Author Topic: Arliatis's dream journal  (Read 84328 times)

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #60 on: June 04, 2010, 10:26:32 PM »
Hosting party: Out of control

I'm at my 'house' which is completely different to the 1 IRL, and my parents have left town for a couple of days. So i decide to host a party. Its small and nothing major. I wake up the next morning and start to get ready for school. For some reason all the Churchlands people started turning up, while i was going to school (which was just down the road). I decided to just leave them to go wild, because i know most of them.

At school, i'm going on some kind of field trip. As i sit down on the bus i decide i'll just skip the excursion and see how my house is going. I ask the bus driver to go past my house, but he goes the wrong way, and eventually i just get out. its raining, and my mum picks me up. We drive back to the house, and she just goes away somewhere. I enter the house and nobody is there. The place is clean and nothing seems to be stolen so i'm ok with it.

I'm then forced to go to Lancelin with my mum. I go but unhappily. There's a big spur with a boardwalk. I'm walking along there and my mum starts saying that my exam marks weren't good enough and i crack. I swear at her, and this lady behind us says "language".
"Sorry Mame," i answer sarcastically, and she gives me an evil look.
I see my grandad, and shake hands with me.

I'm at our..... farm or other property now (doesn't exist IRL). I'm going to host another party. Apparently Pendulum was performing tonight, so i wasn't expecting many people. But heeps of people turned up, like around 200. My property consisted of a tin shed, with a small house, that is sited in some sand dunes, near a main road. I see me dad come down the entrance. I go up to him and try to explain that half the people are going to Pendulum with in the hour. He seems pretty calm about it. Everybody leaves when my dad comes, but they come back eventually. Some dero guys start breaking my chicken cage. There were 2 of them, and they were big. I tried to tell them to stop but they were just toying with me. I jump the drunker 1, and bring him to the ground. My knees keep his arms down and i press my thumbs against his eyes. i threaten to blind him, if he doesn't leave.

I wake up, and everybody is gone. The other dero probably knocked me out or something. I see my dad in his bed and i wake him up, asking what happened. He doesn't know either. I go to the entrance of the property at the road. I get a text message, but don't get to read it because I see 1 of the guys from last night. His on some kind of task to see if me and my dad are taken care of, and his pretending to be a jogger. I sprint after him, and catch up to him (he was pretty slow). It takes me a while, because he takes a lot of punches to the head and he drops his ipod. There was something really important about that ipod. A small explosion is caused to the side of it, and the dero runs after the ipod. Eventually the ipod explodes and the dero falls to his knees. I take the same stance as last time, but the guy doesn't care because he broke the ipod.

Theres some kind of montage, about a 'religious group' which isn't religious and is just a front for an anarchist gang. Their aim is to kill the queen.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #61 on: June 05, 2010, 11:06:39 PM »
Nightmare: under attack

I'm at Jurassic Park. There are these tiny dinosaurs. They enlarge and begin to attack the people i was with. I run away. 1 dinosaur was a frog and it scared me the most along with the snake dinosaurs. I get to this Playground place, and the dinosaurs are going crazy. I somehow find a way to get up to the top of this wall. I think people are throwing the venomous snakes at me. Anyways i can dodge them easily, and the snakes fangs get stuck in the wall. I get down from the wall and go into a crane/playground. I do this really cool thing, where i ran up this metal path, and when i got to the other side it lifted up and the dinosaurs couldn't follow. I got away from the dinosaurs while the group of people i was with was getting slaughtered.

