Author Topic: Arliatis's dream journal  (Read 84329 times)

Offline feist

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #45 on: May 25, 2010, 06:36:43 AM »
Nice mentors you got there!

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #46 on: May 26, 2010, 11:05:13 AM »
Remember quite a few last night :)

Tiny lucid: monopoly

I'm on top of a building. I see the girl that was on NCIS last night. I realized i was dreaming because if her smile (weird way to realize i'm dreaming). I was upset that it was all a dream for some reason, because whatever happens, isn't real.

I'm being chased by some guys, and i run up a staircase. Somehow i barricade the door, so they have to go the long way up. I reach a random floor and enter one of the office rooms. Luke, Jezza and Whinny are also hiding there. One of the guys chasing me finds me, and asks for me to give him the money i owe him.

It turns out we were playing a game of monopoly. Apparently i landed on somebodies property and need to pay them money. There's some confusion about what the payment is actually asking (the wording is slightly confusing). Ray (Lukes dad) was sitting at his desk doing some accounting stuff, and he put in his opinion. He explained why i was bankrupt, and it was all clear, and i excepted defeat.

COD the movie

This was 1 weird dream.
I'm in this cinema going to see COD the movie (need to stop playing this game!). It is the 1st day of release. I'm sitting at the front half of the cinema. There's groups of people sitting behind me and somebody else, but forget who. And they won't shut up! The movie begins, and whenever somebody dies, they start going crazy like "ohhhhhh daaammmm!!!!". This was annoying but when the chapter title came up of AC130 they took it to the next level. This time they got up out of their seats and started hi fiving each other and gasping in amazement as they watched some guy kill people from the plane. 

I must say, it was kinda entertaining watching the screen go, but the people behind me were pissing me off. Mr Bean (my head of year) the came in and told everybody to sit down and threatened if people didn't calm down we would all be thrown out. I was about to go ape at him, saying that it was totally unfair to take away my ticket with out a refund, for a reason i wasn't involved in. But he gave me this look of understanding and walked off saying that he had, had enough of groups like this. He mentioned something about having enough all ready from the first 2 screenings.

Illegal trading: fake money

I'm outside some club thats on the river front. Gordan this guy i haven't seen since about yr 8, was there with some of his friends. He gave me a fifty dollar note. I don't remember what i gave him in exchange tho. As he was walking away, i realize that the note was fake, because the 50 was smaller length wise, than compared to a 20 i has in my pocket. I run after him, demanding that he gives me real money, or i take whatever i had given him, back.

One of the girls he was with started yelling to Gordan to run. We had a face-off. She was pretty good at fighting, but i seemed to have lightning fast reflex's and was blocking everything. I remember distinctively that i did a really cool block-counter to her ax kick. i made a lunge for Gordan while she was distracted for a second. I grabbed hold of him, but the girl also grabbed me, and tried to pull me into the water. I was overtaken by her, but i also dragged Gordan in. I ended up getting my 50 dollars back :)

Fragmented: Loading a gun

I'm in a partnership for this gun/turret. My friend aims and fires, while i make sure the gun has ammunition. I'm confused/scared the ammunition i got for the gun, isn't enough.

Solomon Islands: School

I'm in the computer suite for Geography. There's some kind of test on, except we're doing it as a group. I'm given the question by my teacher, but there's some weird terminology. I say out loud at one point, that this doesn't even make sense, i've never seen these words before (I had a geography exam today, so the information is fresh in my mind). I end up spending a lot of time just looking and re-reading the question. I get a bit stressed at the amount of time i was wasting, but what could i do, i didn't know what to say.

I'm at an airport with my geography class. The test is still going. One of the requirements is to piss on the ground. I'm taken aback by the task. Everybody else seems fine with the task, and starts peeing on the ground. I'm the only one who doesn't, and Mr Henderson grabs my shoulder and shouts out my head of house's name. He says that i'm the only one who didn't complete the task. Mr Will (head of house) comes over to me and asks why i didn't complete the task, like i was in trouble. I make up the excuse that i was going to do it, but i couldn't because i had just gone to the toilet minutes beforehand.

