Author Topic: Akono: Merc with a dream  (Read 63597 times)

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #75 on: February 12, 2010, 05:22:24 PM »
I had a frag about going and ordering lunch, and the guy put me down for too much food.

I had another frag where I at the library ad there were all these people from school there.  I even remember seeing Conan O'Brien.

Method: DILD
Recall: poor
Lucid Ability:10
Vividness 7/10
Dream Length: LOOOONG

I remember walking through this mall and free running down this set of escalators. There were all these babies in car seats at the bottom.  I was looking around to make sure I didn't get in trouble for doing that, and I was wondering about the whole situation.  I more or less floated down there, and the escalators were setup like a maze.

The next thing I know, I'm fully lucid, and I'm beating the hell out of this guy.  Nothing fancy, just lefts and rights, and we're surrounded by a crowd.  I'm talking trash the whole time, and he cant do anything.  His punches are just phasing through me.  I had to have spent at least ten minutes of mopping the floor with him, and I thought to myself "man, I just wasted way too much time".

I headed back the other way, and started long jumping down the hallway, I even tried swimming through the air.  It felt awkward, but doable.  I stopped for a moment and stabilized.  Then i continued running down the hall. I started running along walls, landing on tables, and hopping back on walls.  I was even running around corners of walls.  Honestly at that time, there was nothing I felt I couldn't do.

There was some DC who tried calling me out, and she stripped down to a bikini.  Of course, lucid sex, but I was still making sure to stop and stabilize. This has had to be the longest LD I've had this year. I just wish my recall was better.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #76 on: February 19, 2010, 09:07:12 AM »
Bad girls

I was explaining to some girl about the way my cousin is (really crazy...gets in fights ect ect).  And I looked outside and saw someone throwing this kid to the ground.  I rushed outside and saw the kid getting up, he was beat up, and he started heading towards us.  I headed where he originally got up, and saw three girls.  They formed a semicircle around me and started talking trash to me.  They kept saying thing like how they were going to beat me up, and it was rhyming, but it sounded awful.  They took turns rushing at me and throwing a punch.  Each punch they threw at me was either blocked or dodged.  After the attempt they would keep running past me and reform the half circle.  I just kept my defense up, and made sure my back was never pointed at any of them while slowly moving back to where all the people were.  I was hoping they would see what's going on and stop them, or the girls would stop after seeing everyone else.

And....they didn't.  With each rush I was blocking punches over and over.  I started feeling tired, and I got fed up with it.  As soon as the girl rushed trying to punch me, I parried her fist with my wrist and spring loaded that same fist right into her face.  All the girls were stunned simultaneously at the effectiveness of one motion.  The girl I punched was holding her face, and the others were gasping.  I said "Do you all really think  I'm not going to defend myself"?  I got into a southpaw stance and awaited the next attack.

The Interview

Method: DILD it was very close to being a WILD, but some kind of way I forgot what was going on during the transition.
Recall: good
Lucid Ability:0-5
Vividness 9/10
Dream Length: long

I show up in some kind of room with all these pictures on the wall.  It's like a real version of DV or something.  People are talking about old staff in the room I'm in, and some guy asks me what should I do about this rule thats posted on the board about pics.  I told him I don't know. I was going through pictures of everyone who was on staff, and didn't recognize anyone, and thats when it dawned on me that none of this was real.

I headed to the next room and theres a really pretty girl there.  She's slightly tanned, has long brown hair, and hazel eyes. She asked me if I was going to interview her, and I said "yeah".  I figured I'd just kick back and see where the dream goes from here naturally.  Howard Stern was in there talking about something, and it was annoying.  I grabbed a remote and hit the volume button, and it muted him.  I sat now next to the girl and said "okay, lets begin".  I asked her what does she do, and she said she was in school studying for something I didn't understand.  My next question was going to be "whats your major", but I asked her to give me more details on what she was studying for instead.  She said shrugged, smiled and said well..."I really don't know."  I lost track of my next question as people came into the room and I jokingly said to her "we'll take a commercial break".  She started laughing, and I told her that I completely forgot what I was going to ask.

The amount of people in there started to annoy me, and before I knew it, she grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. We started kissing, and I thought to myself "well hey, at least it's the DCs that want it and it's not a random plan B". And just then the bathroom opened up, and some guy was trying to get in.  I shut the door, and tried to lock it, but the lock wouldn't match up and close all the way.  The door swung back open and a couple of guys came in.  I closed it again and told myself that I'm stronger than anyone behind the door.  The only problem was the door wasnt.  It started warping and pushing outwards and it looked like a big cylinder.  I let it go, and tons of guys rushed in.  When i turned around, there were actually less guys in the bathroom that ran past me.  I left, and the area started looking like a huge warehouse.  There were still people heading in my direction, and I just got fed up with it all.

