Author Topic: Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd  (Read 19119 times)

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2008, 09:34:33 AM »
The Father's Day Special
Friday afternoon, May 9th, 2008

I dreamed later, during an afternoon nap, of a television show starring John Travolta, Harrison Ford and Jim Belushi. What a cast... It seems Harrison Ford's character got killed off in the fourth episode, and that ticked me off. There was also some Scottish guy. The plot was weird, and quickly evolved into some strange mission about Father's Day explained by Jim Belushi as he rode a motorcycle into town to buy cereal.

Meanwhile, I was at home trying to eat my Cap'n Crunch, but somebody had put just a small amount of fresh cereal in on top of the old, stale, brown gross stuff already in the canister, and I had to pick it out or try to eat the absolutely unappetizing old cereal. It was disgusting. Matt was there, too. He came in after I started fixing my cereal. I think Tab was around somewhere, but Mama and Daddy were gone somewhere for Father's Day I think. I get the feeling I was waiting for Jim Belushi to get back with fresh cereal.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:53:19 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2008, 03:40:08 AM »
Thanksgiving Chaos
Saturday night, May 10th, 2008

I dreamed I was at home, out in the yard I think, and Tab came over. She had come to get something, though I can't remember what. I remember Rubbermaid tubs, and maybe gloves.

This dream sorta led into the next dream wherein I was trying to show Tab a kayak. She wanted a kayak, so I was recommending a few good ones to her at good prices. I was demonstrating one of these in a swimming pool, then we got out and on the way back to the house, which was right there, I emphasized to her the importance of a good paddle.

Back in the house, it was suddenly Heather I was with, and Justin was there. We were getting ready for some big Thanksgiving dinner, and Daisy was in the house. The house was a MESS. Mama kept talking about taking daisy to the pound, but only temporarily. I was not about to let that happen, though, and kept her in my room with me.

I kept coming back to this dream over the night, so bits and pieces of it are everywhere in my head.

[Notice the dreamsign in the theme of something bad happening to Daisy.]


Shooting the Moon
Saturday night, May 10th, 2008

I dreamed there was some guy here, parked in the turnaround in a compact car, that had made some kind of fancy technology. It allowed him to put another moon into the sky, and make paper napkins without cutting trees. He was going on and on about how we would benefit from having a new moon, and how easy it was to have napkins at your fingertips.

I didn't get the napkin thing, and told him why bother? Napkins are cheap!

We were going somewhere in his car, though, on a roadtrip. We somehow wound up in the Middle East, where Russian soldiers were trying to shoot his new moon down with missiles because it was making dozens of reflections of itself in the sky. They couldn't figure out which to shoot, but they finally got it, and the false moon fell out of the sky and dropped straight through the ground, making a huge crater and causing fire to shoot up out of the hole in a huge explosion. There were missile trucks and Russian troops spread out all over a huge area of the desert.

The guy said we'd better get out of there before they figured out who we were, even though we were at a distance, and so we scrammed. There were some other people in the back of his car, I think we hauled them out and left them there.

Somehow it became important that no one know who I was or where I was, because the Russians wanted me dead and I wasn't safe until we got home. I had fans, however, one group of whom had my name on the tag of their pickup truck. We tried to lead them off to make them think they knew where I was so that they would lead the enemies astray, but it didn't work.

I eventually reached home unscathed, though.


Saturday night, May 10th, 2008

Then I dreamed I was in this huge room, almost like an opera house in a state of disrepair, and there was a bad guy taunting me from one of the balconies. It was Matt, and he had on some kind of suit and could use the Force kinda. I had to chase him all around, trading blows here and there. He was fast as hell, but I finally caught him and drove him to the floor at the center of the place.

I had him in a compression hold, where I was pushing his head back against his body and folding him almost in half backwards, but it didn't bother him, and he was laughing, taunting me that I'd never be able to hurt him or kill him in this hold. He didn't know me well enough, it seems.

I quickly changed my grip on his head, reaching a hand around either side of his skull, then with a hard pull with both hands in a simple twist broke his neck and left his lifeless body lying on the floor of the opera house. I'm not totally sure that actually killed him, as I got that feeling you get in movies where the bad guy just doesn't die, but apparently it did the job.


Saturday night, May 10th, 2008

Another dream where I was looking through pictures taken during a [technology?] show of sorts I was at with the father of a friend of mine. I was trying to find a picture with both of us in it, or even just me, but I could only find my sleeve in the frame for the longest time. I was trying to use this to remember the event I think. Eventually, I found the picture I was looking for, and I was suddenly back there, walking around having fun and occasionally talking with my friend's father.

At one point I saw this awesome computer based on R2-D2, where the CPU case was a miniature R2-D2 and the monitor, keyboard and speakers all were in the same blue-and-white color scheme and looked like extensions of him, except the whole thing looked as if it could have been made out of LEGOs. I picked the CPU up and turned it over to see the bottom, then set it upright. It was really cool.

Then I remember, back in the time where I had been looking through the pictures, trying to call my friend's father up and find out where said friend was these days. He was living in a camper now it seemed [very odd, considering he owns several businesses in real life, or did last I knew] and didn't know where his daughter was.