I'm at somebody's house, and someone tells me there are people from mortal mist waiting outside. I go outside and the driver gets out in some weird uniform and says i've won a prize. I don't believe him, and start to get ready for fight-or-flight. Sure enough 2 other guys then get out of the back, and they all start to walk towards me. I think i've stolen something from them, and they've come to beat me to a pulp. I pull out a pocket knife
(I lost it a while ago, but was really good!) i threaten them. They keep coming closer (why is it my DC's are unafraid of knives??? Not once have my knife threats worked)

They surround me, and 1 of them lunges. I stab him in the hand and he falls back in pain. The 2nd and third jump at similar timing and i stab one of them in the stomach, and i don't remember what i did to the other 1, but i did something because he also fell down. I was half scared at the thought i had just stabbed someone, but it was that or me going to hospital/death, but at the same time, i was still hit with the adrenalin, i didn't care that much. At this point I yell as loud as i can "help!" But only a couple of people come out of their houses, and they don't do anything except watch.

Now my attackers have weapons. 1 has a pair of batons, the other's both have really big knives bordering on machete's. My small pocket knife has limited effect now, and my plan, is to defend as long as i can until i get a chance to grab one of their weapons. Time passes and i'm in a 1-1 with the main guy. he has about 6 Samaria swords in a holder on his back. I grab 2 of them. He also has two, and we have a pretty epic battle. I'm pretty sure the person i'm fighting is Marco, but i don't recognize the connection. I'm not fighting for the kill, just the defense. Sure enough 3 cop cars pull up, and the attackers are arrested. Except 1 of them comes up to with with a knife and attempts to stab me. I grab his arm and slam it on the top of the car, calling for help. Thank you police :)

I'm at this house, and Marco and another guy jump me again. There's a smaller scale fight, and i escape through the front door. As i run out the door, I beg Bonnie (who was sitting trying to text) to tell whoever is looking for me, that i went in the opposite direction. I sprinted down towards this park, except i saw Tavis following me. I tried my best to outrun him, but i had was uncoordinated. I end up on the street my school is on. Tavis has caught up to me, but he makes it clear he isn't here to hurt me. I also bump into Chelsea. I question whether i'm dreaming. I do 2 RC's the finger through palm, and pulling on my finger, but none worked, Tavis said i was being stupid but i told him if it was a dream thats exactly what he would say. Due to lack of proof i concluded that i wasn't dreaming.

Does this ever happen to anybody else? RC's that don't work.

Hunting: exploding gun

I'm on top of this hill, and it looks like the grassy plains of Africa. I have a gun in my hand and at first i'm just shooting targets. Then my old ancient history class comes and tries to. This time we're shooting animals. I don't actually shoot any, but i fiddle around with the scope. I can change the contrast and color and stuff like that, like a TV. I'm transported to the other side of the field and whinny has just shot a kangaroo. His trying to quickly end its pain, but when he load the gun, it sets on fire, and he has to unload all the bullets into the sky. The barrel is still sparkling intensely. I have swimming goggles and i can look safely into it. Its like acid is eating away at it. 

Fragmented: Beach

My mum is taking a picture of me and 2 other people. She keeps going on about how we need to incorporate the color black into the picture. I tell her to just take it already.

Fragmented: On the run

Something to do with 2 old guys that are on the run.

I was talking to Chris yesterday and he brought up something interesting. He told me he only gets nightmares after his had a really good druken night. Looking back over my dreams I also notice a connection with nightmares and the weekend. Just putting it out there.
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Offline feist

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #62 on: June 06, 2010, 12:58:48 PM »
Nice dreams, Arliatis! Some nice knife/sword fighting there!  :D

Does this ever happen to anybody else? RC's that don't work.

It happens to everyone! RC's aren't failsafe, there will always be times when they won't work!

Some people even switch RC's after a while because some RC's stop working for them after using em for a few months!
But that's not the case for everyone, i think for most people they keep working because they get used to the fact that they work!

When i RC i always try to do a mindcheck if i have the time. Do things like ask myself where i am, if i'm supposed to be here, do i remember waking up, how did i get here, what did i do today, who's with me...
Also inspect my surroundings, look if everything is in it's place, are all the objects here in their context, is all the furniture in it's right place, pay attention to the details and the lighting...

