Author Topic: Akono: Merc with a dream  (Read 63585 times)

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #60 on: January 15, 2010, 10:03:58 PM »
Super Mario/Rockband combo game. 
How was it?  I can't imagine that it would be a very good combo.

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #61 on: January 22, 2010, 07:07:09 AM »
Super Mario/Rockband combo game. 
How was it?  I can't imagine that it would be a very good combo.

it was mario was 3/4s overhead, and there was metalica music playing.  I guess when you played the correct notes he just automatically did the right thing.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #62 on: January 22, 2010, 07:09:10 AM »
Swamp World

Method: forgot
Recall: awesome
Lucid Ability:8
Vividness 7/10
Dream Length: short

I had some dream where i was on this unknown planet. it was full of vegetation and it was red in color. There was swamp people there defending there village, and I was some sort of small tyrannosaurus rex. I hurried the swamp guy to jump on top of me so we could get into battle, and I was running around ripping everyones head off and eating them. I knew i was dreaming, but i was just going along with it. eventually it ended and I had a FA in my room where some girl was sitting on top of me and poking me in my ribs trying to wake me up.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 03:43:55 AM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #63 on: January 22, 2010, 07:10:39 AM »
Really good potential
Method: DILD
Recall: awesome
Lucid Ability:7
Vividness 9/10
Dream Length: average

So i'm watching TV and it has a couple of guys and girls from a show I watch every now and then, and they're on some kind of summer trip. The girls around the guy keep flashing him, and he says he doesn't want to see it. But I can tell on his face he does. And one after another the girls flash him. They go to another location, and the same exact thing happen. This happens for a third time and I really get whats going on, and I'm all like "Oh snap!? breasts!".

The scene zooms out, and I find myself laying back on a chair with my feet propped up. Theres a couple of people around me, and we're watching a tv on a balcony late at night. Some security guy starts walking up towards us, and everyone scatters before he gets there. I think i recognize the guy, and he says "hey you know a good show to watch if you're bored"? And he tells me something, and he says something about how I'll get my moneys worth.

scene change

I'm entering some diner...ala IHOP or something to that nature. It's so bland in there, and everyones looking sort of lifeless. Theres a big splash of blood on the wall, and I look at one guy and he's really pale, and I notice droplets of blood on his face. I get the suspicion that whatever happened, is going to happen again, and I think someones gonna turn into a zombie...maybe all of them. I continue walking and theres all of these hot chicks sitting around this table it sort of dawns on me that I could be dreaming....

SEX minutes later

We stop...and I tell the girl "I was almost..." and she stopped me mid sentence, and I said "never mind". The guy who's running the place starts screaming, and going crazy. Everyone starts running, and I tell myself theres a shotgun under the table. As soon as I do that, two DCs run for the freaking table I'm looking, grab something, and haul ass. I get up there, and reach underneath, and I can feel the bolts that was holding it up in place. I look at the owner and say "hey, my shotgun was under here"! The owner looks at me and says "sorry man", and he hands me some sort of razor. I head down the hallway and I see the guy with the shotgun I tried to create, and it has no bullets. Theres a case of them near the remains of something that I cant describe, and I tell the guy to get them. Theres also a fire axe lying by the body, and I'm thinking about holding it in reverse and just knocking zombies heads off. But i see another knife, and I grab it....I start walking around looking for some action but the dream fades.

On a side note, the scene where I walked into the diner happened twice as well... everything up until the sex that is.

