Author Topic: Akono: Merc with a dream  (Read 63613 times)

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #225 on: August 16, 2010, 08:11:26 PM »
First time was natural, and the next time I summoned her.

That's something I just don't seem to be able to do. Great that you can summon.

Maybe it's time for me to try that thought, "When I open this door, she'll be on the other side"...I have summoned a cinnamon bun though. :lol:

some guy who was throwing a party...he was supposed to turn water into wine and multiply bread.  It never happened, and I bought cake

Sounds like that didn't end half bad.. Probably would have been cool to see that pseudo-prophet do his thing though.

There was a fence with barbed wire behind it, but the windows didn't have any panes and I knew I could easily clear it since I wouldn't get slowed down by the broken glass.

Nice logical, rational thinking here. My mind tends to melt when I'm put in a frightening/tense situation in a dream.
"You a dreamer?"

Do A Reality Check!

MM holds a precious spot in my mind.

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #226 on: August 16, 2010, 10:38:14 PM »
That's something I just don't seem to be able to do. Great that you can summon.
Maybe it's time for me to try that thought, "When I open this door, she'll be on the other side"...I have summoned a cinnamon bun though. :lol:

It's a lot easier than you think man.  Just tell yourself a story, and believe it. "So and so is going to the knock on the door", or "when I walk around this corner, x is going to be there", or even asking DCs.  In that particular dream, I asked a DC where she was while expecting her to show up in a "speak of the devil" manner.

Sounds like that didn't end half bad.. Probably would have been cool to see that pseudo-prophet do his thing though.
Nice logical, rational thinking here. My mind tends to melt when I'm put in a frightening/tense situation in a dream.

LOL I'm always trying to figure out the best solutions to get out of random scenarios, and I guess it carries over to my dream logic as well.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #227 on: August 17, 2010, 07:59:21 AM »

There was a girl who looked like Lauryn Hill in my room. Some kind of way she was attached or linked to a dvd that my pops was looking for.  We were talking a bit, but I couldn't really see her at she was fading out or something. When I was talking to her, I could see him looking in at the room, and he a strange look on his face.  It was obvious that he couldn't see or hear her. I closed the door and started talking in a lower tone, and some kind of way he still showed up in the room.  He was asking if I saw the DVD, and I told him no. He had on a brown leather jacket and was armed with a shotgun....was so weird.  He left, and I tried talking to her again.  As I mentioned earlier, I couldn't really see her at times, so I decided to try putting one of my shirts on her. I could feel the shirt sliding down her outstretched arms as I helped her put it on and then she showed up.  The last thing I remember her saying was something like "we can just meet up tomorrow".
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #228 on: August 17, 2010, 01:02:19 PM »
Whats the worse that could happen?
I met up with Aquanina and Ninja at some kind of poolside get together. Ninja had an old black eye for some reason, and oddly, I was asking him about his birthday. He said no one invited him to a party, so he didn't do anything. He handed me a roach and I finished it off, and we were all going to smoke out. I started wondering about how it may effect my dream recall, but quickly brushed it off. We sat down at this huge round table, and I tried to sit next to Nina, but some other (ugly) DC got in the way.  My nephew showed up, and said something about taking a trip on a bus.

We all got on, and headed some place, and by the time we got there, it was dark.  We headed back and Kayla was complaining about the entire trip.  I told her at least we weren't wasting our own gas.  And she started complaining about the bus itself.  We went back and fourth about that until she finally got off.  My nephew told me that we had to drive the bus for his friend cause his mother (the owner of the buss) was getting off. I knew there was a catch, but whatever.  My nephew started driving, and the windows started fogging up on the inside, and he didn't have his headlights on.  I was waiting for him to correct it, but for some reason he wasn't.  I saw that there was a guy out down the street, and I told him to slow down.  He did so, but he started hydroplaning and the back end came out and hit the guy. I could see cop lights flash behind us, and I told him to turn on his headlights.

I rushed outside to find the guy, and he was sitting upright, halfway buried in dirt.  He asked me if I spoke Spanish in Spanish, and I told him no.  He carried on talking about what happened to him in Spanish, and I couldn't understand what was going on on.  I noticed he had a fracture on his right forearm, and I asked him was there anything else.  The guy pointed to his legs, and I noticed he had two open femoral fractures.  Right then and there I knew he was going to die, but I kept calm, and spoke to him like nothing was really that bad.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #229 on: August 17, 2010, 07:33:15 PM »
Still searching part 2?

