Author Topic: Arliatis's dream journal  (Read 84305 times)

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2010, 11:53:59 PM »
Chips: fragmented

Maddi is having a party at my house. all of her friends are out the front. We end up at this movie theater. Don't know what the movie was, because all i was concerned about was chips. We kept getting too smaller size, and just ate them in like 10secs. so we had to keep getting up to get more.

Rotto: forget bits

I'm on the top of this ridge with some people. we have these credit card things, but forget their purpose. We go joyriding. I looked down at my gauge and at showed that we were travelling at around 400km/h. I was amazed at how well we could handle the tight turns at these speeds. i them make it a race, by speeding ahead of the others. i drove off the rode and onto a jump that took me into the air back onto the track. I drove off the road again except this time i went on a jump that landed me perfectly on 1 of the other cars. I was laughing hysterically for a while because his car was pretty much destroyed.

I'm just off the beach of rotto and there's this congregation of buildings. its on the northern side tho (where there isn't any normally). I'm watching this..... show, where people attach these things to their heads and its really painful. It has something to do with dreams and there are 3 levels (easy, med, hard). I want to have a go, because i think i could handle the pain, but i never get round to doing it.

I'm at this pizza shop at the same place. I know the guy who owns the place and there are 2 other people with me. He says that his having problems with ants. I tell him i hate them as well, so i ask him if he needs any help. He says he does. I go around the back, saying that you need to find the source of entrance like i'm some expert on them. I find at after a while and there's more than one. I ask for spray to kill them, except there's hardly any left. I spray around the holes, with the logic that when the ants come out of the hole, they'll walk into the spray and die. The stuff gets into my lungs and i cough badly for a while. i was never able to do the entire job because, they wouldn't give me another bottle.

Same as the dream thingy, except this time i'm helping jack with his illegal ordeal. His trying to bring in illegal immigrants, and he wants to do it at the pizza shop. i tell him go for it, just watch out for Mr Hunt or Mr Will (we're on some kind of swim camp... again). He has to set up some poles and rope for some reason. i think the price to get someone to enter rotto was around $2. Mr Hunt comes across the bay, but jack is finished. he talks to me for a while, but forget what about. All i was focusing on was not raising suspicion on why jack was carrying 2 poles. Now that i think of it, they may have walked on top of the water, because i don't remember any boats.... wait i think there was a reef :) Something else happened but forget.

I'm at Geordie bay now, and someone's called me on my phone. I enter one of the houses, to get away from noise. Its bec and she's asking me for free weed. its really difficult for me to tell her no, because the house i entered has all of these old people in it, doing a test. i keep going to the next houses except they also have tests on. Mr Combs is teaching on 1. I say i'm really sorry about 6 houses in and go back to leave. eventually i exit and tell bec i don't have any and hang up.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2010, 04:38:41 AM »
Why do i keep dreaming about rotto?? i don't even like the place that much, and i barely ever go there.

Nuke: Fragmented

The dream started off with me at a party. Molly kept trying to get with me, and i was trying to resist (long story short, i decided if it ever came to it, i would say no.... i hope). After a lot of persistence i eventually gave in. 

I'm with Stevo, we're on this mission to save ourselves and whoever is around. the location is really dark only colors i remember is black and grey. A nuke had just exploded. We both felt the initial shock wave (in the dream, this was how nuke's operated), which told us we had around 2mins to reverse the bomb before the radiation hit us. We are trying to find my pencil case. Oh and there were these little circles lit green that we had to pass through as well. i find the pencil case with seconds to spare, and have to try and put all the stuff back into the case. I put everything back in except the calculator, which i reason that i didn't have enough time (its hard to fit it in, in RL).

There was something about abandoned apartment blocks but i can't remember what there significance was urg.   


I'm at Rotto, not sure if i'm with anyone. I go to pinkies, except i kinda hang around the outskirts. I see this man walk towards the beach, with a fluro green shirt. Then this kid and his friend jump out from behind this bush/tree and attempt to scare him. One of the kids is wearing a fluro green jumper, and i knew they were father and son, before that said it. The dad says for them to come back to the boat. His kid asks if his drunk, and the father answers no.