Also when you RC, you really should expect it to work, even though you know you're not dreaming, try to visualize the RC working.
When you expect it to work in a dream, chances are likely it will work, cause that's how dreams work!
Basicly pretend that you're dreaming whenever you do an RC!

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #63 on: June 08, 2010, 07:09:57 AM »
I hope i don't have to change RC's they've worked so well up until now. Cheers been trying this lately feeling more aware by just asking questions about my reality.

Zombie apocalypse: School refuge

The world has been taken over by zombies. I go to school where its safe. As a requirement for me to stay i have to stay constantly active. For example, they wake me up early and we go through an entire day of activities. The first day was intense, i had to meet at the pavilion, and we did lots of team building activities, thinking about it, the whole thing was very cult-like. I remember driving around in a 4-wheel drive back to the dorms. I asked 1 of the instructors why Hale is so safe? can't they get over the small fences?

He answered saying that they get over but die due to something like being running over. I get back to the dorms, and i line up for the shower. It takes a while, and i begin to hate this life. I contemplate screwing the school, and going out, heavily armed, and living freely. After having a shower i go to my dorm. Its a piece of crap, with a dirty bed, and there's barely any space.

When everybody goes to sleep i go to the bar. I figured since everybody is a zombie, i can go and get a drink underage. The place was really cool and looked like to me a typical apocalyptic bar, with the rogue rangers drinking their dark lives away. I take a seat 2 down from this guy slouched over the bar. For some reason the bartender gives me 5 shots of tequila. I felt sick so i gave 2 of them to the guy. We started having chats. I compromised and mixed the shots with some coke. I felt rebellious drinking on a 'school night' and figured i could live this life, given i come here every night and chill.

Before i left to go to bed, the guy promised me, that because of my generosity he will organize me to have a better room. He also mentioned that if i help him out with stuff in the future, he will reward me handsomely. I said thanks but didn't expect much to happen. Next day went past fast, and i was coming back from the days activities. Somebody told me that i had a new room. So i went down the corridor, and up a small flight of stairs. Sure enough i had a new room, and it was great! It was huge, with an en suite and a big TV on the wall, it had carpet and the bed was very big and comfy. I was extremely happy, and happy to live this life. Manson came in a was impressed with my room, i told him to keep it low key.

Molly rings me and asks if i'm coming to her party. I wonder if there is a life outside Hale. I tell her i can't because if the promise I've made to the school. As i'm talking to her, i'm in some kind of video game, where i'm a small ball and i have to try and land on these weird platforms and stay inside the cylinder as i move forward.

Time progressed and I've left the school. I'm in this parking lot, with a companion who's rather fat. We are back to back, because there are zombies in the close proximity. We split up to go around a hedge. I double back and see the zombie eating the guys boob, and neck. I don't think i had a weapon other than some kind of baseball bat, or something similar.

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Offline feist

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #64 on: June 08, 2010, 02:43:12 PM »
I hope i don't have to change RC's they've worked so well up until now. Cheers been trying this lately feeling more aware by just asking questions about my reality.

I wouldn't worry about it! For most people, once they have a good RC, they stick to it! Like i said, they're never failsafe, there will always be times that the dream tricks you!

Zombie apocalypse: School refuge

Very cool dream Arliatis! Dreams that span a couple of days are always very interesting, especially when they have zombies to top it of!  ;-D

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #65 on: June 10, 2010, 05:53:37 AM »
I didn't really notice, but the dream did seem to last a while. It does seem rare con only think of a few that do, they generally seem to have a positive vibe to them :)

Purple van

I'm walking to my old house with Gene. I assume i've just come back from something to do with Palle. He asks me what my car is and i go and explain to him. I get home and there's this purple van, parked out the front. I enter the house and there a chauffeur asking me what i'd like to do. His kinda annoying so i leave the house with out him. I think he had to go and do another job for some1 else anyway. I remember walking up this hill with someone, and Nick F is coming down the hill. His got a massive cast around his leg, and his running. He looks really stupid and is making weird, puffed, high-pitched words. he doesn't stop because he can't, and we carry on walking up the hill.

