of "pick em up, buss em up".

Car issues

My brother wants to take my car to a place to get it looked at by a guy.  And i'm not too sure if it'll be that dependable.  I remember being in bed with some girl before all of this happened.  We were clothed, but curled up and playfully playing with each other.  I think it was one of my anything sexual happens, it's going to get interrupted dreams.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #113 on: March 20, 2010, 12:04:12 PM »
I had a frag about watching a cartoon version of Beetle Juice.  However Lydia was replaced with a guy.  He was cooking breakfast for him, and made all types of nasty stuff.

A better mousetrap

I was lying down on a bed, and I was watching TV.  There was a paid commercial on about this special sale.  They were selling two watches and a mousetrap with it.  I want to say the price was under one hundred dollars.  They would show random pictures of watches, and then they would show this mouse trap in action.  It folded up on both sides, and clamped down in the middle. It was similar to a bear trap, and a person didn't have to worry about the trap henge going all the way over to the other side and snapping their fingers if they slipped.

This beautiful woman, came down and sat next to me, and there was a pretty girl sitting in recliner near by.  They were wearing bathing suits, and I was wearing swim trunks.  The lady came up and started rubbing me, and talking to alliteration.  This woman woman reminded me of Jayne Mansfield.  She had this classic level of beauty that Hollywood tries to imitate at times.  She wanted me.  She wanted to be with me.  She wanted to marry me.  The other girl said something to interrupt her, and I was sitting there thinking.  Oddly enough I wanted to watch that commercial because I noticed they kept showing different watches every time they would say what they're offering.  And partly because I didn't know what to say.  I was flattered, but I was unsure about her.

I started thinking about being with her, and she asked me was something wrong.  I said no, I'm just thinking.  (I tend to get a very concentrated look on my face when i get this deep within myself and I think she was reacting to it.)  The other girl said something to the woman again, and she told the girl something like. "Look, he's not like the other ones before him".  I started questioning that...who is she talking about?  What others?  My arm made contact with the girls leg, and I apologized.  She quickly moved it out of the way, and the woman continued talking to me about how she wanted to be with me.  I woke up abruptly because I felt something like a finger touch me behind my left ear.

I had a frag where I was in the backseat of the car and my friend was driving like a maniac.  I had my seatbelt on, but his kid didn't.  I unbuckled mine, and put both of ours around us.

Two of them

I was in the living room talking to two of my daughters.  They were only a year apart from each other, and both were smart.  I asked one a question about something and started talking to her about the importance of never losing site of her goals.  Then I asked the other a question about math.  I asked her to count to 10.  She got to about 6 before she messed up which is really good for the age she looked.  I gave her some more advice.  My sister was in there with me and she added a little piece to it, and I finished it.  It felt really that was the last time I'd ever see them again.

Wrong part of town

Method: DILD
Recall: good
Lucid Ability:7/10
Vividness 7/10
Dream Length: average
I'm in my car driving around and it looks like the weather is terrible outside.  Theres a woman on the corner, and she comes up to my car.  I roll down the window and I ask her are any clubs going to get any good tonight.  She says "Wade!?"  I look at her, and have no idea who she is.  She asks me "what are you doing here".  I told her i was just looking to go out.  She says "it's really early, like 8 o'clock".  I said "you're right, I gotta go".  When I drove off, I noticed the clock in my car said 6:27.  My clock is always wrong in my car if it's the summer, but only by one hour!

I pulled up to a warehouse, and I was butt naked when I got inside. I had to sneak around a bunch of guys who were doing something downstairs.   I started looking for clothes to put on...there were racks everywhere.   So many to choose from, and suddenly it dawned on me that I was probably dreaming.  RC....worked. Time to get dressed. Instead of grabbing clothes off the racks, I pulled random clothing out of thin air from behind me. First a blue button up....and then a brown one.  I put the brown one one.  Then the jeans, by the time they were one, one of the DCs came up.  

I jumped downstairs and started punching a guy.  He thought we were just messing around or something, and encouraged the other DCs to spar with each other.  He counted the number of times I hit him and said "now it's my turn".  I told him "no it isn't".  And continued wearing him, and the rest of the people in the warehouse out.  I headed outside and jumped back into my car and headed back to where the girl was.

