I'm at Leavers again and with pretty much the same people I was with almost 2yrs ago. It has the same vibe to it, in that everybody is just drunk and having a good time. I remember where we were staying was enclosed in this resort like place, and everybody was just sleeping on the floors of big open rooms, with Japanese like architecture. At one stage I was walking around the complex sober just looking around the place. I remember finding white envelopes with money in them and one of them had $70 in it. As I was walking back to the room, I bumped into the man who owned the place and had a chat to him. I forget about what but he seemed understanding of why all the kids were running around wasted and causing trouble. When I got back to the room I was really tired and just wanted to fall asleep. But everybody was just getting up for the day as the sun was coming up and made it difficult for me to fall asleep.
Cinty Dies/Murderer
I'm at uni with Cinty next to me, and we're walking to class. Its not my normal uni as its just pretty much one massive marble building that looks really cool. We bumped into a few other people, and we organised to do something later on tonight. When We got to class It was the same format as it was during high school, having another 2 classes before lunch started. We had PE now and it was mixed martial arts. I was looking forward to it, until i realised that the only other guy in the class was Josh A, and was already very good at fighting. I didn't really mind though and accepted that I was probably going to get heavily bruised. Although the dream sort of got weird here, so I'll try my best to explain it.
(I watched an episode of Doctor Who yesterday, the one with Matt Smith and they inhale some hallucinogenic substance which causes them to go in and out of two dreams. Pretty much the same thing here except me and Cinty didn't know they were dreams).
So We entered the class and before I know it the scene had changed and I was in a room mainly made up of water with balancing beams just above the surface. There were 2 people on each beam and the idea was to try and make the other person fall off. The only problem was that me and Cinty kept changing scenes and in the 'dream' we weren't experiencing, we became unconscious.
After a while Cinty and I started losing consciousness at different times.... Next thing I know is i'm in the water room, and see Cinty collapse and fall into the water. I realise that she's going to drown and dive in after her. The water is very deep and it takes me 20secs to catch up to her. She's completely unconscious and I'm starting to stress, because she would've breathed in water by now. Grabbing her by the waist and moving her onto my shoulder I kick towards the surface. When I get close to the surface I begin to feel myself lose consciousness. I resist enough to take a breath of air and try to push Cinty onto one of the beams. But I fall just before I can balance her and as I sink into the water I can see her body following me..... Wake up in the other room and see Cinty on the ground. She seems dead and I start CPR hoping that If I make her artificially breathe in this 'dream' she will in the other. For some reason I can't seem to get my mouth properly around hers, and a lot of the air I'm breathing into her comes straight out.....
Time passes and I'm standing in the entrance of the normal room, with Cinty next to me. I go up to her with a huge amount of relief that she's still alive. I ask her what happened and she said she died and woke up here. I asked her to describe in more detail what happened and she just explained that it was painful and she isn't looking forward to going through it again. Some girl next to us passes by and says that dying is peaceful and easy. I turn around and tell her thats wrong, its just what the movies make it out to be, its actually rather painful and uncomfortable.....
Now I'm outside on a main road and walking towards a supermarket. I see a kid shooting a gun at police parked across the road and run into the store. I walk in too and try to find him. I see him and run up behind him. He see's me and runs away. I'm chasing him through the store and eventually managed to tackle him to the ground and kick the gun away. A mate of mine is also with me and we put him inside this box. We pull the box to the entrance of the store and when we get there find that the kid escaped. At this stage I've taken on some of the Doctor's identity, but primarily still myself. Then I turn around to see the kid again, but this time with the gun pointed at my 30m away. I run out of the store as shots are fired at me and manage to evade them. I turn left into this Alice and Wonderland like street. Its really cool, but don't have time to look at it as i try to find somewhere to hide. But there's just an open field with a couple of tree's. I see Brandon there and we decide to hid behind one of them. I tell him the kid doesn't want him just me, and that if he could pretend like his just walking and tell me what the kid is doing. It doesn't really look and I take a peak to see the kid walking straight towards me. I run towards a forrest 100m away.
Now It gets weird again and I can hear what the kid is thinking. He knows that I can see some police, and I'm going to ask for their support. So he takes out a sniper rifle and shoots 4 officers. Something happens and now I'm the kid. I'm not in control of the body just there and I can hear his thoughts. He doesn't want anything apart from chaos (just like the Joker from batman). His walking through a rough path in the forrest and something cuts his neck open. He doesn't even care that his bleeding profusely, and is going to die if he doesn't treat it. The kid walks across a field to a stable where his surrounded by police an just laughs.....
I'm looking at a screw and realise that I'm dreaming because I keep on winding it up but it never stops and just keeps growing.