I get home, and my brother is out the front. I talk to him, and when he answers me, he sprays heeps of spit all over me. If it was a small amount i wouldn't of cared, but i'm talking like a bucket full of his sweat it i just wanted to have a shower. I got really angry at Christian because he didn't say that he was sorry, he just looked at me as i try to get his spit off me.

I've got the spit off me somehow without a shower, and i'm sitting at a dinning table. I have on me a little plastic bag, full of crystallized marijuana. I tell my brother its worth more than a big bag of leaf. My dad sits down across the table and i give him the weed, saying he can have it, i don't want it. I think i see my grandmother smiling at me, but from 2d view.

Assassins: 75 million dollars

These 2 people are trying to kill me. 1 is a fat women and psychologically unstable, and i don't remember the other. I'm in some sort of cheap apartment block, and i block the door with my body from the fat woman. The other assassin is in the room. I don't remember what happens but i end up with a cheque for 75million dollars. I can't go to the bank and get the 75mill out in cash because the gov. would want to know where it came from. So i decide to hide it while, i figure out what i'm going to do.

My dad wants to take me driving, so i drive to some train tracks. I tell him to wait in the car, while i pretend to be going to the city. I get to my 'hiding place' not in RL, and try to think where i can put the cheque. It seems like the wind would take the cheque, so i never end up utilizing the area.

Whinny hosting party: caught by police

I rock up to whinny's house early, for his party. I assume his rents are away because its pretty relaxed. I watch some sport on the tv with him, just like Australia Day. The day goes on, and whinny isn't here, accept there's lots of my group here, and i feel uneasy about them, and their disrespect for property. At some point, we gather in the TV room, because someone is trying to kill us. I'm told he/she is very dangerous, and we all take positions to surprise them. i never get to see the person, but they're taken care of.

What seems very rapidly a party breaks out. The house seems elongated now, and its a really good party. i get drunk at the perfect level. just as the party is getting good, some girl yells out the the cops are on the long side of the house, and that we need, to leave quietly on the short side. Everybody just makes a run to save themselves making enough noise to alert the police that we're leaving. I see a cop car and make a run, for a house on the opposite side of the road. Theres a fence i have to climb in order to get into the park on the other side. I'm way too drunk to get over it and just fall on my back. I know i can't accomplish the feat so i attempt to hide in a bush along the side. Its really big, and has lack of leaves at the bottom, so i can see out at peoples feet.

I girl cop walks past looking for me. She stops in front of the bush and bends down. She tells me to get out, and i leave the bush. I'm escorted back to the street, and it seems like a full on raid with the number of paddy-wagons, and most of the people seem to be caught. the girl cop goes to sort out another problem, so i go over to some girls and start talking. Turns out i met them at Rottnest. I'm taken away by the girl cop, mid way through talking to the girls.

Girl: Rottnest This dream was from the night before last night.

I'm at Rottnest. I go to the top of this mini hill, and see i giant Caterpillar! It was crazy and i was yelling at the guys i was with to come and see it. It seemed really armored. the longer i stayed looking at the Caterpillar, the more bee's aggregated around this small tree. Eventually i left, and the bee's started attacking me. I run down towards the guys i was with failing my arms around trying to get the bees away. Some girl told me to get into the water. I didn't at first because i didn't want to get my clothes dirty, but the bee's didn't go away. so i jumped in.

The girl was in a brown shirt and swan over to me. The bees were gone now. We made out for a bit, and she said she needed to go and get some kind of valuable under some rocks. I said i'd help her find it. We entered a big red boat at the end, and ran to the front. by the time we got to the front, we were at the underground cave. the Cave had many entrances and only 1 was the right way. the entrances were like cupboards. It was a real team effort, and heeps of people agreed to try the entrances even my mum who's afraid of enclosed spaces. Eventually we get the valuable, and head into town to celebrate. The girl is talking to Mr Hunt about something to do with school, so i go to the bakery to get some food while i wait... and i wake up.

