I had an awesome day for dreaming today. I didn't go to bed until 7:00AM, then I tried to WILD because I felt like I could, until 7:55, with no luck. I went to sleep though, and wow, did I dream but good!
Get to Da Choppa!
Monday, May 19th, 2008
I dreamed I was in charge of piloting a small helicopter into a Jurassic Park-like place. There was a copse of trees surrounded by a huge field, with a clearing just big enough to set a chopper down in the middle. This clearing was nearly impossible to find if one did not know the exact coordinates. I was meant to be taking some samples or the like I think.
I carried a pistol with me in case of dinosaur attack, and the first time (in the dream) I went there I had to use it. I had wandered a short distance away from the chopper to take a leak, and went into a short tunnel, like a gutter. It was dark in there, as it was about sundown outside anyway, but I had a flashlight. I looked up to see light reflecting off the eyes of three dinosaurs within ten feet of me. Then I looked back down to realize that I was standing on the back of some huge alligator-like dinosaur, buried in the mud.
Then it woke up, and I hurriedly fired a few shots from my handgun into the darkness and scooted back to the chopper. I sat huddled in there for a minute or three, then lifted off and headed back home. But the dream doesn't end here. No, this is only the very beginning. This dream is epic in length.
So now I'm at home, sitting around in the living room talking about my day like it was any other day. We own this huge dinosaur reserve, apparently. I ask Mama to get me the shotgun, because I saw more carnivores today than usual and I'm worried my pistol won't do the trick next time. I want the .30-30, but don't know if I'd have time to work the action before getting eaten. So the double-barreled 12 gauge will have to work.
Sitting in the living room with us are two very hot young women, one a bit older than the other but very much alike in looks. At first I think they are mother and daughter, but then I realize they are sisters, the daughters of Mayor Jesse Ventura, who is interested in our dinosaur reserve experiment and wants to purchase an interest. They are talking, batting around ideas with us. They almost remind me of the Judds in their younger years, but hotter. Auburn hair, fiery eyes, a bit haughty in the older one's case especially.
I flirted a bit with them, especially the younger one.
Then Mama calls me back to the back porch to talk to our other guest, a guy about my own age, perhaps their brother, though I am not sure. He is from the city, but his family will be moving into the reserve soon, and he is curious about a pellet rifle I had in the closet. He wants to know if I am a good shot with it. I laugh and assure him that I am, then tell him he can keep it. He says he doesn't have anywhere to use it now, but I tell him he will soon enough when he moves out here.
The next day I go back to the DZ in my chopper, which has just been officially given me by its previous owner, our former pilot. He had been training me to use it, and finally gave it to me. I stayed near the helicopter, cleaning the fuselage of mud and doing some basic maintenance, and didn't see many dinosaurs. I returned home without incident, to another night of conversation about how we would continue to manage our reserve land and its prehistoric inhabitants,
This time, Mayor Jesse Ventura was there was there as well, and he wanted me to take his son (I think it was his son, could have been nephew) with me, the guy I'd given the pellet rifle to. So, come the next day, I did. I messed around with him a little, flying blind and making him guess where we were supposed to land, because I had it all memorized beyond sight. He didn't do half bad, either.
We spent the day in the DZ, I think he may have brought the pellet rifle. We saw a few dinosaurs, but none bothered us. But then about sunset up comes a huge storm, and the dinosaurs get restless. I'm afraid we won't be able to take off, and I'm injured somehow rushing back to the chopper, so the kid has to fly us out of there. Now, it's a pretty tight area to rise up out of, and it's scary with someone piloting who has only ever piloted a RC chopper.
We almost collide with the trees several times, once almost taking the top off of several at once, but we make it out. Unfortunately, the kid doesn't know where the heck he is, and I'm too out of it to tell him, so we wind up flying all night. I wake up with no idea where we are, but the chopper is going crazy, obviously out of fuel. I yell at him to cut the engines before he burns them up, but he's panicking, and the craft is rocking and bouncing through the air a few thousand feet above Orlando, Florida.
The water below is a beautiful deep blue, but we're about to hit it at 17 feet per second as the engines wheeze to death and the blades stop rotating. The poor kid is about to die of panic, so I have to do something I really hadn't wanted to do, but I'm sure not letting my precious helicopter crash like like. When we're about a hundred feet up, I suspend us and the helicopter in midair, letting us down gently, flying us under my power. Yeah, I totally psi-powered it.
The kid is passed out by now. I float us out of the helicopter and set us down none too gently on a nearby rocky beach, and let the chopper down close by in the ocean, where I can recover it later. I'm afraid it's not going to be repairable though. A group of young kids find us and take us to their mother's house, near Orlando, where we stay for awhile.