Mr Will seemed satisfied with my excuse but said he still had to punish me. He told me to go and get some food and supplies from the chopper. I'm now in what seems to be PNG or Solomon Islands (but most probably Solomon islands because as i was going to sleep, i was trying to visualize Tulagi, the island i visited in as much detail as possible, turns out i can remember quite a bit :) but i want to see if my SC can help me remember more). I go to get the stuff, and realize when i get there, thats this is going to take forever. When i got back to the hut, i saw my year 11 ball dates mum. I said hi but she just looked at me, she seemed really angry.

I turned to go back to get more supplies, and saw on top of 1 of the shelves there were paint tins filled with really cheap whiskey. I made a mental note to try some later. As i went out there was some white women sitting at a table. She asked me why i didn't stop to talk to her before, when i walked passed. I said sorry and that i didn't hear her, explaining that i was engaged in my own thoughts. I sat down and started talking to her. She's annoying and i end up leaving, when she mentions something about a cave.

The local children had school to go to, and they had PE. They were running laps around this oval, and were fast. I put on my backpack, and ran to the other side of the oval, where the cave was. I got to the other end, they local people were all looking at me, probably because of my ethnicity. At the end of the oval was this 2m high mud hill. I tried to get up it, but kept slipping. Soon everybody was trying to climb it, and some were getting over. I was annoyed because, now the cave wasn't an individual experience, but as a group.

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Offline feist

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #47 on: May 26, 2010, 03:29:45 PM »
Great recall, Arliatis!

Funny COD dream...
I haven't played in over a month, i'm gonna start again next week, i can't believe i miss playing a stupid videogame!
Alot of my friends are so addicted to that game... Seriously the hours they put into it, crazy!

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #48 on: May 26, 2010, 04:53:51 PM »
haha i know, its the same thing over and over again, but there's something about violence. I don't normally play very often, because i don't have time during the week, or even the weekend, but have study leave atm, and got a lot of time to waste.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #49 on: May 26, 2010, 10:12:52 PM »
Alternating Realities

I'm going to sleep. I go straight into a dream scenario. Me and a group of people were trying to reach something on top of a hill. we got ambushed, and people were getting shot with stun guns. I wasn't at the top of the hill, but put my hands up in surrender so they wouldn't stun me. They put me in hand cuffs with out the chain thing.

Eventually some spirit guy came and did some ritual on me. It was nothing major, just a few words and embraces to the sky, but they got me out of my hand cuffs. I was confused, and didn't know what was happening. I went up to the leader and talked to him, and i think i became part of his crew. I 'wake up'.

I'm at this farm thing. Its like the real reality is the dream. I walk around city beach for a while, and its kinda boring. I think i'm with people but nothing interesting occurred. So i went back to my little farm place and back to sleep. I work up to the middle of a battle. My commander seems to trust me as 1 of his own now, and he was in the middle of saying to the police general, to fire there crappy weapons. 

Party: Embarrassment

I'm at school. There's a debate going on, among some of the teacher's and the spokesman of marijuana used for healing. I remember Mr Watt was going on about, what happened to the school library with all of the patterned tiles and graffiti. At some point Ben does some really weird joke on a kid that came to the wrong class.

I was down at the chapel waiting to be picked up by my parents. They came in my car, except it was dark blue instead of silver. I didn't question it. When in the car they asked if i wanted to go down to Mandurah with them. I said know, because its the weekend after exams, its gonna be big. They ask what parties i'm gonna go to, and i say some Skye persons. My mum says she doesn't want me to go, but i don't listen to that.

So i rock up at this Skye's party. Its at the school?? Everybody i know is there. I meet up with Jezza and he hands me my ticket. Its a lotto ticket. He says just fold over all the gambling crap and it looks like the ticket. I don't like it, but go for the idea anyway. Go down to the pool and some dance is carried out but some girls in really tight bathers. Then a raffle is done, and Kate D wins, who was sitting next to me.

