Author Topic: Arliatis's dream journal  (Read 84343 times)

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #195 on: September 28, 2010, 09:35:17 AM »
PE Exam

I'm in a car with Whinny and I think his driving. We drive past Scarborough and i look at the clock. It says we have 10mins before the actual testing starts. I'm getting anxious because i don't think i'll have time to warm up. Now Whinny tells me we should stop off for some Subway. I tell him we have absolutely no time, but he just tells me to relax. I try to convince him to miss the food, but he seems set on stopping off. I give up, but i don't think we end up stopping anyway.

Now i'm in some change rooms getting ready for the testing. I put on some clothes but once i'm done i realize that i'm wearing jeans. I really don't have much time left before the test starts and i contemplate just doing it in jeans. I quickly find some board shorts and put them on.

Now i'm at the testing area. Its basically and concrete setting 15m wide and 75m long to the end, that i can see. Behind me to the left the concrete forms a path that leads around a bit like a square. Now a young, girl instructor comes up a ramp from the right. She explains to me what i have to do. I'm inside one of the machines off the matrix witch they use to shoot the sentinels. The testing begins and all of these aliens come creeping towards me (but they're really fast), they looks like the ones off Startrek Troopers. 

There's some barrels filled with explosives and i shoot at it. It explodes taking out some, but i realize shortly after that i wasted it, because now they're everywhere. I'm unloading my guns as fast as i can, but there's too many of them. I begin to walk backwards and around the path behind me. I shoot a few more of the barrels but they don't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

New Form Fighting

I can't remember too much, but it was quite an inspirational dream. I have a general impression that the main colour of the dream was dusty brown/orange. I'm at some sort of training academy. Time progresses and i've been taught 2 vital teachings. 1 was more physical and i learnt how to yield weapons successfully, and the other was to train my mind. I remember by the end of my training i had managed to master the mind training and i think i had some special powers/benefits. Time progresses and I'm on some kind of mission, and i wake up before i finish it..... I have a feeling i was on top of a hill.... Also i remember it being a very repetitive dream, this may have been because of the several 'days' of training or just a normal repetitive dream.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #196 on: September 28, 2010, 10:03:29 AM »
School 1

I'm at the music and drama center at my school. Its recess and i'm going towards the canteen (which doesn't exist where i'm going). When i get there its not open and i'm annoyed because if i want to get food i'll have to walk across the school. At the point some teacher comes past and offers to open it up. I agree and have a look inside. The doesn't seem to be food anywhere. So i decide i'll go to the other main canteen.

I'm walking across the school, and now music is playing really loudly. Changes by David Bowie is playing and it makes me happy. Somehow the music playing is my fault and i need to find a way to make it stop with out the punishment. As i walk towards the music i see my headmaster. his carrying a really big automatic card shuffler, with casino written on the side. I stop and contemplate asking why his carrying it. He seems to be in a rush so i don't (urg i should've RC'd this).

Now i'm outside the ipod port, and for a small music playing its making a lot of noise. I walk over and lean against the wall. There's some people from my year waiting for the accounting class to begin. I quickly lean over and yank my ipod out. I then continue to act as if i have accounting next.

School 2

Now its lunch (i think its a continuation of school 1). I'm at the canteen where it used to be. I order some wedges, and i give away my books for money. Ask i walk away i realize that the files i just sold, have my notes for my exam. I want to go back and get them, but i get self conscious and worry they won't give them back.

Now i'm in the quad and Whinny is there. Tavis is throwing something with Ben C, and i ask them if they want to go to the gym today. they both say they can't but Whinny is up for it. So we walk towards the oval. Ben D, Palle and Chris are sitting down in the middle of a hallway. I consider this weird because i was expecting to be sitting on the grass.

Chris is happy because he got 90% for his essay, but when i look its only 57%. We talk for a bit and Chris is explaining history. Now his words have transformed into the real thing and its like a 3d world has been made and i can fly and stuff like that while he explains from the outside about whats happening. I remember there being a small conflict between me and people with boats, but i eventually i fly up really high, and look over so islands. Chris is explaining that this is his home. The main beach, due to global warming is now flooding in the winter, and his tribe has to move. he went on the explain that there ate 2 different tribes on the beach. The North and South. He made it very clear that the North people lived right on the beach and the south lived amongst the trees. 

School Trip
I'm at my house. I'm going out with some people i think theres Palle, Chris, B, T. We go to some house. There was a pool to my right and the floor was made out of planked wood. It was very nice, and i think we were meeting with adults for some reason. now the scene changes (but really smoothly unlike normal) and i'm standing in this grassed field. I have several guns on me and its a mix between COD and Halo. I shooting everybody else and winning. I end up running out of ammo, and having to use my knife.