Girl of My Dreams
Saturday night, May 10th, 2008

Very short dream, but best of the night. I was knocking on a door, seeing it from the inside, when MoT opened the door, grabbed my arm and pulled me inside, overbalancing me. For some reason (I'm pretty sure it was on purpose) I passed out and fell to the floor just inside the foyer. MoT immediately dropped to her knees and started doing CPR on me. She straddled my stomach to be able to bear down on her arms, ran her hands up under my shirt onto my chest to get a better feel of if I was breathing or not, and then started mouth-to-mouth. Very good mouth-to-mouth.

Unfortunately, I woke up before I could start enjoying it too much. In real life I woke up, that is. I'm pretty sure I wasn't really out of it in the dream, and I think we both knew that. I told her last night she was the girl of my dreams; looks like I was right. :D

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:55:20 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2008, 03:44:21 AM »
Post-Apocalyptic Times
Sunday night, May 11th, 2008

I dreamed I was in a post-apocalyptic scenario, where people were turning cannibal, eating one another and themselves, all sorts of bad stuff was happening, and the military was mobilizing to fight zombie hordes. I was a reporter trying to gather information for an underground newsletter, but I got spotted and forcefully volunteered by a military officer leading his troops past my hiding place in the barren wasteland. I had just been walking through the area looking for a place to stake out the troop movements.

He said as I tried to make myself look small and invisible beneath my gauzy white umbrella, “Either volunteer yourself and choose your position, or be volunteered and put on the front lines” I volunteered myself, and assumed my position at the rear.

Before that I was inside a refugee camp in a huge industrial warehouse, where people were eating other people, and one man had eaten his own arm off and tied the stump off with his t-shirt. Babies were being eyed as possible food sources, and disease was spreading. Zombie invasion was expected. I was with a group on a tiered floor overlooking the main warehouse floor, considered a safer place than below. I climbed down an air conditioning unit to the floor below, though, to remove myself from the foul reek of human waste and festering wounds.


I'm No Pirate!
Sunday night, May 11th, 2008

I had come through this tunnel, and was trying to apprehend a bunch of jewels and gems from an old-fashioned bunch with (sword?)canes. I got them, and escaped with my life, boarding a pirate ship with a bunch of lowly vagrants that called themselves pirates. They expected me to be their captain; I just wanted Jack Sparrow to show up and take over this lot. They could keep the jewels for all I cared. I had my son to worry about.

We set sail for the open seas, though I had to drag the ship out by its mainmast through the port and past the docks. We sailed for anywhere else, as I manned the Crow's Nest and my son took the wheel, and greasy-haired pirate crewmen did other sailor-like things. It was all very surreal, and gloomy.

We went ashore on a small tropical island, my son and I, to bury our treasure and camp in the palms and ferns, and observe the wild animals in their frolicking. I'm not sure if they really frolicked all that much, however. More like tried to eat us. At least the trees were comfortable, though.


Rib Dinner
Sunday night, May 11th, 2008

I was getting a shower, then stepped out, wrapped my towel around my waist and went to eat a meal of barbecued ribs in the gymnasium with Matt and Alesia. We talked, chatted, joked, despised each other, kidded around, exchanged hated and hateful glares, amused ourselves with thinking on the other's folly and putrid nature, and generally had fun. I enjoyed my ribs, and made Alesia as uncomfortable as I possibly could whilst chatting it up with Matt, then went back to my room.


[Wow, that was surreal. Writing your dreams at 6:30 in the morning the day after you have them is a trip, let me tell you. It's like...far out. I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.]
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:57:15 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2008, 03:09:43 PM »
Arresting Developments
Monday night, May 12th, 2008

I had just come home from some long trip, and was welcomed by Amy, Matt and Tab, an unlikely welcoming crew. Mama and Daddy weren't home. I had two suitcases, and all I wanted to do was retire to my room and rest, maybe get a shower. We weren't at home, exactly, it was like a hotel or condo.

CONTENT REMOVED TO The Fortress of Solitude's Inner Chambers

We were interrupted before too long, though, as Amy screamed a threat through the door that she was calling the police to me. She said she'd trumped up some charge that would get me put away for some time. Apparently I'd managed to piss her off somehow. Not exactly a hard thing to do. Naturally, I scrambled for my clothes, only to realize my suitcases had been taken out of the room.

Great, just great.

I wrapped a towel around my waist, said my goodbyes to the beautiful girl on my floor, and scooted out the window. I ran around and tried to come through the front door, acting all innocent-like, just a little extra just in case, since I had no idea what Amy would accuse me of. Mama and Daddy were back by now, but the police were already on their way. It must have been something really nasty that Amy accused me of, because there a lot of police and a big crowd gathered.

I ran off through the crowd, trying to get the heck outta there before Amy could give my description to the police. Unfortunately, I was trying to run in a towel and wasn't quite quick enough. I got caught, but it wasn't as bad as all that really, and I was made to go along with a group of teens that I somehow knew from a delinquent camp somewhere. That guy that played in Hostage, the really bad teenager, was in the group, and seemed like a nice guy, we knew each other.

