Author Topic: Arliatis's dream journal  (Read 84315 times)

Offline feist

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2010, 01:22:46 PM »
Looks like you got cut of to early from those dreams twice...  :sad1:

Good luck with your exams! Be sure to drop by when you get the chance!

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #31 on: May 11, 2010, 06:00:22 AM »

I'm at this hotel room, and Meg is there. she says something about how she's happy she can trust me to not come onto her, and therefor she's ok with staying in the same room. i'm a it devastated

..... I'm at my school, near the bushland, except there's an open space. I'm driving this 4WD with the arrows on a keyboard, pretty cool. There are 2 girls there as well.

Pretty crap recall. Hell weird day,
woke up remembering next to nothing and feeling like i'd hardly slept. Even with that, i still have bad recall, and i had about.... 9 and a half hours. I set an alarm for 3:30, but i don't even remember it going off, or me turning it off.

To add to it, I've constantly had dream signs today. Major things seem to be different... dreamlike different. i was looking down the road, getting off the bus, and a swear it got wider/darker. and during school, several weird incidents occurred.

I feel like i'm in dream, just my RC's aren't working. has this happened to any1 else??? 


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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #32 on: May 11, 2010, 07:26:00 AM »

To add to it, I've constantly had dream signs today. Major things seem to be different... dreamlike different. i was looking down the road, getting off the bus, and a swear it got wider/darker. and during school, several weird incidents occurred.

I feel like i'm in dream, just my RC's aren't working. has this happened to any1 else??? 

Yeah, I get this on occasion. It's very unsettling. It feels like I'm going a bit mental or something. No matter how many reality tests I do or how carefully I do them I feel like I'm going to wake up with that familiar feeling of sudden enlightenment as I realize everything that has happened that day was a dream after all. It's like it's impossible to get a satisfactory answer as to which reality I'm in and I just don't trust the RCs  :QM:

Nice dreaming  :)
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Offline feist

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #33 on: May 11, 2010, 01:18:10 PM »
Yeah, i get that feeling to sometimes... It does feel a bit insane...
And i've recently been sick and had to spend alot of time inside, it felt like i was detached from everything, going outside again felt so unreal, that was crazy!

Anyways, i guess it comes with being obsessed by LD'ing :p

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2010, 04:12:46 AM »
yer, made me think about Plato's cave analogy.
The more I study dreaming, the more realistic the idea seems to me.... not that i believe in it, just seems plausible   .
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #35 on: May 13, 2010, 06:08:59 AM »
England: with a cave :0

I'm at England. Charlie and Chloe are there with me. I get the impression that they're together as a couple. Chloe is acting really weird, completely the opposite her personality that last time i saw here. She's also under the impression the night i was with her, she was with Charlie instead of me. I was a bit taken aback by this, but decided that if it helped Charlie out, i'd let it go. She said it was the best she'd ever had.

Now i was with them at F block, at my school. My extended family (mother's side) was there, i think it was a picnic. Guy sprays me with the hose. I decide to act like i was hell pissed off at him (really it was my hurt ego, and not moving fast enough). There was this underground tunnel, so me Charlie and Chloe went into it. It got smaller and smaller as we went in. The sides and roof looked like they were made out of really unstable soft sand. Except i was perfectly fine, with its stability. My dad then yelled down the tunnel thats it was dangerous, because it had flooded. After he said that, these speakers on the roof mentioned that it sent a text out to all of the people's contacts the operator knew.  Charlie and Chloe then came back after me, saying that blood was everywhere :?

War: Rotto

I'm at a soccer game. Half time just finished and i was demanding that i go goalie. 2 other people were all ready in goals, and i was trying to kick them out. They wouldn't move so a few goals got passed us while we were arguing. Somehow our actions had horrible results and i think somebody died.

I think me and the other goalies bailed into some forest/sand dunes. while waiting for the heat to cool down, we started hunting. We were looking for some rare white foxes. While looking this 4WD pulled up beside us, and told us that we were under attack from some European country. I hopped in and we were trying to get behind enemy lines. as we drove, to the left of us the white foxes were running. I contemplated getting the gun to shoot them, but decided that the war was more important, than my cheap kill. We were driving on this really sandy track, and i kept telling the driver to not rev so much, because they would hear us.