Now I'm at a building in the city. There's a bunch of people around me sitting in chairs and we're talking. Eventually i get up because i have to go to where the school told me to go (i was on a trip). I walk out if the building and walk to the left. The place is a bit like Port Moresby, PNG. I walk towards what looks like a blighted industrial area. There's a few people working and i watch a small argument go out. I walk through, once its over and some guy comes up to me. He hands me over a bike, and he allows me to pay for it when i return. I take the bike and begin to ride away. As i ride i wonder, how his protecting his bike from being stolen.

Now i'm riding down a road. The place has turned into America and i'm going really fast. I don't have to pedal, i'm just rolling. As time progresses i get faster and faster, and begin to lose control of the bike. The bike seems to become less and less stable and i'm really struggling to keep it under control. The road isn't exactly smooth either. Eventually i make it to my destination and get off. After a couple of mins Chris comes, and i don't feel so bad about leaving him behind.

I'm at some kind of swamp and enter it to look around. The place has really tall trees and they seem to be slightly glowing. I'm in awe for a few moments and then i see a tour guide showing around somebody. I go over and ask her a question. She says that if i want the answer i'll have to give her money. I walk around further and the swamp gets deeper. It starts to become uncomfortable, when the water goes above the top of the boots.

Big house forgot what it was about


I'm at some kind of farm. I'm sitting in the living room on a couch and my dad is next to me. His trying to help me drink water out of a funnel. I'm really thirsty and i take it as quickly as i can. I'm trying to find Cinderella Man, from Eminem but for some reason i'm looking for it under the letter 'G'.....Time progresses....

Now i'm inside the house with my family out the back/side. Some other guy is with me and i'm trying to escape. I've rigged the barn where my family are supposed to be situated, with bombs. I set off the bombs, but i know that it hasn't taken out my family. We run out the door anyway, because this is our best chance of escape. My mum, dad, uncle 1, auntie, and uncle 2 are the ones i remember. Me and the guy i was with decide that we'll have no chance of running away while they have vehicles, so we plan to fight. I take on uncle 1 and auntie.

My movement is thawed, like usual, and as a result my punches aren't very powerful. I realize i'm fighting a losing battle and i run towards the barn. I grab 1 of my blue pens (which is filled with explosive). I'm hold it up showing everybody and yell out that i'll blow us all up. Somebody replies that they'll let me go whenever i want.

The fight is over and time has progressed. I'm in the garage/driveway searching for my bike. I can't find it in the end and decide i'll just settle with the family 4WD. Somebody asks if i could move another car before i go. I agree to it. When i begin to walk towards the car i sense a trap. Sure enough when i would've walked past the wall my dad jumps out. He then runs towards me and grabs me.....

I've been caught and i'm having to go home with them. We enter the driveway and i see uncle 3 in his car. his car's inside the house though. My dad is worried his blocking his way so we drive out of the way.


I'm watching from 3rd person a scene unfold. I'm watching a pop star walking up an isle at some sophisticated concert. His using 1 of the audience members to help sing the song with him. The star walks up to him and thanks him sincerely.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #197 on: September 28, 2010, 11:13:07 PM »

I'm At this military base. I've just walked across some bridge. I have to get into a chopper to be transfered away. The route we're taking is highly dangerous and somebody gives me a grenade launcher. As we fly i have a few practice shots to get a feel for the gun. Once i've shot all of the grenades, I ask where all the spare rounds are. Now they tell me that we have very little ammunition. I'm a bit scared now, that i won't be able to shoot the enemies. I start thinking whether or not bullets will go through the bas of the chopper.

Before i know it we've landed at a small village. There's a bridge crossing the river to my left. The guy who's trying to protect me leads me to this car. I'm confused at why we're going in the car. I've had a vision that an ambush from the enemy will come from the bridge. I'm trying to tell him, but he doesn't do anything about it. So we drive a short distance down a road, which leads to a primary school. Its a no through road, and a mother gives us an ashamed look. Apparently the only person who can drive down this road, is one of the students because his dad recently died. Also at this time, i'm wearing long army pants, with my school white shirt.

I get out of the car and decide to explore the place. I reason that we'll be stuck for a couple of hours. I walk up some stairs and at the top, there's heeps of people in the orange robe things and they've just broken from some kind of chant. I walk past them, and wished to ask one of them some questions. As i walk through a guy monk grabs my wrist. His looking at me intensely and i reason that his asking me to do the same. So with my left hand i grab a girl monk. This carries on for a bit until everybody is holding each other. Then it breaks.

