Post-workshop review
This thread is for comments on the Engaging with Dreams workshop, 1-15 Feb 2010. Please reply with anything you'd like to say about the workshop. What helped? What opportunities were missed? Ideas for related themes? Anything.
For my part, I have to say I learned quite a bit. There was more variety of styles in people's responses to my dreams than I expected. This suggests to me that there are many possible approaches to dream work, from interpretation and analysis to building relationships, to personal challenges.
I also (and I expected this) don't think I'm any close to any general theories about dreams. That doesn't mean they're random, just that we think about them in so many ways that beliefs about dreams is a bit like beliefs about global economics - (i.e. take 10 economists and you get 10 different answers).
Looking forward to meeting you all elsewhere in the forum (usually the DJs in my case).