I saw the biggest  most muscular guy in the crowd and superman punched him.  He shrugged it off, and his girl tried to fight me. "Here we go again I thought".  And ran at her and kicked her on the right side of her stomach with my left foot, and followed it with a push kick to her stomach with my right foot.  She staggered backwards, and I jumped into the air.  Everything was slowing down around me, so I had ample time to perfect the blow. As I came closer to her face, I threw a punch with my right hand and hooked it so it wouldn't connect. Then I folded in my arm allowing me to brutalize her with an elbow. I walked off away from the madness.

The scene changed from a warehouse to one of those bulk goods stores.  There were a lot of people with shopping carts, and I was jumping and landing on them, letting the shoppers move me around at times.  I saw the girl from the first part of the dream.  Her hair was short, and other than that she looked the same.  As I passed her by, I was leaning back and forth on the edge of the shopping cart where I was nearly horizontal.  She jumped up on one and did the same thing.  We both jumped down, and I kissed her.  And she said "how does that taste"?  I said "um I don't know".  She looked almost pissed off at me.  And then she said "you should have said, like a hundred dicks". She walked off, almost disappearing, and I jumped over a few isle and saw her again. 

I didn't have anything to say to her, but I kept perusing her.  And then there was all this music playing, and people dancing.  I was observing everything trying to figure out how my mind works. People started singing, and I asked a guy to sing "lately".  He started singing, and everyone else started backing him up, and soon there after I could' hear everyone mumbling after only a few words.  I laughed to myself knowing they only know as much of the song as I do :P.  Then the dream faded.


I was still lying in my bed with my eyes closed so I decided to FILD.  As I twitched my fingers I felt the bed rock back and fourth with my movement.  And then it felt like I was being pulled to move my hands and roll over.  After that, I felt the sensation that I was spinning in circles.  Everything stopped, and it was still pitch black.  I laid there for a few minutes with nothing going on.

I was thinking that I failed and should try to WILD, when I really should have just gotten up and RC'd. I hear rain outside, and I open up my eyes.  I can see that I left my window open, and it looks like it's morning time outside.  Theres a sheet laying on the ground, and it has all these bugs crawling on it, and it's wet.  I look at the window, and it's cracked, but the screen should have kept everything out.  I start looking at the sheet and try to figure out what these black bugs are, and I feel something pinch me, and I woke up for real!
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline pj

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #77 on: February 19, 2010, 09:13:12 AM »
That is the beauty of WILD - that even a fail has us set up for some kind of DILD!

Nice job - great recall of the lucid.  Asking all your DCs to sing a song you only knew part of was genius, and another proof that there is only as much there as you have available from your own mind.
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Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #78 on: February 20, 2010, 04:04:08 AM »
That is the beauty of WILD - that even a fail has us set up for some kind of DILD!

Nice job - great recall of the lucid.  Asking all your DCs to sing a song you only knew part of was genius, and another proof that there is only as much there as you have available from your own mind.

Thanks PJ  ;-D I used to set up a lot of DILDs that way when I originally started attempting WILDs.

I'm not that fly

I was at this cafeteria on the military base I used to be stationed at, and I was talking to this beautiful girl.  She was all into me, and she was sweet, and nice.  I kept trying to figure out why she liked me of all people.  I kept thinking to myself, "she must be a hoe" the entire time.  Other parts of the dream got really weird.  I remember driving some kind of boat trailer from the cafeteria to my house and back.  When I returned I asked the girl for her phone number, and I remember it started out with 794.  I had most of the number memorized when I originally woke up.


I was supposed to meet up with my friend at a bar, but there was this big race going on where I was supposed to meet him.  While everyone was running, Cheri Oteri jumped in and caught up to the pack.  She ended up placing third, and the guy everyone thought won, lost, because he didn't break the tape.  Everyone saw the reply at the same time and started yelling.  Some kind of way I was standing on the podium, and I left it.  I watched it with them, and there was all these people telling the Japanese people to shut up.