Method: WILD (totally unintentional)
Recall: Average
Lucid Ability: 7
Vividness: great
Dream Length: average

Was a really slow transition, it seemed like I was waiting forever for the dream to start. I floated out of my bed, and started stabilizing while the dream was actually forming.  After some time, I walked outside and decided to look for Walms. I threw a black hole on the side of the wall and tried to use it as a portal.  I couldn't phase.  I tried it again, and this time the portal had orange flame marks above it. I slowly crept through it and transitioned through the darkness.

I arrived in some sort of video game. Most of the area was pitch black and there was this red velvet platform which seemed like the only place I could go.  There were these monsters..almost pig like that walked upright that I was killing.

The were placed through out the walkway, and I was slowly mowing them down with dual sub-machine guns.  I found that it was more effective to aim at the shells they had strapped to their clothing letting them die from their own fashion errors. There was someone actually near by them, I don't know what he/she was doing, but I was trying to keep them safe with accurate suppressive fire as the dream faded.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #230 on: August 18, 2010, 10:27:29 AM »
Someone pushed my car into another car...damaging the front end.  I was really mad.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Hukif

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #231 on: August 19, 2010, 09:55:33 PM »
See the good side, they must buy you a new one!

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #232 on: August 19, 2010, 11:49:56 PM »
See the good side, they must buy you a new one!

I think someone started cutting my hair after, and I sort of forgot about it.

Also....had a dream where I was recovering some cursed treasure.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #233 on: August 21, 2010, 04:20:06 AM »
Hotel experimentation

I really don't remember much about the dream other that being at one.  It was mostly white, and there was some cocky guy talking about how he's going to always rent out the same exact room.  I think the drew/carved something on the door.  I also remember a melted remote.  I woke up, and I was able to come back to that dream about four times just thinking about it.  But each time, it was never stable enough to do anything.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Hukif

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #234 on: August 21, 2010, 11:58:23 AM »
lol a hair cut made you forget?
Also, sucks the dream wasn't stable.

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #235 on: August 22, 2010, 08:26:12 AM »
Method: DILD
Recall: Average
Lucid Ability: 10
Vividness: Excellent
Dream Length: long

I started out leaving my house and just knowing it was a dream.  I took to the air...and flew east.  Buildings were popping out of everywhere, forming a big city out of nowhere. I started making more and more appear until the entire scene looked like I was some place I've never been before. I finally landed and ended up going to some place and talking to an old GF of mine.  I remember asking myself several times throughout the dream "why in the world am I even doing this?".
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Hukif

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #236 on: August 22, 2010, 04:25:52 PM »
Lots of control there, cool.

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #237 on: August 22, 2010, 10:57:01 PM »
Lots of control there, cool.

Yeah...I haven't had that much control since that one "DG" dream. Flying was done effortlessly...sometimes I'll start returning to the ground and whatnot, but this time it was just automatic.  Instead of the boring "i'm at my house" stuff, it turned into something much bigger than that.  Skyscrapers and other buildings were literally popping up at my will.  The rest of the dream did have some other control moments, but I decided to leave it out.


I had some dream where I was leaving the mall, and one of my old army friends was telling me I couldn't drive home because I was too drunk.  I couldn't even remember having a drink.  He gave me a police bicycle, and I started riding that.  He stopped me and said it's obvious that i've been drinking.  So I headed back to the mall and walked around a bit.  Some girl came up to me and said her friend wanted to have sex with me and some other guys....I contemplated it, but thats really not my style.

I remember going to the bathroom and cleaning my shoes...I was wearing a new pair, and I had my old ones in my hands.  I noticed I only had one by the time I was about to leave the bathroom.  I backtracked and got it, and when I came back out of the bathroom, I thought about talking to that one girl...mainly to see what was really going on in her head.  I really didn't believe what her friend was talking I wanted to hear it for myself.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #238 on: August 24, 2010, 01:04:22 AM »
had a wild where i lost lucidity after a few minutes of being in the dream, and had two DEILDs later on in the day after taking a nap.  It was pretty personal, so I'll leave it out.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #239 on: August 24, 2010, 03:50:59 PM »
Moar Action
Some dream where I had to kill this bad guy, and he had a gun.  Just when he was entering the room, I was hiding in the closet with mine ready.  He walked in and I unloaded, but no bullets were coming out.  He pulled out his gun and told me not to move.  I told him I had to use the bathroom and he said "okay go".  I roundhouse kicked (took two tries...first one missed but he didn't notice) him in the side of the head, and jumped on top of him and started beating the crap out of him.  I looked up and saw a computer that had IRC on it, and someone was saying "glad to see you've grown up Akono".

I also remember some dream about being at some type of aquatic place with small killer whales in the pool.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"