There were also a few girls, one especially; a dark-skinned beautiful Native American girl. We all went to some theater where they showed a movie they had made, with Goldney's help I think, on a television in front of rows of those metal-and-plastic chairs.


Wild Ride
Monday night, May 12th, 2008

We were driving through town, changing lanes rapidly as if we didn't really know where we were going. The car ahead of us was even worse, and cut us off a few times. After awhile, every time it or we would change lanes, the car would kinda fishtail, and the back end would float up into the air to follow the front end until we got lined up, then settle back down. It was awesomely cool.

Somehow I got onto the bumper of the car in front of us, the rear bumper, and I would hold on for dear life as the rear end of the car, with me hanging off it behind, would rise up into the air and swing over another car before roughly dropping down to the pavement again. I was having loads of fun, and almost kicked a guy's head through his sunroof once. I thought to myself, I could have kicked your head in. Violent, aren't I?

I crawled up the car, balancing on the side mirror then leaping onto the hood before grabbing onto the rear bumper of our car, riding it for a while, then climbed into the backseat. Or front seat, I'm not sure.

The dream changed, with me in the backseat with a little girl trying to fix something that looked like earbuds for her. Except it was an ink pen, I think. We were at a Rite-Aid, and someone had gone in to get something needed to fix this

Dream changed again, this time I was alone back in the woods, with a high bank in front of me and the sound of running water behind me. I heard something rustling the bushes at the top of the bank, but then thought to myself; I'm dreaming, I can do anything I want to. I was lucid just like that. I climbed up the bank, partly to investigate the noise but mostly just to see where I was. Behind me was a small creek, and a hill rose in front of me, leading back to town. Where I had been was a spot the hill dropped in to form a bank, which evened out to my left.

Trying to think of what to do, I realized I was wearing gloves, and pulled them off, thinking about the task AspiR wanted me to try; eat my own hand. It didn't look very appetizing, though, and after the dream of the night before about diseased cannibals it REALLY didn't look too tasty, so I decided to pass on that. I was really enjoying my lucidity, and just wanted to go with the flow of my dream for a while, so I turned back toward the stream, taking the time to admire the details everywhere.

The leaves on the ground, the way the water flowed. There wasn't much of a bank around this part of the creek, the hill flowed right into the shore easily. On the far side, though, there was a high cliff wall, as the creek seemed to run through a small canyon. All of a sudden, here came Daisy, running down the middle of the creek, splashing and playing, frolicking in the water. I watched her, and said to myself, that's a good idea. I knew I could take as long as I wanted, and was in no hurry, so I walked to the creek.

Hanging from the air near me were two ropes, a yellow nylon rope obviously for swinging into the creek on, and an older, thicker, but rotten-looking cotton rope. I grabbed the yellow one, setting the lone knot at its end into my fist, and swung out above the water. I couldn't get out as far as I wanted, though, so I swung back in to the bank in an effort to gain more height up the hill. No such luck, but after a couple false starts I spied a large driftwood log on the bank which I could stand on to gain more height.

I did so, them swung out almost to the middle of the creek, and dropped. The sensation of the smoothed-over rocks covered with a light covering of mud, prodding me all over as I fell on my side in the shallow water, was incredible. Realistic, but not painful as it perhaps should have been. Laughing, I stood up, my water shoes I'd been wearing soaked, but my clothes not so much, and called to Daisy. I decided to do one of the first Tasks of the Month; fly into orbit and ride a satellite.

I walked upstream until I came to a point where there was a shelter, like you'd find in a state park group shelter, on the right, enclosing partly the creek on the side the canyon wall did not. There was a concrete walkway/drain plate there, so I stepped up onto it and into the shelter, then walked out through the screen door into an open yard. The grass was beautifully green and damp, the sky was cloudy and overcast, and I could see the buildings of the city up the hill in the near distance.

Off to my left was what could have perhaps been a ball field, and in front of me was a chain-link fence surrounding some small area, perhaps a kennel or the like. I gazed admiringly at all I could see, amazed at the detail and imagery my mind could create on such short notice. I though, or said, to myself, Is that a church or cathedral up there? And looked more carefully at the large, sprawling building with the vaulted windows at the top of the hill on the other side of a road.

Still thinking of flying into orbit and riding a satellite, but in no real hurry, as if I didn't do it this time it was no big deal, I stepped closer to the kennel, and started to pull myself up onto the fence. There I felt my dream start to fade. There wasn't much I could do to stop it, I knew, I had to get up anyway. So I just kept pulling myself up to stand on the edge of the fence, fighting only a little at the fading dream, the seeing I was not even going to be able to manage that small feat, let it go, waking up happy and satisfied.


Camera Troubles
Monday night, May 12th, 2008

I was thrift-shopping with Mama and Heather, and possibly Aunt Lois. I won't bore you, or me, with the details, but it was a long walk to the store and I had to buy a door. There was one point where I had to walk through the remains f some decrepit building and take a door off to get in. It was dangerous and precarious.

I walked home by myself, taking the road, using my walking stick to push myself up off the ground like a pole vault. As I cleared the top of a hill about halfway home, I admired the cherry and peach trees in bloom that I had planted off to my right, in a bit of a hollow nestled underneath the hill.

