Water slide:fragmentedI'm late for school, its 8:17am. my bus went 10mins ago, so i have to rush to get a lift with my dad.....
I'm at the Great Escape (a water slide theme park). I think it has something to do with school, but its very relaxed. i'm with this girl and she doesn't like me at all. she's very anti everything i say/suggest; i think i feel similar emotions to her after a while. We are at the top of the water slide about to go on the 1 with black tubes, but we hear news that people got stuck and at least 1 person died. We decide not to go on that slide and move on to the next 1 (i acted like the person dying was a common occurrence at this place). We get the the 'hydro' slide, which is the biggest.
She goes down first but i quickly catch up to her. Its like the water slide has taken away all of the negative emotions, and now she's just having fun. i also feel a lot happier, probably because she isn't so negative towards me now. she is now naked and i forget whether i was as well. The playing begins to get sexual, but is interrupted by this guy rolling down the slide, this massive red ball. We let him pass, but he get stuck not long after. the girl, asks what we should do, and i tell her to walk up the slide.....
I'm at the beach/grass area. The girl isn't hear, i can't remember exactly, but its negative. She may have just chosen to go away, or she died somehow :(
Underground CaveI'm at Rottnest (why am i always here!!??). I'm with Palle and we decide to go to Pinkies (beach teenagers go to get drunk, and have sex). Before we get to the beach we enter a house, that everybody is at. Shortly after we hop on this bus. Lots of people are already on it. Instead of going to Pinkies, we go to another bay around the corner. The bus drives all the way on to the sand. Water enters the bus when people try to get out, and i fear for my life for a second. Palle and i get out of the bus.
We walk up to the top of this hill, to a BBQ place. Theres lots of other people here (normally pinkies is about 10x less ppl, if not more). I can't really be bothered talking to random people i don't know, so we decide to go down, to some rocks to get away from the noise. Once there we see Chris and Jammo, coming to the beach, and tell them to come to us. Paddy rings and asks if he can come. i tell him yes, and pinkies new location.
me and Palle start to walk to meet Chris and Jammo. People to the left of me open a door in the solid rock, and i become intrigued. I follow going down, a corridor like a medieval castle, with stone everywhere. I'm 1 of the first to enter the 'arena'. As i walk towards the open space, the person in front of me is grabbed by someone, who opened a secret door to the right, and pulled in. i get scared and run the rest of the way, waving my hands to shrub off any potential people trying to grab me.
I enter the arena, and theres this girl telling me i have to find a bed. I walk around the arena looking for a bed. As i walk around people try to grab me from everywhere (like even the ground, and behind random pieces of stone). All i think about is not getting pulled in by the people, so i just run around. At 1 point the floor falls in in front of me, and i do this really cool jump, and just land on the other side
the girl offered me a game of volleyball as freedom. i accept. i'm playing really bad tho and i lose 2-3.
I ask her if i can have a gun, even if its not real. I'm freaking out now, because i feel really defenseless, if i had a toy gun, i could at least pretend like i was defending myself. I checked to see if it was real, it wasn't but i still did the check really efficiently, and it looked pretty cool. I walk through the 2nd door from the corridor, on the left (there was like 8 to choose from). People were walking from one side to the other like the things in Mario Kart, in Bowsers castle. I shoot everybody 2 times.
As i walk down the corridor, a girl dressed in a white cloth starts talking to me. She was one of the people from my friends brothers 21st last night,which was themed fright night. She was talking to me saying what i was planning to do was impossible.
"If this gun was real i would have killed you all by now" (i can't remember it accurately so i'm just gonna guess as best i can)
"So?" she says laughing.
"its a decent effort," i answer
"thats sort of attractive,"she comments
"then we should meet up after i'm done here," i say
I exit the corridor into this large building, reminds me a bit like a hospital, but it has a blueish tinge to it. I breach a lot of the doors like they did off cod5. I eventually find a bed, almost missing it. I lay down on it. A baby comes out of the closet. I'm naked now. People stream through the door congratulating me on my success. i grab a blanket from the bed to cover myself. People keep trying to pull the blanket off. I ask if i can have a costume like their's. They say they'll find me one in the warehouse.
I'm apart of their little crew, and i sit down at a lunch break and talk to the girl in white cloth.