I headed to the bathroom, and there was money balled up sitting in a urinal.  I  got a closer look at it was 200 bucks.  The money was dry, but it was still sitting on old piss.  I looked around, and saw a empty cigarette box and grabbed it with my right hand.  Then I grabbed the money with my left hand and proceeded to put it in the box.  Then I put the box in my pocket.  Some guy was grossed out, but I didn't care, I was gonna wash my hands, hit the bar, and order some drinks, and get the change and rewash my hands again.

back to sleep

Had a random sex dream, and I had another where I was dreaming about reading the forums.  Third dream invovled me skating at this skate park.  I was trying to teach my friend how to drop in.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 11:50:48 AM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #79 on: February 21, 2010, 02:18:30 AM »
Method: DILD
Recall: good
Lucid Ability:not really tested
Vividness 9/10
Dream Length: long

Special Agent Wade Wilson

I had a dream about being in 24.  I remember it started out with a secret passage way from my room.  A couple of family members and I were going to take back our streets.  I remember trying to get some weapons from my brother in law, to no avail.  Then waking up....

Going back to sleep and seeing a 3rd person view of some guy running through the streets in BDUs and killing a lot of people.  He ducks into a bar, and it switches back to first person.  I'm in there with a guy and a girl, and I'm asking them for help getting past these guards.  Theres three of them and three of us.  Theres no way I can kill all three of them, so I need their help.  I look down at my outfit, and it looks sort of like I'm in the military.  And I make up a story on the fly what I could tell them.  It involves me being a cook and I'm heading out fishing right now. (because I had white pants on).  Then I got to thinking, I probably can just bypass them with out a hitch and use that story as a cover if need be.

scene switches

I'm with some friends, and they're fishing in what looks like a large ditch.  I don't think they're going to catch anything, and just when I doubt it, this guy pulls up three fish on one line!  I start looking for worms, and theres these silver ones in a cup, but they're still moving.  Things seem weird right now, but I don't suspect much.  I try to cast near the area where they threw it at.

loss of recall....

It's night time, and I'm on an island with survivors, and I'm asking anyone if they have any weapons.  Some guy walks up and asks me what am I talking about.  And I started yelling at him saying I was with the Counter Terrorist Unit and I needed to stop an event from happening.  The DC started laughing, at how over the top I was.  I told him, "you can give me whatever weapons right now, and I can save us all, or we're all going to die because you're not cooperating."  The guy continued to laugh and pointed me out to some people who had them. 

By then I knew I was dreaming, but I wanted to go along with the story. It was getting dark, and I was on some island it looked like, and two women were huddled around a small fire, and everyone looked like they just survived some traumatic event.  Maybe a plane crash or something.  I asked the women if they had any guns with them, and one of them said "yes for 40 dollars".  I said sold, and she said "no".  Then she questioned me about needing it.  I told her the situation, and offered her 15 dollars a day.  She didn't say anything, so I went lower with the number untill I got to 3 dollars.  I was looking through my wallet to make sure I could summon enough money. She finally said "what about your original offer"?  I told her if I don't get a hold of any weapons anytime soon, she wont have to worry about her petty cash because we'll all be dead.

All of a sudden a  SUV pulls up, and some lady jumps out.  I say to her "I'm special agent...", and she cuts me off and says "I know who you are".  "Okay, good, do you have a plan to stop this?" I asked her.  She said "over here".  And we walked to another truck about 20 feet away.  It had guns and communications devices.  I put in a ear piece and grabbed a cell phone, but it was too wide.  I put it back down and turned on the ear piece, and started giving a mic check to her, and woke up  :(
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #80 on: February 23, 2010, 05:21:20 AM »
what the eff!?

I'm at this base and it's on lockdown.  Well, it's not even a base, it's a mcdonalds that we've secured, and it's under attack.  I'm with George Clooney and Jennifer Love Hewitt, and some human sized transformers.  It's complete bedlam outside.  Theres evil transformers everywhere, and regular people are plain crazy.  They think we're evil because most of the good transformers are dead, so they're trying to kill us.  

Theres this one transformer who normally turns into some kind of small medical device, and he's constantly repairing the walls with stomach lining!  I was discussing something with some other humans we were with, and George, and JLH had the there side covered.  My perspective kept switching from me, to Clooney, and then outside of the Mcdonalds over and over.  We had to get the hell out of there.  It was so weird, because I was telling lame jokes over and over in between the fire fights. Everything was trying to break inside and kill us.  Once we had everything somewhat secure, I started talking with everyone about an exit strategy. We couldn't stay there and keep killing regular humans, and we had to find out what the hell was going on.

Scene change.