Its day time now. I'm at this tennis camp. I don't want to be here because i know its going to affect my badminton negatively. After thinking it through, i decide not to go, because I've already paid for the camp. People are put into groups. I'm put with this girl, and we have to do some maths problems. We have to make a shape out of clay. Sam J is in the group next to us with 2 other people, and they're really struggling to make a pyramid. I try to help them out but can't be bother trying too hard to help them, and by the time i'm done, its still not a pyramid. Mr Wallman checks me and my partners work, everything is in order :) While i wait for him to check everybody else's i talk to Annelise, whose also waiting.

There was something to do with DOTA but i can't remember much.

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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2010, 03:41:42 PM »
really bad recall

Overgrown: fragmnented

Its and urban environment thats got plants over everything like vines and stuff like that. at 1 point sitting on a brick wall, and the bricks are coming off really easily. i went down the side of hill, which was really steep. saw a snake and yelled out to everybody it was an anaconda, even tho it wasn't it was some other type.
i saw josh and his mum.
i'm back to where i started and annelise is there. she tries to walk along this brick wall, but doesn't get far, because i make her laugh somehow.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2010, 09:39:51 AM »

Its leavers, and i'm in Europe. I'm waiting around for this bus to come and pick me up. it never seems to come, and i keep changing locations i'm waiting at. The first location i remember is this urban shore front with lots of space. I remember a gravelly ground, and this new guy from my human biology class was there, riding a res bike (like the Rottnest express 1's). After that i decide to go into a house in a slum, its really dark and damp. Next location i'm walking along a road. The road is made out of grass, and now that i think of it, it looked really cool (might try to go there 1 lucid). My brother and his friend are there with me.

Little Britain:

There's a new actor in the series. He does skits where he reals people into a scene and then yells at them to go and get some balls. I was watching his latest seen on the set. His dressed up in this lion suit. I think its a porno, but i miss him telling the girl to go and get some balls.


i'm at Rottnest again. This time chris is there. we spend a lot of time together and his dad gets angry that i'm at there little house too often. So i leave chris to be. I go back to my house except its being repaired by my brother and dad. go to the house my family is living in, and to get there i have to climb down a small cliff face and i almost fall at 1 stage. My mum says that we're going to dinner soon.

I'm at my family house and Charyia has organised for me to see Annelise. as a result she wanted me. she had gone through a lot of work and i thought it would be cruel to not at least kiss her. But i felt bad like i had invited Annelise over to watch me make out with some other girl. I'm back at my own house (the one that was being repaired before). Brother and dad are just finishing up. When they leave i find this thing that can transport me to the future.

I go 150years into the future. I go to my family house. Everything is the same except the way people talk and the socks they wear. 1 really guy at my family house comes up to me practically screaming that his a whore. i get scared thinking he want's to have sex with me. he doesn't so i calm down, but still don't trust the guy. I'm on some kind of school excursion. we do stuff, and i remember some kind of warehouse. On the trip there's these 2 girls that a fighting over me, i think they're intrigued about my past. 1 of them is Caitlin but i don't recognize the other. 
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Offline pj

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2010, 10:08:37 AM »
Interesting time travel experience!

Socks, huh?  Care to clue us in there so we can be ready?
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2010, 03:51:51 PM »
well i only wrote down in my notes that they were different, but from what i remember they weren't too different, something similar to camping sock i think, icebreakers if you've ever heard them.
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Offline feist

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2010, 09:07:00 PM »
Haha, nice time trip!
So our grandchildren will be wearing icebreaker socks eh  :chuckle:

What was so different about the way everyone talked? You could understand em, right?

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2010, 04:18:56 AM »
Apparently, but they sure are comfy :)

Well the bad thing about me is that i can barely ever recall accurately what my DC's say, just the general jist. I remember for sure that he was telling me really aggressively that he was a whore. i didn't understand it at first but after a while i seemed to get used to it. Its like Shakespeare, i couldn't understand it at first, but after a while, you seem to be able to understand.

i came across a thought today... do you guys ever laugh during your dreams??? From the stuff i've read in other peoples dream journals nobody has really seemed to laugh, and recently in a couple of dreams i've broken out laughing.
Just wondering
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2010, 04:39:10 AM »
Yeah, recalling dream dialogue can be so hard!