Now i'm looking at the monk who first grabbed my wrist. He puts his hand over his mouth and bends his wrist like his opening his mouth. I do this, but i realize i have something tied over my mouth. I try to take it off but it keeps rebounding back. Eventually i get it, and the monks around me laugh. They then signal for me to follow them. Its some sort of change room, which was in my lucid dream before this.... (i think this might also be lucid, but to a low degree). The girl monks exit the change rooms with they're robes down exposing their breasts. I'm a bit confused and then the blond one asks me if i want to have lunch with them. I agree to the request but wake up..

Ben M Fragment

I'm sitting in my bedroom at my old house. Ben M from my old school, comes in and we talk for a while.

Ocean Fragment

I'm at the beach, the one down from our holiday house. There's really big waves, and i'm in this rubber boat. I manage to keep cool, until a missive wave comes and i sprint-swim to the shore. I get there in time, but i could feel the stingers on my hands. I go over to my parents and sit down. They ask me some questions and i explain that Chris doesn't like the beach.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #198 on: September 30, 2010, 12:07:37 AM »
Great Expectations

I'm standing in the dinning room of my old house. My mum and dad are there. i've recently thinking about my English exam, so i'm trying to find a way to relate it back to my own life. I see my mum, and she's being abusive and dominant towards my dad. I figure this explains the class representations. Now i realize that i can change liquid into any other liquid i desire. So i look at the fish tank to the left of me, and turn it into milk (why milk?). I have some and realize i should make something else, so i turn it into blue Powerade. Its really tasty except i'm full, and curse at myself for filling my stomach up with milk. 


I'm at the music and drama centre in recess, for some meeting. The deputy-headmaster is giving a speech when a bunch of yr10's circle him and solute him mockingly. He tells my head-of-house to keep his students in line. Finally the meeting is over and i walk towards my locker which is on the other side of campus. I look at a clock which is at B-Block and it says recess has only just begun. I know this can't be right, so i ask Ben D. He shows me his watch, showing that i only have seconds before the bell goes. for some reason i don't have my shoes on, so i go over to this seat to put them on. 2 guys from my school are there, and i start talking to them. They ask If i got my braces off on the weekend, and i explain that i haven't been wearing braces for a couple of years now.

So now the bell's gone and i'm rushing to put my shoes on. But my movements are thawed and it takes forever! There's a teaching just standing in front of me watching me, but doesn't say anything. Now i'm holding onto the side of a truck, and its reversing onto the road. I let go of it when i see my pet bird, standing on the sidewalk. When i walk over to him he flies onto my shoulder. i walk him over to his cage, which is where i was putting my shoes on before. Now Sam R, and some other guy walks past. Sam opens the cage and my bird flies out again. I get really angry at Sam. I walk over to him and try to punch him, except again my actions are thawed and i'm really slow. He is very good at fighting, and manages to poke me in the stomach a few times, and for some reason it really hurt. He threatened to kick my balls if i did anything. After a few tense moments my angry is gone, and i'm talking to him like normal.

Somewhere in the middle of the dream, i had a vision of the aftermath of teaching passed out from booze, at his home, because of the alcoholic bribe i gave him.


I'm walking to the boulevard (local shopping complex) at midnight. I think i've just come back from a job or something. once i get there, i end up having dinner with some people i meet. At 1am, one of the girls gets a call from her mum. The mum's pissed off that she's out so late and tells her to come home. So she says she has to walk home, when i realize my house is across the road from her's and I offer to walk with her.

We begin walking when somebody throws a coke bottle at me. It hits me, and it seems like an accident at first but i look around and see the guy who through it turn away. I'm really angry with his body language, and i'm pissed off he didn't apologize. I curse at him, and he walks over wanting to fight. I agree to it, but once again my movements are thawed and my punches don't seem to hurt (urg this is annoying). I back off to the other side of the road and he follows to continue the fight. On this side i can see several people i hang out with who would be willing to help me out. I distract him by taunting the guy, and when is focus is on me Ben D hooks him in the temple knocking him out.

The girl i was with wasn't very pleased with what happened, but after a few minutes it was like she forgot. We end up getting to out houses. Now there was a bunch of people who we'd picked up in our walking. We reached the top of my driveway and people explain that they can see Marco's house from there. I'm a bit scared somebodies going to fall off because they're drunk. I enter my house and so does the girl i was with and a bunch of other people. It was a huge house, like 5 stories each slightly smaller than warehouse area kinda stuff. Josh M asked me if he could stay the night, i said yes and explained that i would get him a mattress. After a couple of mins i realize that there's about 10 spare rooms he could sleep in and give up with the mattress. i was happy now, because i would be able to do shit with the girl, i met before.
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #199 on: October 01, 2010, 10:42:53 PM »

When the dream starts I have some vision/knowledge that tells me how the day will unfold. I know that i will have a really fun day, up until the afternoon. And from there things will sharply decline, eventually leading to the death of me and some of the people i'm with.