We're In some kind of huge armored yellow mobile house. We're driving down this road, and theres all types of people shooting at us from the side.  I'm returning fire with a shot gun. Meanwhile Clooney and Hewitt are having small talk about how every time they kissed they ended up biting each others tongue because something else would pop out of now where and try to kill them.  I walked up to them and started complaining about how everyone wants to kill us by saying.  "They must be like "Oh look at those guys, they're so bad ass, they must be evil, kill them!".  I can't seem to figure out why everyone wants us dead, but I'm still making jokes about we're in some kind of movie.

I think it's time to DILD

I'm on the phone talking to Amber about something, and she's talking about how late it is.  I'm about to ask if I can see her or something, and the phone hangs up.  I look at the phone and the time is several hours different.  I start walking towards the house and I see Micheal E walking out of my house.  I look at him, and wonder why he's here, since I haven't seen him in over 10 years.  Just when I come close to putting it together, I hear my pops call out.  I head in the house, and he's trying to make me watch some crappy basketball video game.  After that some movie comes on with a song that sounds like it used the flight of the bumble bees notes, and synced it with the old beachboys/fatboys wipeout song. IT's DAYTIME OUTSIDE NOW!  My daughter runs by me....I'm so confused...and I woke up.


Some lady is saying she'll give us milk for helping her out.  She says she don't have anything to carry it with, but she has some shampoo bottles.  My pops comes in and starts talking about the different types of milk we have.  I look in the fridge, and I see the milk in shampoo bottles.  I grabbed it, and looked at it.  They were dirty, and when I shook them, it was obvious that she didn't rinse them out and there was shampoo mixed in with the milk.  I was going to say "So you seriously want to use this crap"?  but i woke up

Method: FILD
Recall: bad
Lucid Ability:not really tested
Vividness 5/10
Dream Length: very short

Finally got it off, and walked outside of my house. I started heading down the road, when I saw my cousin M near my basketball goal.  He was yelling stool pigeon, or rat or something at me over and over.  I headed towards him and we started fighting.  He said something about the house next door, and the dream faded.

Sword play
Method: FILD
Recall: good
Lucid Ability:6/10
Vividness 7/10
Dream Length: Short

The HH feels like I'm free falling from a plane.  Theres total blackness so I start thinking about Kill Bill the movie.  I feel the handle of a katana in my hand, and when I try to grab it with the other hand, I realize the handle is short, so I assume it's a wakizashi.

I hear the theme to the Green Hornet play, and suddenly I land. Theres a big black guy with two full sized katana.  He thrusts, and I parry, and attack, and land a clean hit right in his heart.  I can see blood pooling around the blade from his shirt, and when I take it out, the blood just leaked out.  I was disappointed that it didn't have the over the top blood spray, and just when I started thinking about that. He came towards me again, and kept fighting. I was on the defensive the whole time just trying to keep him from missing.  Suddenly he aimed right for my head, and I used the wrong block.  The sword went right my head and his arm was fully extended.  I stopped everything that was in motion, and thought "yeah, I'm gonna need some help, my swordplay is really crappy in this dream."

 I yelled out "Beatrix"!  And she came out of no where and started fighting him.  I'm not sure if it was exactly her, because she had this black dress on, and curly blond hair.  Whoever it was, she started kicking his ass.  I got back in the fight, and we started double teaming him until the dream ended.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 12:17:02 PM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #81 on: February 24, 2010, 08:08:53 AM »
Frag about playing the piano. everthing was sounding good, but i lost my hand placement and couldn't play same notes again.  But I ended up playing something else that was good.  I was amazed at the fact that I couldn't play a bad note.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #82 on: February 24, 2010, 09:59:29 AM »
Typical clooney, still trying to get some in the midst of death and destruction.

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Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #83 on: February 25, 2010, 06:38:24 AM »
Typical clooney, still trying to get some in the midst of death and destruction.

Yeah, not to mention he's totally unreliable in a dream fire fight...I should have been the unreliable one who was kissing Jennifer!

Mexico frag

I just crossed the boarder, and I was walking down the street, and I tried stealing a motorcycle.  I was on it, and pushing it cause I couldn't do anything else with it.  Some old guy who had one similar to the one I was stealing was riding around.  He stopped me and said something smart to me, and I got off and told him I wasn't going to take it.  He pulls out a gun and shots it randomly, and I feel the dream fading. I tried stabilizing so bad because I wanted to get him back!!!!

