E on E/Wife/Whale/J Nicotine
I'm going in and out of 3rd and 1st person of E from Entourage (I'll just use 1st person). I'm in a house similar to the ones on Rotto, and Turtle is there (also from Entourage). Its the day of my wedding and Turtle keeps trying to give me ecstasy to make my day more 'memorable and happy'. I keep telling him no. The scene changes and i'm laying on a picnic rug on the school oval near my house and my 'wife' is here. I'm high on the E, and everything seems really bright and peaceful/happy. The wife was wearing a red and white dress and looked pretty. I look down to my right arm and see little cuts. I touch them to see what happened and my skins peals off revealing a bloody, inner arm. It was weird because i was still feeling the happy effects of E, whilst being in horror from looking at my arm pealing off.
Now I'm at the beach walking towards the shore. Somebody is with me, and we're life guards. Oh and it was night time. The beach looked a lot like Cottesloe. In the middle of the bay i can see a whale. Its got itself stuck from the lowering tide, and its back is almost out of the water. I wade into the water to get a better look and a see a sharks fin above the water. I turn around to swim back to shore, and see Tavis jump and grab hold of a dolphins back fin. He gets dragged around the bay. There was a really strong rip, but i manage to swim against it.
Scene change and i'm underwater with the whale next to me. There's another guy with me and we're trying to get rid of the sand so that it can swim away. Finally i feel the whales belly hit my back and it swims away. Now I'm at a building just off the sand, and in E's body again (or maybe i was E all along). Apparently Vince had slept with my wife and i'm really pissed off with him. I put a bottle under some sand and lots of people seem to come together. Jack R is there and he finds my beer. It indicates to him my annoyance and he gives me a weird look.
Before anything happens i see J at a building further away from the beach and go over to her. We decide to go back to her house, and walk inside. We open a door to J's room and her brother is there, with some girl. I turned away before i could see anything but it was still embarrassing. We decide to just hang out in the main room for a while and lots of people begin to join us. Dubstep starts playing and i decide to dance. All of a sudden i start spinning and i can't stop myself.
War Nicotine
I'm playing nazi zombies, but its RL. The zombies are different though, they're small and stronger for the 1st level. MY team-mates don't seem to be taking it too seriously and i end up having to shoot them all. I open a door and it leads to 2 staircases which lead to an overlooking level. This looks pretty good to hold off an attack and I get everybody to follow me. I take the stairs on the left and the other two take the right one. The wave comes and we manage to get the all. Although now the zombie waves have stopped and its a paintball match. Its a deathmatch and i run through the middle of the field and see my team mate having a fist fight with the enemy. I take a quick turn to the right which lead me to some change rooms. A guy was picking up his gun when i charged him grappling for the hand gun. I managed to get a hold of it when another guy (enemy) came in. I spun around and held the gun to my hostages head. I told the other guy to put down his gun and slide it across the floor. He did this and i turned around punching my hostage in the head, in an effort to knock him out. It didn't work, just hurt him. I did it again and decided to give up. I told him sorry and pointing the gun at the other guy, ran away taking his gun off the floor.
The room was like the matrix (when Neo has to fight all the frenchman's hitmen), and i run under the stairs. It was the enemy base and they were all reloading their supplies. I unloaded the entire clip of the automatic rifle and picked up another gun that was laying on the ground. Finishing that round and dive behind some barrels and reload. kneeling up again i shoot the last few people. That ended the match and they all seemed rather surprised.
Now i'm in the middle of a massive field. I have an army with me (ancient, swords and arrows), with a much larger enemy army on the other side of the field. A volley of arrows are flying towards us. They're really big and could be easily dodged, but they had explosives attacked to them. I tell my army to run to the hills in an effort to escape the explosions. We got out just in time, but the enemy sent another volley at the hills we were running to in front of us. A massive fire broke out and decided it was time to retreat. I told my men to sprint towards the lake at the end of the field. I look behind and see them firing a volley as far as they could. Its going to be close and i print away. As i run towards the end of the field i see arrows digging into the ground and exploding all around. I'm lucky to escape some of the explosions and reach the lake.
All though another enemy army is there and i prepare to start fighting. All though the leader holds up his hands, signalling he doesn't want to fight. I stop my attack and talk with him. He explains that the big enemy army from before is now his enemy, and i have 2 other armies similar in size at my disposal now. I tell everybody to form ranks, and prepare for battle. Looking back towards the enemy the field has changed into an oval. Children are all around it, and i select the front line to get all of the children to a school nearby as refuge. Once the kids are off the field, i return back to my army. They've formed a terrible rank with a massive hole in the middle, but there's no time to change it as the enemy is less than a hundred meters away. Looking back towards the enemy, its now a rectangular field, and they're running towards us.
I reach to grab my sword but realise i don't have one. I curse and say i could use a spear right now, but prepare myself anyway. As the get close i order the men to charge and i run forward. I pick a guy to attack, who's wielding 2 swords. He throws them both at me but i dodge them. I run and jump on him as he reaches for another. When his on the ground i grab it, and stab him. Now having a weapon i do some serious damage, with even the slightest bit of fear. I felt like i was invincible, even though i knew i could die. After a bit, i slash this one soldier except instead of falling to the ground dead he regenerates. Taking off the helmet i realise its an old lady. I'm confused as to how she survived, and she explains that she was immortal. She asks me to have dinner with her, and i say no. She insists that she'll keep bothering me until i say yes. So i say yes, and continue with the battle.
Eventually its over and we've won. I'm walking up this dirt road when a much younger version of the lady walks in front of me. She asks if we can go out now, and agree to have dinner.....
weird dream seemed lucid, but i can't remember it being so.