I'm with a group of people and we're going to the show. I know for certain that B is there and so is Chris and Tavis. Before we get into the show we're walking across either a river or beach front. Tavis gets into a fight with these 2 women. Now we're in the show and walking around. We stay generally to the right of the entrance. Walking down this road we get to the ferris wheel. They all want to have a go, so we get in. Its going much faster than normal (weird because the Ferris Wheel at the show yesterday was going a lot faster than normal), and the ride is over quickly. We carry on walking down the road. On the left there's this major water feature/slide and i'm pretty sure its based on a dream i had a while ago.

Now we enter a dark building thats for dubstep. There's a bunch of 40-so shufflers (youth sub-culture), watching a stage. I see Rob trying to make some music but it sounds horrible and everybody is booing him. We leave the building quickly and head to the store across the road. I see a really cool belt, that has little engravings that seem to represent everything enjoy/do. I want to buy it, but realize i already have a belt i really like.

We walk out of the building and a fat lady stops us in our tracks. She's come to us because if the complaint made by the 2 women Tavis had a fight with before. She explains that people our age aren't supposed to be at the show, because we have exams. I explain to her that only some schools have exams in the holidays and we had ours before them. She doesn't believe me, so i ask if she wants to speak to my mum to confirm it. Again she doesn't listen and tells us to leave. So we leave through the gates and all it is, is a desert. At this point in time I've been messing around with B all day, and i really like her now. I'm really fond of her at the point when we get kicked out of the show. We sit down next to each other on the orange ground. Then i realize the prophecy.

I'm hit with a wave of negative emotions when i realize whats going to happen. I look at B who doesn't know anything and i can't take it anymore. I get up a look around for someway to escape from this desert. I see a car and run over to it. I manage to get it to start and yell for people to come in. Now its only me, B and either T or H. We drive for around an hour when another wave of realization hits me. I just realized that the show was in the middle of Australia, and we're days from any major city. We only have 1 tank of petrol which wasn't even full to begin with. We keep driving until i see some people ahead of us. Its a red bull motor bike crew along with some people from the army.

I go over to them to ask for some help. I turn around after when i hear the military aiming their guns. I see them pointed at B and T. I yelling desperately for the military to put down their guns, but they won't listen to me. B and T are acting like they're under a spell or something and keep walking towards the military. When they get close enough B explodes (i think she had strapped bombs to herself), and shortly after T also explodes. Once again i'm on the ground in complete devastation.

I watched Alpha Dog Last night, and this dream has very similar storyline, except i've put it in a completly different scenario.


I'm in some city, at a transport node. There are sentinels attacking the city (from the matrix). Over at the bus station they are everywhere and killing people. I'm with some other guy, and we're trying to work out what to do. Everybody is running towards the train, but there's noise coming from the tunnel, and i think going on the train would be a bad idea. Instead we climb some stairs and go into the upper floors of the building. By this time, the sentinels have come out of the tunnel and are killing everybody. There's way to many for us to have any chance of survival. I realize this and decide its best for us to try and hide. There's and office that looks like a good place to hide. We don't have the key, but the guy i'm with knows where it is. I have this bracelet on, that shoots out electricity of something, that kills sentinels. I use that to guard the door while i wait for the guy to come back.
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Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #200 on: October 01, 2010, 10:44:13 PM »
Royal Show/backyard/Matrix

I'm at the royal show (a big festival) with the same people i was with yesterday. We were just going around doing stuff. I can't remember too much, but at some point we go onto a train. It takes us to this place we wanted to go, but i forget what it was. All i remember was there was something to do with crop fields. We catch the train back to the show, and leave. Now we're at the boulevard, and i'm annoyed because i can see the fence around the place we were at before, and we spent so much time traveling back to the show.

Now i'm sitting on the grass in my back garden. T is sitting next to me and we're having a conversation. There's a lot of people around us.... like a party except its during the day. I remember we talked about a lot of things. At some point we were trying to work this computer thing. It was saying the names of some songs on my itunes. In general T was quite an advanced DC much more intelligent than other DC's. Now we've found some swords and begin to fight. There's lots of other people also in the fight and T manages to kill them all (not really kill). now I'm the only one left. She's got 2 of the metal weapons the orcs have in Lord of the Rings. I don't remember what i have, but its quite a lot worse. We fight, and i manage to block all of her swings, but i forget how it ends (well it least my movements aren't slow like usual :) )

Now something has happened and T jumps/climbs a skyscraper behind us. Some false memories tell me that its much earlier in time (even tho things are modern) and its my job to invent Christmas. I do this by climbing the skyscraper T just climbed, and entering a ball. I summon the Wiggles. They are different to what they really look like but their main personalities are there. They start singing about Christmas and stuff. Then i start making the ground shake and stuff because i think it'll attract more attention to what i'm trying to do.

