Author Topic: Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd  (Read 19131 times)

Offline Josh

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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #45 on: June 04, 2008, 04:22:32 PM »
Don't Move!
Tuesday night, May 27th, 2008

I was standing in the driveway by Matt's, beside the peach tree, and Matt was up in the side yard at the top of the hill. He was scared of some landmines, and wanted me to help find them. He was afraid to move, but not I. I stepped carefully back along the driveway, triggering mines as I went, but I'd dance back out of the way just as they exploded, and wasn't harmed. Eventually I seemed to get the driveway cleared, so Matt cautiously walked down towards the small oak by the carhouse, but somehow he got caught up in a booby trap on the tree, and swung up to hang upside down from one of its branches.

I helped him down, then helped him move a number of large logs, carrying them by myself with ease. It looked like he was doing some cutting of trees and splitting for firewood beside the barn. I left to go back home shortly thereafter, but was hesitant to tell what I'd been doing, as it had been dangerous, and for Matt no less.


On the Move
Tuesday night, May 27th, 2008

Me, Mama and Daddy were on foot in the suburbs, walking through bad neighborhoods with gangs in. We were trying to get someplace, I think, but taking it leisurely. I was leading Daddy, and Mama tended to get ahead of us. We went in a couple of places, then back out, but one place we went into was the base of a gang led by some Australian guy with a leather hat. He wasn't too happy, but in the nature of tourists, we wandered on out. I had Daddy with me, but didn't know where Mama was.

We wound up in downtown (Columbus possibly, methinks), with a street in front of us, and across the street was a store that declared on large banner signs to be a gun/ammo store. Me and Daddy talked for a moment, but decided to go in as Mama would likely guess we'd be there anyway, but as we started across the road I saw Mama already in the store, looking at a display counter. We got inside, only to discover that it had in fact changed hands, and was now a jewelry store, and the original store had moved across town.

We then discovered that we were running short of time, so we had to leave. We went right down the street, on the same side, little more than next door actually, to an auditorium. Daddy and I were apparently supposed to help with something, so we entered a different way than Mama. Thing is, I gave Daddy to Mama and went on with Paul [A friend of the family, from church], who met us at the doors, but as soon as I got inside the door Daddy was back on my arm. In the nature of dreams, I paid it no mind. We went down several flights of stairs, headed for the basement. At one point we had to climb a half-flight before continuing down, because of some glitch in architecture I suppose.

We reached a ladder leading down through a hatchway, raised a little off the floor in a concrete well-like thing, which you had to stand n before climbing down the narrow ladder. Paul was going to go first, but I positioned Daddy up there so he could go first, but he fell off, as his balance was none too good. I couldn't seem to get him aimed right to go down the ladder, and it was awfully precarious. I woke up then. There was also something about the Indiana Jones movie, and being late for a showing of it.


Late Again!
Tuesday night, May 27th, 2008

We were driving around (me, Mama and Daddy again) trying to find a theater to see Indiana Jones in, but we kept being late. Either the theater wouldn't be showing it, or the showing would be an hour into it already by the time we got there. We finally found a theater that had only just started it, was less than ten minutes in, and so we bought tickets. Well, Mama bought tickets. I went outside to try and get us some popcorn, because it was an old run-down theater, and the concession stand was outside. It was run by an older woman, and looked pretty bad. The popcorn was stale, but I was determined to get us some anyway. So I asked for one large popcorn and two medium Cokes. The price? $31 and change! I was flabbergasted, but at that point, I went ahead and paid it.

So she dips out the popcorn from her big bowl into a bag for me, and I start having second thoughts. After all, that's my money there. It was a rip-off! She saw me looking antsy, and said, "You coulda got a medium for a lot less, and you only get three less kernels." I should have gotten lucid right there, seeing as that's classic DC talk. Instead I just got mad, seeing as I then saw that the bottom of the bowl with the popcorn in it was full of huge roaches living off the stale mess. I then said I was going to talk to the management, that there were roaches in this! I was ready to call the Better Business Bureau by now, let me tell you.

So I went back inside only to find Mama and Daddy filling out some forms, for law officers, it seems they had been arrested! Does it get any better (worse)? They were carted off, and the manager took me aside, leading me to a room of the theater (no, oddly enough, a screen room) to show me some pipe thing, with tape on it, that looked homemade and didn't seem to serve any real purpose. He asked me what I thought it was, but I had no idea. He then told me that my parents had made it sitting in the theater. I said that there was no way, they didn't have a creative bone in their bodies! He then showed me this hammock-thing, made from seat cushions, string, and foam padding. He said they had made that too, and indicated that it was highly illegal in the state of Georgia.

