I'm on the 2nd story of a building leaning against a rail, and talking to some guy. I'm annoyed because he hasn't finished the job i asked him to do. Now i'm at 'my house' with Palle. His dog is with us and i ask him if his going to keep this breed or go with a different type when Baxter eventually passes away. Palle seemed to want to get another dog like Baxter. I looked out the window and saw two people walking past. They were talking to each other, but instead of words they were making really detailed animal noises (like bird squawks/whistles).
I'm at my old high school at night. Palle's dad lives there/runs something at night, and he recently told us how peoples car's wake him up and it pisses him off.
Snowboarding Nicotine
I'm on some sort of hiking/snowboarding trip with a bunch of people. Something goes wrong and we have to jump off this cliff in order to get back to civilisation. Its a big drop like 3 stories, and at the bottom there isn't snow just rocks. I get myself prepared to go over the edge, but just before i slide off i wake up.
Chris' Dad's Nicotine
Its mother's day, and i'm not living at home anymore, i've mover out to some high density apartments (bit like student housing). I'm getting ready to go to some picnic thing, with my parents and some of my friends. But before we get there i bump into Chris and his distressed. Apparently he doesn't know who his dad is, and it could be any of these three guys. I go over to see them, and i realise I've seen them all before, in some way related to my school.
Haircut/Driving/COD Nicotine
I've just driven to the boulevard to get my haircut. I go up to the counter and ask for a cut. She asks me to take a seat outside. I'm kinda happy its going to happen outside, much more peaceful. As i wait more people come until all the seats are full. Lucas is there and i talk to him about music for a while. There's these 2 stuck up rich people also sitting down explaining how they need their hair cuts before everybody else. They make a fuss about some sort of important event going on tonight, and i tell them to piss off and wait their turn. We have a discussion about how they are more important as people than me. Everybody else sitting down agree's with them, I still disagree, but let them go first anyway, because i'm enjoying talking to Lucas.
Now i'm at Innaloo and have no pants. Something reminds me that its illegal to have no pants on outside your car but inside, its ok. I run to my car, because i see a cop car. As i drive away, some guys start throwing rocks at my windscreen. It makes a massive crack and i can barely see. To add to this its pouring down with rain and my driving is terrible. I keep cutting people off, because i didn't see them in my blind spot, and its a miracle i didn't crash. I eventually reach this place and its a COD match. Although i'm inside the game, and run around looking for people to shoot. I find a good spot behind a rock and take a few guys out from second story windows.