I can't remember the order, but it goes something like this:
I'm on top of a building. I've got the knowledge that i'm in the matrix (urg! how can i not make the connection?? well at least i knew i could bent the rules...... would this count as lucid? i guess it couldn't because i didn't make the connection to dreams, but i could do anything i could do if i knew i was dreaming). There's 2 blonde girls and i'm explaining to them how we're in the matrix. They catch on pretty fast and realize this isn't real. Now I see an agent, On the top of another building. He jumps onto our building. Somebody i'm with unloads a round of an SMG, but the agent is able to dodge the bullets. Now the 2 girls i was with before (they also left before the agent came), jump an impossible gap and begin fighting the agent.
I use this distraction to walk up to the agent and point a gun to his head. He laughs when i shoot. Its like he has a magnetic field around his body the causes the bullets to sway off-course. I'm confused because this isn't how its supposed to work. I tell myself how it works and shoot again. This time the agent dies :)

Now me, the 2 girls and Neo are running down some metal stairs. As we run across a metal floor along the side of the building i see and agent behind us. i yell at Neo to stop the bullets. Sure enough as the agents shoot at us the bullets stop just before they reach us. I use this distraction to sprint up to the agent and fight him. His caught off guard and i'm able to take him out. I do some crazy moves and kick him out the window of the building.  

I ave a fragment in my mind, where i become lucid but have no idea what happens :(
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #201 on: October 03, 2010, 08:56:35 PM »

I'm walking across a field with Luke. We stumble into a swarm of insects and they're everywhere. I'm throwing my limbs around, but they still keep trying to land on me.


I'm at my school. I'm walking around the new building, and i can hear creeks and stuff. There have been a few complaints so some of the teachers have gone over to see what its all about. Now we're at some metal stairs. Chris S is there, and they begin to walk up the steps. I walk up one flight, and then decide i'm not actually supposed to be here, so i wait at the bottom. I look through the middle and see them walking back down. I start doing chin-ups and towards the end manage to do them 1-handed. Now we're all at the bottom. Suddenly one of the guys i don't recognize grabs his neck and yells out in pain. I'm taken aback but Chris and the teacher seem to consider it normal. instead the teacher looks at me weirdly and asks if i'm ok. Apparently i was bleeding from the ear.

Now i've just got up from watching a movie. I'm in my old house, with people but don't remember who. We end up watching romeo and Juliet. Its very different to the real one, and at some point they end up at Vegas. Now i'm on top of this building looking over a city. In the air tonight is playing and its really cool.

Flying/armies Fragment

I may have been lucid for this, but i don't remember enough to know  :sad1:

I'm flying up this mountain. Its covered in snow and i'm going really fast. I remember thinking about something to do with dreams. At the top of this mountain is a place i want to go. Sure enough when i fly over the edge, there's a small village. Its looks very similar to a place i've been to before in a dream. Now I'm in the middle of two armies. One of the armies are water benders, whilst the other are fire benders. I'm watching the water benders make battle formations. They are arguing how best to defend their town. The water benders seem to have heeps of numbers and i think they're going to win.

Beg: FL, SO, RC, TR, ND, TD, EF, LW, CL
Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
Adv: LW, SC, TT, VP, OS

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #202 on: October 04, 2010, 10:02:20 PM »
Urg i remember waking up twice in the night, intending to write down 2 major dreams, but i forgot to put the journal next to me, and i couldn't be bothered getting up.


I've just 'woken up' from a FA. I'm annoyed, and see Sam and Paddy. I explain to them, how much i dislike FA's and we try to come up with a new technique to beat them. The first technique is based around throwing a flash/stun grenade at somebody, and if they think its an explosive grenade and die, then its a dream. They expanded on this technique but i got confused. The second technique we came up with, was to use a throwing knife. I would throw it at somebody every time i wake up, and if it only goes into the person then its RL, but if the knife hits the shouldar and takes off the entire arm, then its a dream :P

Now i get up, and i'm at school. I go to my teachers and try to get my exam results back. I manage to get georgraphy and maths back. Maths was unnaturally good (like 90%, which is far to what i'm gonna get), and geography was 73%. Apparently it was the 3rd top score in the year, so i was happy. My teacher told me to go through the exam and looks for marks bundled in 3. I did this, but confused at why.