Then Mr Moir calls out my name and tells me to leave. It was really embarrassing, because there was like 100ppl watching, but i took it better than i thought i would. Just got up and walked out.

Study Leave: Train

Its study leave except all the students have to work at school. Its dark and raining (normally means something bad is going to happen.... or maybe thats just for lucid's), and makes the environment not too nice. During one of the breaks, i make out with Meg in one of the corners, and a teacher walks by. the next day there was an announcement that there were going to be stricter rules during the leave.

The day was much brighter with the sun out. I was having a break and went to this kitchen to get some food. Ben J and Simon S were talking over some food as well. I then find myself trying to get to this train, with Father Dougal, Jack S and Tavis. We have to cross the train tracks but the trains are coming fast and close together. Eventually we get to the back of the train.
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Offline feist

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #50 on: May 27, 2010, 06:07:21 AM »
haha i know, its the same thing over and over again, but there's something about violence. I don't normally play very often, because i don't have time during the week, or even the weekend, but have study leave atm, and got a lot of time to waste.

What's you PS3 id? I'll kick your butt!  :D

Alternating Realities

So you dreamed, then woke up (still in a dream), and then went back to sleep and dreamed a sequel?! Cool!

Its study leave except all the students have to work at school. Its dark and raining (normally means something bad is going to happen.... or maybe thats just for lucid's), and makes the environment not too nice.

Often in my lucids the weather's dark and gloomy to! I think for me this mostly happens when the dream is unstable...

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #51 on: May 27, 2010, 09:29:33 AM »

What's you PS3 id? I'll kick your butt!  :D

So you dreamed, then woke up (still in a dream), and then went back to sleep and dreamed a sequel?! Cool!

Often in my lucids the weather's dark and gloomy to! I think for me this mostly happens when the dream is unstable...

haha i dunno.... i'm pretty amazing.
I only have x-box tho, i'm guessing you only have it on PS3?

I've noticed my dreams are getting much more complicated like this, can never trust what i think i know about my real reality.
So last night i was asleep, and i dreamed that whenever i slept (in the dream) i was transported to some place. I new it was a dream, so in a sense i was lucid, but i don't remember feeling lucid. The best comparrison is Avatar when he gets transported into his blue person body.

have you ever tried changing the weather?? I've been trying to make my dreams lighter, but i find it very difficult.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #52 on: May 28, 2010, 04:39:23 AM »
Fragmented: lost Zack

I'm at the front of my house, and forget i have my bird (Zack) on my shoulder. He flies to the car, and i yell for my dad to come out and get him, in a anxious way (Zack loves my dad... not so much me :( ).

Nightmare: brother on a killing spree

I've got written down as notes: "nightmare. At place to go set off a smoke bomb. Nathan there." this doesn't spark anything :( would've liked to remember setting off a bomb.

I'm at lake Monger (which was near my old house). Christian (my brother) has just killed someone. I remember seeing a knife go through a persons mouth and up through the brain. I throw him to the ground and start choking him. As i was doing this i was yelling at him, asking why he did it and trying to get as much information as possible, so i can decide what to do. Once i thought i had got as much as i would out of him i let him go. I was freaking out, and didn't feel safe around him. He wasn't acting normal, and had emotionally cold body language and the sentences he strung together were really evilly calm.

Its like he didn't understand the severity of what he had just done, and thats what angered me the most. He says something along the lines of "Leonardo De Caprio considers being chocked to death peaceful". We are climbing these what i think was Bamboo, to my school oval. As we go up I threaten my brother, that if he ever looks into killing people again, i will kill him. I'm at my school, and i bump into Mr Ashton (my old ancient history teacher). He remembers my old phone number, but adds an extra 6 when there should only be 1.

Alanna: Matrix

I'm with Alanna at her house, but it looks like my grandparents house. She shows me this matrix thing. Apparently Neo, in the third movie watcher the first two matrix's. It is like this documentary, which explains in detail all of the philosophical meanings. While watching the movie, we begin to make out, but half way through she pulls away, and tells me to go (she was acting like she had a bf or something).