I met Matt at the top of the hill, and bragged about planting the trees. He asked me which ones were mine, and I pointed them out then said, “Well, all but that one there at the back, that one over there, and the one just there, see?” He then pointed to the Nikon D40 I all of a sudden had hanging around my neck, and asked me if I'd used it yet. I said, no I hadn't, but that I may as well now. I set it on a rock and got out my memory card for it, unwrapping it and putting it in. I was having trouble, since Matt was making me nervous, and he had to help me out, as he knew how it worked.

The he posed overlooking the hollow and wanted me to take a picture of him. So I did. The camera was weird now, the whole back of it was a huge touchscreen with all sorts of menus and inset views. It had to be about the size of an A2 paper. I was trying to pull up the picture, which I had taken on all automatic setting but I thought turned out well, if a bit artistically overexposed, but at the same time dark, and I couldn't figure out what did what.

I tapped the screen at the point I thought I should and said, “I guess this will do it?” And Matt took it from my hands and used two fingers to draw it out bigger, like on an iPhone, and said, “No, THIS will do it.” I was just like, “Oh, okay...”

There was some trouble with the SD card again...Maybe I hadn't taken it out of its bag before I tried to put it in the camera. Or maybe that was the battery... Dreams.


The Injustice League
Monday night, May 12th, 2008

A fragment about robbing a bank by...get this, stealing the WHOLE VAULT. Superheroes definitely involved. We/they smashed and grabbed, took the bank vault which was shaped like a huge ball, flew it out into the Caribbean ocean, found a shallow spot near an island, set it down and cracked the door off.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 03:58:48 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #34 on: May 25, 2008, 07:35:24 PM »
I remembered three dreams and two fragments, but they were so dull and crappy I didn't bother to write them down. I'll write only one out here, and just note the rest.

Gouge Out His Eyes!
Tuesday night, May 13th, 2008

It was the NtbMO*, and we were eating at our place. It was me, Mama, Daddy, Matt, Tab, and some guest. The dream was set years ago, not long after Tab's ordeal with her hip, and we were all sitting at the table eating and talking when I said something, I don't remember what now. I was sitting to the left of Tab, with Matt to her right. Matt looked at me around Tab and mouthed a warning, telling me not to say anymore about something. I didn't understand, so I mouthed back, what? He kept telling me, just mouthing it, and it was not to say anything about Tab's hip or what she'd went through with all that. I wasn't going to say anything about it anyway. Thing is, our guest saw us mouthing back and forth, and asked about it. Somehow it was revealed, and Tab started to cry, and I got in trouble with Mama for it being my fault, which it wasn't. Matt just sat back and grinned.

I was just as pissed at Matt for hurting Tab's feelings as everybody else was upset at me. So I jumped up onto the table and around Tab, and attacked Matt tooth and nail. Literally, I bit him on the nose, trying to take it with me, and gouged at his eyes with two fingers of my right hand. I was just going crazy. He totally didn't expect it, either. I was maybe eight or ten, I guess, in the dream? The timeline wasn't quite right, but that's as near as I can figure. The dream ended there, I think.

*[Holy day.]

[Now, as mentioned before, I'm not too big on interpreting dreams, but in this case I know exactly what this one means and where it stems from. This crap goes way deeper than I want to talk about, but my brother has hurt my sister a lot over the years. in a lot of ways. And I tended to get blamed for a lot of crap I didn't do as a kid, thanks mostly to Tab and some to Matt. So that's where the roots of this dream lie. It may not seem like much on the surface, but I was feeling such strong emotion in the dream that I wanted to not only kill, but maim and disfigure my own brother beyond recognition by his own mother. I wanted him to hurt, I wanted him to pay. Just strong, powerful emotion. The kind of crap I don't let out, ever. It came out in that dream. I don't really want to think about it any more.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 04:00:15 PM by Man of Steel »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Offline Josh

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2008, 04:01:22 PM »
Huge dream update over the next few posts here, I have been journaling, but I have six DJs to keep up now, one on paper, two on my computer, and three online. So expect updates about twice a week from now on.

Memories of Tomorrow
Thursday, May 15th, 2008

I was meeting MoT in a mall in either Newnan or Columbus, in the dream she used to live in Atlanta. In the dream, she would be working at a jewelry store, and her name was Emily. I did meet her, and a lot of other stuff happened in the mall too, but I can't remember everything.

"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2008, 04:02:14 PM »
Short Longbow
Friday, May 16th, 2008

IRC chat node with MoT, MSG and others, we were talking about small, destitute European countries. I was in Matt's yard with the Toshiba while Matt was grilling. He was shooting arrows at his back door with a wooden bow to pass the time. I left to go home and get my own bow.

 As I dug through my closet to find it, I could hear Penny or some other parrot we had making noises out in the living room, or maybe it was on the front porch, as Mama and Daddy got home from somewhere. There was a van and two cars parked in the yard, perpendicular to the front porch beside the hot tub.


