Author Topic: Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd  (Read 19117 times)

Offline Josh

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2008, 12:42:52 AM »
[This is strange because we almost never have soft drinks in the refrigerator.]

I feel for you.  My wife refuses to buy it so I never have soda in the fridge either.

Haha, well, my mother usually keeps a 12-pack of Cokes or something under her bed, so we do have them, we just don't keep them in the fridge. It works out better that way, because if my nephew saw a Coke in the fridge he'd want one. I do have one glass-bottled Coke in there right now, but that's my special treat. I'm saving it for a special occasion; those things aren't cheap. :P
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: Prehistoric Attack
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2008, 12:43:58 AM »
I think Spartiate [Note: DV members are now an official dreamsign! I dream about several DV members every night it seems!] was in there too; it was his basement somehow?

I'm curious, what did my basement look like :P (hope the serial killer didn't make too much of a mess)?

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2008, 12:55:49 AM »
I think Spartiate [Note: DV members are now an official dreamsign! I dream about several DV members every night it seems!] was in there too; it was his basement somehow?

I'm curious, what did my basement look like :P (hope the serial killer didn't make too much of a mess)?

Whoa, glad you asked. You just brought to mind a huge spike of newly recalled information...

It was dark, and damp, with thick concrete walls. It was also full of people, some of whom didn't seem exactly human. I can see it perfectly in my head... It was pretty cramped, not that big an area, and you were standing near one of the outside walls. I had to bust through that wall to get out, because the stairs were blocked with people. It was far too crowded. Almost claustrophobic. I busted right through the wall, seems like it was wood instead of concrete there. You were right behind me I think. There was also some huge minotaur-like guy, complete with hairy bare chest and horns... o_O

"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2008, 01:15:59 AM »
Heh, I get all the cool parties...

Offline Josh

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2008, 12:47:47 AM »
Not a lot of recall today, so my descriptions won't be quite up to the usual...

Got Any Spyderco?
Tuesday night, April 22nd, 2008

[The knife in the dream had a more pronounced curve to the blade, the edge was on the outside of the curve, and there was no fingerhole in the butt, but this is close enough.]

I was at a small bookstore, some woman left me a few books on the counter that she wanted me to buy. The total cost added up to $3.34 [this actually means something to me]. I went to pay for them, and saw knives in the counter display. I asked if they had any Spyderco knives, they had no folders; just a single fixed blade. It turns out the cashier was Matt. Heather was with me. Matt showed me the knife. It was similar to a karambit, only with the cutting edge on the outside curve instead of the inner. Matt came out from around the counter to demonstrate the knife, by cutting locks of Heather's hair, which Heather didn't like very much.

Matt said something about squash (the game, not the vegetable) and tennis. I think Wizalot [a friend from another board] may have been there.


Terrible Tab
Tuesday night, April 22nd, 2008

Tab was up to her usual shenanigans. I have pretty vague recall of this dream, but I find it hard to describe. It was almost like the internet, but not [vague, I know. Bite me].


Fluffy Pink Bunnies
Tuesday night, April 22nd, 2008

[I just had to post both of these. :D]

Something about video threads on DV, for posting good videos. They were categorized, and one got merged. "Good+Saturday" was part of the title. It was much longer, though. Lots of videos about rabbit suits. Full-sized, adult, rabbit suits. Some on hangers, some on people. A lot were pink. It was as creepy as you're thinking it was.

Same dream, something about this ridge with a rock on it in the desert.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 11:14:04 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2008, 02:01:57 AM »
That knife looks pretty cool.  Is spyderco any good?  I've never heard of it.

Offline Josh

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2008, 12:37:20 AM »
Spyderco is one of the best brands of pocketknives. The knife in the picture is a custom, though. :)

Night before last:

Saw V
Wednesday night, April 23rd, 2006

Matt came over and took my circular saw. He took it back to his place, and was using it, along with two saws of his own, to cut away a block of concrete from his back porch. I walked over there and told him in no uncertain terms to give it back, and that he was never to try that again unless he wanted the saw used on him.