He said they would have been raised knowing how illegal it was. He had a name for it, but I forget. It was similar to a hammock, though more like a swing. Then before I could really argue, he rushed me to a smaller room with one window, which faced the side of the building, and we had o hunker down, because a SWAT team was coming in to investigate the hammock-thing (I guess that's what they were there for, anyway) and we needed to be out of their way. There were two rifles in the room, leaning against the wall, and he handed me another, smaller one and told me to lean it up against the wall too. I was having trouble getting it to stay upright, though, due to its length, or lack thereof, and its big scope.

Not too long after, the SWAT team left, finished, and Mama and Daddy were released, and came back to the theater. We left then, taking a little boy with us for some reason. At first it was a black kid about five, but he may have become Justin later. We got to take the popcorn from within the theater with us as a parting gift. It was still stale, but with less roaches. So now we were driving around again. We picked up Tab. She rode in the front seat, and directed us to where we could buy a bootleg of Indy, since we still hadn't seen it again. It was at this church-like building back behind a pasture. We drove through hills and pastures, all around the back of beyond, with Tab talking to Mama about rather personal things.



He Likes to Ramble
Tuesday night, May 27th, 2008

Restaurant, girls, trying to set up the owner/manager guy, he was Asian, talked a lot, rambled, Arby's, Pepsi, really cute girls in blue sequined hostess outfits.


Edible or Not?
Tuesday night, May 27th, 2008

Water, jumping through, giraffe, edible trees/tree needles, sitting around talking about camera/check with Matt, Janine, then big gathering in something like the Fellowship Hall, small odd game of Scrabble in which Mama held board and all pieces, Janine was there, Amy. Tab came in, kids in tow, Amy attacked her. Amy eventually calmed down, by Mama maybe, came to give me a big hug, acted like she was on drugs, uncomfortable. Maggie was eating a cookie, dropped it on the floor, picked it up and was about to eat it, but I took it away from her, threw it in the trash and picked her up. Suddenly she was a cookie, and I started to eat it, giving it to Tab before it was all gone.

Teen group, activity(?), mall-like place, virtual reality game(s), climbed a tree in an Iron Man simulator, became lucid, ran down a road beside rail-road tracks, dark red Ford truck parked in front of a building on my left, taking in detail then woke up.

"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #46 on: June 04, 2008, 04:28:34 PM »
Nudist Alert!
Wednesday night, May 28th, 2008

River, Daisy, all kinds of animals, walkway, Mama, Daddy, end of walkway, beach, ocean, nudists. Quite attractive nudists, one came up behind us and down onto the beach, Mama suggested we join them, I said okay, made some joke about 'coming on', touching, looking. All in all, a very odd dream.


Secret Agent Man!
Wednesday night, May 28th, 2008

Secret agent dream with Pastro, Snowy Egypt, and Wolffe. I was Pastro I think, and Snowy Egypt was my handler. I was threatening to turn in my boss((?) some actor I think, Ray Liotta or Michael Madsen, one of them I'm pretty sure) after a mission I discovered he rigged. I was going to 'burn' him, for talking about what he did for a living, even went to his own house with his wife and kids there, but he threatened to do the same to me, since by even talking to him about our job I was technically breaking cover rules. He was eating ice cream! The nerve . . .

Something about helicopters and terrorists. I had my own flat/apartment. Daddy helped with the math relating to the helicopters' size and something, and Gibbs was there, possibly as the lead field agent.


That's Gotta Hurt
Wednesday night, May 28th, 2008

Church event/gathering, one guy with really badly busted-up ankles. Fractured straight down the bone. Actually a really long dream, with a forward woman, cheese, and church services.


Urchin Fight
Wednesday night, May 28th, 2008

I was set upon by some street urchins coming down a fire escape. I provoked them, but was sure of my escape. I swung down the underside of the stairs on the fire escape like Spider-Man or something, we fought on the grass hill at the bottom.


Tunnel of No Return
Wednesday night, May 28th, 2008

There was this tunnel I had`to run through to reach home, but it had this weird thing that sept down the tunnel to the right that kept getting faster and making the tunnel smaller by blocking it. I barely managed to squeeze through it the third time it passed, and others were being shoved out/off.