Sly Fighter
Friday, May 16th, 2008

I was Sylvester Stallone again, being chased through a hallway of some industrial building by a mad Billy Zane. We ran under some HVAC units suspended from overhead, and I used them to split his head open, leaving blood all over them, but he kept coming. He chased me into this huge bathroom with a lot of stalls, and we kept fighting. I finally put him down for a bit, then this really hot girl appears from out of nowhere.

She starts basically kicking my ass. Reminded me a lot of River Tam, only she was a lot hotter. She look like the secretary from Nothing to Lose, which I watched the night before. She liked to kick, but her kicks didn't pack much punch, despite her spiky heels. I endured it for a bit, kinda laughing to myself, then grabbed her by the leg, and a very nice leg it was too (she was wearing a dress) and pulled her in close and off-balance.


Let's Go Fly a Kite!
Friday, May 16th, 2008

Something about hang-gliding in a park, or rather not being able to as we had to go. Also something about catering a meal for some event there.


Country Jam
Friday, May 16th, 2008

I was out in the country, heading somewhere, something about a run-down motel room, and goats in another part.


Lunch in the Park
Friday, May 16th, 2008

Started out as kind of a flash-back to a stormy sea with Darth Vader riding a huge monster of the deep and fighting Yoda. Vader won, somehow.

Then I was at a lunch in a park-type place on the Sabbath, and they had the same sea creature Darth Vader was riding stuffed in miniature. The woman responsible was telling us how it was made from a woman and the chest of a lion, the latter of which was “cooked on” to the plastic base to add to the form. It also had the skin and mane of the lion. It looked like a seal-elephant-boar-whale hybrid, with tusks and a trunk, real ugly and mean-looking. The thing was downright scary.

There were other such things stuffed as well, along with a small pond with lily pads and stuff. The woman talking to us used the F-word in relating a story about her daughter, which in present company was kind of awkward. As we got ready to leave, the woman was Marilyn, and Darl was there. Marilyn's two daughters, about 16 or so, showed up, along with her older, pregnant daughter.

We had to put up our dishes in these group-shelter-like buildings that were set up for catering, with tables already set up and all. We left in two cars. I was supposed to ride in the first, with Marilyn and Darl and their daughters, but there was no room and I didn't want to, so I went back to the second car. Mama was driving, Daddy was in the back seat, and one other person was in it too. It was a convertible, and the back seat folded up weird. I unfolded it and got in with Daddy.

"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2008, 04:02:54 PM »
Thanksgiving With the Family
Saturday, May 17th, 2008

Thanksgiving was at Tab's house, actually a trailer nearby. Maybe the parsonage, not sure. Everybody was there, Matt, Tab, Heather, the kids, etc. Taiven was walking, but it seemed like he was Tab's somehow. Him and Gabriel were playing in the yard while me and Matt watched them. Maggie was in the house helping with dinner I think.

Some guy named Arnold, apparently an old flame of Heather's, was there, though he was now married to whatshername that lived next door maybe? Not sure if they lived next door or what. He kissed Heather. Weird. I had this magazine that worked as a high-speed wireless modem, and was trying to use it with my laptop as I could get a signal at home, later in the dream.

I was going to fold it over my lamp and use the signal it put out to get my laptop online in my bed, but I woke up before I could try it.

[Another dream about Thanksgiving. What gives here (no pun intended)?]

"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #38 on: June 04, 2008, 04:03:57 PM »
I had an awesome day for dreaming today. I didn't go to bed until 7:00AM, then I tried to WILD because I felt like I could, until 7:55, with no luck. I went to sleep though, and wow, did I dream but good!

Get to Da Choppa!
Monday, May 19th, 2008

I dreamed I was in charge of piloting a small helicopter into a Jurassic Park-like place. There was a copse of trees surrounded by a huge field, with a clearing just big enough to set a chopper down in the middle. This clearing was nearly impossible to find if one did not know the exact coordinates. I was meant to be taking some samples or the like I think.

I carried a pistol with me in case of dinosaur attack, and the first time (in the dream) I went there I had to use it. I had wandered a short distance away from the chopper to take a leak, and went into a short tunnel, like a gutter. It was dark in there, as it was about sundown outside anyway, but I had a flashlight. I looked up to see light reflecting off the eyes of three dinosaurs within ten feet of me. Then I looked back down to realize that I was standing on the back of some huge alligator-like dinosaur, buried in the mud.

Then it woke up, and I hurriedly fired a few shots from my handgun into the darkness and scooted back to the chopper. I sat huddled in there for a minute or three, then lifted off and headed back home. But the dream doesn't end here. No, this is only the very beginning. This dream is epic in length.

So now I'm at home, sitting around in the living room talking about my day like it was any other day. We own this huge dinosaur reserve, apparently. I ask Mama to get me the shotgun, because I saw more carnivores today than usual and I'm worried my pistol won't do the trick next time. I want the .30-30, but don't know if I'd have time to work the action before getting eaten. So the double-barreled 12 gauge will have to work.

Sitting in the living room with us are two very hot young women, one a bit older than the other but very much alike in looks. At first I think they are mother and daughter, but then I realize they are sisters, the daughters of Mayor Jesse Ventura, who is interested in our dinosaur reserve experiment and wants to purchase an interest. They are talking, batting around ideas with us. They almost remind me of the Judds in their younger years, but hotter. Auburn hair, fiery eyes, a bit haughty in the older one's case especially.