New Baby?
Wednesday night, April 23rd, 2006

I had a dream where Heather and Tab were sleeping in the same room. Heather was pregnant, and wanted me to feel her stomach to feel the baby. That's not weird at all... O_o


Wednesday night, April 23rd, 2006

Running naked through the woods, a hot tub possibly involved...


Just Moved In
Wednesday night, April 23rd, 2006

A set of apartment buildings, two stories tall with outside stairs leading up to the front balconies to which the doors opened. I was in one of the apartments, I had just moved in. Was unpacking groceries I think, and there was a knock at the door. It was some kid I think. Young kid.


Matt, Matt, Go Away...
Wednesday night, April 23rd, 2006

Something else about Matt. Get out of my dreams already, asshole.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:31:12 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2008, 12:05:20 AM »
Getting a wee bit behind here:

Most Interesting Conversation
Thursday night, April 24th, 2008

Posting on DV, wordy conversation with Marlie. Quite interesting. Vex Kitten was in there somewhere, and Placebo showed up to make a pretty long post with lots of bolded points later on. In a later dream, actually, but it was a continuation of this one, so it goes here.


A Whale of a Tale
Thursday night, April 24th, 2008

In a house somewhere with Heather and someone else, maybe Tab. I drank a small tumbler of bourbon, then sat on a couch fiddling with my camera. What happened next was amazing. At one point, my surroundings just changed, and I was sitting on the sidelines of a water park type show, with whales in a river area that ran from in front of me around to my right. There was one gray whale and two killer whales, a male and female. It was weird, the water in front of me was cut off, like there was a glass wall holding it in, but there wasn't. So I could see the whales as they passed just beneath the water in front of me.

Then I decided I wanted to take closeup video of their antics, so I set my camera to record video, and jumped into the water at my right. The gray whale came by backwards, huge, pushed by the current, then one of the killer whales came blasting through, pushing the larger gray out of the way. I quickly grabbed ahold of it, puling myself onto its wide back. It then turned, with me in tow, and rounded the corner ahead at full speed, jumping through the air, crashing into a sort of small pen above the water with a lioness in it. I remember thinking, that thing could just grab me right off the whale's back! But it didn't, and we rode on.

The whale went down past where the audience could see, it would have been to my left if I were observing. There was a huge dropoff and a waterfall, and the whale went over it head-first, somersaulting head-over-tail, with me clinging desperately to its back, crouched down with my head tucked under. There was a corner of a scaffolding that if the whale were to hit on its back, it would crush me. Luckily, we missed it, landing with a huge splash. When we came back up, the whale strongly swam its way up the waterfall and back around, doing its circuit. I got off the same place I got on, and Tab (I think) pulled me back out of the water.


A Foot of a Different Color
Thursday night, April 24th, 2008

Me, Mama and Daddy were driving around looking for somewhere to buy something at, a bible program for the computer. We had the software box, but we needed either more copies, or it was an empty box. We went into one place that claimed they had it all, and looked around for awhile with no luck. Turns out the place mostly sold shoe molds... O_o

I was getting really tired and hungry, we all were, and I had developed a limp because of a poorly fit shoe, ironically enough, but I wasn't about to pay the prices they wanted for shoes, so I bore it. So we left, me limping painfully the whole way, until I finally found a wheelchair and took advantage of it to get back to the car. Riiiiiight... I really need to pay more attention to these things.


Hostile Takeover
Thursday night, April 24th, 2008

Cars parking on a hill beside a busy roadway. We were in hostile territory, perhaps Soviet territory? Some woman pulled up in a Jeep or similar, parked it on the hill but didn't set the emergency brake. Well, she thought she did, but what she pulled was the seat belt strap. She got out, carrying a case containing a sniper rifle, and walked down the hill to set it up, directly behind her car. The car started to slowly roll downhill. I jumped in to the car, grabbed the brake, and pulled it all the way up and back, but it didn't work. The car kept rolling, a little faster now. So I got out, grabbed the frame of the door, and hauled the car back up the hill to its parking spot.

It was frustrating, because I was playing a fine balancing game with the car. In order to get it where it wouldn't roll down the hill, I had to get it way too close to the road for comfort, and the cars and trucks on the road never slowed. There was something about the woman with the rifle revealing that she wasn't even a good shot, and Gibbs (from NCIS) took over for her and fired the shot. He was with us. Whoever 'us' was.

