I was thinking a more, clean cut, high tech, smooth, scientific lab type look. The front page could load some sweet graphic of a test tube of multicolored liquid being poured into another tube, or beaker or whatever and then POOF! out sprouts the MM tree and creates some puff of mist then the name, Mortal Mist, slowly forms as condensation. I thought that would be really cool.
I think the science road could not only look darn cool, but put an emphasis on exploration and experimentation on a personal and public level as well as look great in a marketing campaign. It's of course gotta be kinda obscure, but not so much so that before they click on the ad they don't think it's for some experimental..."enhancement" or for some free-to-play online video game.
Also, we have to be able to offer people something other than hard hard work. That is after all what lucid dreaming is. Hard work to achieve something fantastic. Still, it's really difficult to show people, who often want instant gratification why they want to join our community. The thing that got me into lucid dreaming was a fantastic description on a website. It described walking through a park with fluffy pink trees and a vibrant colored sky and flying, all as realistic and lucid as in real life. I think that in order to truly demonstrate the magic of lucid dreaming, Mortal Mist should embark on a short film project. A series of viral short films created for marketing purposes. Something decently high budget (for us that is), perhaps from a film major in college somewhere with some decent special effects. Through a film we could aptly show the black fog that is our unconsciousness, the way it scrambles from our vision once we realize the dream. We could show all sorts of strange dream happenings and with a proper team and budget we could show lucidity with an amazing, appealing, even sleek style.
Since we don't have any real "product" as our main focus, I think we should start making some. I remember there being some shirts or mugs or dream journals somewhere, but I can't remember where to find those. Where's the "shop" tab? I think that to get a larger community we're going to have to commercialize to some extent. Start selling dream journals again, start selling T-shirts with snazzy obscure logos of test tubes with trees sprouting from them. Since we don't have advertisements (not something we should change) we should take some sort of small donations. Often I hear the commercial free radio stations having their "pledge week." An annual pledge drive in which they take donations to keep the station running. I think we should devise something similar to a pledge drive, or donation, and with some sort of incentive other than "the website can stay up."
That's all I got for now. Maybe sometime I'll make a sketch of the logo I had in my head or the front page I imagined.