Now i get up to stretch my legs and talk to a few other people. This guy from my school, that annoys me suggests we should attempt the knife RC, that i was discussing before. Now there's heeps of people, and they're all drinking. I tell the guy that we really shouldn't considering that it could kill me, and that your drunk. After a couple of mins of trying to stop him, he ends up throwing the knife (well now its turned into a dart, but still!) i somehow manage to swing my body around and catch the dart. Everybody is hell impressed. I walk away and continue to do my study. Now Tom T who's sitting next to me, asks if they have parasites in France. I think about it for a bit, and conclude that there aren't too many in the alps.

This is very annoying, i'm soo close to lucidity, but never quite there  :sad1:
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Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #203 on: October 05, 2010, 10:44:59 PM »

I'm at this beach. I'm training for some special martial arts competition. After i've done my fight, i climb up the sand dunes. I'm going to steal from somebody because the money i make whilst training isn't very much. I find somebody and sort through their stuff. I find bottles of redbull and decide to take one of them. Then the guys i was fighting with before come over the dunes and i act like i'm friends with the guy. The guy i robbed is pretty stupid and doesn't realize what i just did. 


I'm catching the train/subway with N. I forget which line, but i know it was colored green and had the station Stirling along it. At some point everybody is gone except us and some other people i know. N had pissed off and ancient dinosaur. Now its my job to somehow stop its rage. I do this by pulling off a part of its body, forget what, and then run away to where i have to put it.


I'm on top of this massive elephant. Its difficult to explain. But my army has decided to build out own wall right next to the enemies, Even though theirs is much bigger. On top of that out wall is extremely unstable (which in time turns into elephants). I'm situated on the elephant 2nd from the beginning. Its my job to keep the wall stable. I do this by pulling on 2 ropes which are connected to the adjacent elephants. 3 other people help me with this job. Time passes and my army sends some stealth bombers to kill an army that is running towards us. Everybody is really pumped by the bombing, especially when the stealth bombers turn into red Ferrari's, and zoom away.

Now the first successful attack has been made against us. A werewolf has infiltrated the first elephant and killed all the people on it. Now its come on to ours and it kills all the men and its just me. Some how i manage to grab the werewolf's wife and use her as a hostage. We walk along this tightrope. There's a pretty intense verbal fight between us, and i think the wife end us falling off the rope. The werewolf is really pissed off now.

Swimming Carnival

I'm at my schools swimming carnival. Its located at this public swimming pool. Its towards the end of the day, and i'm kinda bored. I talk to Harrison for a bit, but he goes off somewhere. Then his parents offer to give me a lift home. I accept because i'm really bored. They start driving away from my house and i ask where we're going. The mother then starts acting weird so i ask her to drop me off back at the carnival.... there's some sort of stand off.


I'm at this house. I'm sitting around drinking with Whinny, B and some other people. I brought this red alcohol, that everybody wants some of. at some point we end up talking about Whinny's house (for school). Apparently they get to eat food all the time. Also i was drinking out of a plastic cup that was cracked.


I'm trying to WILD (urg this is happening too much!), even tho i'm already in the dream. Time progresses and i think i'm watching a movie. I'm a girl, who's with this guy. I find it weird that i can feel, when i'm watching a movie but don't end up RCing
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #204 on: October 06, 2010, 10:02:29 PM »
Time Travelling

I'm In the normal world going about my daily life. I forget the details, but some guy comes up to me and explains to me i can experience much more than this. I'm intrigued, about what he means and eventually we end up somewhere. He offers me a pill which i can take which will 'wake' me up. I take it, and i'm blown out of my body. I can see time pass me by and finally i'm transported into the future. I'm on some path that situated on a spur-cliff (don't know the name). There's a house further along the path and i walk towards it.

Inside the house is the guy who gave me the pill. I'm a little bit confused/shocked. He explains everything, saying i have the ability to time travel now. Basically what happens is that i lay down on a bed/couch, and i can travel to whatever time period i wish. The best thing about time traveling is that time in the real life slows down, so that i could live say 2 weeks in the destination time era, and only a couple of mins would have gone by (looking over the dream, there are some serious flaws in the idea). Now i go for my first travel. The guy is with me and he explains all the stuff i can do.

After my first travel i'm brought back to my 'original destination' (which is the house). There's a few other people at the house and the guy is talking to guy2. Guy is asking Guy2 if he has his money. Guy2 explains that he only has $30 and he couldn't get the rest. Guy gets really angry and starts yelling at him. He explains that he is giving us such a great gift, allowing our lives to be extended, and all he wishes in return is some money to live out a reasonably wealthy life. The people in the house now start circling the guy, saying that he never told them about this, and that its unfair. He then reminds them that his set up flying knives, that are stuck in the wall. If the knives leave the wall, they will be attracted to the people, eventually leading to the peoples death.

