Author Topic: Akono: Merc with a dream  (Read 63616 times)

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #210 on: July 28, 2010, 05:14:18 AM »
2short V-WILDs....I'm not really understanding how to stay in the dream once I'm there.  Theres no way whatevers going on is still HI either, because I feel and touch things, and move around....anyway.

Still searching
Method: WILD
Recall: Average
Lucid Ability: 3
Vividness: great
Dream Length: short

I arrive outside of my house and the first think of I looking for Walms.  I call out and see if hes's there, and nothing  happens.  I try pulling out my sword again, and still nothing. Then i just tried swiping at the air just to see if it would make a portal, and still nothing.

I saw a car heading down the road, and decided to get in the way of it.  The car swerved out the way, and crashed into the ditch.  The guy got out, and was really angry at me.  Of course I was loving every second of this.  We got into a fight, I won of course..this time I stabbed some glass from the wreck through his sternum all the way down to his heart.

I saw some more random DC's and I told them to tell Walms that I'm still looking for him...the dream faded out.

I had another dream where I was trying to get this womans number.  At first it looked like all systems go, and then she said something smart and I told her I didn't want it.  Then we went back and fourth and random DCs sided with her.  I was trying to figure out where everyone came from all of a sudden, because we were the only two people talking in the back of that room at the start.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 12:58:51 PM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #211 on: July 29, 2010, 06:51:25 AM »
1 or two WILDs tonight....I should have wrote them down...I only remember parts of one.

Super Short
Method: WILD
Recall: Average
Lucid Ability: not tested
Vividness: poor
Dream Length: super short

Everything is completely black, and I'm waiting for the dream to start forming.  Nothing happens, so I walk to the living room.  I've been hearing HH of someone banging their hammer on concrete this whole time and the noise continues.  When I get to the living room, it's still pitch black.  I head back to my room and try to turn on a light switch....nothing.  I touch the wall, and part of the dream starts appearing, but it's still hella dark.  I hear the sound of a car passing by, and light beams in on the room.  The wall has a huge hole in it and it's almost like I'm looking at another location.  Inside it I see all types of broken pieces of wood scattered about the area.  I can still place my hands where the wall should be and I don't know if I should leap through, or wait for everything to stabilize, and the dream fades.

I'm wrestling with my brother on my bed.  I did some kind of move that knocked him off, and I spent the rest of the dream making sure he didn't break anything.  I was trying to put a sling on his right arm, but it turned into something else during the process and I had to look for another one.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #212 on: July 30, 2010, 11:24:15 AM »
Just Weird.

I was with Conan O'Brien and he was doing a bit about his "favorite football player".  It was this guy on a college football team who was a punt returner.  On ALL of his plays he had to take a knee and give  up the ball. (At the time seeing all of these replays of this guy not doing much was p funny).  We were at a game, and I turned around hand headed off.  The scene changed to an indoor location, and some girl showed up.  She had platinum blonde short hair, and she was heading right for me.

She pushed me down while mounting me, and she started to straddle me.  She had these sheets in her hands which she used to cover us both up, and it was obvious was was coming next.  She was between my legs and strategically placed mine between hers. She grabbed my shoulders and started grinding on me.  She was moving back and fourth and up and down, and eventually, I exploded.  I tried pretend that it didn't happen, but she noticed and sort of switched up the subject.

I thought it was interesting that we didn't even know  each others name, and I decided to keep it that way.  I asked her where she grew up at, expecting to get a generic answer, and she told me "the West Indies".  She told me her parents were in the military, and then she started talking about an "anti-clock".  Something bout how it's insides are on the outside, and how it's wound up from the inside.


I don't remember what else I was dreaming about other than these spiders that kept getting on my hands and biting me while I was trying to get something to eat.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #213 on: July 31, 2010, 02:14:42 AM »

Once again....but this time it's a rough fight.  The guy doesn't want to stop, and I've been knocking him unconscious over and over.  This dream had to last for about 20 minutes...and it was the same thing.  Him and I fighting, and moving.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #214 on: August 01, 2010, 04:44:00 AM »

I remember fighting some guy at the beginning of the dream, and then something changed...something about Rome.  And I got to wrestle these women as long as I kept a subscription to a magazine.  I could pay more money and wrestle super hot women, but I decided I was happy with who I was wrestling weird.

Mirror frag

I was looking at the back of my throat in a mirror. The only thing that was unusual was how close up everything appeared in the mirror.  I could see everything.


I'm in vegas with Johns kid, and I'm telling him how awesome it is.  I take a moment and realize that I'm talking to a kid and tell him that he'll understand when he grows up.  We're at some gas station and he buys someone a post card for a buck, and the cashier think's he's so cute for doing it.  Outside theres this neon pole that shows the amount of the big winners at this casino.  Someone won nine thousand bucks.  Then later One thousand popped up.  I told the kid that the guy probably wasted eight thousand bucks just to win that one thousand, so now he has two thousand.  I got into my car feeling so excited...I was in Vegas again!