Interesting to note that at some point during the dream, i remember saying something along the lines that the girl isn't real, and that whatever chemistry we had is fake. perhaps i was lucid? but i doubt it, didn't feel like a lucid.

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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #66 on: June 11, 2010, 11:41:01 PM »
Alien war: sacrifice

I'm at some desert place, and theres a war going on. I'm a sniper and it takes about ten bullets to kill the aliens. At some point i decide to sacrifice myself. I go on top of this metal container, and do this weird ritual. I don't feel any pain and i'm able to live, with out my vital organs and with out 1 eye. Somebody droops my eye and it rolls of the edge of the balcony.

Josh A goes and gets it for me but can't find it. I'm at the corner of some street now, and i get picked up. Gigi and Christian are there, and its some sort of bus. Scene transforms and Christian is now driving. His really bad, and says that he would be much better with automatic, i tell him there's no way that would be true. 

Failed WILD: festival

I WILD into a scene where i'm sitting at a coffee table with some girl on the other side. I've lost a lot of awareness, and i'm questioning whether i'm dreaming yet. Before i can check the girl says she's breaking up with me. I feel very sad, and it feels like the pressure in my brain suddenly increased and i black out. As i'm in the black, i question whether i'm dead, but i wake up before i can contemplate. Theres some festival going on. As i come round, i'm in third person, but moving around a lot while looking at a media crew writing a story about me. They say something like this is the 4th time someone has been hurt at this festival. I'm in my body again and i ask a group of people i know if i fainted, and they agreed.

Boulevard: Marco

I'm walking to the boulevard in my pj pants. I see Marco and yell out to him. He asks me why i'm wearing the pants, and i decide that i should go and change. He comes with me. On a grass area near the boulevard some people are building something. Theres a temporary building set up for food. I go a steal a beer in the fridge, while Marco doesn't act subtle at all and helps himself. All of the builders are looking at him, in a bad way. Marco ignores them and throws me another beer. We walk off, and i ask him what he was doing. He shrubs the question, and we walk to mine drinking. They go down really easily and taste very good! don't remember the brand. We're back at the boulevard and i commando crawl, to get past the builders. Marco once again takes it easy and just walks past.
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #67 on: June 14, 2010, 05:29:23 AM »
Car race: Old School

I'm at my old primary school, at the round about. I'm having a race with someone, i remember that whoever it is. is a girl. We pull out and go on a race through some streets. At some point we come to a freeway, like the ones in megacities, where the road goes high above the ground. The freeway is still being built, and i stop when i get to it. My opponent has driven vertically down about 30m, to a quarter pipe, and continued along the race. I don't want to do it, because i feel that i'd screw it up and break my car.

Sandy: Almost Lucid

I'm on my bed and just 'woken up'. Sandy from the OC is sitting on my chair, and saying something. I decide to do an RC because the scene is kinda weird. Sandy keeps telling me that his my dad or something and wants to talk to me. his got this intense look at me, and its very intimidating! I end up forgetting about the RC :(

Beg: FL, SO, RC, TR, ND, TD, EF, LW, CL
Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
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Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #68 on: June 15, 2010, 07:52:20 AM »
LSD: Party

I'm outside my old house, and its pretty much the same in RL. My rents are out, i assume at drinks or whatever. Some weird adults come to the door and enter. Sarah (Charlie's mum) answered the door and let them in. I'm with Ben C, Meg, and Chris, and we're standing on the grass next to the road. Ben says he has some LSD. We decide to have it at whoever's party we're going to tonight. I'm scared that my parents will ring to pick me up while i'm still tripping out. 

Post-lucid: Russel Brand's daughter

I'm at Russel Brands daughter's bedroom. Its high in the air like in one of the towers of a castle, and the party is over. I'm breaking up with her. She takes it well, and gives me this multi-tool thing. I remember a tiny little fist thing.

