Waking up...or not
I'm in my old room and my brothers talking to me about something...he's asking me these questions, and I tell him I feel so freaking tired. I can barely talk, and it literally feels like I'm sleeping at the moment. I don't know how I'm talking to him...but everything is coming out garbled. I'm also awkwardly lying on the bed. I asked him to reposition me, and he does. Then I see my nieces walk in with someone who looks like my daughter. I find the strength to get up, and I pick her up, and talk to her...she's really sleepy and goes to sleep in a second. I place her on my bed, and just as she touches it, she wakes up, and rolls off the bed on to the floor. I pick her up, and try to soothe her crying.
I remember something about talking to serenity in chat about dream sharing...I think she was mentioning that she may have seen something in one of my dreams that my be connected.
Pep Talk
I'm walking with D and asian some girl, and we're in a location that looks like some old strip mining area, or old warzone. It's really dark out, and we finally get inside this building. My old Sgt is there, and he's giving us this really hyped up speech about how good we need to do. At this point, I think we're going to go do our exercises or something, but he just dismisses us. Everyones extra excited about the fact we don't have to.
As we disperse I notice there are a lot of people I recognize from school walking with me. I head into a room, and it's a class room. My other friend D is there, and I'm asking him how do I know what class am I supposed to go to next. He's not really responding, and I keep taking wild guesses at what I'm supposed to do. I leave that room, and theres a party in the next room. They're handing out all this food, and my sister-in-law is there. All I wanted was some chips and this lady asks me if I was near any kids today...like if any small children leaned up against me. I said no...and she still hands me this fried fish that seems like it was cooked yesterday.
We leave....scene change
The set up
I'm in a room watching a tv show. Theres this guy that commits a crime, and has the cops immediately hot on his tail. The guy escapes, and give a fake gun and knife to a random person. He tells him that he has to tell the cops that he committed the crime or he's going to kill him. The guy follows the instructions and the cops kill the guy on sight. They have automatic weapons, and they're just letting rounds go off into him like he's a target dummy. Someone was holding the guy in the full nelson so he couldn't run away, and I took not that theres no way that the other person wouldn't get shot in the process.
The next scene in it had the cops running after another guy...same set up...fake knife and gun. The guy even shows them that it doesn't work, and this lady in all white armed with an axe chops his head off, and hacks away at the rest of his body...blood is everywhere, and it's getting on the camera lens, and it's p disgusting. I wake up.
Back to bed
I'm still in that room with my sister-in-law, and she's telling me we have to leave. I make sure I have my wallet and my keys, and I think i dropped some change on the bed, but she tells me it's hers. When go to place my wallet back into my pocket a quarter falls out, and she swears it's hers too. I pick it up anyway on my way out. As we head downstairs I notice my niece is there...with her kid? I try to head upstairs and give her a hug...she hands me the kid...something happens...it's difficult to go back up the stairs for some reason.
gap in recall (or complete scene change)
Mr. Officer
I find myself in a parking lot and I know I'm dreaming, because the stairs I'm going down and the rest of the scene don't sync up with the previous one. Theres a girl who says hi to me...she's telling me that I'm acting shy. I come up to her....give her a really big kiss, and she's surprised. She starts pushing this trailer thats connected to a truck thats not in park, and it keeps going back and fourth. I tell her to stop because there are some cops right near by me. As expected the cops come right up to me and ask whats going on.
I tell them that I was trying to get her to stop, and then one of the cops tries to act billy bad-ass, and shows me what he'd do to me. I said "lets go", and got into a defensive stance, and the guy lunged and kicked, and I blocked both attacks and pointed out he would be wide open to attacks right now, and I could basically just go to town on him. The girl's sort of on his side...she complements him on how fast he can move for his side. The cop doesn't believe my moves would have worked. I tell him to try it again. This time the cop tries in full speed. I block his kick...I parry his punch. Then I block his kick again, and I parry his chop. Then the next time he kicked, I grabbed his leg, showed how I could have broken his knee, and then moved in with several punches. All of them would have connected with his jaw. Theres a crowd around us now, and they're all cheering for me. I simply walk off as the dream fades.
Shark Fight
I'm in my room...watching the football game with my daughter. I'm changing channels, and a fucking shark is in the room trying to get me. Apparently my daughter let it loose or something. Theres two beds in the room, so I'm hopping back and forth to each one, and punching it on the nose when it jumps at me. For a second I thought about giving up so my daughter can escape and let it have me, but she already left the area.
I grabbed a big bottle of cologne and bashed it in the mouth the next time it jumped at me (don't ask me where it's jumping from, or the logic of a shark in my damn room...but I wasn't worrying about it). I started spraying the cologne in the room randomly and on myself and saying "what now motherfucker"! Knowing that the shark was going to have a hard time smelling me since everything smelled the same in the room now. I patiently waited for it to strike again, and then I thought it must be dying, because it's not underwater.
I headed to the living room where my daughter was, and sat her on my lap. We continued watching tv till the dream faded.