[I seem to have a LOT of dreams involving cars, especially the brakes, not working as they should. It's disturbing. You'll see what I mean as my dream journal progresses.]

Same dream, there was a MiG in bad repair, that we were fixing up to fly. I think we were some rebel band of fighters. I was the mechanic. The pilot wanted to go ahead and give it a trial flight, despite my warnings, so we compromised and I went along, strapped to the rear of the left wing. Well, that or just holding on tight. It may not have been a MiG, I'm not the best with planes. It had VTOL. Anyway, I was doing my mechanic thing while we were in a near-vertical climb, when I spotted something bad. Bad and irreparable. I hollered out to the pilot, “Get out of there, it's going to blow up!” and with that I let go of the plane, and fell back in a freefall. I kept yelling to the pilot to get his rear out of that cockpit or he wasn't going to live to regret it, but he wouldn't, and then the plane exploded.

Miraculously, we both lived. At least the pilot had a parachute. I didn't. We were almost in the outer atmosphere when the thing blew, too. But hey, I'm Superman, right? Actually, I think I may have been Ironman in the dream. Anyway, he was laid up in a hospital bed and I was visiting him. He was red-faced, due to the burns that covered his body. I was apparently fine, and joking with him about what happened.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:33:28 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Thursday Morning
« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2008, 03:49:34 AM »
Saturday night, April 26th, 2008

I remember being attacked by a guy with a 2x4, he came at me from around a corner. His first swing hit me solidly in the head and knocked me down, but I kicked him in the chest with both feet, sending him reeling. He kept attacking me, and I kept fighting back as well as I could with no weapon.


That Darn Goat!
Saturday night, April 26th, 2008

A crazy billy goat kept trying to bite me. It was at Tab's I think, at least Tab and Maggie were there. I stood on a table, and reached down to the goat, and it tried to bite off my finger. Then I just got down and kicked the goat in the head. I think I carried it off somewhere.

There was something about a long water slide with tires. Not inner tubes, tires. Lot's of lube, too. It was going down the hill behind the house.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:35:37 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #24 on: May 02, 2008, 07:15:31 AM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Josh

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2008, 07:32:52 PM »
Thanks, Moonbeam. I really just try to find something as close to what I saw in my dream as I can, on Google Image Search. ;)

Scotland Fever
Thursday morning, May 1st, 2008

I was in this small village-like place, with small shops strewn throughout and display counters in the streets. It was in Scotland, I believe, and there were train tracks with tanker cars in the background. My next dream may have been a continuation of this one, but it was a separate dream. I was looking over some knives in a display counter, and then I had to do something for Mama, something about books.


[Lucid dream omitted for explicit content. See Members Only section.]


The Old Matt
Thursday morning, May 1st, 2008

Matt was on the back porch, and I was back there with him, talking to him. He was in a great mood, almost like he was high or something. He was really nice, found everything funny, and was a lot of fun to be around. There was one bit where I brought him some cookies to try, from a bag, and he LOVED them! He kept going on and on about how good they were, and everything. It was weird, but nice.


A War Blanket
Thursday morning, May 1st, 2008

Not the same dream I think. Heather and I were on the back porch and we found a blanket that had a date on it, 1714. Mama said it had been brought back from the war, but didn't know what war. I think we eventually determined it wasn't really that old after all, and it was from the Civil War.


Unauthorized Parking
Thursday morning, May 1st, 2008

I had a car and was parking it in a zone only authorized for police to use, so I would put a decal on my door that made my car look like a police car, do something to my window, and it would fool the inspecting guy when he gave it a brief glance. I was joking around with Daddy about this. I was trying to match the actual paint on a real police car parked close by to make a new decal for mine. And trying not to get caught doing all this.


Fourteen recalled dreams tonight, though a lot of them are just fragments!

A Song of Heartbreak
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

Somebody died of a heart attack on the driveway, and I sung a song, on the driveway. I made it up as I went along, and it was damn good, had a nice tune and all. It was country. Something about the sun and a heart attack...woke up to write it down as I was semi-lucid, only to realize when I REALLY got up that it was an FA! Grr!