I flirted a bit with them, especially the younger one.

Then Mama calls me back to the back porch to talk to our other guest, a guy about my own age, perhaps their brother, though I am not sure. He is from the city, but his family will be moving into the reserve soon, and he is curious about a pellet rifle I had in the closet. He wants to know if I am a good shot with it. I laugh and assure him that I am, then tell him he can keep it. He says he doesn't have anywhere to use it now, but I tell him he will soon enough when he moves out here.

The next day I go back to the DZ in my chopper, which has just been officially given me by its previous owner, our former pilot. He had been training me to use it, and finally gave it to me. I stayed near the helicopter, cleaning the fuselage of mud and doing some basic maintenance, and didn't see many dinosaurs. I returned home without incident, to another night of conversation about how we would continue to manage our reserve land and its prehistoric inhabitants,

This time, Mayor Jesse Ventura was there was there as well, and he wanted me to take his son (I think it was his son, could have been nephew) with me, the guy I'd given the pellet rifle to. So, come the next day, I did. I messed around with him a little, flying blind and making him guess where we were supposed to land, because I had it all memorized beyond sight. He didn't do half bad, either.

We spent the day in the DZ, I think he may have brought the pellet rifle. We saw a few dinosaurs, but none bothered us. But then about sunset up comes a huge storm, and the dinosaurs get restless. I'm afraid we won't be able to take off, and I'm injured somehow rushing back to the chopper, so the kid has to fly us out of there. Now, it's a pretty tight area to rise up out of, and it's scary with someone piloting who has only ever piloted a RC chopper.

We almost collide with the trees several times, once almost taking the top off of several at once, but we make it out. Unfortunately, the kid doesn't know where the heck he is, and I'm too out of it to tell him, so we wind up flying all night. I wake up with no idea where we are, but the chopper is going crazy, obviously out of fuel. I yell at him to cut the engines before he burns them up, but he's panicking, and the craft is rocking and bouncing through the air a few thousand feet above Orlando, Florida.

The water below is a beautiful deep blue, but we're about to hit it at 17 feet per second as the engines wheeze to death and the blades stop rotating. The poor kid is about to die of panic, so I have to do something I really hadn't wanted to do, but I'm sure not letting my precious helicopter crash like like. When we're about a hundred feet up, I suspend us and the helicopter in midair, letting us down gently, flying us under my power. Yeah, I totally psi-powered it.

The kid is passed out by now. I float us out of the helicopter and set us down none too gently on a nearby rocky beach, and let the chopper down close by in the ocean, where I can recover it later. I'm afraid it's not going to be repairable though. A group of young kids find us and take us to their mother's house, near Orlando, where we stay for awhile.


Superbad Cop
Monday, May 19th, 2008

I impersonated a police officer in order to not get caught doing something. Something about hanging up an anchor of sorts on a bar on the wall. We were inside a grocery store. Me and one other guy I think. Trying to solve a murder mystery, our one suspect, a woman about 40 who looked like she was all kinds of drugs, bad ones, was handcuffed but running free around the store.

The exits were blocked, but it was up to me and two or three real cops to find out if she was in fact guilty. It was a lot like Superbad, I was like one of the cops from that movie, just having fun. I kept acting like I knew martial arts, even though I didn't, running up walls and stuff. It was hilarious, really.

All kinds of stuff happened, down to me saying the woman had killed this guy and left him in her bed in a back room, dead, then when we went in there, busted the door down and all, he's laying in bed not dead, but asleep, and wakes up like, “What's going on?”

I had this HUGE two-way radio, the size of a large book with all kinds of dials and knobs. It was really really cheap. This was all in Orlando I think. As the dream drug on, it got weird though.

Turns out the actual killer was some freak with tattoos all over his body, and fingernails cut short yet really sharp, and he attacked us in the woods outside the grocery store when we went searching for him. We didn't really know what we were getting into. This guy used voodoo or something, it was creepy.

I don't remember all the details, but he grabbed me from behind and like scratched up my back, I ran and he gave chase, laughing maniacally. There was some weird stuff going on in those woods, too. A small hut somewhere back in there, with an old woman living there. I think she helped us.


Lunch Time At Last!
Monday, May 19th, 2008

We were at the FoTagain, the second day this time, I think it was in Columbus or Atlanta but it could have been Destin or Panama City. We were in another huge mall. The second service was over, and we were going to get something to eat, maybe Chinese, then come back for a third service. Dunno why there were three services though.


Please Place All Belongings in Front of the Scanner
Monday, May 19th, 2008

Not sure if this was in one of the other dreams or not. We were leaving an airport, and had to place our bags on a desk in front of a machine to scan them. Any credit cards or ID cards had to be scanned, along with anything metal. There was one of those dome cameras on the wall in the corner above the desk. I could describe the desk in detail, it was a bit cluttered.

