9 hours sleep
Shooting just before 2:25am
I'm at our Mandurah holiday house. Its night time, and i'm trying to sneak in a girl (i can't remember this bit at all tho). My parents find out about her, but don't get that annoyed. They go out anyway. I'm in the back garden and my PE teacher is there. he asks me if i've played DOTA over the holidays. I tell him i haven't but i'll battle him anyway. His a little bit annoyed with me. I think it was some kind of homework task.
I'm at a building site, thats almost complete. i'm running away from this guy. He was wearing military uniform, and he catches up to me. I've written something to do with him being a prick. I tell him that what the military has done, in wrong and unjust. He seems to agree and i go back into his memory to see what his done. I'm at another building site, thats less complete. I've got a pistol with a scope attached to it. there's pedestrians running around, and i'm shooting them. After shooting everybody, i jump into the passenger seat of a car. The driver screeches off. Whinny is up ahead and he grabs onto the car. i help pull him into the car. I've written that i come to a familiar intersection.
Newman guy teacher between 2:25am and 3:30
I'm at my school. This guy i meet at a party the other day was there. He is learning how to become a high school teacher. I'm pretty happy to have somebody i know on the teacher side. Now i'm at this restaurant place, and Croker's brother is there. The place, has these really cool heaters! Its an open flame, like a big Bunsen burner, and it makes the flame go into really cool patterns.
Girls trying to get into my party between 4:30 and 7:00
I'm at this office building with my family. We are on are way out and reach the elevator. As i get there George G gets there. I'm happy to see him, because i haven't in a while. As i'm saying hi, all these people i know as acquaintances come out. 1 of them is Danielle (this girl i hate in RL).
"Thanks for inviting us to your party," she said seriously.
"You're not coming!" I say.
"You will regret that, I know people!" threatened.
"Who do you have influence over, that i don't?"
She said some nonsense after that, but she doesn't have the confidense she used to.
"I better be coming!" Says Steph B (A girl i hate even more).
"You can go fuck yourself!" I answer her.
Now i'm in the passenger seat of a car, while Fraser is driving. As we drive along there's a cement mixing in front of us. its the cement mixer things that are small and similar to the size of prams. I do an RC, but it didn't work :( . I ask Fraser if he finds that weird.
"Its just a cement mixer" says Fraser back casually.
His quite the aggressive driving, and really got up peoples backs.
Meg's Party
I'm going really fast across some water. I don't think i'm in a machine,but i'm going fast. I'm going past all these outdoor theaters, that are located on rock formations, right on the ocean. Its italy and it looks a bit like the Chinqu re terra (spelling). I stop, and i sit down on land. It should be water, but its not. I see a church and some kids are peeing on it. a small group of adolescents get up and start pushing the kids.
Now i'm in a bedroom, with brother, sister, Elli (cuz) and some other girl i don't know. This girl has sneaked us into her house, and we have to be careful. I go onto the balcony to pee. Its day now, and i see kids running around doing athletics. The girl left before, and i think this was where she was going. Some adult in football uniform comes onto the balcony. I nod to him and briskly walk into the room. It turns out the guy owns the house. We all go out to the kitchen 4 breakfast. My aunt Alice is here now as well. I give this game a go, that my sister has been pressuring me to play all night.
Now i'm on a golf course. I go for a shot and screw it up. It hits a tree and bounces back to where i am. My dad was with me, and he lets this other guy go behind us.
"He'll show you how to hit it forwards" said my dad.
The other guy who seemed pretty old, said a joke, and it was really funny. I've finished playing golf, and i'm at the drink fountain. I'm with a friend, and a fat kid in a yellow top, pushes in between us. I grabbed the kid, and i started yelling at him. I felt bad about it afterwards.
Now i'm waiting on a limestone wall at the car park. I'm with somebody but don't remember who, probs Chris. There's some kind of community event going on. Its a bit like the city to surf. I tell Chris that 10% of Perth's population is 100'000. Meg, Aimee and some other girls come down the path. Meg jumps into a hug, and we end up making out. She says she doesn't want anything serious, and i tell her i agree completely. Aimee then tells me that we're going out and i say that, thats not the case.
Meg is hosting a party. I turn up a little bit late, and everybody is drunk. I hook up with somebody, but don't remember what they look like. Caitlin sends me a text asking if she can come, and i give her the address. As she reaches the gate, i realize she would've brought her boyfriend and his friends. So i run over to the gate before they get in. I begin patting them down for knives, in case they want to start some fight, over different schools. The guy i'm patting is really nervous when i get 2 one of the pockets. I grab whats inside it, and its just a orange.
Caitlin's boyfriend then makes a run for it. I catch him and ask why his running. Turns out he has juice-boxes filled with alcohol. He then begins to cry saying his sorry. I tell him not to worry and that i don't care if he has alcohol. I go back into the house. Now everybody is watching the TV intently, I think its some kind of sports match. I'm not interested so i lean against the wall and drink. Caitlin comes over to join me. I tell her that her boyfriends a pussy.
HI after WBTB
In total i only manage to get small vibrations.
There's this really vivid cartoon playing! thinking back it might have been a dream, but i don't think so. The characters were rather sexual.
The pirates of the Caribbean theme song starts playing really loud! I use this to try and transport myself to a ship, but it doesn't work :(
All my senses are working except sight. I start sprinting. It felt very real.
I have a really cool montage. I get an image, and then make another image based on the first thing i thought of when i saw the 1st picture.