And sure thing i laugh in my dreams! I've had a couple dreams in wich i laughed my ass of, it's pretty cool isn't it! :)

What you should ask is, do you ever go to the toilet or take a piss in your dreams?
Now that's something you don't read in alot of DJ's!
Someone brought it up in my DJ recently, funny thing is, the night after that comment i dreamed about sitting on the toilet again, i even got lucid while sitting on it, luckily i didn't realise this untill i woke up, else it would've been a messy lucid dream!

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2010, 03:17:04 AM »
Apocalypse: pretty intense, lots of death

I start off in this tree, with my 'family' (all i remember was me and my sister, but there were others). We are discussing Gigi's decision to become a seriously involved with this religion/cult. I'm very anti it. I don't want Gigi to go because i would miss her, and that there's an apocalypse soon, and i think she's pretty much commuting suicide by joining the group. There was all of this white stuff, like baby powder on the tree's branches. I was doing stuff for a while now, but i forget what exactly.

I don't remember exactly how this started off but: I'm at the base of this hill, and i see a massive wave on the horizon. I know thats its a wave on apocalyptic levels. I run as fast as i can up the hill. Its made of smoothish rock. The hill/mountain is 10'002m high. and the wave is expecting to reach a height of 10'000m. So my aim was to reach the absolute top. I ran really fast, but it was like i was stepping 500m with each step, the rate i reached the top of the hill. I get to the top of the hill just in time and the wave crashes around me. I get a strong position on the rock grabbing sections, that i can easily get a grip. the wave reaches to about my waist, and i fear for a moment that i calculated wrong. But the waved didn't go over the mountain. All of these animals were around me and they were trying to get a grasp on the mountain as well. they almost knocked me off.

once the wave is hit i somehow get back to my tree. Gigi is there :), she has decided not to carry through with the cults intension, and it saved her life. but she is very fragile emotionally and i try not to overwhelm her, for she still believes in the religion.

I'm at this small beach town. I'm walking along the boardwalk, when i see i wave in the far distance. Immediately i run for the hills. this time the terrain is massive pine tree's. Like the last time i was somehow able to reach the top extremely fast. But i was slightly too late this time. For starters my part of the hill wasn't high enough, so the water picked be up, while i was trying to climb the branches of one of the trees. I think the tree turned into some kind of boat, and i was being flung around by the currents. Some other people were on my boat. We were swept away to this place with lots of wooded houses. There were lots of people from my school there. I remember looking into the water and seeing Matt T dead. it was chaos with everybody trying to find some sort of support, but the wave just engulfed it. My boat was carried over this edge and i was falling into an abyss. The first initial seconds were filled with fear, but after that i exchanged a few words with the people on my boat, and jammo was there. I fell to my death.

I'm back at the tree :) Its weird, i'm pretty sure I've taken up Nancy's role in supporting Shane (from Weeds). I'm still me but its actually Shane, but i talk to him like i would to Gigi. We have a small argument about where we are going but i get the final say. I'm at this place, that reminds me of the fishing villages in Italy. We get onto this boat and go out, i realize that the boat we're in won't last long, so we go back in search of a ferry. We get one, except there's another ferry coming in as we go out. We go on the aggressive because, i have a feeling there's going to be another wave soon. we swipe one of the propellers, and immobilize the vehicle. I realize that i just destroyed something that costs like 200mill (its a cruise ship now), and feel kinda weird/evil, because i just condemned everybody on that boat.

I'm inside this bunker thing, thats submerged by the waves water. I see Ben J, and his impressed i managed to get here with out dying. he shows me around. I walk around for a bit and theres a loud noise that is caused by a leak. i don't stress too much (the whole scenes a bit like the matrix city.... forgot name). i hear that Sam's dad was killed by the leak.
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2010, 06:30:56 AM »
Water slide:fragmented

I'm late for school, its 8:17am. my bus went 10mins ago, so i have to rush to get a lift with my dad.....

I'm at the Great Escape (a water slide theme park). I think it has something to do with school, but its very relaxed. i'm with this girl and she doesn't like me at all. she's very anti everything i say/suggest; i think i feel similar emotions to her after a while. We are at the top of the water slide about to go on the 1 with black tubes, but we hear news that people got stuck and at least 1 person died. We decide not to go on that slide and move on to the next 1 (i acted like the person dying was a common occurrence at this place). We get the the 'hydro' slide, which is the biggest.