Matt and Alesia and Tab were there, along with Mama and Daddy, but I'm not sure about the kids. We left through big metal detectors, which didn't go off even though I had my SAK in my pocket, but I had removed the knife blade. We exited through the metal detectors then big glass doors. I think we went to Tab's house in the city.


Lap Time
Monday, May 19th, 2008

I'm not sure if this was a separate dream or if it belonged to, or was a continuation of, the first dream I recorded. We (not positive who all we entailed) were all sitting around waiting for supper to be served, maybe at Tab's house from the dream above or maybe in another house from the first dream. I was thinking something about sex. There was this girl, who looked a bit like Salma Hayek, and I kept thinking about her sitting in my lap while we ate. If you know what I mean. It was rather odd.


Dreadlocked Computer?
Monday, May 19th, 2008

Something about a real estate agent, or lawyer, something, hitting her computer which had dreadlocks, in her office in Atlanta.


Otter Surprise
Monday, May 19th, 2008

I dreamed we were trying to recover a body of an animal from a wheat field, so we placed a blanket over top of the wheat and the body would show up somehow. It wound up being a dead otter drug into view by a huge king snake. It was me, Mama, Daddy and Matt out there, and we had the blanket, the dead otter and a shovel to go bury it with. Me and Matt were supposed to go bury it, but we kept juggling, passing back and forth the dead otter and the shovel, trying to decide who would carry what.

I wound up with both, and had to hold the otter in such a way that its rotten body was in contact with my mouth, and it somehow got caught in my teeth. (O_o) Oh, it was gross! I couldn't get it unhooked, it was like a fishes gills and my teeth were hooked behind them or something, in the rotten spot on the otter's neck. I could taste it. I was mumbling/yelling at Matt to get it off, but he thought it was funny and gross, and it took awhile before he would/could help because he had to take the shovel and pass it to Mama.

He finally managed to muscle it off, leaving slimy bits of otter flesh in my teeth. I woke up about this time, with the horrid taste in my mouth. Oh, boy, it was disgusting. [I almost threw up in my bed, and I never throw up. Never.]


All of these dreams were connected to one another, though there are a couple missing I think. They got progressively SHORTER the longer I slept, oddly, and I woke up after each one, then went back to sleep and basically chained them together. Each one is related somehow, right down to location. It's like I traveled the country in my dreams. Around the World in 80 Dreams, for real!

They all felt somewhat similar, though, with the exception of the grocery store one, which at first felt like some comedy movie then got really weird. But I could consciously connect them. The first one was just epic, though.
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #39 on: June 04, 2008, 04:05:13 PM »
Sheesh, you sure have a lot of dreams.

And I see Darth Vader was in your dream, as expected. :chuckle:
And all my days are trances, And all my nightly dreams, Are where thy dark eye glances, And where thy footstep gleams -- In what ethereal dances, By what eternal streams.

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #40 on: June 04, 2008, 04:06:00 PM »
Dream omitted, see Inner Chambers.

Guard Dogs
Tuesday night, May 20th, 2008

A long winding dirt road with a LOT of German Shepherds on it, some wearing red shirt-things. Led to a restaurant of some kind.


Tuesday night, May 20th, 2008

Replacing a light switch or something in a camper. Daisy and Justin inside. I ate part of the casing for the light switch somehow, got gunky stuff all in my mouth, I was cleaning it out with my fingers.

For some reason we couldn't go outside, there was some evil woman out there.


Tuesday night, May 20th, 2008

Something about Scott and Heather.


Tuesday night, May 20th, 2008


"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #41 on: June 04, 2008, 04:08:37 PM »
Heya, Xox! Caught me right in the middle of reorganizing my DJ. :oops:

Yup, that one with Darth Vader was cool. :D Thanks for reading!
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #42 on: June 04, 2008, 04:10:37 PM »
Wednesday night, May 21st, 2008

Fragment, I don't even remember now what it was about.


Indiana Jones
Wednesday night, May 21st, 2008

Vague. Something about Indiana Jones, lots of speech or quotes, maybe written text. I think it was just one of those ill-defined dreams of sorts.

"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #43 on: June 04, 2008, 04:11:09 PM »
Murder by Alien
Thursday night, May 22nd, 2008

Huge, long, drawn-out storyline that actually, to a point, made sense. It was like a horror movie. There was something, or several somethings, killing people in this research compound. We'd find the bodies, if they could still be called that, torn apart, ripped up, blood everywhere, etc.. It was like a movie, it never quite showed the bodies, just the reactions of the people who found them, and sometimes blood or a severed/torn off limb. Needless to say it was pretty nasty. EXTREMELY gory.

Something was tearing them apart, for no real reason. So this went on for awhile, the number of people dropping, and the fear growing. We figured out somehow that it must be aliens. Well, they finally revealed themselves, and we all locked ourselves in a storeroom, and one of us, a woman, got out, took her car to go get help. There was a huge garage door between us and the aliens, and that was it.

There was nothing to them at first, they were only wire. Just a simple stick-figure of doubled wire, that bent anywhere. But they were really really strong, and they eventually made it inside, climbing to the top of the door and working their way in. There were about a half-dozen of them. Once they got in, they began to take shape, assuming roughly human form, new material knitting itself over their frames.