Apparently we didn't need to worry about being heard. Just over the hill, there was a small agglomeration of buildings. We got out of the truck and entered the building high on the side of the building. It was some tourist building. I got this real evil glance from an enemy personnel, but he carried on walking past. Entering the building we went straight pass the store, and into this manufacturing building. We had to get to the top by climbing up the wall on the right side. it was pretty simple all though there was an electrical wire that was making blue sparks along the way. I was silly enough to go too close to it, and as a result it took a while longer than everybody else to get to the top. Sometime during the climbing and african american with a machete and tank top (like this guy i saw on the Kokoda track, he looked hell cool/lethal) run past.

beach: fragmented

At.... i assume City beach. Paddy was also there. We had these inflatable things. We were using them to catch waves. we were really good at it. At some point the waves got way too unnaturally big. I tried to swim back into shore. I got dumped pretty bad i think.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2010, 12:53:24 AM »
haven't been getting much sleep lately, should have some rebound soon tho :)

Camp: fragmented

I'm on this really wide school bus. Its like a plane but, has more room. I'm coming back from a school camp. I'm filthy and really want a shower.

Abandoned house: Fragmented

I'm at this abandoned house. Its in really bad shape, It looks like the place has been hit by a bomb. There's debris everywhere, and lots of black bricks. Its also really big, with a massive hole in the roof. Theres some sort of party going on, not sure if i organized it, but i get the impression i did, because i'm trying to organize drinks for people on this portable white table thing.

At some point i hook up with Annelise. Except on recall its not really Annelise's body, i'm just under the impression it is. she acts normal and everything tho. for some reason she's annoying that we're making out in an abandoned house (it was kinda dirty). So i tried to look around for the cleanest place. somehow we ended up in this bathroom, that looks like the ones the people manufacture Amphetamines in (well what the media portrays them to be, i doubt highly that its nearly as dirty is they show it to be. why would the dealers use a toilet? what about a big container or something).   

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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2010, 04:18:40 AM »
I'm pretty sure i was lucid at some point during the night, but forgot what happened :(


I've been shot in the heart, and died. I'm transported to this restaurant, and all of my family is there as well as Whinny. I'm confused about whats happening. Eventually i come to reasoning that this is the afterlife. its exactly like dream reality (urg lost RC). I have my dinner, and i'm feeling extremely happy and content, for i no longer have to fear about dying, because i'll just be transported to another reality.

After dinner, whinny and i plan to go to the movies, and Annelise was supposed to come as well. I lose whinny somehow and decide to go to the cinema. My dad is there and i ask if i can borrow some money for a ticket. He says to just walk in. I walk in, and see Tavis so i sit next to him. Matt F sits a few rows in front of us and i point him out to Tavis. As this was happening some guy in a suit came up to me and asked if i had a ticket. i said no, and decided to leave with out a hassle, because i wasn't even with Whinny or Annelise.

I'm at school, in some maths class i think. Whinny is there. i ask him what he had to say about ditching me, and he acted like it was nothing. I got really pissed of and started cursing at him. mr Will (head of house) came in, but i didn't care and continued. I sat at the end of the class room sulking. i was really annoyed that Whinny dogged me, so i started planning a way to get back at him.... woke up.

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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #38 on: May 18, 2010, 06:33:35 AM »
Protecting Ben: future

About 50 agents are trying to find Ben C, because they want him to kill them. I don't want this to happen to Ben so i run ahead and tell him to follow me. We go down stairs at about 5 a time. i remember thinking that because me and Ben are adolescents we're more willing to risk rolling an ankle, so naturally the agents went slower. We went the wrong way, and had to jump from 1 train track to the other (gravity was warped so i could make it). Ben could only just make it. Luckily the agents don't see us, and they hop onto the train thinking we're in there. they see us as the doors close and me and Ben continue to run......