Rounds and Rounds we go

Method: DILD
Recall: poor
Lucid Ability:5
Vividness 8/10
Dream Length: short

I remember shooting a 9mm hand gun with a scope on it over and over. It would only run out of ammo when I wanted it to, and I would press the button to eject the clip, and go through the motions as if I were putting a new one in, and it would fire again. No cartridge casings were ejected out of the gun, but it still had the same movements when I was firing. I continued to shoot invisible rounds until the dream faded.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 03:43:20 AM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #64 on: January 25, 2010, 01:09:55 AM »
short and sweet


being and some event....MPs finding my tags are bad...some judge trying me

dream 2
being at some party/school event, getting some girl in the rear naked choke...I thought she was gonna pass out.

dream 3
something involving staci...she was being nice, but i have no idea what it was about.

dream 4
being at that party again, and discussing the best places to get mustard greens, and then some cop talking about college football.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #65 on: January 25, 2010, 11:41:52 AM »
I'm in the Army, and I'm married to a girl I used to work with. She's stationed in Germany, but I don't know exactly where. I look at all of my gear, and theres all types of addresses and phone numbers written on my canteen and rucksack, but not hers. Some tall skinny girl walks in where we are, and asks me "do you know julia dryfus" or something, and I tell her no. She thinks I'm joking and comes up and hugs me. We head off to some location, and I think we're supposed to deliver something.

I woke up and reminded myself to become lucid the next time I'm in the army in a dream.

I need goals

Method: DILD
Recall: awesome
Lucid Ability:9
Vividness 9/10
Dream Length: average

I'm at breakfast, and someone has some kind of peanut butter and jelly spread that they're giving away. I want some so I go off looking for it. I find it, but theres not freaking bread. Some guy comes up to me and says breakfast sucks. I told him nah, it's just that they ran out of bread. He said something about how he was going to try to complain to everyone so they'd make it better, and I told him not to worry about it. We walked outside, and there were snakes everywhere. I jumped around and tried to doge them, and then I tried to fly. Of course, it worked and I was airborne.

I didn't have any goals on the mind so I just decided to explore a little bit. I came across some girl who was talking about a lucid contest, but that part gets fuzzy. I flew over to the side yard, and the field had a bunch of water in it and a dock. People were fishing, and I tried my hand at it. Something went wrong, and the hook fell off right after I put it in the water, and my pops was telling me I didn't set it right. The scene starts changing to indoors, and this kid I know wants me to take a look at his video. It has him and his other friends in it rapping, and constantly cussing. I told him that they needed to change the hook because it actually sounded like a kids song so they would need to clean it up. He got mad at me for suggesting that, and I just walked off.

The scene changes to a lab, and these zombies come out of no where, and I grabbed one and threw it through the ceiling. I grabbed another one and threw it through the same hole, and it traveled into the black sky, and made a little twinkle in the sky like in cartoons. There was a lady at a desk saying one of those people I killed was actually normal.

another lucid later of course. I need to come up with some goals.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 03:42:07 AM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #66 on: January 28, 2010, 03:27:13 AM »
27 Jan 10

I was in a room full of huge books.  Inside the books they had all types of porn.  I was with my friend David, and he was talking to some guy about selling tires to him.  The guy gave David some money, and they were wheeling and dealing about prices of an old car.  Apparently he didn't have anything to sale for the amount he gave in exchange, and we started leaving.  I saw two cute girls on the way out, and I started talking to her.  I asked her her name, was she single, and she said yes.  I asked her for her phone number and got denied.  David was outside at the time, and I caught up to him.  He was talking to someone on the cell about how he couldn't buy a car with the money he obtained, and about my recent attempt at that girl.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #67 on: January 28, 2010, 06:12:27 PM »
28 Jan 10


I'm in a field thats full of dead brown grass. My pops is operating a tractor and plowing everything. The area where I'm at is still covered by dead variegation, and I'm tearing plants up with a pitch fork. About 50 meters away from me, I see Monica. She's at a gas pump fueling her vehicle. Theres a river that separates us and I grab an old weather worn basketball and attach the comics to it, and toss it across. She grabs it and laughs a little bit, and asks me if there was one in particular that she wanted me to look at. I told her "ziggy or didn't matter". Everything shifts and her vehicle and everything else that was near it is now only feet from me. I feel so awkward right now, and I don't know what to do. She walks towards me, and we hug each other. She says in one ear "friends first", and moves to my other ear and says "love second". I let her go and backed off for a second, and said "what". I really didn't know what to say or do, and the dream faded.
I had two other frags one involving seeing my cousin, and the other one I was working out in the field gathering vegetables.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #68 on: January 29, 2010, 05:35:14 AM »