Armor plates grew over them, like an exoskeleton. It's like they had to see us first, though, to assume our form. They took half of us to one side of the room, and may have killed some of us. Their flesh was blue, and had a consistency like that of synthetic modeling clay, or synthetic polymer. They were going to send three of their own out into the outside world, after they had molded themselves into our likenesses. Their faces weren't quite right, and they were blue with gray armor surfaces.

One noticed that men had different genitals than women, and a roughly penis-shaped appendage formed between its legs, like it was made of clay. It just oozed into shape, loosely, then grew in detail as it observed me. They could see through our clothes, I think. Meanwhile, the one woman from our compound was out driving around trying to get help. The scene would change periodically, like in a movie. It all played out like a Sci-Fi movie, only with a better plot, one that I don't fully remember.

I can't remember exactly how it ended, but I think it was with the feeling of impending doom, that they were going to succeed.


[I also tried to WILD in the middle of the night, upon waking up, and almost got there. I entered full SP, felt tingly all over, but just couldn't quite get into a lucid dream.]
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2008, 04:12:32 PM »
Old House in the Pasture
Saturday night, May 24th, 2008

Small house, rustically furnished, was Uncle Steve's. Old pictures all over, many of me. Old rusted-out truck in the pasture outside. Something about a bulldozer or bulldozers?


Dream omitted for content.

Watery Refuge
Saturday night, May 24th, 2008

We were being chased by a SWAT team, not sure who all we were, seems like Bruce Willis was there maybe. We found this flooded building with high vaulted windows, were standing on the windows as the building was wrecked, when the windows shattered from the pressure of us and the water and we fell inside. We fell through several windows I think, then once we were inside we were hiding out.

Somehow it became a banquet/potluck/meal place, and I was there with Matt and Alesia, Alesia was even being nice to me. We had these huge barbecued roasts and homemade bread, and were feeding a church group, as well as the whole neighborhood. It wasn't all that great a neighborhood I think. Alesia asked to borrow my knife to cut up a roast, but I was reluctant, and Mama looked at me like, “You're not, are you?” so I handed her a steak knife.


O and Son
Saturday night, May 24th, 2008

Oneironaut was in a hospital bed, recovering from something, and he had a three year old son named after him. Oneironaut Cognizant was his name. Yes, really.


Flying Bound
Saturday night, May 24th, 2008

I was running through this huge department store wearing nothing but a shirt, for some reason, trying my best to keep it pulled down to hide my nakedness. There had been other stuff going on in this store before, but I can't recall what. I was in the back of the store in the music section, and I started leaping over the aisles, kinda floating a bit. I realized then that I was dreaming, so I started to fly instead, flying low, maybe six feet over the floor through the store up to the front. I was taking in all the detail I could, everything was so realistic it was awesome. Then I decided I was going to try and find a hot cashier to get it on with.

So I flew over, started grabbing asses of cashiers, but none of them were really up to my standards and I started to lose my grasp on the dream, so I said screw this, I'm heading outside. So I flew over the checkouts to a large window and blasted through, broken glass flying everywhere. Now outside, I was two stories up so I let myself drop, then realized that I had a bandanna tied around my ankles, binding them together. I was like, what the heck, and tried to use my super-strength to break it, but to avail.

So then I flew out over the road in front of me, with my legs out in front of me, and tried to summon up heat vision to burn the blue bandanna off. No luck there either. Ironically, my dream control was lacking. What fun. So instead I decided I'd just fly low to the grass one the hill across the road, where I now was, and soak up as much detail in the grass as I could. I had just started to drop in altitude when I started to wake up.

I totally forgot my tasks/goals while in the dream, but once I woke up I remembered them and tried several times to incubate another lucid so as to complete my goals, but I wasn't tired enough, and my dreams seemed to be getting shorter and shorter. At times I had difficulty maintaining the slow speed of flight I desired, while actually keeping moving, so I wound up 'swimming in the air' a bit.


Wedding Bells
Saturday night, May 24th, 2008

Tab was having another wedding, remarrying Adam, down by the side of the driveway below Matt's house. Alesia was her Maid of Honor, it was in this shelter/tent thing, but the actual vows took place under an arbor. Uncle Steve was there. I was just walking down the driveway. A bus pulled up, to take Tab, Adam and their new dog away on the honeymoon. The whole driveway wasn't anywhere close to right, and that, along with seeing Uncle Steve, caused me to do a nose-hold RC at the end of the driveway. Sure enough, I was dreaming, but by the time I thought to RC, I was already waking up, so I didn't have time to do anything.


A Long Trek
Saturday night, May 24th, 2008

A long, drawn-out trailer for the new Star Trek movie, that honestly didn't look much like Star Trek. It had Sean William Scott in it, and he got all his fingers and toes cut off one by one in a torture session because he wouldn't answer questions. After that, he was like, “What else can you cut off? But then he realized what they could cut off, and managed to escape before they could, in fact, do so.


Saturday night, May 24th, 2008

I know I had one other dream where I did a RC then woke up as well, but I'm not sure which one it was, or if I even remember the dream itself.


[Two dreams with Uncle Steve in one night. That's unusual.]
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

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