I had a dream before this but I completely forgot about it upon going back to sleep! Hmmmm maybe something about going to the club....or seeing my sister. 
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #84 on: February 26, 2010, 11:01:36 AM »

I was in some office running.  We were playing some kind of capture the flag type game, and I was slowing things down.

woke up....wild attempt failed because the telephone woke me up right during the transition!  just went to sleep normally and had some other dream.

True emotions

I'm at some house watching a movie that looks like it's about to have a sex scene, but I leave, and go upstairs.  Upstairs I meet up with Rachel True, and shes laying on the bed.  I'm talking to her, and I want to know when can I just talk with her.  Just have a normal conversation, with a woman.  She said tomorrow at something thirty.

l check my cell phone, and this one guy I know comes up and says "whats up man".  I told him it looks like he tried calling me, and then he denies it.  I look back at my cellphone and apparently he called the other day instead.  He asks me what have I been doing, and I told him sleeping.  Then he says that I'm going to miss the sex scene in some that movie I was watching.

I rushed down stairs, and there was no tv, but there were real people in a bedroom.  The scene was almost over, and the girl walked from the room to the other room.  I was sort of piecing it together, but I didn't.

Muddy Waters
I'm at Church, and and we're watching something on a big overhead projector.  The movie ends, but then theres a cartoon about shaka zulu.  I start heading out, and on my way out I see Rohini, and she's with her boyfriend and parents.  I say "Hey RO", and she says greets me as we all head out. Her mother starts asking her who am I, and she tells her that I'm some guy I knows who lives in a different city.  They're speaking in a different language but I can understand him.  Her mom turns to me and asks me if I have contracted AIDs or HIV.  I tell her no, and I asked her why did she ask that, but I forgot her answer.

I'm outside, and there are motor cycle police escorting people out onto the highway because the traffic is heavy, but I'm looking for my car.  I see some kid dressed up as robin hood, on a bike drive by.  Theres mud every where, and I feel like I don't know where I'm going.  A kid comes up to me, and Ask me what do I have in my hands.  I was holding a clumps of mud in my hands, and told him they were bullets.  I came up to a puddle, and rinsed them off to show him.  I told him they were a way to disguise them.

I kept walking, and There was water and mud everywhere.  I got to a long puddle that I tried to jump across, but I fell in.  It was waist high, and who knows what was inside of it.  I was try to get across it by hopping over and over, but I wasn't going anywhere.  There were bug that were swimming in the water, and I was thinking "whatever they are, I'm going to find out as soon as I get out of this crap".  Also I was trying to figure out if I had my good clothes on or not.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #85 on: February 27, 2010, 09:49:53 AM »

Chain dreaming

People involved: Angela and Andy from the office. Jimmy Fallon, D, Chet, and these twins that I haven't seen since Jr. High School.

So I'm at this 2 story cabin, in the woods, and there are tons of people there.  Angela wants to go out with me.  I think about the slut factor she has, but oh well, right?  We were cuddling and kissing and what not, and I had to do something.  I saw Andy on my way outside.  And I headed up the stairs.

The building was painted white, and if anything it was more like a plantation-era house.  But there were stairs on the outside of the building that led up to the second floor. 

(after really thinking about, it reminds me of a house I've only seen in my dreams one other time.)

The twins were up top, and they were hiding from someone.  And I said their names really loud on purpose, just to make them nervous, and I tell them the person they're looking for isn't even there yet.

I head in the room, and Chet, and this girl are taking body shots.  It got really weird, because once they licked the cream off of each other, they bent bottle caps and tossed them into whatever it was that they were drinking and downed it.

(woke up)

I'm on stage with Jimmy Fallon. He's doing some routine and apparently he did something wrong, and he's surveying the crowd.  I took the mic (the cord of the mic was a dog chain) and went out in the crowd, and started asking peoples opinion.  I gave it to this black guy and he spoke out against him about something.  I know it related to the two previous dreams, but I can't think of it.

(woke up)
Growing Power

Method: DILD
Recall: good
Lucid Ability:8/10
Vividness 8/10
Dream Length: Short

I'm outside with my friend D, and he's petting some kind of animal.  It's brown, has curly hair all over it, except for it's blue beak, and three prong bird feet.  This thing is tall as me, and he's telling me that the Indians call it apache. And apache means centipede. Obviously this isn't making any sense, and I started walking off into this building.