English: Jack

I'm in English class, but in a different room to normal. Jack is sitting next to me. He draws a dick on my pencil case and starts trying to stab me with his compass. It was really annoying, so i started fighting back, to try and get him to stop. Sometime during the lesson, Matt Z gets up and does a speech. I didn't know we had to have them ready by today. i start to try and cram in some rough notes for what i could bullshit about. Mr Clark shows that, i'm doing mine in about 2weeks time so its ok, but i also have at least 3 other assignments due tomorrow which i haven't started.

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Offline feist

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #53 on: May 28, 2010, 06:02:05 AM »
haha i dunno.... i'm pretty amazing.
I only have x-box tho, i'm guessing you only have it on PS3?

That's to bad, i'm on PS3, i never liked xbox, but it would've been nice to have some worthy competition once in a while! ;)

I've noticed my dreams are getting much more complicated like this, can never trust what i think i know about my real reality.
So last night i was asleep, and i dreamed that whenever i slept (in the dream) i was transported to some place. I new it was a dream, so in a sense i was lucid, but i don't remember feeling lucid. The best comparrison is Avatar when he gets transported into his blue person body.

I haven't seen avater yet, but this reminds me of a dream i had not so long ago! I got captured by some robots and they programmed me and unleashed me in some sort of fake virtual reality! I wasn't lucid, but i did know everything wasn't real! I counted it as a lucid, it was an awsome dream!

have you ever tried changing the weather?? I've been trying to make my dreams lighter, but i find it very difficult.

I've only tried it once, and that was in my second LD ever! Ofcourse it didn't work!

I'm at lake Monger (which was near my old house). Christian (my brother) has just killed someone. I remember seeing a knife go through a persons mouth and up through the brain.

That's hardcore!

I'm in English class, but in a different room to normal. Jack is sitting next to me. He draws a dick on my pencil case and starts trying to stab me with his compass.

Hahaha, we just to do those things to eachother all the time in high school!  :D

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #54 on: May 29, 2010, 02:41:22 AM »

I haven't seen avater yet, but this reminds me of a dream i had not so long ago! I got captured by some robots and they programmed me and unleashed me in some sort of fake virtual reality! I wasn't lucid, but i did know everything wasn't real! I counted it as a lucid, it was an awsome dream!

I've only tried it once, and that was in my second LD ever! Ofcourse it didn't work!

That's hardcore!

Hahaha, we just to do those things to eachother all the time in high school!  :D

You should, will give you some inspiration for lucid dreams, hell want to try and go to the place. I remember reading that, was it about a month ago?

I was hell successful on my first lucid, got heeps of stuff done :) and now slowly its becoming more difficult.

I don't remember there being too much blood, so it wasn't that bad. but freaked me out.

makes time go faster, and its only English, so its not like its too important. I'm gonna miss school, as much as i hate it.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #55 on: May 29, 2010, 11:05:31 PM »
Rotto: quest

I'm at Rottnest. I'm staying on a boat with my family, and Carla and Meg are with me. My entire family steals a bunch of bikes. I get rid of my bike early, except my family doesn't and they leave it outside the boat. sadly there were heeps of police officers around! it was very intimidating.

I want to go to the chemist to see if they have any dopamine or any other type of neurotransmitters, to help induce a lucid dream. I don't end up finding any :( . I get out of the chemist and have a vision of Louis driving a tractor down a hill. He was going really fast, and it was like a 50 degree drop. Eventually he crashes, and i'm transported to the crash site. I see his helmet and pull him out. Its only his head and i don't know what happened to his body. I tell him, there's no way this is real, and its obviously an edited video clip.