LD sex right?  Wrong....she denied me.  She was running around trying to "service" all the other DCs in the area instead of me the Dream Faded......

I'm back Bitch!
Method: FILD
Recall: Excellent
Lucid Ability:8/10
Vividness 8/10
Dream Length: long enough to lay the smack down

Same exact location and I see the girl.  Back to plan A...whooping ass.  I owned the shit out of her, and woke up.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 11:47:04 PM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #114 on: March 21, 2010, 03:26:31 PM »
I'm at some convenience story waiting for someone else to take over this shift for a girl. We're talking a lot about nothing while we're there, and I really have no idea who she is.


I'm looking at my friends FB pics.  He has a screen shot of WOW.  The scene zooms into the pic, and we're at some location and running around with swords.  Eventually we stop, and I tell him he's standing right next to an an ant bed, and he moves.  Moments later I'm bit by something that looks like a combination between a daddy long legs and a ant.  I don't want to kill it so I shake it off.  It starts running everywhere, and I jump over it out of the way.  Moments later it becomes airborne.

I know i had one more.....i cant think of it now =/  Something involving the woods....

Where am I
Method: DILD
Recall: below average
Lucid Ability:6/10
Vividness 6/10

I was watching the news and there was this tiny fast food restaurant that looked like it had room enough for just one person to run it and food. It was a featured hot spot or something.  Later on I'm with my sister in a cargo van next door.  I have no idea what we're doing, but I have to get in the van and do something.

She tells me to wait, because she needs to get the insurance papers or something.  I told her to just call the cops and say it was stolen if something happens to it.  She grabs a Xbox copy of Rumble Roses and hands it to me.  And then a copy of DOA extreme II.  She walks off smiling.  I like "wtf".

the entire scene changes on me and I know I'm dreaming

I'm at my house, and I start walking straight through the walls.  When I arrive on what should be outside...I realize everything is different.  I'm in the middle of a field of roses, that are between my house and the next door neighbors house.  I start heading to my house when I realize it's not my house.  It's some amped up 2 story log cabin type thing.  I see A father and his son in there, and I'm assuming the kid is me in the past, but it's still not adding up.  The father is mundane like he's already witnessed something like this happening before.  My only conclusion was I was in another dimension.  I looked outside, and there was a lake nearby, and I saw a pterodactyl flying.  I said "wow", you guys actually have those things here living with you all.  The father nodded as we headed outside.  The kid was wearing a cape, and he took off and flew to this shed to grab his father something.  He smiled and said he still gets a rush off of flying.

Well I had some flying to do, and some killing.  I spent the rest of the dream flying after and trying to kill that pterodactyl.  It was talking like a parrot and annoyed me.  I ended up trying to drown it in the nearby lake, but it just kept yapping.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 10:17:56 PM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #115 on: March 22, 2010, 03:50:38 PM »
More Bauer
I'm interrogating a coworker at CTU around other people.  He says something about how he heard a rumor that I didn't like him.  I told him I didn't, and the sooner he told me the information I needed, the sooner we could all go home and be out of each others faces.  Then I went to yelling at him until the dream ended.

I'm talking to this Spanish girl who acts like she doesn't understand a lick of english, and acts like she doesn't understand my Spanish.  I finally say one thing that has her attention, and she lights up and starts talking to me in perfect English.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #116 on: March 24, 2010, 01:45:42 PM »
crap WILD followed by a crap DEILD (I remember being in my room and feeling the sunlight in my face constantly, I think it was because daylight was breaking) where I lost lucidity only minutes in because I thought I woke up =(  

I ended up outside and I was looking at two birds working on a nest.  One was an owl, and I don't know the other one was.  But the owl had a chick in a pouch.  And the nest had two eggs in it.


I'm at this river in formation, and news reporters are interviewing some high ranking officer.  He's talking about how we cleaned up the river.  At first it was inhabitable and now there are fish in it.  I could see colorful salt water fish swimming about in the river.  I couldn't help but wonder if the plant life had regrown, and some divers went into the water, and pulled out some rocks, and they had algae growing on them.