She goes down first but i quickly catch up to her. Its like the water slide has taken away all of the negative emotions, and now she's just having fun. i also feel a lot happier, probably because she isn't so negative towards me now. she is now naked and i forget whether i was as well. The playing begins to get sexual, but is interrupted by this guy rolling down the slide, this massive red ball. We let him pass, but he get stuck not long after. the girl, asks what we should do, and i tell her to walk up the slide.....

I'm at the beach/grass area. The girl isn't hear, i can't remember exactly, but its negative. She may have just chosen to go away, or she died somehow :(

Underground Cave

I'm at Rottnest (why am i always here!!??). I'm with Palle and we decide to go to Pinkies (beach teenagers go to get drunk, and have sex). Before we get to the beach we enter a house, that everybody is at. Shortly after we hop on this bus. Lots of people are already on it. Instead of going to Pinkies, we go to another bay around the corner. The bus drives all the way on to the sand. Water enters the bus when people try to get out, and i fear for my life for a second. Palle and i get out of the bus.

We walk up to the top of this hill, to a BBQ place. Theres lots of other people here (normally pinkies is about 10x less ppl, if not more). I can't really be bothered talking to random people i don't know, so we decide to go down, to some rocks to get away from the noise. Once there we see Chris and Jammo, coming to the beach, and tell them to come to us. Paddy rings and asks if he can come. i tell him yes, and pinkies new location.

me and Palle start to walk to meet Chris and Jammo. People to the left of me open a door in the solid rock, and i become intrigued. I follow going down, a corridor like a medieval castle, with stone everywhere. I'm 1 of the first to enter the 'arena'. As i walk towards the open space, the person in front of me is grabbed by someone, who opened a secret door to the right, and pulled in. i get scared and run the rest of the way, waving my hands to shrub off any potential people trying to grab me.

I enter the arena, and theres this girl telling me i have to find a bed. I walk around the arena looking for a bed. As i walk around people try to grab me from everywhere (like even the ground, and behind random pieces of stone). All i think about is not getting pulled in by the people, so i just run around. At 1 point the floor falls in in front of me, and i do this really cool jump, and just land on the other side :) the girl offered me a game of volleyball as freedom. i accept. i'm playing really bad tho and i lose 2-3.

I ask her if i can have a gun, even if its not real. I'm freaking out now, because i feel really defenseless, if i had a toy gun, i could at least pretend like i was defending myself. I checked to see if it was real, it wasn't but i still did the check really efficiently, and it looked pretty cool. I walk through the 2nd door from the corridor, on the left (there was like 8 to choose from). People were walking from one side to the other like the things in Mario Kart, in Bowsers castle. I shoot everybody 2 times.

As i walk down the corridor, a girl dressed in a white cloth starts talking to me. She was one of the people from my friends brothers 21st last night,which was themed fright night. She was talking to me saying what i was planning to do was impossible.
"If this gun was real i would have killed you all by now" (i can't remember it accurately so i'm just gonna guess as best i can)
"So?" she says laughing.
"its a decent effort," i answer
"thats sort of attractive,"she comments
"then we should meet up after i'm done here," i say

I exit the corridor into this large building, reminds me a bit like a hospital, but it has a blueish tinge to it. I breach a lot of the doors like they did off cod5. I eventually find a bed, almost missing it. I lay down on it. A baby comes out of the closet. I'm naked now. People stream through the door congratulating me on my success. i grab a blanket from the bed to cover myself. People keep trying to pull the blanket off. I ask if i can have a costume like their's. They say they'll find me one in the warehouse.

I'm apart of their little crew, and i sit down at a lunch break and talk to the girl in white cloth.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2010, 08:16:04 AM »
Death of Family: This is the first proper nightmare I've recorded on about 7/8months. The way i act, is so weird at the start, but the 'realization' sent the worst feeling through me, never felt so..... horrified/shamed/suicidal/all bad emotions

I'm on this island (it was probably rotto). I've invited lots of people over to my house for a party. I go home to attempt to prepare for the event. Mum comes in and asks what i'm doing. I ask her if she's ok if i have a party. She doesn't give me a straight answer.