"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: The Fortress of Solitude
« Reply #47 on: June 04, 2008, 04:34:11 PM »
Cuteness Incarnate
Thursday night, May 29th, 2008

Gabriel walked himself over to our place, knocked on the door and wanted to see his Uncle Josh at 6:55 in the morning. He was so cute, helping Mama make macaroni and cheese while I got up, then the huge grin on his face when I picked him up, and he said, "Hey, Uncle Josh!" and, "Uncle Josh has got me!"

He had wandered off without Matt and Alesia knowing, apparently, and I had to take him back home.

[The sad thing about this dream is that, to my knowledge, Gabriel has never called me Uncle Josh, and I'm not even sure he knows I'm his uncle.]


I Don't Want Trouble, But If You Insist . . .
Thursday night, May 29th, 2008

I was staying at a motel somewhere, back in the woods I think, and I was in the restaurant. I was trying to get some dessert, at a setup like that at Ryan's, but all the little dessert bowls were gone or dirty. There was a cart with clean soup bowls on it, though, so I walked over and took one of those to get my dessert in. Suddenly these two guys, about my age but bigger and taller, start crowding in on me, demanding that I give them the bowl. I could tell they were just bullies, but I politely declined, and tried briefly to talk my way out of it, then when they advanced on me, the leader grabbing my collar, I hit him upside the head with the bowl as hard as I could swing it.

Unfortunately, because of the angle and the nature of this dream, that wasn't very hard. It seemed to annoy yet amuse him, and he started to muscle me around, with a grip on my collar. I then tried to punch him, with no more luck, but I did manage to bite his thumb. That distracted him just long enough for me to somehow turn the tables on him, whipping out some moves I didn't know I had in me. I grabbed his arm, turned him backwards over my knee and dislocated his shoulder. Oh yeah, just like that he was my little puppet. I calmly told him that I had tried to talk him out of this, to tell him that it was a bad idea, but he hadn't listened. I also apologized to him for biting his thumb, since that was kind of awkward.

I then told him that if he would be mature about it, and not hold a grudge and be nice, I'd reset his arm and let him up, but if not I could just as easily dislocate his back and drop him where I knelt, and then he'd be SOL for sure. After some painful thinking, he agreed, and I made his accomplice do the same. True to my word, I then popped his shoulder back into its socket and dropped him, letting him sort himself out best he could while I scooted. I figured it best to get out of there before he got mad at being beaten and made to submit to somebody two-thirds his size. I also called out to them over my shoulder, as an afterthought, that I was staying in Room 206 in case they ever wanted to come visit. This was of course not true; I was staying in Room 208, but I figured it might be best that they not know this in case they decided to come looking.


Failed RC?
Thursday night, May 29th, 2008

Did a nose-hold reality check to demonstrate something to Mama about how I would know if any tools were stolen from a cabinet, and it didn't fail! GRRR!!!


Thursday night, May 29th, 2008

Something about Abra, and her opinion on a subject being tossed about by the head DV decision-makers.

"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
« Reply #48 on: July 01, 2009, 10:59:44 PM »
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 11:08:04 PM by Josh »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Re: Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
« Reply #49 on: December 17, 2009, 07:26:59 AM »
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 07:32:10 AM by Josh »
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
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Offline pj

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Re: Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
« Reply #50 on: December 17, 2009, 08:11:19 AM »
Dreamed I had talked to pj and Moonbeam (maybe) on MM about transferring Lunar Light over to vBulletin from SMF, which was outdated anyway. I was going through and saving everything at LL by sending myself PMs on DV, with usernames and actions. Not sure exactly what I was doing there. I was posting on DV as I went, mainly talking to Mark75 and a few of the off-topic guys so I wouldn't get bored as I worked.

Ok. . . that's mind-numbing.
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


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Re: Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
« Reply #51 on: December 17, 2009, 09:39:52 AM »
Dreamed I had talked to pj and Moonbeam (maybe) on MM about transferring Lunar Light over to vBulletin from SMF, which was outdated anyway. I was going through and saving everything at LL by sending myself PMs on DV, with usernames and actions. Not sure exactly what I was doing there. I was posting on DV as I went, mainly talking to Mark75 and a few of the off-topic guys so I wouldn't get bored as I worked.

Ok. . . that's mind-numbing.

You said it. Wasn't quite as bad as it sounds, though. In the nature of my dreams, there were interesting things happening in the background, told in more movie fashion than not. Hard to explain.
"I've got to start listening to those quiet, nagging doubts." ~ Calvin

Hypoallergenic Hallucinogens -- Dreams Most Odd
Technical Guild | Creator's Guild