I'm up really, really high in the sky (like over 5kms). its sometime in the future and i'm in this spaceship thing. the spaceship breaks, and we start falling. I have a view of the space craft form 3rd person and its not aerodynamic at all. I found it scary at first, but i decide that i could handle the impact if i got into 1 of the cars on board and put a seatbelt on.
(its weird how i have less of a fear of heights when i dream :) )

South America: hiking

I'm walking along this trail in South America. It was beautiful. There was a semi-fluro color in the plants, like in Avatar. And the terrain is the massive pine trees, that litter the ground with their skinny browns leaves, that make it seem like walking on a slightly cushioned floor. Can't really explain but it was cool.....

I'm still in South America, but i've reached the camp site. There's all these people from my school. We're trying to get to the houses but in order to do that we need to climb this rock wall. Whinny was standing on this roundish rock. I figured it was stable as long as he was standing on it, so i started hanging over the edge of the 20m high wall, so i could get in front. Whinny gets off the rock while i'm hanging and i try my best to tell him not to get off, but he doesn't hear me in time. I fall off the rock face....

Its ok i didn't die :) but i should've. It felt like it does when i fall in a lucid, a sudden stop, but no real damage, just a wake up shake (with out waking up). Everybody is looking at me, so i get up.
"its ok i can handle that," i said thinking i'm invisible.

I meet Whinny later
(this is the second dream in a row, where Whinny's betrayed me :( ). I started going on about how i'm so glad the body has a 'shock' mechanism that causes me not to feel pain. But i admit i'm gonna start to feel the fall soon. i look down and see i have a few cuts on my knees. its bleeding, but nothing major. People are playing soccer in the parking lot. I get annoyed because there's lots of artificial light around, and that it takes away from the amazing environment.

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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #39 on: May 18, 2010, 09:21:00 PM »
War: wise me

I'm watching this arrogant writer talk to this girl on the street. He cause a war by insulting her. I'm at this house and there's about 100ppl on my side and a bit more on there side. We line up out the back in 2 lines facing each other. Everybody has guns. I get annoyed that i don't have a decent machine gun, so i go to look for 1 in the armory. As i go, the 2 lines start to dance (?).

I walk past my mum, as i look for my gun. She says she doesn't want to war to happen. I say i agree with her, but there's nothing we can do about it occuring, and that my chances of survival and that of my team is higher, if i go in there with a positive attitude, instead of pissing my pants scared
(why do i not fear death in my dreams?). I find an Ok LMG and i begin walking back to the 2 lines. On my way i ask mum if there's any sniper rifles and if there's any way to get to the top of the house. She says no, and i have a montage of what could've happened.

kicked out: Molly

My mum wakes me up, saying i have a visitor. I tell her to bring who ever it is in (for some reason i was expecting Caitlin). Its my new auntie and she has a baby. I get the hint that i have to give up my bedroom for her. I don't mind tho. I go upstairs and see Molly. She said something about why i didn't go to the movies with them last night, and showed me a photo of the night. It was her and about 6 other people i apparently knew, but i don't remember ever meeting them.

Fraser: Fight

I'm with Fraser and we're at his house eating dinner. I ask him what we were planning on doing tonight, and got slightly sad when i realized nothing was gonna happen.....

We're at this oval place,about 400m by 100m. Some gang wants us dead, so we're here to battle them off. We arm ourselves, and i get an assault rifle with a 16th century pistol. It has 2 barrels and has ammunition the a little bit smaller than a pea. i test the pistol out by shooting it around. 1 bounced off the ground and hit Fraser. He said it really hurt, and i worried that when i shot it, it won't kill. I go to pick up all of my bullets, but they've turned into those half popped popcorn things at the bottom of the box at the cinema. There's about 25 guys lined up in front of us now, and for some reason i had this big dead bush strapped to my chest.

Me and Fraser are in this car, and they're chasing us. Fraser's driving while i shoot. I kill all of the enemy. The last guy jumped hell high and landed at the back of our truck. My assault rifle ran out of ammo, so i grabbed a handgun from my side and shot his around 20x in the head, before he finally died.
Once again, when i've run out of options in a dream i reach behind to my waist and pull out a handgun.