Church Schooled
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

Church, maybe in an old schoolhouse, singing, with Scott? Seems like we were at Scott's family's place. New hymnbook, had to use two different hymnbooks actually.


Kudzu for the Soul
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

Something about walking down the driveway with a plant, I think I'd come from Hard to tell. Some really busy workplace. I think I was a doctor, or on staff somehow. Lots of strange goings-ons happened beforehand, at this hospital. I was smuggling some stuff out I think. I was talking to someone (my girlfriend? O_o) quite angrily and threw some cuttings from a bush into the trees beside the driveway. I somehow knew they would grow where they landed and make more bushes. I had a full armful of stuff.


One-Eyed Carpenter
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

I was at home hanging out with Scott, wearing an eye-patch because my eye had been hit, and I couldn't focus with it. I was waiting for it to heal. [I finally got Daddy an eye-patch, and he loves it, so new dreamsign.] Seems like we were working on a project.


Church Get-Together With Mimi
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

At a church thing, (maybe the Feast?[Annual church convention I attend in the fall.]) Mimi [Real life friend, who I just got back in touch with.] was there! We were at a restaurant, I got a slushie from a machine, all different flavors mixed together. It was great. We were eating lunch. Mimi was across the room, I was trying to get the time to go talk to her. I think some of the other guys from FL and such were there too with Mimi.


Katie Called
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

Katie [My cousin, she's just a few weeks younger than I am.] had called, was nearby, I was trying to talk Mama and Heather into going to see her I think. I was talking to Heather on the back porch about it.


More Car Trouble
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

I was driving Heather's car while Mama and Heather (maybe Justin too) went in somewhere. I was supposed to pull around and wait on them in front of the store, but the parking lot was made so that there was nowhere to drive between the cars and the storefronts. So I had to reverse and crap. Things were a bit loose, not working quite as planned. Scott saw and I just knew he was going to say something about my driving.

[See what I mean about my trouble with cars in dreams?]


Creek Playground
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

Out in the woods with Heather, Justin, Mama, Daddy and maybe Scott. Justin was playing around the creek, there was like a rock wall that enclosed the creek here, and it was made so it stepped down kinda. Justin was having a ball.


Fragment of PJ
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

Something about pj?


That Sexual Feeling
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

Sex. I remember sex, but no real solid details. Well, I do remember some details, but not about surroundings or who was involved. Not much, anyway... Ahem.


Katie In Trouble?
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

Something else with Katie. Maybe she was in trouble? Seemed kinda like an extension of the earlier dream about her, maybe she'd called again.


More Mimi
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

Possibly another dream with Mimi in.


Washed Away
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

A small flooded stream beside the road somewhere, news reporters there, somebody's 4-wheelers had been washed down-stream when they backed their truck up to the stream. They were going down the bank after them on another ATV.


Almost Nothing
Thursday night, May 1st, 2008

One other dream, just a bare fragment. Maybe more dreams, but I can't recall any more.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:39:22 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2008, 11:24:25 PM »
Deep Shit
Saturday night, May 3rd, 2008

We (not sure who all we consisted of, I think Heather was there and maybe Daddy) were looking around in a hardware store that was huge and laid out like a flea market. Then we were all walking around in the country somewhere. Next I remember I was in a pickup truck with a couple other guys, driving through a pasture so covered in manure there was nary a clear spot to be found. We backed up under a shed, a huge shed the size of a barn but nothing but a roof I think (there may have been walls, I can't be sure), the floor of which was also covered thickly in goopy manure. I had to get out to help unload and I was nearly ankle-deep in crap.

After we got everything unloaded (not sure what it was) we raked away the manure, leaving clean dirt.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:41:40 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2008, 03:25:05 AM »
Sucker Punch
Sunday night, May 4th, 2008

[Another lucid.]

 Mama was really curious as to what the inside of Matt's house looked like these days, so I talked her into just going and knocking on the door and asking to come in and see for herself. Lo and behold, Matt let us in (I went with her) with no problem. The house was now two-story on the inside, with all sorts of weird decor and stuff. The top floor was all open, with two bathrooms sectioned off by low walls and swinging doors almost like short bathroom stalls. The whole set up was much like a courtroom, actually.