I don't want to be stuck serving this guy for the rest of my life. So as a group we decide to make a run for it. The knives are tight on out trail, but we manage to evade them for a while. Now we're stuck and the knives are going everywhere. We have to duck at the last sec, for it not to hit, but we can only keep this up so long.... i wake up.
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Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #205 on: October 07, 2010, 09:24:59 PM »

I'm at some swimming carnival. Somehow i've forgotten how to swim, and i'm going to do a training session to remember. I'm wearing board-shorts and i forgot that my phone was in my pocket. After doing a few laps of freestyle, i hand it to the teacher. It still works :). Now at the end of each lane, there's a description of how you swim the next one. For example the 1st few are simple, saying breaststroke or butterfly. On my final lap, it says cocaine so i figure its best to swim as fast as i can in. I remember passing Ben D.

Now i'm walking to the boulevard with Chris.... time passes.... I'm standing at this roundabout at the bottom of the main road next to my school. I'm with i think 2-3 other people, and i know how to bend the elements. I'm able to teach the others as well, so i decide to focus on water and black magic. I think whinny was there, and he wanted fire. We start fighting, and i only use water. I summon the water to rise above the ground and hover over the others. I offer them a chance to submit, but when they don't answer a slam the water down on them/hold it there. Now i see from inside the water the earth bender digging a hole, but it doesn't work because the water just goes into that.


I'm sitting on this plane, and Chris is next to me. I see D in a seat a few ahead of us, and she asking the flight attendant many questions for the situation if the plane was crashing. We seemed to be taking off for a long time, but this time i look out my window. Everything seems normal, but i still hate the feeling. when i look away from the window the pilot informs us that we have to make an emergency landing. We land on the freeway. We have to wait because i person who need brain surgery needs a lift. So we taxi around along the freeway going towards a rundown runway. We are allowed to get off and walk around for a bit. The ground is made up of Lilly pads that extend out of the water. I try to break through, but they are very strong. I still worry if the plane will fall through it or not.

Now we are all getting back onto the plane. There's this guy on the runway, who doesn't move because he doesn't want us to take off on his runway. Eventually he moves. I'm sitting at the back, and some of the flight attendants sit down with me. They're my age and i start talking to them, about what they're doing on the plane. I ask how they go to school, if they are in the air for hours on end. Now i'm playing with the music player, and its playing with out my ipod in it. The music was good for the mood i was in, so i didn't bother to get my ipod out.


Fragment on my trying to take the chord out of the wall socket thing, while it was drenched in water.
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #206 on: October 08, 2010, 09:46:41 PM »

I'm with T and we have just caught the train. We walk a bit until we get to this building. its covered in snow and looks familiar to Russia. Its night and i find this a bit weird, but i don't RC. Now i'm walking towards my school with B and some other people. I'm not wearing uniform because i just plan on being there for a few mins. I'm searching for a special kind of bin. I walk past the headmaster and he doesn't seem to happy. Brandon tells me to put on uniform, and i'm pissed off thinking the schools influenced his attitudes too much. I finally get to the bin, but its all wrong! something to do, with some stupid company advertising on it, and now i can't do what i wanted with the bin. We go searching for another bin, but they're all the same.
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Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #207 on: October 10, 2010, 04:27:26 AM »

I keep having dreams where i've organized a way to go home. It was confusing whenever i woke up to whether i had or hadn't actually organized a way home.


I'm at this estate with many houses on it. Most of them are empty waiting to be sold. There's a main office place in the center. I'm with a bunch of people and we break the glass to get in. Its a rush and i think i take some of the stuff inside. Then the owner of the estate comes and stops us. Me a Jack manage to get away, and we just sprint into the distance. She cursing at us and saying she'll call the police and i'll be in a lot more trouble than if i stopped now. I contemplate it, and decide to keep running. I'm thawed but she couldn't keep up with us anyway. I'm talking to Jack and we're trying to figure out if there is anyway the lady could know who we are. Jack then remembers seeing 4 security camera's, and i begin to regret my decision, because i didn't do too much to keep my head down. We keep running until i go under through the tunnel at my old primary school and meet somebody but i don't remember who, but his going to help keep us under the radar.
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #208 on: October 11, 2010, 04:32:41 AM »

Dream starts off with me driving around with Chris. Now I'm on a bus, and there's heeps of people from a group i don't normally hang out with. I'm sitting at the back right and looking further back so that i can talk to Ben D. Ben mentions something about a protein shake, and it sparks a memory of a dream i had just recently had, that was centered around a solarium. I had the intention to RC the topic but i forgot to do it (noooo :facepalm:). Looking out the bus i see people walking around, except instead of normal heads they had cow heads. It was a bit like the top half of their body was a cow and the rest was human. Once again I found this weird, except i have already decided i'm not dreaming... perhaps i did a failed RC before. Now we are going up a street from my old neighborhood. There's a sign up ahead saying to love lamb, but they were heading cows. Now i've somehow obtained a cow myself, and there's these dogs chasing it around. I'm angry at them and so is B, who's also with me.