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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #40 on: May 22, 2010, 12:27:11 AM »
Rotto: Girlfriend

I'm at Rottnest and Alana wants to go out with me. I don't really want to but she persuades me.  I was with a group of friends and we were going to go to this cliff. The Rottnest landscape was warped, to what it was like in another dream i had ages ago, but i didn't recognize that. Jasper bumped into us, as we were walking and kept going on about jumping off a tree. As we came up to the tree he got scared and didn't jump.

We found the cliff/spur. We went along the side of it, in line with the water. It started off natural, but ended up being a mass of houses really close together, sorta like a slum. As we went further it got increasingly difficult to climb. There was 2 small ledges and i was on the top 1. A tiny kid ran by about the size of my shoe. Turns out if was Fraser as a child. I was amazed at how different he was.

Get to the end of the cliff. Alana who was in front of me fell into the water, and did this massive leap into the house we were passing by. Somehow by the time she landed on the bed she wasn't wet anymore. there was a plastic roof. Chris through a ball up there, and it rolled into the water. I know understood that the house we were in was Alana's. We started to make out, but our mouths were really dry, It was really awkward. His dad came in and started talking to Whinny like they were mates (btw Whinny was Alana's ex). His dad's body language, says that he doesn't like me :( . We all went into the lounge room. His dad gave a small speech about how he was happy that i was with Alana (it seemed sarcastic), and told me to share why i loved Alana. It was horrible, i decided that i was going to lie, because i didn't love Alana, but i couldn't think of anything to say, so i just kinda stood there..... woke up.

Zombies: COD

At one of the COD levels (estate, at the bottom of the hill), and i was actually there, not just playing it on a screen. (in the past there's been dreams were its like reality, but the gun won't come out of my sight. But this time i was just running around and jumping) I was armed with and assault rifle and a shotgun. There was a flag i had to protect, and i was running around shooting people, was hell good at it as well. The enemy was hell retarded and i could run up to their face before they realized i was there.

For some reason i started yelling out that they had turned into zombies (I don't remember seeing them as zombies before i said it tho). Now there was about 20 zombies chasing me. I emptied my assault rifles clip, but didn't have enough time to reload, so i had to protect myself with the shotgun. But these zombies were fast! they could keep up with my pace. Palle was one of them, and i didn't want to waste bullets so i hit him with the shotgun. I felt bad because it didn't kill him, and it felt weird trying to hurt a friend.... but he was trying kill me, so its ok. I ran away and Palle was fast on my trail, so i started shooting at him. But he wouldn't die! i shot him like 10x.

Ran into this parking lot. Jumped on top of the cars, and started jumping from 1 to the next. They were like trampolines :) . A big gap came up and i attempted to make it. I didn't and face planted on the ground. But it didn't hurt, the ground was really soft. The Zombies were closing in. I focused really hard of trying to fly, with me mind. It worked and i was going really fast..... woke up.   


Some guy was angry at me, because of my crap handwriting, but he wasn't allowed to insult me. It was weird cause his body language was the opposite of what he was saying.
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #41 on: May 22, 2010, 06:42:33 AM »
It was weird cause his body language was the opposite of what he was saying.

That drives me NUTS in real life.
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #42 on: May 23, 2010, 12:48:37 AM »
That drives me NUTS in real life.

I've always been fascinated by how much we read people by the body, instead of what they say. But yes it is very annoying, in the dream it was that, but like amplified heaps, made me very uneasy.

Fragmented: Ben C

The dream kept jumping scenes really fast. 1 of them was me and Ben C at a shopping center, and there was avatar on on of the TV's. Another was at school, and i was at study leave. It was the end of the day, and the teacher in charge said 4 us to study at home, because all we did was talk during the day. 

Party: Weed

Was at a party, don't recognize the house. I was at the front door, and i dropped half an ounce of weed on the floor. Geoff was there, picked it up and asked why i was carrying. Said i was sick, and that was my treatment. Went into the persons bedroom with Meg. kept trying to shut the blinds because everybody could see, through them. By the time we finally got the blinds to shut, Meg had to go.

I run out the back gate, because i heard somebody mention that the police where here, and i still had the bag. I tried to bury it, but it just wouldn't work, it was like it was floating. Sophie followed me, and i had to act casual, and talk to her 4 a bit.