I'm back at the chemist, and i bump into Carla and Meg. They ask if i want to go for a swim with them at the main beach. I say yes, except they start walking towards Pinkies. I ask if they meant Pinkies, and they say they were heading east. I tell them that pinkies is north, and they just laugh (wow, even in my dreams i can work out compass directions). As we leave we bump into Lucas and a group of people. We talk for a while, and never end up going for that swim :( i'm with a group of people, and i'm not sure who it is, but i know Meg is still with me. and we start to head for Fort Knox. I pass CJ, Jezza, and Luke. I shake their hands and mention that i had a dream about them the other night.
We're at Fort Knox from James Bond. Except it doesn't look anything like it. I wanted to climb over all of the stone bridges and rocks, except i decide not to, because of all the police around. Instead i go for a walk, and ask if anybody wants to come with me. Meg says ok. We don't go far, just through a small forest along a path, and end up at this weird church. At first i was going to walk past it, but Meg demands that we go and look at it.

At the top of the stairs theres lots of ancient Greek monster things (e.g. monitor, Medusa). Some guy from my school comes running up the stairs, asking me if i see a symbol for this mission thing his on. I spot it right away and point it out to him. I realize that his doing what i did a while ago. While his trying to work out what the symbol is asking of him, i tell him to follow me. I go to a stand with a hymn book. There's another symbol. I tell him to look for something like 'sand of times' or 'armory'. Father Tim (my old religious leader at school) is at the church, and is intrigued in what we're doing. I explain about this special puzzle quiz, and i'm a bit surprised he isn't aware of it.

My guy can't find the key words, so i have a look myself. I can't find it either, because the words keep shifting around. Eventually i give, up because the school bell went about 10mins ago (i guess i'm at school now). Father Tim looks into my backpack, and pulls out my dream journal (why was that in my backpack?) He starts reading it out loud, and it doesn't seem to make much sense. Eventually he understands that its a book about my dreams, and i'm surprised about his knowledge about the subject, but i don't press the matter because i want to go to class (human biology, i checked my timetable while he was reading the book) and see my exam result. He gives me a note with his signature to give to my teacher.

Urg! I had like.... 3 major mentions of dreams, and even lucid dreams!

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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #56 on: May 31, 2010, 09:29:44 AM »
Fragmented: defence

All i remember is that i'm with a group of people and we're defending the top story of a house with guns.

Leave home: rich party

I'm buying a block of land for myself. Its at the top of a muddy hill. I'm broke now, and have to live of very little. Some guy is trying to rape me a Palle. He keeps me captive in this cage thing overnight, but eventually i kill him.

I'm at this fancy party. Once again everything seems very white. There's an adults party going on. Zack (my bird) is on the opposite side of this fence, chirping. I try to get him, but can't see a way around the fence. I'm down the side of the house/estate where the ground is made out of gravel, and there's several walkway bridges leading to the house. I'm with other people my age, and they are all wearing expensive clothes..... i think i might also be dressed up. They are arrogant and annoy me.

We are playing some sort of game, involving politics. The lengths we go to are very extreme. 1 of the other candidates stabs himself in the heart with a throwing knife, so it looks like i killed him. somehow his still able to run, even tho his dead.

Last night was very annoying! i attempted to WILD, but every time i started feeling the shaking thing, my heart/breathing rate went up and i became too conscious. Does this happen to any1 else? if so is there any way to stop it? Eventually i gave up trying and just went to sleep.

Also I thinks its HI, but i'm not too sure because i don't normally get it. but as i was trying to go to sleep after the WBTB i was trying to imagine a scene so hopefully i would go there. It wasn't as if it was physically there, more like i was watching myself go around in a dream, but in pictures every 5secs or something. I'm not too sure how to explain it, but it was like i was lucid.
e.g. i was walking around my suburb and there were incoming cars. I decided to walk in front of them and see what happens, because i knew it was a 'dream'. I could also control what my DC's would do. For example, this girl was leading me around this house. we were going down this basement, and i didn't want to go into a room or something so i used my mind to turn her around and show me other area's of the house.
In a way its like in-between a lucid dream, and just imagining stuff in my head.   
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #57 on: June 01, 2010, 06:27:24 AM »
Crap recall, had a deep sleeping night rather tired.

looking after sister: post-apocalypse

I'm at this resort place, and by the weather it looks like somewhere in the tropics. I'm really poor, and just trying to do work anywhere to get some money. At one point i'm swimming in the water and i get in the way of a ferry. I've noted down that the society is old fashioned. I think my parents and brother have died, because i have to look after Gigi. i remember that we have to sleep on these couches down a moldy alleyway, but they seem somewhat cleanish. Some guy was mean to me, so i start a war against him and begin to strategise ways to destroy him.