I was with my friend D and we went to eat at some place.  They had tater tots covered in melted cheese.  Later on I'm trailing behind his car, like i'm on an invisible jet ski.  I really had to piss, so I told him to pull over, and when I did, a huge crowd that looked like it was going on a field trip started walking by.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #69 on: January 31, 2010, 01:44:55 PM »
Method: WILD
Recall: good
Lucid Ability:9
Vividness 9/10
Dream Length: long

FA...I'm in my room, and it's in credibly hard to get out of bed.  Everything seems fuzzy, and blurred. I struggle to get up, and I start trying to stabilize.  Boom...I'm back in my bed.  I do it all over again, and stabilize some more. On top of rubbing my hands, I blow into them to make them warm up.  Things get super vivid.  I head outside, and I'm thinking about summoning a horse.  I walk around the corner of the house, and theres a small donkey sitting there.  I say eff it, and rode it around the house while thinking "theres going to be a horse around here some where".

And out of field in the backyard came four horses that were various colors.  They were running towards me and I jumped up and landed on the white one.  They started moving super fast, and changing...they started looking like huge cheetahs. I was thrown so far back on it that I was looking at the sky part of the ride.  When i readjusted myself the other animals had riders on them and they were all talking about how we were going to take out this town that we were heading to.  One of them said "isn't that the guy who stopped us last time" as they pointed at me?  And I went along with it and said "yeah".  Just as we approached the town, I sprung off of my cheetah into the air doing a backflip, and landed in a crouching position planting my fist in the ground.  Cracks tarted forming where my fist impacted the earth, and everything started shaking and the ground opened up and swallowed all of them except one guy.  I spent several minutes punching him at various amounts of strength and made him disappear. Then of course....lucid sex.

When I was about finished some guy came up behind me, and said "we really need your help".  I punched him and watched him stagger back several feet  and said, "okay, now you're not so anoyingly close".

I also had a frags about playing some 3rd person sandbox type game, and owning a laptop and going through the forums, and finding a stash of porn under my bed and going through it.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #70 on: February 01, 2010, 11:35:25 PM »
Method: DILD
Recall: poor
Lucid Ability:7
Vividness 5/10
Dream Length: average

I'm at my old barracks, and I get a new roommate over night who happens to look like a guy i used to work with.  I head out to go get immunizations, and theres some lady telling me that she cant give them too me because of the sweat I have on my shirt...she says it's a sign of something, and I cant figure it out.  She tells me I need to go back to my room and shower.

When I get back to my room, it appears my new room mate left a mess.  Theres like 4 1/2 gallon bottles of milk, and coffee everywhere.  I started cleaning it up, and he woke up half way and started helping me.  I was telling him that we'd get in trouble if there was a surprise inspection.

things get fuzzy here

And i'm outside on a bench...watching some girl argue with a guy.  I told myself wouldn't it be funny if the girl did something I cant remember, but she did it.  And I thought about a different thing, and she did it as well.  I realized I was dreaming and went about making her do various things until I woke up.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #71 on: February 07, 2010, 03:04:30 AM »
Lost and Violent

I was in the parking lot of my old church when I noticed this girl named Ebony walking around it.  I couldn't think of her name at the moment, and I couldn't help but stare at her eyes.  She never said anything either.  She just kept walking around the truck.  Later on, I got inside and was riding with K.  I didn't recognize the streets, and suddenly it was like we were on some sort of automatic transportation device.

It was traveling upwards like an elevator, but it was open, like a coaster.  I was holding on to some sort of rope, and when i pulled it, it made all the transport devices behind us go back down.  I could hear random complaints from the people as they went backwards.  We were almost at the top, and some girl who was with me started complaining to the operator and saying we could just take the stairs.  I looked over and saw there were a flight of stairs right by us.  We headed back down and I was about to go to the stairs when I saw all these people fighting outside.