Superbad Cop
Monday, May 19th, 2008
I impersonated a police officer in order to not get caught doing something. Something about hanging up an anchor of sorts on a bar on the wall. We were inside a grocery store. Me and one other guy I think. Trying to solve a murder mystery, our one suspect, a woman about 40 who looked like she was all kinds of drugs, bad ones, was handcuffed but running free around the store.
The exits were blocked, but it was up to me and two or three real cops to find out if she was in fact guilty. It was a lot like Superbad, I was like one of the cops from that movie, just having fun. I kept acting like I knew martial arts, even though I didn't, running up walls and stuff. It was hilarious, really.
All kinds of stuff happened, down to me saying the woman had killed this guy and left him in her bed in a back room, dead, then when we went in there, busted the door down and all, he's laying in bed not dead, but asleep, and wakes up like, “What's going on?”
I had this HUGE two-way radio, the size of a large book with all kinds of dials and knobs. It was really really cheap. This was all in Orlando I think. As the dream drug on, it got weird though.
Turns out the actual killer was some freak with tattoos all over his body, and fingernails cut short yet really sharp, and he attacked us in the woods outside the grocery store when we went searching for him. We didn't really know what we were getting into. This guy used voodoo or something, it was creepy.
I don't remember all the details, but he grabbed me from behind and like scratched up my back, I ran and he gave chase, laughing maniacally. There was some weird stuff going on in those woods, too. A small hut somewhere back in there, with an old woman living there. I think she helped us.
Lunch Time At Last!
Monday, May 19th, 2008
We were at the FoTagain, the second day this time, I think it was in Columbus or Atlanta but it could have been Destin or Panama City. We were in another huge mall. The second service was over, and we were going to get something to eat, maybe Chinese, then come back for a third service. Dunno why there were three services though.
Please Place All Belongings in Front of the Scanner
Monday, May 19th, 2008
Not sure if this was in one of the other dreams or not. We were leaving an airport, and had to place our bags on a desk in front of a machine to scan them. Any credit cards or ID cards had to be scanned, along with anything metal. There was one of those dome cameras on the wall in the corner above the desk. I could describe the desk in detail, it was a bit cluttered.
Matt and Alesia and Tab were there, along with Mama and Daddy, but I'm not sure about the kids. We left through big metal detectors, which didn't go off even though I had my SAK in my pocket, but I had removed the knife blade. We exited through the metal detectors then big glass doors. I think we went to Tab's house in the city.
Lap Time
Monday, May 19th, 2008
I'm not sure if this was a separate dream or if it belonged to, or was a continuation of, the first dream I recorded. We (not positive who all we entailed) were all sitting around waiting for supper to be served, maybe at Tab's house from the dream above or maybe in another house from the first dream. I was thinking something about sex. There was this girl, who looked a bit like Salma Hayek, and I kept thinking about her sitting in my lap while we ate. If you know what I mean. It was rather odd.
Dreadlocked Computer?
Monday, May 19th, 2008
Something about a real estate agent, or lawyer, something, hitting her computer which had dreadlocks, in her office in Atlanta.
Otter Surprise
Monday, May 19th, 2008
I dreamed we were trying to recover a body of an animal from a wheat field, so we placed a blanket over top of the wheat and the body would show up somehow. It wound up being a dead otter drug into view by a huge king snake. It was me, Mama, Daddy and Matt out there, and we had the blanket, the dead otter and a shovel to go bury it with. Me and Matt were supposed to go bury it, but we kept juggling, passing back and forth the dead otter and the shovel, trying to decide who would carry what.
I wound up with both, and had to hold the otter in such a way that its rotten body was in contact with my mouth, and it somehow got caught in my teeth. (O_o) Oh, it was gross! I couldn't get it unhooked, it was like a fishes gills and my teeth were hooked behind them or something, in the rotten spot on the otter's neck. I could taste it. I was mumbling/yelling at Matt to get it off, but he thought it was funny and gross, and it took awhile before he would/could help because he had to take the shovel and pass it to Mama.
He finally managed to muscle it off, leaving slimy bits of otter flesh in my teeth. I woke up about this time, with the horrid taste in my mouth. Oh, boy, it was disgusting. [I almost threw up in my bed, and I never throw up. Never.]
All of these dreams were connected to one another, though there are a couple missing I think. They got progressively SHORTER the longer I slept, oddly, and I woke up after each one, then went back to sleep and basically chained them together. Each one is related somehow, right down to location. It's like I traveled the country in my dreams. Around the World in 80 Dreams, for real!
They all felt somewhat similar, though, with the exception of the grocery store one, which at first felt like some comedy movie then got really weird. But I could consciously connect them. The first one was just epic, though.