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WILD Awareness Training Article Candidate
Hi All..
I tryed for the first time this morning after 4 hours sleep at WBTB to try to WILD by bending my arm at elbow and keeping it vertical..
I also wore a cats collar with bells on my wrist that I hoped to hear if my arm fell down at some point..
At first I tryed this lying on my right side but found lying on my back was more comfortable even though I usually never sleep on my back..
Keeping my right arm vertical [upright] bent at elbow I layed there on my back with head slightly to the right..[but upward]
I found that overtime I would loose the feel of my arm and only feel my hand ..
I also was listening to falling rain recordings that aided to my calmness..
Still believing that my fore arm was vertical kept me in a constant state of awareness...
As i waited.... my journey to the hypnogogic borderlands and sleep paralysis seemed to take forever..
Just the same.. I was doing well not moving and lying still looking into the darkness with [my minds eyes open.] ..peering through my closed eyelids and listening for any auditory clues to develop..
I think I stayed this way for close to 90 minutes....
[motionless except to occasionally swallow] ..and was amazed at how long my arm seemed to stay upright without falling..i thought to my self..
Well into the experiment I would see myself flying above clouds and looking below me at dark and Grey clouds with occasional lightning flashes..
I also visualized rain running down rooftops and rain swollen streams with water carrying pieces of driftwood and natural plant debris like oak leaves floating with the currant of the water..
..............[this may be related to the rain recordings i was listening to]....
I also would get short peeks at imagery still quite alert but feeling much different than when I started..
I was also experiencing on and off feelings of my physical body growing lighter then heavier...
Then two thirds of the way through I started getting the strongest body pulsations Ive ever felt in my life!
They were like a vibration that started at booth feet evenly and worked its way upward through my ankles knees upward to my chest arms and head ...
Then back to my feet and upward again in strong rhythmic pulsations!!
The ...[vibrations].. would keep pulsing ..pulse.....pulse ...pulse...pulse..and I new something important was going on!
These strong vibrating pulses repeated about 6 or 7 times and as this happened i was feeling lighter and lighter as if i were a leaf being blown across a field... !
The feeling was awesome!!
My guess is that... [I was very close to achieving sleep paralysis]... and a chance for an OBE or great lucid dream!
I have felt vibrations over my entire body in the past but not perfectly timed strong ones moving in perfect alignment pulsing from feet to head over and over!
I think what i was feeling was the process of my body disconnecting all physical feeling and entering SP!
I just allowed this to stop and with some difficulty became more awake noticing that my arm was laying on my side and not still upright as i believed it was all that time....
What happened was my arm slowly and gently went down over the process and did not just fall suddenly waking me as i believed it would..
When i looked at my arm it was lying on my side and my hand felt like pins and needles..
i also went on the rest of the morning to have 6 more dreams and two of them had my hand in it as a main subject..
I want to try this vertical forearm thing again and get back to those great pulsations...
For a first try this method got me close the OBE or LD gate!...
PS....All I took at bedtime was GPC choline and a little melatonin and one theanine...
I guess we are all different and many things work differently on us...
i've tried this before seems like a good idea and all but i have one problem with it.
when i lie for a long-ish period of time on the bed i fall asleep and do not notice when my hand falls down or i do notice the first couple of times but then i just fall asleep anyway maybe i should focus my mind a fraction more on keeping conscious?
--- Quote from: SmifoPL on July 08, 2011, 07:39:56 AM ---i've tried this before seems like a good idea and all but i have one problem with it.
when i lie for a long-ish period of time on the bed i fall asleep and do not notice when my hand falls down or i do notice the first couple of times but then i just fall asleep anyway maybe i should focus my mind a fraction more on keeping conscious?
--- End quote ---
Yes that's a good idea. The first time I did it, it was amazing. I caught myself hallucinating. But during the subsequent times, I just fell asleep.
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