I'm in class with Jessica and some other people, and some guy hands me this multi-folding picture album.  In it theres something written by Jessica that says that the guys pictured in there are all guys she would date.  Oddly enough I'm in it, but I'm not sweating it.  She tries snatching the picture book away from me over and over, and finally I say "here".

I head off to the rest room, and some guy starts asking me about dating her.  He's telling me how she's sort of wishy washy, and he doesn't know what to do about it.  I told him I wouldn't stress it if I were him.  The area we passed had a rest room in it, so I turned around, and unzipped my pants as soon as I entered, and theres a full class in there.  I didn't even feel embarrassed, I just wanted to find the bathroom.  I headed back out, and I kept walking up and down the halls, trying to figure out where the place had disappeared.

Took a nap
Had a dream I was in Hallow Bastion.  I saw Riku, and he was talking about the people who live in the darkness.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2010, 02:26:43 PM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #215 on: August 02, 2010, 03:29:38 AM »

I'm on some foreign planet and I'm using these insect creatures to hunt other creatures on the planet...I don't know for food maybe or something?  Anyways...the rest of the dream is all about sex with some girl.

Close quarters

I'm at some sort of indoor weapons training exercise.  We have to make it through a house with killing the right people, and letting the civilians live.  Some kind of way, my weapon doesn't fire, and I get "killed" by a bear before I even get inside the house.  The guy in the bear suit go back and forth about if I really shot him or not.

SNL (maybe)

I'm on the set of some sketch comedy, and it's a hospital scene.  My character takes his break at the same time this nurse takes it, and we spend the entire break kissing.  Not even moving our mouths or anything, our faces just touch, and our arms are wrapped around each other. It was pretty funny because the moment we had our break we went at it in that awkward way, and the moment our break ended, we went back to our normal duties.  We were sort of in the background, and during that time they had two characters talking about serious stuff at the moment.  Once our break was over, we walked off, and started talking.  I think she liked me for real.

"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #216 on: August 06, 2010, 08:39:03 PM »
I was in Agrabah in a treasure room.  There was tons of gold everywhere, and in the middle of the room sat Jafars black lamp. 
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #217 on: August 07, 2010, 07:36:30 AM »
I remember one dream where a girl wanted to watch a movie...there was one playing in two different rooms, and all of a sudden the one she was watching got to intense for her.  So I took her to another room.  Then something was out of a garbage can.  So i had to move it.....and the soap was out of place by the sink when i went i had to move that.  Then i rewashed my hands....I think i washed them about three times before trying to head to the original room.

outta control
Method: DILD
Recall: Average
Lucid Ability: 6
Vividness: good
Dream Length: long

I find myself randomly lucid...of course...went to plan B. Girl wanted to go into the bathroom....went there.  She disappeared. Random folks in the bathroom....all guys though.  Told myself that theres going to be a girl that enters next.  She does.  She heads off with some other guy.  Some other girls comes in does the same thing.  Time for some violence?  Yes.  I head over to one guy and I'm fighting him, but apparently it has no effect on him.  I grew wolverine claws and started slashing and stabbing him...powdered blood is flying from him, and he just keeps regenerating.  I even tried cutting his head off, but  it was healing almost as quick as my slashes were going in.  I stabbed him in the brain so he wouldn't be able to think, and tried it again.....same thing =/  Woke up.

Outta this world

I'm at some military base, and theres people talking about how they saw some kind of flying saucer. I head outside, and I see it.  It lands in this dome (the same one I was working in earlier in the dream...meh kinda lazy :P) and some helicopter hooks up to it and flys off with it or something.  I remember trying to head back to that place, and they were talking about how they used my donated blood to aid int he project...there were these body parts in this box....I think they were cloning me or something.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 07:41:37 AM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #218 on: August 07, 2010, 07:52:26 AM »
oh yeah....had a random WILD last night....wasn't even trying for one....ended up fading after a short time.  Couldn't get stabilized, or walking around...spent most of the time sitting there waking for things to clear up.
....and i also remember doing something with a piece of paper...reading it, or altering it some kind of way in one of my other dreams.  I don't really know what I did to it, but it was some sort of experiment to see if it would carry over to waking life.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 08:18:55 AM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #219 on: August 11, 2010, 01:20:14 AM »
went to sleep from 10:13- to 1:08


I'm in some crowded location, and some guy is talking crap about me.  Like almost wants to fight me.  I'm trying to get the guy to take back what he said, because he's going to get laid out.  D, and some random big guy is ready to knock him and whoever he's with out whenever I throw the first punch.  The big guy starts acting like he's going to act on his own will.  I tell him to chill out, and then this lady grabs me, and puts me in a hold that I know I'm going to be able to escape.