Whats with all the cows?


I'm at school going over my exams. They weren't fantastic but everybody seemed to do crap (which fits todays events, urg i should've written down the scores)


I'm sitting on a floor and T is with me. There is water flowing through the room like it was built in the middle of a river. Slowly the level rises until its covering the lower half of my body. The water has an extremely calming effect. Thinking back over it, it was a lot like meditation except much more powerful and i was taking in external stimulus..... perhaps i should try to meditate when i'm lucid one time. Might be an easy way to bring about WILD vibrations as well.


I'm on a bike, and i've got 2 big bags in my hands. I'm trying to figure out how i'm going to carry the bags.
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #209 on: October 12, 2010, 04:43:58 AM »

I'm at the main Innaloo intersection on the fast food side. I see Matt Z driving his car (except its red and a different model). He pulls up and i ask if he can give me a lift. I'm with my mum, brother, and some fat person. There's not enough room, so we leave the girl behind. Now my mum is driving us, and every hundred or so meters the car stalls. There's this screen on the wheel, where the horn should be and its causing the problem. Mum is getting rather annoyed. Now i'm at Lake Monger, and i'm running around it. Its my 4th lap around it, and somehow i'm really wet/cold with out a shirt on. I've inspired people who were walking around the lake to start running and now there's a line of about 10 people jogging. Now i'm in the middle of the lake on some kind of island and i don't know how to get off it.


I'm at the foyer of a fancy restaurant my parents made me go to. Whinny is with me and we're sitting down leaning against the door. An attractive waiter comes up to us and tried to get us to come in. We're trying to hold a grudge and she explains that there's people playing poker. This is enough to make me want to go in, but Whinny stays strong and says no. This causes me to remember what we're trying to do.


I'm at some old wooden auditorium. There's a bunch of people meeting in some secret room under it. You have to open up the seat of a chair and jump down. I decide to not go down and instead stay with H and some old person. The old person is cool, and his waiting for the last people to jump down so that he can do some acid. I just end up talking to H, saying that he boobs are looking bigger lately. She takes this really well.


I'm at the road near Chris' house. There was something to do with my Auntie and the internet. Now i'm back inside my room, while my brother is playing x-box with a friend and my parents are out. B and some other girl come into my room with out telling me before. The start smoking like chimney's and i decide to have a cigar, and it tastes really good. 'Sarah is for Lovers' by Rob and Tom is playing and it sounds really intense, in a good way. now i see my parents through the wall and i have to quickly grab all the smokes and put them under my desk. My dad is drunk but he finds the box, and before he looks into it i wake up.

Bus Stop

I'm sitting at this bus stop, and there's this Asian guy, who looks like his associated with the underground. His trying to catch the bus, but doesn't know how. He gets angry and his friend gives me $40 to help him catch it. The bus turns really strongly and i drop $2.

Observation Rise

I'm at Scarborough at the main intersection. I'm with N and Chris. B comes over and we really don't want to see her. She hugs us all and says that she's finally home. Chris subtly tells her she's not wanted here, but she doesn't pay attention. 


I'm at this family lunch/dinner thing, with my dad's side. The block is really big and its a bit like a farm. It has several buildings on it, serving different functions. Nathan's brought his girlfriend (which is different to RL) and she's a bitch to his sister. Everybody gets angry and we decide to take some pills to calm ourselves down. I end up taking a few more for later. Now i'm playing COD in one of the other buildings with my younger cousin. Now i'm at school, and i've just been informed that i have my badminton practical exam. I'm really confused because i've already done it in RL. I get changed in the change rooms and Whinny is there. We leave and we're already late. When i go outside i forgot to but on pants but i'm not self conscious at all. We pass some girls waiting for a lift and the go up some stairs. In the dream our school is attached to another school and we have to pass a bunch of guys getting ready for football or some other sport. I prepare myself to throw a punch at any of them who comments on my sport/attire at the moment. they don't so we just run on. When i get there i realize i don't have my racket and leave Whinny. Half an hour later i realize what i've done is not good enough and i'll get 0. I quickly run back, and i'm welcomed into the exercise. Its taking place on the grass and i wake up before i can hit the shuttle.
Beg: FL, SO, RC, TR, ND, TD, EF, LW, CL
Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
Adv: LW, SC, TT, VP, OS

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