Interesting to say the least.
I was about to get on some weird ride that was starwars related. I noticed everyone around me were old friends of mine, from Jr. High...heck they even looked like 12 and 13 year old versions of themselves. The ride connected to the track that was over our heads so our feet would be dangling, and there was a small glass screen in front of us. There was an announcer saying we had to destroy all of the enemies, and then slowly the view increased, and it was like full screen.
After that I found myself on the school bus with those same kids. I sorta knew I was lucid, but I was just playing along. I asked Kim was she going on the next upcoming field trip, and she said no.
I remember something else where I was in a movie theater, and smoke kept rising up. I looked down and someone had left their ash tray there. I kicked it out of the way, and one of the dc's got a little upset (I don't know when this happened....maybe at the begining)
I found myself on the roof of a mansion. Two stories down there was a pool that was on fire. I thought to myself "my brain would never give me something that I couldn't handle". I jumped down and that actually solidified my lucidity, because the scene changes kept making me snap out of it. I saw my friend J at the pool, and said "oh man, do I have to fight you"? He had his shirt off, and was looking jacked up. He said "no, you did that in 01, I got someone else for you". This woman came out of no where. Pool was looking normal again, as she approached, ready to fight. "I have to fight her?", "yes". I got into a southpaw stance, and waited on her. She threw her right hand, and I grabbed it with my left cushioning the blow as it hit me in the stomach. At the same time, my right cross rocked her head. She did the same thing, and so did I. I knew I was hurting her more than she was hurting me, so I started throwing combos with every blow, and just absorbing her body blow. I was starting to get tired, and she did this almost looked like she was downloading something off the matrix.
She told me she got enough information she needed to fight me, and pretty much went into overdrive. My punches didn't have as much effect, but I didn't let her land a single one after that. I switched up my entire style, and became more offensive. After a few combos, it was obvious that they were having effect again, and the dream ended.