RILD (Rem Induced Lucid Dream)
Unsure if anyone has ever mentioned this way to enter WILDS, but it is the easiest way I've found to have multiple WILDS.
Although the WILDS I experience when using this method are usually quite short, they are still vivid.
To use this method, you need to have about 8 hours of sleep, as most of the WILDS usually occur after 8 hours of sleep.
To start with, get to sleep as soon as possible after going to bed so that you can have a lot of vivid dreams.
Do not do a WBTB when using this method as it will interrupt your REM cycle.
If you need to get up to use the restroom or get a quick bite to eat, get back to bed as soon as possible.
Either wear sunglasses when you get up, or else keep everything dark so as not to interrupt the rem cycles.
Just keep sleeping until you are no longer tired, then lay there awake and wait for the dream images to start appearing.
Be prepared to record your dreams with something like a digital voice recorder so that you can record your dreams easily without waking yourself up.
This could probably be called the Lazy Person's Way To Wild because it requires nothing except a lot of sleep, good recall, and a conscious effort to record the WILDs when they start coming, because once they start coming they can often be as close as two or three minutes apart, which makes it possible to rack up 8 to 20 WILDS within the last hour of sleep.
Just make sure you've had a lot of vivid dreams that you've recalled before attempting this, otherwise you might end up just wasting half of your day sleeping with nothing to show for it.