Resort: Lagoon

I'm at this real fancy resort. It looks similar to one of the hell unique resorts at Dubai. There was all these villa's aligned on a hillside, sounding a lagoon. The design of the buildings are similar, to a resort i went to in Egypt. The lagoon was really amazing in an artificial way. It kept the right amount of nature, while introducing some man-made attractions. The base of the lagoon was sandy like the beach. For some reason, couples were having sex under the water while, there were families and children playing around.

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #58 on: June 02, 2010, 05:48:49 AM »
Australia Day!: good party

I'm walking towards the city along the freeway from the south. Some street entertainer gets the attention of the group of people i'm with. I know for certain that Ben J, is with me. The entertainer had an old CD player and turned on some music. Everybody started dancing randomly, like they did off Weed's.

I'm shopping with Ben. Its either Australia day or New years Eve. As the afternoon goes on, he takes me to this rave/club place. I have to get a stamp on my hand, to get in. At first when i enter it looks like a normal rave with flashing/neon lights and crap. As time progresses the rave turns into some girls house, and she's hosting a Churchlands party (Churchlands is the school down the road from mine, and they have real good parties). There is a great ratio! and all the women are really hot. to add to it all the girls are in bikini's and in the spa.

As it heads towards the last hour of sunlight. i leave the Churchlands party, and go to a Hale party. I remember seeing Sam J and talking to him for a bit, but the other party is way better, so i leave and head back to it. I walk back along this road. In the middle of the road is a massive gate. The gate is owned by one of the neighbors, and everybody has allowed for there gate to be in the middle of the road, because it stops people speeding, and the owners are efficient in opening the gate. The road abruptly ends at my house. It appears to be the back door. i enter and yell out to my parents i'll be home later tonight, and leave through a door on the right.

I'm back at the Churchlands party. I now know that the girl host is called Brownie. I remember seeing an invitation informing that her parents are away, but come back the day after. Chris comes to the party. His parents are also with him. His dad seems very angry, and is checking everybody's drinks and destroying them. He comes up to me and tips soy sauce into my mouth. I think it somehow tells him if i've been drinking.... now i think about it, i hadn't had 1 drink, and he just moved on to the next person. Me and Brownie hook up in the spa while Chris's dad is searching everybody. At some point the music gets turned up loud again. For some reason me and Brownie keep spinning laying down.

Me and Brownie get separated for some reason. I then 'find' her again and hook up again. Either it wasn't Brownie or she somehow got braces. The spa loses most of its water, and i leave to spa because i get cold. Its now night, and there is a full moon. Theres several wooden picnic tables lined up like it is at the shopping center near my house. Matt Z is there, and his tripping out. He goes on about each table needed to have its own person moon or something. so his carving a moon into each table, with a knife. 

Weird, it seems that time went somewhat normally.
Beg: FL, SO, RC, TR, ND, TD, EF, LW, CL
Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
Adv: LW, SC, TT, VP, OS

Completed May Advanced Lucid Challenge

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #59 on: June 04, 2010, 09:56:01 PM »
Nightmare: Fahrenheit 451

I'm at Rottnest with Palle. We go to the settlement shops. We bump into Zenon, and we talk about the Solomon Islands. Apparently he grew up there, and we went on about how there beaches can't be beaten. He also says that he was evicted from the country by bad behavior. He says to come back to his place, because his family wants to meet me. Palle tags along. I have to take a big step up into his house. His mum looks at me in a judging way.  His Sisters top keeps falling down on the other side of the room, and she seems oblivious to it. At some point around here, i'm watching a youtube clip of a documentary on character profiles in the matrix and Starwars. Naomi dies and all that remains of her is the skin of her boob, and half her face...kinda repulsive.