My hands are behind my back and I'm just studying whats going on.  And D starts fighting some random guy, and some other guy in the crowd starts fighting some other random guy.  I look at the two DCs fighting, and one of them has a green pill in his hand...he's about to feed it to the other guy.  I quickly break free from one of the lamest holds ever, and I started pounding the guy with the pill in the temple.  He pulled his hand away from the other guys mouth and takes it himself.  He then says something about how we're all screwed....I guess whatever he's taking is supposed to kill us all...I move away from him, trying not to breath in whatever may be released, and the dream fades.


I had a dream about sex with one of my exes....I think her father was around or something. Things got really awkward to say the least.

I also had a dream I had to carry some patient with a severed foot to the hospital. Obama was there, and he was watching how I took off his other boot lace, and was impressed for some reason.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2010, 12:57:18 PM by Akono »
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #220 on: August 12, 2010, 07:18:04 PM »
I remember talking to Izzie from Greys Anatomy.  I was asking her if she learned any new medical procedures.  She said something about how she learned how to do a cycle.  I had no idea what she was talking about, and she was saying it was about her second job at wall-mart.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #221 on: August 13, 2010, 08:41:13 AM »
I was at some event, and there was some kind of ceremony where I waited in line, and towards the end, people were killing themselves after smoking some type of drug.  I remember seeing bodies impaled on spears and stuff as I walked away from it.  I saw D and he was asking me why didn't I do it.  I told him some line that was funny at the moment, and I saw this orange tree.  It had apples growing from it as well.  I was looking for the best one, and I found a good one that was didn't have any bruises, but it  had some gash marks on it.  I took it and went to the bathroom to clean it.  All the sinks were dirty, and half way clogged with water.  I finally found one that wasn't, and started rinsing it off.  Sarah walked in, and I asked her if she wanted to share it with me (the apple had to be about the size of a small bowling ball).  She told me sure, and I made note that she was in the guys bathroom, but the dream faded.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Bro

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #222 on: August 13, 2010, 12:11:08 PM »
I was at some event, and there was some kind of ceremony where I waited in line, and towards the end, people were killing themselves after smoking some type of drug.

That's some ceremony. Wonder what they'd been smoking. It never ceases to amaze me how we generate these kinds of scenarios

  All the sinks were dirty, and half way clogged with water.

I've had some similar instances...mostly with half clogged toilets though :o. And knowledge that the room you're in is entirely unsanitary.
"You a dreamer?"

Do A Reality Check!

MM holds a precious spot in my mind.

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #223 on: August 14, 2010, 07:16:00 AM »
Yeah bro that was some weird stuff.  I had another dream about clogged sinks a few weeks ago I think.  I think it's related to the fact that the new sink at home clogs very easily.

I had a dream where I was playing basketball, and this kid was trying to talk to me in the middle of the game.  He told me something about how I named his computer after his girlfriend.  He said i did this right before there was an earthquake. There was a slight scene change where I was seeing it happen as I thought about it.

I was fishing in the living room, and there was some black fish I was trying to catch.  It had white spots on it that were shaped like silhouettes of rabbits. When I pulled it out, it changed into something that looked like a rabbit.  I tried feeding it bait and seeing if it would like me.
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"

Offline Akono

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Re: Akono: Merc with a dream
« Reply #224 on: August 16, 2010, 11:05:56 AM »  both involving some DC named Nicole B. First time was natural, and the next time I summoned her.
The time I summoned her, she knew what I wanted her to do, but was surprised that I wanted more. Apparently she thought I was satisfied after the first dream.  I found out what her name was by asking a DC, since I arrived at the same location during the DEILD.

phone call
Dream where I was calling these mechanics to get something on a vehicle for my friend fixed.  We went back and fourth on the phone because he said he couldn't do it until a week from now, and the people I just talked to said they couldn't fix another issue.

False prophet
I was with some guy who was throwing a party...he was supposed to turn water into wine and multiply bread.  It never happened, and I bought cake, and someone was complaining about how it's too late in the evening to eat it.

dog frag
My friend D was selling his biggest puppies, and giving away his runts.  I was thinking about getting one, and I came up to it, and taught it how to sit right away.  I gave it a snack and then tried to figure out how I was going to take care of it.

I was in some mall like area, and I saw Hill with a random DC. The DC was trying to talk to some girl I glanced at, so I headed off.  I ended up in a class room, and these guys came into the room with all these weapons on them.  They were showing them off ala show 'n tell. They were bragging about how they're tough ect ect, and then some other group started walking into the class room.  I immediately looked towards the back of the class room, and figured that my best means of escape would be through the window.  There was a fence with barbed wire behind it, but the windows didn't have any panes and I knew I could easily clear it since I wouldn't get slowed down by the broken glass.

I looked back towards the front of the class and was waiting to find out if there was going to be any mayhem. 
"12:47:17) Kar: I can turn into something like a human girl, a moped, and a telescope"