After a few minutes of looking around this, it hit me that this just wasn't realistic, and so I did a reality check. BAM! Lucidity! I took a moment to ground myself by turning around and looking closely at my hands, which appeared fine, then hurried downstairs to the back door, where Matt was leaving ahead of me. Just as he exited the screen door, I sucker-punched him in the back, sending him staggering. Then I readied myself and hit him HARD, sending him flying up into the air head over heels the way the guys Iron Man punched in the movie flew. He hit the top branches of the pecan tree in the back yard and fell to the ground hard.

Deciding to leave him be for now, I wanted the Iron Man suit, so I looked around for it. As it was nowhere to be found, I 'expected' it to be there when I walked around front. Well, there were the boots, at least, on the hill. Not exactly what I was looking for, but ah well. I stepped into them just before my lucidity, and the dream, started to fade. I think I started to lose lucidity when things didn't go as planned in the dream.


The Need For Speed
Sunday night, May 4th, 2008

I dreamed I was going for a ride with Heather in her new 2005 Ford Mustang convertible. It was a light blue I think. Unfortunately, Mama came out and wanted us to take her somewhere just before we could leave, and wanted me to get in the backseat so she could have the front seat. Now way was that happening, so I told her she could have the backseat. She had a few grocery bags with her for reasons known only to her. She climbed into the backseat reluctantly and somewhat begrudgingly. Heather took us onto the interstate and said she wanted to see what the car could do, wanted to get up to 100 MPH. She'd already got it up to 70 MPH on the way over, but she really wanted to, "Blow it out." Mama was not too happy about this, but didn't say much. Heather was being an insufferable idiot though, so I just tuned her out and enjoyed the ride and the wind in my hair.


Late Night Shower
Sunday night, May 4th, 2008

Heather, two kids, one really young (maybe about two years old) and named Josh (what's that all about I wonder?) and the other may have been Cody (?) and Matt were on the back porch at a table eating. I was with them, but after we finished eating I soon realized it was getting really late and I had work to do in the morning (I had to fix a light switch today in waking life) so I went to get a shower and go to bed. I gave each of them a hug before I left. Even Matt, and we both commented on how long it had been since I'd hugged my brother.

Going through the living room it was set up like a hotel room or something, with two or three beds along one wall. One of these was mine I knew. It was arranged this way so we'd all have somewhere to sleep. I gathered my towel and such and went into the bathroom, which was beside my parents' room to get ready for bed. There were two showers, a bathtub with shower head in the main part of the bathroom, and a smaller stand-up shower in a separate smaller room of the bathroom.

I was eying the stand-up shower, anticipating using it even though it looked like the spray had been frozen somehow in mid-spray and had dirt and bugs on it (I think I was figuring on breaking it off, or thought it was a practical joke maybe) and the doors didn't look they would close right, when Daddy yelled through the adjoining wall asking me was I ready to fix the light switch yet. He thought I was up early, even though I hadn't gone to bed yet. I was going to just go ahead and do it. [Now, actually, Daddy was calling me to get up and come work on the light switch in real life, and that woke me up at this time.] I woke up with the image of that shower spray in my head.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:43:44 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2008, 12:45:07 AM »
Dream omitted for content, see The Fortress of Solitude's Inner Chambers.


Visit to the Queen Bee
Monday night, May 5th, 2008

I had come from that last dream, which you can find over in the Inner Chambers, and was now walking into this huge convention center almost reminiscent of the Cobb Galleria Center. I may have been there for a church thing, not sure. There was a lobby area with escalators leading down to the auditorium, and in this lobby area were two huge cakes made to look like farmland and crops, to the left of the escalators. I was starving, and wanted to eat some, but the...usher? Sitting opposite said they were for after whatever I was there for, and I probably shouldn't eat any yet.

So I didn't. Instead I walked over to the short hallway that forked off to the right of the escalators and led to several rooms off that way. I was rather, erm, exhausted from the events of the previous dream, and could hardly walk even, but I still headed for a room which had a title above the door that was something about a Honey Hive or the like. It would seem I was looking for a woman. The Queen Bee referenced in the title. There was honey everywhere, it was a sticky mess. A recipe for fun, too...