I'm back at my 'place' and Palle isn't with me. I walk up these stairs, but can't go any further becasue of a plain of glass. A mental wave hits me: i've recently had amnesia, which was brought about by the society i'm living with, because i didn't want to live in their confined house and wanted to outside. I desperately want to get out of this place, and start breaking all of the glass, and i begin to search for some kind of machine. Theres beads down the staircase and i break them as well.

I end up in the kitchen when i hear my dad coming down the stairs. I search for some weapons. I was hoping for a large defending knife, with a smaller aggressive knife, but i could only find the big 1. My dad attempts to calm me down, and i start yelling at him, saying this is what happened last time. I started going on about how i don't want to live in a perfectly logical world, and that i like things that don't make sense like dreams. He continues to talk to me in a patronizing manner and i give up trying to argue.

Christian who was playing the x-box comes out, and attempts to disarm me. Palle and Gene(Palle's brother) try to also disarm me, and i swing the knife around telling them to get back (at this point i'm seriously considering if i'm mentally unstable). I don't actually want to hurt them, so i hit them with the side of the knife. My brother tries to tackle me twice, but both times i do a really cool counter, and he ends up on the ground.

School trip: Dubai

I'm in this bus with Alana, Chris, Ben C, and Aimee. Where in Dubai which looks a lot like Cairo. Me and Aimee say we've both been here before, and we comment on how the place is a lot less polluted compared to last time. The girls talk about how they're gonna miss this trip, and i feel similar, whatever happened it was fun. We're staying at some hotel that me, Aimee, and Whinny had stayed in last time we came here.

Afghanistan soldiers: Cliff

I'm watching in 3rd person with a narrator in the background explaining how Afghanistan soldiers are climbing the cliffs and jumping off them. Its really dangerous and there have been high rates of death. I'm transported into being a soldier who's climbing the last few meters of the cliff. Its really high, but i manage to clime it confidently. Almost instantaneously i take a small run up and jump off the cliff. Its probably around a height of 50m or something, because i was in the air for around 3secs and i was falling at a speed very similar to gravity. I entered the water not landing on either of the 2 adjacent reefs and hit the bottom. A plastic bag got stuck on my leg, and i thought it was some kind of crab, and had half a heart attack.

I swim to shore which was a couple of 100meters away. There were heeps of stingers! the feeling was very real! After going on shore i have to go through a metal detector. It picks something up on my shoulders. The guy lifts up my shirt, but he can't find anything, so i'm free to go.

Morning after Matt Z's: Pizza Pasta

Its the morning after Matt Z's and i'm riding my bike back from his house. I don't have a hang over, but i'm just really tired. I see lots of other teenagers riding bikes home, and i assume its the same situation. I go down this massive hill, and have to ride up a 1 as well. My brain even included the slightly increased pain in my legs, because i went to the gym the other day IRL. I get to Pizza Pasta and want to by some breakfast. I get a choc-honeycomb supershake and a battered fish (probably not the best decision). Jammo is with me, and his buying lots of sugar stuff like donuts, and i have some. My dad is here now, and his getting angry at how my siblings are eating sugary crap, so i keep a low profile on this couch.  

School: tactical knifing

I'm running around killing people in a tactical knife stance. I come round a corner and these Pokemon block my way. I try to stab them, but they're made out of rock, so it doesn't work. I run away. now when i try to stab normal people it doesn't work. I attempt to stab Paddy but it only pricks his finger. Mr Wallman (human bio teacher) looks at me in a displeasing way. I think that its his own fault, how did he possibly think he could enjoy a peaceful stroll in the world of COD?
Beg: FL, SO, RC, TR, ND, TD, EF, LW, CL
Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
Adv: LW, SC, TT, VP, OS

Completed May Advanced Lucid Challenge