What's hard about WILDing, is the brain usually digresses to non-REM, even if only for a short while when you fall asleep.
That's my problem. I can be perfectly aware, feeling vibrations and everything, but then the next thing I know I'm awake and have just had a non-lucid. It's SO irritating,

and it happens all the time.
I feel vibrations when I WILD, but usually only in my head and neck. Then that's usually about as far as I get. I've tried RC'ing right after they stop, but I'm always still awake. A handful of times I've felt whole body vibrations. When WILD'ing works for me, I usually feel a huge rush of energy, like chills up my spine and really intense butterflies in my stomach. It's awesome. I wish I could feel it more often. :'( :'( :'(