Author Topic: Akono: Merc with a dream  (Read 63577 times)

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2009, 03:09:37 PM »

I'm at some store with Haley...we're talking about memories that we may never have had...and there are some controls sitting in the middle of the store.  I grab a hold of them and it moves the entire store...I nearly put it out in traffic, and she stops me.  I moved it back in place and told her that I wasn't going to mess up anything...and then we hug for a while.


I'm in some suburb that has been burned down....or destroyed in some other manner.  I run into a building and I'm looking for my family.  Most of the second floor is now on the first floor, and there is wreckage everywhere.  I don't know how I'm going to find them, or if they're even alive, when suddenly a rabbit hops from around the corner.  Then my nephew, and some random DC.  I too was a rabbit, but I could stand up...and I was human sized.  Someone still had the tv running and i told everyone we had to get the eff out of here.

We left that house, and my plan was to take us to a house that had the least amount of damage and take refuge there.  I was tired...I laid down, and the rabbit came and rested on my was very fluffy ect.  When i got up, it started talking to me, but no one else could understand it....but i forgot what it said.

I had another dream what I forgot about, so I tried running it through my head, and relived the entire dream again...but it kept going...and I forgot that part too...awkward.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2009, 12:04:03 AM »
I'm Back!....but where am I?

I was in some gun room with a lot of other people.  My cousin got in trouble for guns or something they found some rounds in whatever weapon he was carrying, and marked him off for every round he had.  The guy there said he was going to permanently keep his record there, and he got angry, but I was able to leave.

All too familiar scene of the end of school. There are crowds everywhere, but for some reason teachers are making sure the students take specific routes to the buss.  I sneak around and take my own path.  I get towards the buses, and there are crowds of people gathering and catching them.  It's looking really unfamiliar a big monstrosity of all the schools I went to and some malls thrown in for good measure.

I'm walking towards the bus ramp from the office, and the over head path has of them splashes me directly in the mouth.  I think i may end up getting sick, but it isn't anything to worry about.  I have to pee.  I started head towards the bathroom.  I get to a sign that points upstairs.  When I get upstairs it looks like I'm in a department store.  I was going to ask the lady where the bathroom was, and then I saw two lines of guys there waiting.

I got in line, and some other guy got in line with me...and then a couple of more people.  I asked first guy a question.  He looked around, like I wasn't supposed to ask him whatever it was that I asked him.  I gave a half smirk, and said something else.  The four guys behind us got mad.  The guy who I was talking with said something like "I'm gonna have to dust of my fighting skills".  He immediately wrapped up with one of the guys in line, leaving the other three to me.

I gave two quick straights to the closet guy to me, pivoted around, and did the same to the next guy.  The third guy looked at me, turned around and started helping the guy I was talking too.  The first guy came back at me, and I landed a nice combo on him.  The second guy approached, and wanted to get in close.  I threw him and headed towards the three people that were on my new "friend".  I started pulling one guy off a little bit, and then I unworked the other looked like my friend couldn't I started throwing straights at the guys face till he let go.  My friend took a deep breath and gathered his strength, and stood up on his two feet with the other three foes on him.  He knocked them off and roared!  We both squared off with all of them...leaving them unconscious or running.

There were books everywhere, and I was thinking that I could make money by selling them towards the end of the year, but I made sure my friend has his....but he didn't.  I picked up one that was mine, and then I asked him if the other one I saw was wasn't, but it went inside the book he needed.  I kept searching and he eventually said he found it.  We started walking towards a fence (where the bathrooms were) and there was some guy about to climb it.  I threw something at it, and sparks flew from the fence.  the guy who was about to climb it knew a dead spot in the wiring.  During his ascent, I saw Dr. D (lady i used to work for) on the other side, and she was walking to a trailer.

I grabbed the fence and started climbing.  I still felt the a couple of times on my way up, but just at certain parts.  Once i got to the top, there was an akward layer of barbed wire just above the fence, and the fence itself was swaying back and forth from lack of support.  The guy who crossed was able to grab the barbed wire and move it out of my way.  It was still going to be an awkward move, because there was no way I could straddle the fence and get across it without having my back leg mauled, possibly keeping me in the fence to get electrocuted, and later on falling on my head.  I waited for the perfect time and lept between the top of the fence and the barbed wire, and readjusted myself so that I landed on my feet, and rolled forwards once my feet touched the sand.  I looked down the river and saw my cousin and other people sun bathing.  My friend had crossed, and I was yelling  "FINALLY, I'M BACK IN THAILAND"!  My friend said yeah, "and this time it's going to be a lot easier getting back to the point where you were".  I started walking down this river/beach towards my friends, and the dream ended.

"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline pj

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2009, 11:07:38 AM »
Tried to wake up?  Were you successful, or did you end up in a false awakening?
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2009, 03:23:16 PM »
Tried to wake up?  Were you successful, or did you end up in a false awakening? took me a while but I got up...sorry for the late reply...internet has been effed up so I haven't been able to write my dreams down. but it's been about fighting every almost every single night.

Method: WILD
Recall: Excellent
Lucid Ability:10
Vividness 9/10
Dream Length: average

Two birds with one stone
I get out of bed, and use the hand rub for stablization, and then i do it once more to make sure. I head out of my room, and outside. It's day time, and I think about the TASK OF THE MONTH. I walk to my car and get in. I get my keys out of my pocket, and the car starts up before I even put it in the ignition. I put them in there anyway, but I don't turn it. I'm about to throw it in reverse, but all the symbols are mixed up. I move it down to R (which is actually in the drive spot) and start moving backwards. I pull out to the road, and I put it in drive and press the gass, but the car still goes backwars. I move it back to the R position, and then it started moving forward. I mashed on it full on, and ran into the tree that I normally park next too.

Leaves and a two branches fell down, and I got out. My car looked like a mess, and I began focusing on the leaves, and made the go back up into the tree. Then i turned my attention to a branch, and used TK to put it back into the spot where it was broken. I starte visualizing it being repair, and brown strings came out of the branch and connected with the rest of the tree and everything started reforming. I then moved on to the second branch and did the same thing. It took a while to do it because I couldn't find the spot where it had broke off, and when I finshed, ants started crawling out of the spot i was odd.

After that, of course...LD sex.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2009, 11:43:49 AM »
I need to let go

A weird frag about Joanna.  I was driving around town and I was looking for something to eat.  We ended up going to the same pizza place, and I just tried to ignore her, cause I knew she was going to do the same to me.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2009, 06:30:21 PM »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2009, 06:51:01 PM »
25 sep 09

I had dream where I was walking through some place with a lot of people.  It was night time, and people were asking me about the Miami hurricanes.  I remember limping down a hallway and using the side railing for support.  I also had a frag about a speed boat chase.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2009, 06:52:46 PM »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2009, 06:54:13 PM »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2009, 06:55:33 PM »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2009, 06:56:24 PM »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2009, 06:57:00 PM »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2009, 06:58:09 PM »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2009, 06:58:52 PM »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2009, 06:59:47 PM »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"