Author Topic: The Strange and Chaotic Dreamworld of LucidDreamGod  (Read 1690 times)

Offline LucidDreamGod

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The Strange and Chaotic Dreamworld of LucidDreamGod
« on: November 29, 2009, 10:01:02 AM »
After realizing I have nothing better to do I figured I might as well write my dreams down because I need motivation to wild, my dreams aren't like other's dreams, they are odd in their own special way  ;-D.

First off the dreams from yesterday as well as today,

From now on I will try to record something each night no matter how fragemented.


Didn't sleep too well, its getting quite cold.

1. Dreamed about me writing down my last dream, only I cannot even remember what it was about anymore.

2. Was in a parking lot, someone else is there driving where I'm walking, I grab on to the handle of a dark van of some kind, think I got in and rode out of the parking lot, remember being excighted when I was driving away.

3. Something about school maybe, still very blurry.


1. I dreamed I was in my FYEX class at college, it was the day of the presentation. I had this plan in the dream to master the presentation so I didn't even have to read it, and could say it off the top of my head. I remember someone commenting that my voice would be too high it was a women and I didn't recognize her. I also remember the presentation was written on mini tombstones I was holding.

2. Remember playing runescape but it looked way different, the characters where so much smaller, I was walking around with a partyhat on, and all the other characters had partyhats and it made me upset.

3. I lined up mini cereal boxes in my bed, somehow this started as a school dream, not sure how.

4. I was in my room with my friend katrina, she was playing a handheld game system. I was talking about this dream I had earlier with those mini cereal boxes, I said I liked the frosted flake kind, and how I liked this other kind even more that was normal sized. She seemed to be trying to either download this game into her system somehow or go online with it. This box of apple jacks was on my bed and I was making some comment on it either in favor of them or disfavor, and then comparing them to fruit loops, I kept talking about how I missed mini boxed cereal, she then made the comment "I won't tease you then" this made me somewhat upset, I groaned about it and coughed quickly to cover it up for some reason.

I woke up unsure of if I've ever had miniboxed cereal, google image search just shows me mini wheats, but could have sworn that I had them least once very long time ago.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 03:19:19 PM by LucidDreamGod »

Offline Sunshine

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Re: The Strange and Chaotic Dreamworld of LucidDreamGod
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2009, 10:02:55 AM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline LucidDreamGod

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Re: The Strange and Chaotic Dreamworld of LucidDreamGod
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2009, 03:18:22 PM »
Yeah it takes lots of patience, which I seem to have a good amount of I'm told. So I might as well take advantage of it.

I've done what feels like WILDs but its hard to tell if somehow I didn't lose conscious and not notice it, then wake up in sp like states.

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Re: The Strange and Chaotic Dreamworld of LucidDreamGod
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2009, 05:26:06 PM »
Sweet, glad you decided  to start the old journal up again :D

Offline LucidDreamGod

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Re: The Strange and Chaotic Dreamworld of LucidDreamGod
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2009, 08:12:58 AM »
Me too, but its hard, I wake up and write down some things and go back to sleep. It is hard to get back to sleep though, maybe I'll have better luck later on because I just started my college sleep schedule. Maybe I just shouldn't write any down until morning.

1. I'm in a store, I remember calling out to some guy who I thought was my brother only it wasn't, I remember picking up this squishy round toy with soft spikes on it and playing with it.

2. I was walking down the street on my way to school, this girl drives by in this cream colored van, I remember getting in. Told her about being late, but thinking it was early at the same time. Somehow we ended up on the bus, not a usual bus though it looked like a room with a table and an older lady who told me about something. I asked what it was and she says "it finds patterns" and we then perceded to watch a humorous  cartoon version of what was supposedly twilight, that vampire love story.

3. I remember arguing with my mom because she was very angery that I could not read as far as my brother into this book he had, I think I got mad at my brother too.

4. I was puting something together that had fallen apart, there where these metal peices and this peice of wood. I managed to combine some of the pieces and slide the groove of wood into the side of one of those outside faucets, which had a hose connected to it. I then ran back to my house. When I got to the parking lot I saw numerious people crossing it, there was this boy and girl holding eachother and hugging or something along with others, I almost ran straight into this group of people but ultimately wasted time trying to hurry in front of them, one of them was brad a classmate of mine. When I reached my house on the other side of the parking lot it was day time and I saw my mom and what seemed to be my elementary school princable talking, my mom left, and he came to me and said he wanted to talk to me. I walked acrossed the parking lot with him. He said he had a job for me at noon, says it just came up. This guy walking besides a blue truck is besides me and I almost run into him, but manage to stop after putting out my hands to stop me right into him. Somehow we end up on the bus again and my princable is still there with me and where riding in the back. I look towords the middle of the bus and see my high school woodworking teacher, the princable calls him over and they high five eachother and start talking as if they where old buddies. I then spot my friend Katelyn, she has this baby with her, and she passes it all around the bus, and we kind of pass her back and forth.

5. I go into art class which is taught by my english teacher, we have pizza there, it is a four sided table and their are 4 plates for pizza on it. My Art/Eng teacher tells us we should eat very slowly, my mom is there and I think she said she doesn't like pizza. By the time we have some my neice has switched her side of the table so she gets the big peice of pizza.


Offline LucidDreamGod

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Re: The Strange and Chaotic Dreamworld of LucidDreamGod
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2009, 08:20:42 AM »
Didn't wake up in the middle of the night to record, but still had these mostly fresh in mind in the morning despite my huge noisy alarm clock.

1. We had a big screen tv and I wanted to play a game on it, the game I played was 2d. It was a fighting game and I remember using this jetpack to get to higher areas to get some special item. My dad was in the room and I asked him if he wanted to to use the tv, which apearently came out as I want to use the tiolet, so I turned off the tv, and he pointed out my huge vocal error. I then remember wanting to watch jurassic park on the big screen tv, it was only in vhs and this big screen tv had it so I poped it in. All I remember is seeing a colorful (Purple?) spinosaurus behind this fence, and it talked to me and forgot what it said.

2. I went to this small store, I remember buying this balloon, the balloon I bought was white, and I thought of it as a white partyhat on runescape. Later they actually sold one and it was only 7 gp but the price went up every minute or so and I couldn't keep up.

3. Remember reading myspaces of kids I go to school with, somewhere it said that I drank a lot or took a lot of drugs. Next thing I remember I'm around some kid my crush used to hang around a lot and my crush, and my brother and maybe few other people outside my highschool. My crush makes the claim that I did do drugs, and someone; I want to say it was my dad or mom, but probably not, spoke up and said, well ofcourse he's done them. I think he/she ment that I've done good medical drugs and not in a bad way. Next thing I remember where lining up to get on this bus, my crush is there and she gets on, my friend katrina is also there and she sits right next to my crush who both have the same name in real life.