Old school: Rugby

I'm at my primary school. The kids are running a muck as usual. I think i might be in control of them, if i am i'm not doing a very good job. I pick up a newspaper on the ground and start reading it. I see my old yr 1 teacher (its pretty impressive my SB can remember her with detail), and she's telling the kids to come back into the classroom. I go to the oval, and it seems like lunch. I play some athletic events but go off when they set up for rugby. As i walk over to the benches, some yr 10 starts mouthing me off. He must have really pissed me off, because i was on the verge of punching him right there. i end up agreeing to play just so i can tackle the kid, but never end up getting the chance.

Electrical disaster: Girl

I've come back from a less tame adults party. My mum has become friends with another mum, and they're both drunk. The other mum had a daughter. The other mum asked if she could drive them home, but we both said no, because we had a few drinks to. The mum's were going to catch a taxi with my brother and sister as well, so i had to walk the other mum's daughter home (lets just call her.... Caz). Caz was really hot and had a really good personality, and we got on really well.

Its the next day and i'm having recess at the canteen. I started singing quietly to myself Hero's, by David Bowie. Palle and Whinny hear me singing and join in. Soon the entire canteen is singing the song, and i get sorta taken aback by the situation (should've done RC!). The bell rang while i was still in the canteen so i hurried off to my locker. Luckily i had ancient history and it was right next to my locker. Ben J waited for me until i had my books.

Its the end of school now and i'm getting picked up by my mum. We were giving Palle a lift and he was driving us. He sucks at driving and i had to grab the wheel at 1 point. I'm not with Caz and we're sitting on a stone fence at the front of this big blocked house. There's a little girl in front of us getting out attention. the girl was very funny for some reason. The girl did something to the electricity pole, which caused electricity to fly everywhere. Its was pretty intense and glowed and sharp grey color.

I sprinted to the owner of the house and asked where the electricity board was. She told me the top floor. So i ran up to stairs picking up a broom on the way. I used the wooden end of the broom to bash the box till it broke. i came down the stairs. I heard Caz's boyfriend threatening her that if there was anything going on between us he would beat her. I walked over and started fighting him. I got the fist hit on the nose and broke it. he didn't really get to punch me back, because he fell to the ground and i just kept laying into him.... end of notes

For the end of the previous dream i didn't have time to write the dreams down in the morning :(

Fragmented: Star Wars Pod-racer

I'm flying this pod-racer with one hand or something.

Fragmented: COD dream

I'm playing Palle and i keep killing him. He clones himself and i have to kill them. I sniper them the first wave. But they trick me the second time. As i'm switching weapons everything goes in slow motion. I unload a 2 full rounds of 2 weapons.

Why am i so angry in my dreams???? all i ever seem to be doing is bashing people up, I've never even been in a proper fight in RL.
Beg: FL, SO, RC, TR, ND, TD, EF, LW, CL
Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #69 on: June 15, 2010, 08:21:47 AM »
"Post-lucid"?  Did I miss a definition somewhere?

Why am i so angry in my dreams?Huh? all i ever seem to be doing is bashing people up, I've never even been in a proper fight in RL.

One of my sure dreamsigns is intense emotion of any kind - especially anger.
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #70 on: June 15, 2010, 09:14:27 AM »
"Post-lucid"?  Did I miss a definition somewhere?

One of my sure dreamsigns is intense emotion of any kind - especially anger.

when i woke up from my lucid last night i tried to go straight back into it, but ended up going into a normal dream. DEILD or something? so i named it post-lucid.

hmmm maybe i should look more heavily on this, its defiantly a recurring theme.
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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #71 on: June 15, 2010, 09:20:50 AM »
To my knowledge, it's a DEILD if you are lucid when re-entering a dream. If you re-enter non-lucid, then it's plain old dream chaining (which in itself is still quite fun! I love chaining my dreams :))
What would you do if you were dreaming right now?