After the interviewers had left, I noticed my pops was there in uniform as well, and Amber.  They both were apart of a different unit that was airborne, and I was telling her a story about how my pops couldn't find his kevlar helmet so he just wrapped a olive drab bandanna around his head.

went to sleep around 7pm for two hours


I'm at my aunts (she passed away a long time ago) house talking on the phone to D.  It's really late, and I'm eating pizza.  There are 2 slices left, and he's telling me about some Asian girl he just hooked up with.  I can hear her cute voice in the background, it sounds like they're in the tub.  Moments later I hear a smack, and she narrates that she gave him a kiss "just because".  He telling me that she's got a friend that may be interested in me, but I don't believe him as usual.  I grab the last slice of pizza and start thinking about how he always ends up with multiple girls and I'm left empty handed.

I'm looking at a map with my sister and she's asking me what the best way to get to a point.  The map she has shows a million turns on off roads, but it's obvious that she could take the interstate and avoid all of that madness.  I started telling her and the scene changes.

We're in these car seats...almost like roller coaster seats, and we're moving on the road.  We're racing other people as a team and it's just really weird.


I'm indoors skating in this room with small kicker ramps throughout and 4ft minis.  Someones playing rage against the machine, and there are tables where people are studying.  I'm waiting on Mark75, and he comes in with some guy and a girl I don't know, and I follow them back to their dorm.  The guy tells me that I can't stay, but Mark and the girl can.  I leave and I'm a little upset, but whatever...I gotta go take a piss.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 09:49:48 PM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #117 on: March 25, 2010, 08:53:07 AM »

I'm at some house...late a night flirting around with a girl. I don't know what i discussed with her, but I like her. She was petite, with sandy blonde hair. But the thing that stood out the most was she laughed a lot. Towards the end of the dream, I felt cold, and I met up with her outside. I sat down next to her on what seemed to be a piano bench and we both tried to warm up. I put my arm around her shoulder, sliding my hands down to her waistline. I asked her was she getting warmer now. She told me she was wet. "ORLY"!? I replied, and she leaned back almost inviting me to check her out. My other hand made contact with her belly and slid down behind her pants. I told her i didn't feel anything, and she said "here". Her left hand was near my face and I could see the proof on her fingers. I moved in and tasted them. She watched me, her gaze sat upon me as if she was trying to control the very actions that I was doing.


I was on a bus riding around this old neighborhood with houses in really bad condition. There was some story behind it about how the guy who was in charge of that small town was rich, but he didn't care about the people there.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #118 on: March 26, 2010, 10:57:04 AM »
0 recall from last night....I got woken up abruptly by someone knocking at my window, and I  couldn't think of the slightest thing i I was dreaming about.

went back to sleep after about 20 mins

Task of the Month Failure
Method: WILD
Recall: excellent
Lucid Ability:6/10
Vividness: 8/10
Dream Lenght: Super Short

After laying in bed for an hour I'm finally in the dream.  I'm in my room, just getting out of bed.  Things look sort of fuzzy, so I take time to stabilize.  Everything clears up eventually, and I fly in the air right quick to make sure I'm dreaming. 

I head out of my room, and outside in hopes of finding that forest of weird trees for the task of the month, but they're no where in sight.  I tell myself I'll eventually come up on one, but it doesn't happen.  I'm woken up by the sounds of electrical saws in RL.

key notes:  Being able to WILD with an electrical saw being used in the first place.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #119 on: March 27, 2010, 02:05:47 PM »
The closer I get to you.
I remember lying down with this redheaded girl. We were arms length from each other. She had one of my hands close to her, and one of her hands close to me. She playfully asked me what can she do with it, and I told her she could do anything with it. I traced the length of her arm with my lips as I felt my other hand being guided all over her body. As we got closer to each other, I could feel the dream fading. I stopped my advances and brought her next to my face. Her elbow and forearm were draped across my chest, and the arm she had mirrored it. We held on to each others arm while feeling the touch of our hands close to our face until the dream ended.

I remember searching through my old room and discovering two of my old yearbooks. I was going to ask someone to wear a football jersey cause I wanted to look nice.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"