I think I found her and she wasn't interested in talking to me, so I came back out to the lobby and proceeded down the escalator. I remember I was either barefoot or wearing only socks and I put the ball of my right foot on the escalator belt at the top, held onto the rail, and slid over the edge of the first step then rode it down normally.


Monday night, May 5th, 2008

I was at some training facility where they taught stick fighting. We learned with thin bamboo sticks. It went on for a while, and there was a bad guy doing something to sabotage the training I think. I decided to investigate this. I managed to figure out who it was, then he figured out I knew, and came after me once the instructor left the building. We were in the kitchen, and he was Chinese and far better trained than I. He had a heavy-bladed brute of a knife that he attacked with [Note: remember to draw the knife up as soon as I can.], and all I had to defend myself with were two thin, dry bamboo sticks picked hurriedly out of a pile by the sink.

I was hitting him with double strikes about the midsection, hips, waist, shoulders and arms, all while ducking and spinning to dodge his slashes and cuts. We fought in the kitchen for several minutes, and I was barely holding him off, until we  heard the instructor coming back, then the bad guy turned tail and skedaddled.

A bit of a shift occurred after I got my breath back, and it was now at some point shortly after the fight and after I'd told the people in charge what had happened and who the saboteur was. The guys in charge were talking about the issue without me present. I think I may have been eavesdropping, but it may have just been one of those scene shifts that my dreams like to pull. The main head guy was talking about what to do about what I had discovered, but the instructor said, “I hate to say this, as he's a good kid, but let's face it; he's never done anything right before.”

Taking this to mean that I was wrong about it all, they decided to do nothing about the saboteur, as they didn't think it was who I said it was. This really pissed me off. It also pissed me off that the instructor was largely right in his statement.


It continues to amaze me how easy it is to find pictures on the internet that so closely match what I saw in my dreams. Sure, it takes a little looking and the right keywords, but it's a lot easier than you might think. Of course, they don't match my dreams perfectly, but some come awfully close.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:49:19 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2008, 10:21:08 PM »
The Gathering
Thursday night, May 8th, 2008

I was at some big group get-together out in the boonies. It could have been a Dreamviews meetup, but I'm not sure. We were all sitting in a huge circle around a fire, beside a small lake. Seems like Mes Tarrant was there, which lends credence to the DV idea. Lots of people were there, and there was a lot of talking and joking going on.


Psych Out
Thursday night, May 8th, 2008

I was at this huge mansion slash office building, with some secretary/VP woman. I was supposed to be serving some time for community service, or working off a debt or something I think. It was a long dream, but I won't bore you with the somewhat boring details. It was directly influenced by the episode of Psych I watched before bed, right down to the murdered millionaire and the prime suspect being the VP who inherited everything.

[If you don't watch Psych, you should. It's an awesome show.]


In the Woods
Thursday night, May 8th, 2008

I was walking through the woods with Matt, along a path similar to the one in the dream mentioned above, but this led to a small lake, much like the one in the get-together dream above. We stopped at one point to make a fire with my firesteel, I think, and there was a bridge, maybe a floating one, across a narrow section of the lake. We were just out exploring I think, and talking.


Duck, Duck, It's a Goose!
Thursday night, May 8th, 2008

I was at a house or some sort of building beside a lake, where there was some big to-do over a girl being missing. Apparently everybody thought she was too pretty to have been kidnapped, which makes no sense but whatever. After a while she showed up, just having left on an errand. She looked a lot like John McClane's daughter, Lucy, from Live Free or Die Hard. I was standing off to one side with I think Tab and maybe Mama, observing the fuss.

Suddenly, I was viciously attacked! Dive bombed—

By a goose. A big honking Canada goose, which relentlessly attacked me, forcing me to defend myself and flee. I ran toward the lake, which was only about twenty feet away from the shelter I was standing under, following Mama and Tab in. Tab helped me step down into the water as there were fallen trees and vines in the water. We waded through the water, picking our way through the vines and logs for a while.

[Water is definitely a huge dreamsign for me, three dreams involving bodies of water in one night.]

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:51:59 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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