Fragmented: Foreign country

At some foreign country, and was running back to my hotel parcour style. Entered the hotel, and asked for something. They all laughed at me, i think i pronounced it wrong or something, but they understood what i wanted. Went up the my room, and started changing. My brother and sister had been hiding in my room, and i got angry at them.

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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #43 on: May 24, 2010, 04:39:17 AM »
Fragmented: Badi

I was able to hit the shuttle really far easily, on my backhand.

Crime: journey

I'm at my old house, and my father's extended family is round. My cousins decide to go to the shops, and i say i'll meet with them on the way. I went to different shops, but realized before i went too far. I had to cross the main road to meet them. I sprinted across the road, narrowly missed by incoming traffic. Rachel (cuz) asked why i would do that. I answered saying i wanted to feel the thrill. We then had a chat about cheese. We were discussing how its annoying when you come to the end of a cheese block when your grating it, and you have to keep doing it until its really small. She did some funny expression i found hilarious. Walking by the first shops i see Chanel, but she wasn't in a state to talk, i think she might have been working.

I'm in some guys house. Apparently we only recently knew each other and his name was luke. i was looking around his house, and he had photo's of the old Luke i know. We went outside and everything seemed to have been shaded with white. I was now with the old Luke, jezza, ben, and old Luke's brother Elliot. I started talking to Elliot about stuff, and felt sorry for him, because he seemed to be struggling. We were at this building for a new housing estate, and there were all these old people sitting down having coffee. Somebody with the group i was with, kept going on about why nobody has invented something like a toilet for the ground (in that people can just pee, and it will go through the ground with holes in it. like birds).

I'm with Ben, Luke and jezza. We're walking around at this street festival. Ben is claiming to be a drug dealing and is waving around an ounce. I tell him he should keep a low profile, but he doesn't listen. Police sirens go off, and Ben panics. his looking for a place to hide the stuff, but can't so he just throws it in the middle of the road. They bolt, and i decide i'll stick around and pick up the ounce if the cops weren't looking for Ben. I haven't done anything wrong, so i just walk slowly up the road with my hood down. The cop car goes up and adjacent street, so i try to grab the ounce and run, but before i pick it up, i see the head of the cop car around the corner. Too much heat, so i run away to this corner store.

i enter and i go to buy some food. I knew 2 of the people working and they said if i waited an hour they would give the stuff away for free. I decide not to wait around so i just buy the food for half price. I pull out a hundred dollars in cash, and the counter girl, grabs all the money. I hold on tight and we have this weird face-off. her hand slips, and she ends up with a $5 note. She says something about being jealous that i still have $30. I look down and correct her that its $80. 
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #44 on: May 24, 2010, 08:58:27 PM »
Post-apocalypse: sorta nightmarish

I'm with a group of people, and where at this old market place. I'm trying to get on top of 1 if the roofs. Everybody has been 'awakened'. Nobody remembers what has happened but, we're all at this new, neat, built up area with a freeway on it (but no cars). Nobody can contact any1 via a phone. I spend the majority of the dream, trying to work out what has happened.

The army has arrived, and is trying to set up some sort of government. I go around shooting the army people, and when they kill me, i just re spawn somewhere else. It seemed socially accepted at the time. I go to one of my friends shops, that she had set up after the awakening. While i'm in there, the police/military raid the place and kill her. I act like i'm not involved so they don't kill me.

Eventually i find out what happened. Some kind of massive flash flood had hit all the major cities of the world, and we were some of the very select few, who had survived.

It seems a lot like Jericho the TV series.
This dream is weird, because i don't remember it being scary, but the general layout of the dream seems like something nightmarish.
Once again everything a a white-ish shade to it, especially the freeway.

Leaning to fight: School

I'm at my school, at the top of the main oval. It seems that school has just finished, with all the people around. I want to learn how to fight, so i organize a Buddhist monk to teach me how to train my mind, and Alice (twilight) to teach me how to physically fight. The Monk and Alice don't like each other, but they make an effort for me. We head towards the bottom oval for training, except i need to go to the toilet. So i go to the pavilion, except all these football players are waiting in line.
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