I was going to ignore it, but I saw J and D out there.  I rushed outside, and there were so many angry people fighting, but I didn't see my friends.  I kept moving, and trying to avoid the scuffles that were going on until i met up with them.  One guy swung at me, and I dodged his punch, and started swinging left, right hooks at him over and over.  He finally went to the ground, and I started hammer fisting and elbowing him.  His face started bleeding, and I could feel his bones breaking in his face with each blow.  Eventually i didn't even see his face; all was left was a mass...and I woke up.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #72 on: February 08, 2010, 07:48:54 PM »
My dreams were similar to yesterday, but I do remember a scene where I was walking down a dirt road that were surrounded by portable buildings that are normally found at school.  We walked inside, and some guy was saying he was going to the store.  The other guy gave him money to get some alcohol and we walked outside and it was dark outside.  And the scene had changed to my home.  There was two ladies out side, and the guy with I was with said "dang, that old thick lady could get it".  She came up to me and asked me if I was till marrying her daughter, and I said "NO".

wokeup briefly back to sleep.

I'm watching something that looks like a kids show.  They're in some building that looks high tech, and they're using a computers GPS system to show where they're at. It switches out to a viewpoint of the US map, and I hear the girl say "we're in Cancun, Mexico".  But the systems pointed way up around the central U.S.  Then I see these lasers outline a huge area of the map, and everything sets on fire.  And I said "oh, dang, they're all dead".
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #73 on: February 09, 2010, 01:56:55 AM »
I had some dream where I was at a bar with a lot of people, and everyone was talking about meeting up at that same place the next day.  I had two cellphones, but one had a full keyboard on it.  I started putting in the date as a reminder and walked outside.  The scene looked like school, and everyone was heading to the buses.

another scene change

and i'm at my house...someone does something and creates a light blue door out of thin air.  It has an arch on top of it, and a dot in the middle of it.  I just woke up after that.

short lucid

after that I let my thoughts drift back off, and heard my tv turn on.  I thought about shifting over to unplug everything but thought about the fact that I had already unplugged my tv before I went to bed.  I got up and found out that I was in dream already.  I was about leave my room and I turned around just to see if anyone was there.  My blankets started rising up and filling out. There was a girl lying there, but she was covering up her face.  I thought about killing her for a moment, but I headed out to the living room.

I saw my pops laying down on the floor, and walked outside.  It was dark, and there weren't any stars outside.  I saw a car heading to do a U-turn and I jumped all the way to the road, but I didn't get there in time.  The car had left.  I started looking around at the sky and noticed the moon was out, but it was subdued and there were actually a couple of stars out.  They looked like the reflected a lot.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #74 on: February 11, 2010, 11:00:59 PM »

I remember a frag about being at a school that was almost empty, and the few people that were there was saying everyone was sick. There was a circle of people sitting in class and someone was telling them that they could go home and drink if they wanted to right now.  If they got too hung over they could be excused from school the next day.

I had another where I was at the gas station, and I think Staci was there.  Her mom, or aunt came up to me talked about something, and I drove off.  I was heading down the highway, and it was like none of my lights were working, and my car was more like a tractor.  There was some guy near a dead end walking around, and he was trying to get up close to me.  He said something, and lit a stick of dynamite, and I drove off as fast as I could.  I got to this farm and I was supposed to plant some seeds on the tractor.

I had another dream where I was walking around in a tuxedo and barefoot.  I walked outside and saw my pops was out there cleaning fish.  It looked like he was throwing away a couple of them, and I continued around my house, and the area changed.  There was this girl who claimed she married my brother, and some kind of way i missed it.  She walked up to me and gave me a big hug, and someone was talking about taking pictures.  I wanted one in my tux, but I felt really weird not having on any shoes.  There was a pillar that had little box inside of it and it had old pictures of me in it.


I also remember playing some Xbox game system that had games already on it, including the first Halo.  The guy had super speed, and stuff....other than going through the system to get to the game thats all i remember.


Something about replying to a thread in the forums.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"