While i'm preparing Gigi (sister) and a friend walk in. They explain how they want to kill mum and shortly after dad, for some kind of ritual. They ask if i'm ok with it. I think it would be better having a party with out my parents around, so i tell Gigi and her friend to go right ahead. They go into detail about how they are going to try and get her major organs, most importantly the brain. This is all planned on a blueprint of the backyard. They will kill her by the poolside (forget how, possibly by drowning her).......

Mum is dead, not too sure about dad or my brother either they're also dead or they've escaped. Gigi and her friend report to me their details. i come to the realization what has just happened. My own sister has just killed my mum, and i just let it go by almost encouraging in. My awareness suddenly increased and i had a breakdown. Its hard to explain, i didn't know how to react i just dropped to the ground, while all these negative emotions banged inside my head. I remember wondering how i was ever going to live the rest of my life, knowing what i had done?? I guess in a way i was considering suicide, because what i had done was so horrible.

In a rage of pure anger, i get up and grab my sister by the shoulders. I go to the pool and drown her (this form of death seems personal, so i assume that Gigi killed my mum in the same way). i don't remember about Gigi's friend, either i killed her to, or she disappeared. My mum's ghost appears and she's asking me where her body is. i tell her to go to her body at this little shine kinda place. Some comes back quickly asking why she can't get inside her body. I'm crushed by emotions again...... i wake up.

The more i recap on this dream, the worse the memories seem to be. This is interesting to me cause i don't have nightmares often. That even said it wasn't that i was scared more that i was engulfed in negative emotions, that i can't comprehend to happen in RL. Does that still make it a nightmare? whats the definition?
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2010, 06:38:49 AM »
Beach: fragmented

I'm at this waterfall place. I'm not sure if i'm the guy, the girl, i might have been seeing this from third person. This milf is trying to get with this guy. the guy also wants to get with her. She takes off all her clothes near a waterfall and calls out his name. These girls come and see the milf with no clothes on, and laugh calling her a slut.

I'm at this beach, that has a large spur going out into the ocean. a sort reef/beach hugs the curve. I've cheated on my girlfriend. I fall over and land on the sand. i just sit there. I cut to a 3rd person shot of the girl, and she's telling a friend that she expected this to happen, because she never had sex with me.

I'm at a different beach. its pretty packed with people. I'm on an island again, but this time i don't think its rotto (omg thats different). I sit down in the sand. I'm doing something with some womens sandals,don't remember what tho. Ben J is also at the beach. I leave him be because he has to do some shooting practice. I leave when he leaves. the sandals are now only 3 fingers wide so i leave them on the beach. Ben tells me about how good he is at shooting and crap. I wished i had been there to see how much he exaggerated. He says that his bullets can bounce on the water like a rock. His dad is also with us. he has this aura of illegality, like some drug lord or something. i ask him how far the bullets go. he answers about 4-5kms. Ben leaves and i decide to go to back to my house.

On the way i see Kurt. He accompanies me on my way. we stop of at the settlement, to buy some drinks. I'm trying to decide what softdrink i should get. I'm thinking coke, but then kurt goes and picks a fanta. I reason that kurt is my subconscious, and i should consider his decision (How did i possibly think of that and not become lucid! urg). I still pick coke. 

Pretty boring dream compare to normal, little amount of violence. I've started to notice that me dreams are often in third person. does anybody else have this????
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2010, 09:46:43 AM »
Snipers: fragmented

its something to do with mercenary snipers, and they're not too happy.

Apocalypse: farm

I'm at a shed on some farm. A small community has occupied itself around the entrance. We are waiting for this guy to speak. He says we have to leave because something really bad is about to occur. Its like hours go past as seconds. because, before i've decided to leave its been about 4 days. I get into this truck and try to leave under the cover of night, so none of the community tries to follow me. I can't see to well, and i only make about 100m before morning has come, and everybody sees me. People come over and have a talk about what we're gonna do. I tell them i'm going away, and i'm taking some hay with me. One guy says the hay is useless because it wet. I assure him that my hay is fine, and not wet (how dare he question the state of my hay).