It turns out being some library and it's full of people.  Some girl yells at me "hey baby, guess what".  I say "hold up".  And I jump in the air with my fist over my head, and a brown box appears over my head.  When I land a mushroom comes out of the box, and lands on the ground, and I follow it between the tables.  I pass the girl whoever she is, and I say "i'll be back in a second".  The mushroom hits a wall, and I touch it.  I grow twice my size, and now I'm looking down on everyone.  I head back to the girl, and say "look".  She smiles at me, and hugs my leg, and the dream fades.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #86 on: February 27, 2010, 10:44:24 AM »
Been reading Alice In Wonderland lately?  Nice catch on the weirdness and getting lucid from it.

Did you summon that box with the mushroom, or was it just the flow of the dream?
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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #87 on: February 27, 2010, 04:04:40 PM »

And I jump in the air with my fist over my head, and a brown box appears over my head.  When I land a mushroom comes out of the box, and lands on the ground, and I follow it between the tables.  I pass the girl whoever she is, and I say "i'll be back in a second".  The mushroom hits a wall, and I touch it.  I grow twice my size, and now I'm looking down on everyone.  I head back to the girl, and say "look".  She smiles at me, and hugs my leg, and the dream fades.[/color]

HAHA love it. I really need to remember to try some morphing sometime.

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #88 on: February 28, 2010, 10:42:12 AM »
Been reading Alice In Wonderland lately?  Nice catch on the weirdness and getting lucid from it.

Did you summon that box with the mushroom, or was it just the flow of the dream?

That was all me.  I was thinking about the invisible boxes that are randomly about in Super Mario Bros.

HAHA love it. I really need to remember to try some morphing sometime.

I've gotten bigger in dreams before, but normally it feels like things around me just get smaller.  This time, I was really bigger...I felt my point of view changing and everything.

back to back SP as soon as i tried to go to sleep...and I couldn't get a dream going.

Later on I had a dream about being arrested by the guy who plays mattlock.  He wanted me to cuff myself, but for some reason it wasn't working right.  Eventually we came up to this house where the people there were having water gun fights, and they had a freezer on the tail end of the jacuzzi, so they could have ice for the water guns.  At the beginning of this dream I know sex was involved, but I can't think of the details.

I also had a frag about a discussion of changing face book i think?

"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #89 on: March 01, 2010, 11:19:23 AM »
Snakes Frag

I'm in some room where it looks like everything has been burned up, and I see snakes.  I call out for help while trying to dodge them and no one comes.

I'm watching some movie with Jim Carey.  He has some car that runs on tree pulp.  Hes late for work, and he's driving like a maniac.  He finally gets there, and I'm there with him in the offices, and we're fighting over who gets to sit next to this pretty girl.  It's like one of those "duck season, rabbit season", arguments. In fact, I think I'm acting in the movie.  Finally he puts it on me, and I say "okay, I'll sit next to her".  He says something really funny, and I try to keep a straight face.

Wind Rider
I'm leaving the mall, and there are a lot of people walking around me.  I pass by Celia (I used to dream about her a lot when I was really little) and she takes off running, and says we have to get to someplace.  I start running, and I can't seem to catch up with her.  The wind picks up, and it starts blowing me to the side.  It almost feels like It could blow me a way.  I tried jumping, and I went about 10 feet in the air.  I looked around to see if anyone else saw it.  I was in a neighborhood by then, and I don't think no one noticed.  I kept moon jumping over and over while heading in the same direction.  Finally I caught up to Celia, and said "Did you notice how strong the wind is"?

I'm at some place that has tons of cars parked on the grass.  Someone was talking trash about the unit I was with.  So I was going to do some damage to them.  Everything switches up to where I'm in a field and I'm damaging and over watering seeds.  I hear on the radio that they're looking for me.  I head towards my house, and I see a truck, and I head the other way.  I see another truck, and figure I might as well turn myself in. It's only a park ranger, and he asks me whats the matter.  I tell him "nothing".  He only has enough room for him in is truck anyway.

I quit
I'm at this local bar that plays music on the weekends, and it's really early.  The DJ says "okay, since you guys are here, your shift starts now".  I walk up to him, and I say "thats what I've been meaning to talk to you about, I don't want to work anymore".  He asks me if I'm sure, and I tell him yeah.  Then I ask him if a friend of mine could take my spot.  He gets on the phone for a while, and I leave.

I head towards the bathroom, and the area is like a barber shop that I have to walk past.  I finally get there, and head to a stall, and I notice the sing is clogged, and it has grayish water in there.  My cousin comes up and he's starts asking me about the job, and I told him I just quit.  He's disappointed about it.  I start wondering about this job, and why do I have's not making any sense.  I wake up.

I ran the dreams back though in my head while I was laying down, and had a lot of HI involving some girl who wanted to blow me and my friend.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"