Really good potential
Method: DILD
Recall: awesome
Lucid Ability:7
Vividness 9/10
Dream Length: average
So i'm watching TV and it has a couple of guys and girls from a show I watch every now and then, and they're on some kind of summer trip. The girls around the guy keep flashing him, and he says he doesn't want to see it. But I can tell on his face he does. And one after another the girls flash him. They go to another location, and the same exact thing happen. This happens for a third time and I really get whats going on, and I'm all like "Oh snap!? breasts!".
The scene zooms out, and I find myself laying back on a chair with my feet propped up. Theres a couple of people around me, and we're watching a tv on a balcony late at night. Some security guy starts walking up towards us, and everyone scatters before he gets there. I think i recognize the guy, and he says "hey you know a good show to watch if you're bored"? And he tells me something, and he says something about how I'll get my moneys worth.
scene change
I'm entering some diner...ala IHOP or something to that nature. It's so bland in there, and everyones looking sort of lifeless. Theres a big splash of blood on the wall, and I look at one guy and he's really pale, and I notice droplets of blood on his face. I get the suspicion that whatever happened, is going to happen again, and I think someones gonna turn into a zombie...maybe all of them. I continue walking and theres all of these hot chicks sitting around this table it sort of dawns on me that I could be dreaming....
SEX minutes later
We stop...and I tell the girl "I was almost..." and she stopped me mid sentence, and I said "never mind". The guy who's running the place starts screaming, and going crazy. Everyone starts running, and I tell myself theres a shotgun under the table. As soon as I do that, two DCs run for the freaking table I'm looking, grab something, and haul ass. I get up there, and reach underneath, and I can feel the bolts that was holding it up in place. I look at the owner and say "hey, my shotgun was under here"! The owner looks at me and says "sorry man", and he hands me some sort of razor. I head down the hallway and I see the guy with the shotgun I tried to create, and it has no bullets. Theres a case of them near the remains of something that I cant describe, and I tell the guy to get them. Theres also a fire axe lying by the body, and I'm thinking about holding it in reverse and just knocking zombies heads off. But i see another knife, and I grab it....I start walking around looking for some action but the dream fades.
On a side note, the scene where I walked into the diner happened twice as well... everything up until the sex that is.
Rounds and Rounds we go
Method: DILD
Recall: poor
Lucid Ability:5
Vividness 8/10
Dream Length: short
I remember shooting a 9mm hand gun with a scope on it over and over. It would only run out of ammo when I wanted it to, and I would press the button to eject the clip, and go through the motions as if I were putting a new one in, and it would fire again. No cartridge casings were ejected out of the gun, but it still had the same movements when I was firing. I continued to shoot invisible rounds until the dream faded.