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #72 on: June 16, 2010, 07:50:09 AM »
ahhh i was thinking Dream Exited Induced Lucid Dream, and it didn't sound right, but now i see :) what annoys me is the gamble i always take. When i wake up from a lucid i have 2 options. Write down the dream with great detail, or go for the DEILD. Half the time it works, half it doesn't.

same here, i love the power to really manipulate what you want to dream if you go straight back to sleep after waking up during the night.

Wanting to be Rich: Zoomed High in the Air

I'm on this really nice boat, and i'm having a sort of business meeting with some guy. I want to be rich really badly and be able to afford an even better boat than his. The meeting is about some sort of inside trade job, or something illegal that guaranteed a good return.

I'm walking over a field of grass or something and i'm zoomed up into the sky a few kilometers. I begin to fall, and I fall really fast. As i come down, Alana rings me saying she tracked my phone and was asking why i was so high in the air. I tell her i can't really talk at the moment, and hang up.

Cannons : Alcohol

Its similar to some kind of game show arena. There's a field of grass the size of a baseball field, and 2 massive cannons where the batter would go. its some sort of game, but not for TV. The Cannons shoot out spongy black balls, me and a few other people are competing to catch the most balls. I don't really try that hard because i don't see much point. My dad reminds me that the winner gets free alcohol. Now i'm trying really hard and i start catching up.

haha yer pretty much the same in RL, don't have enough money to buy alcohol except goon.

Running with Friends Sister: Family Gathering

I'm going running around City beach, and there's a girl in blue sitting on the curb looking like she's going for a run too. She's my friends sister (i assume twin because we're about the same age). I ask her if she wants to run with me and she agrees. We jog around and time goes really fast. In a matter of seconds i'm running back along this really long road. She has an ipod touch, which can play music out loud, and we use that to listen to.

We decide to go through Chris's house which is supposed to be on sale. but there's people there, and we go through Chris's bedroom and some old guy is sleeping and wakes up as we go through. We sprint away and hide in a bush near my pool. Our houses seem to be next to each other. My mum and dad are sleeping in the pool. Apparently thats their bed for the night. The mum who's staying at Chris's house and 1 of her friends come through and jump into the pool waking up my parents. I somehow blackmail her, into 'forgetting' that we, went through Chris's house.

I have a family gathering. Its at my old grandparents house. The girl in blue comes as well. I have some lollies, and they taste in an amplified version to RL. Uncle Matt asks if my cousins and i want to play some halo. We all race over to the TV. I get 1 of the controllers but its different to the normal xbox controls. I play 2 games. One seems like Mario Kart or something and i take some short cut through some woods, and its really awkward. The second game i'm shooting Halo enemies with COD weapons. its really hard, and die pretty soon.

Fragmented: Ben Drinking

Ben D is pretending to drink alcohol at a party.
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Completed May Advanced Lucid Challenge

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #73 on: June 16, 2010, 08:15:20 AM »
Hmm... I guess that really all depends on the lucid. For me, the deciding factor would be whether I was satisfied with the dream, hehe! It might sound odd to say, but best example I can think of...

Say I got lucid, flew around and woke up. Not really satisfying to me. I didn't get to do a goal or a task, or anything really, other than flying. I'm going to go for chaining, rather than writing :)

Another possible solution is, once you're lucid, you can ask yourself to remember the dream upon awakening. I've heard that works out well for some people :)
What would you do if you were dreaming right now?

Offline arliatis

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Re: Arliatis's dream journal
« Reply #74 on: June 16, 2010, 03:55:39 PM »
i agree, if i only half completed a task or something i'll want to try and go back and finish it off. But just in general i'll do it, just because there's a reasonably good chance to get lucid.

I read the a while ago but forgot about it :) i'll give this a go, maybe it'll help, thanks!
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Int: BI, TP, DC, MF, WA, CO, CP, MO, TK, DF, WW, JR
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Completed May Advanced Lucid Challenge