Rotto: Ball

I'm at rotto again. I'm at the general store (its completely different tho). While waiting in line a guy pushes to get in front of me. I tell him to piss off. he said he worked for Rotto. So i asked who he was and he showed me his badge, but i forget what it said. He explained that he worked on the ferry that goes to the West End (there isn't a ferry that goes there in RL, but in a dream i had a few days ago a ferry did go there). His boss comes to the side of him. I feel some need to respect they guy for his job, so i let the incident go. I go to pay for my stuff. Except my money has turned into blue superman baggies (smaller than normal). The guy at the counter makes me pay for them as well.

I'm going to a ball, forget who with tho. We were walking the streets, and i remember that George was there, i may have wished him happy birthday, but not too sure about that. theres this building site that i go into, and the place is really unstable, so i back away. Everybody goes into the building site. I'm hesitant to follow, but i don't want to be left behind. Its this guys house. I'm not wearing the correct pants, instead i'm wearing PJ bottoms. I went into the bathroom to bathroom to change. There was this really cool shower! in the middle of the room, there was a cylinder made of the shower glass, and a metal sheet metal in the middle. The piece of metal didn't do much for people's privacy because i could easily see over it. 
Beg: FL, SO, RC, TR, ND, TD, EF, LW, CL
Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
Adv: LW, SC, TT, VP, OS

Completed May Advanced Lucid Challenge

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2010, 08:24:10 AM »

I'm at my RL house with David M and Ben D. Its david's house in this dream. David has a lot of cocaine and he offers me some. I don't like the idea of the stuff cutting up my nostrils, so i decide to eat it instead. It tastes really sweet like sugar :) davids parents come home a lot earlier than he expected and he rushed to hide the stuff in his backpack.....

I'm at my Palles house (not RL house), and his having a party. Its pretty good. I go to the toilet half way through the night and this girl follows me in. we make out, but the door won't shut. Eventually Ben C comes in, and his being a dickhead. He leaves and brings Andy back to show him, and Andy's holding a $5 not for some reason, it was really pink. I tell Ben to piss off, and eventually he does, but the door still won't shut. So we go looking for a room, there seems to be people everywhere. While searching, i see Whinny with my cousin in this bed thats outside. I get really angry for some reason (it'd be weird in RL but i wouldn't get angry). We never find a private place :(

Charlie's back in Australia :)

I'm at Rotto again. I'm with Sam J, at one of the houses near the settlement, except Crokers mum is trying to give me some dinner. its night. Sam goes to the settlement because Charlie told him there was a sale on lollies or something. he comes back and i want to go and see Charlie. Sam says not to worry, but i insist. I look down at the beach, and his with Ben M, Luke and Jezza. I go to the beach and shake Charlies hand. Its weird tho, looking back it wasn't actually Charlie, but at the time i excepted it to be.

We go to the top of the hill. Lyche is there. He says to try and touch this green country on a map. I ask him if the map is important to him. he says yes because of TEE, so i don't play his little game.
"why aren't we at pinkies???"..... and i wake up.

Urg! my next question was whether i was dreaming or not.... arg!
New House

I'm at my 'New house'. My room is separated to Gigi's by a bathroom. Gigi's room is made out of wood that looks like its about to break, and there's spiders. But she seems content with it. jezza and Luke come around. They go into my bathroom, and Gigi gets annoyed because of the bright light. So we go outside. Now its day. They go over to this garden and start kicking the plants. I tell them to stop it. I get rather angry after a while, but they stop eventually but not after mocking me for caring so much.

Castle: being chased

I'm at the top of this cliff face and someone is chasing me. Off the edge there's the wall of a castle. I jump and just make it with out falling to my death. All though the guy chasing me also jumps and we fight on these plank things.

forget what happened, pity sounded cool.


I'm in my house (not my RL house). I'm with my girlfriend (also not RL). we're trying to find a private place but my rents keep trying to talk to us. eventually we find a place, but just make out, before she said she had to go.

I won't be spending too much time online in the future, maybe just to write a few dreams. have exams for school :( only 6 months until the end of school forever :) :) but until then need to attempt to focus.

Beg: FL, SO, RC, TR, ND, TD, EF, LW, CL
Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
Adv: LW, SC, TT, VP, OS

Completed May Advanced Lucid Challenge