Author Topic: Bert's Dream Journal  (Read 7437 times)

Offline Bert

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2011, 09:25:51 AM »
5/1 - 5/2
Not much recall last night.

Fragment: I'm in a field/wilderness setting. For some reason, someone is handing me a large assault rifle with a front grip. I become lucid for a brief moment but begin to lose focus. I'm with other people, some have weapons as well. Mostly men had weapons. Women and children were in a town hall or church or classroom. I couldn't really tell, but it seemed like there was an important gathering. I walk in the hall and it's packed with families, children, old folks, an entire community. Someone is speaking at the front, but they pause when the men I was with walk in. I make a conscious effort to keep my index finger off the trigger and the firearm pointed down. I find a spot in the corner to listen to what the gentlemen at the front had to say. He begins talking, and everyone listens. The rest is extremely fuzzy.

Offline Bert

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #31 on: May 03, 2011, 09:18:28 AM »
5/2 - 5/3

I'm with a small group of people amongst a large pile of rubble. I'm slightly lucid, but for some reason there was this huge sense of survival I had with the people I was with. I know all these people IWL. We're searching for supplies, something big has happened. We end up inside someone's house. While the 3 other people I was with searched for weapons/ammo, I find a first aid bag that could easily hold down our group for a few months. I then look in the garage, and I find small tanks of propane which would serve us in several ways. I remember G telling me we ran out of propane several days ago. There is a sense of hurry, that we must leave soon. We find some flashlights and canned food for a couple of days, and decide we have what we need. We grab our gear and start heading towards the door. I was the last one out, and right as I walk through the door, I wake up.

Offline Bert

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #32 on: May 04, 2011, 09:32:48 AM »
5/3 - 5/4

Very long dream, and I can't believe I didn't RC at ALL!

I'm younger, and I'm on some kind of field trip to a theme park of sorts. There's bits and pieces about me taking a golf cart or something like that, apparently I was looking for something real hard and I kept getting lost in the park. Probably some symbolism here, but who knows.

Offline Bert

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2011, 09:25:48 AM »
5/4 - 5/5

Absolutely no recall...But I'm confused about last night. I know I dreamt but I have no clue what.

I sleep in the nude, and the a/c was 70 or colder, and I woke up DRENCHED in sweat. When I finally got up for work in the morning, I simultaneously felt relaxed but extremely tired and weak. I just don't feel good today..I feel slightly off.

Offline pj

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #34 on: May 05, 2011, 10:24:10 AM »
Yep - sounds like you're coming down with something.
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Offline Bert

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2011, 10:51:43 AM »
5/5 - 5/6

GOOD thing I decided to write these down in my iphone notes..if not I might've forgotten it all.

(Renting consciousness) Lucid: I'm at a dinner party of sorts with my girlfriend. We meet many influential people. We're amongst a circle of people we would otherwise never be around. The mood of the dream starts very light hearted. My g/f and I both feel we are not in danger. One of the men wants to show us a new business venture, so he takes us to his house, which is an enormous mansion. He gives us the tour and what happens begins to worry me. He shows us a form of technology, or system that can essentially capture, and trap a person's consciousness. The consciousness would then be available to be seen/witnessed/lived by someone who had deep enough pockets. The entire time though, a person would randomly show up and would repeat to me "You always have free will." This was repeated to me about 5 or 6 times. For some reason, I was escorted somewhere and my g/f was escorted somewhere else. Next thing I know, I'm in some artificial world. It's like the opposite of a FA, it's like a false dream. When I realize it, the person I thought was friendly is sitting in another room next to mine, separated by glass. At this point he has no quarrels in revealing his plan to me. He claims he'll keep me in slumber for the rest of my life, and people will explore my consciousness and see what I see and do what I do. People/beings will "rent" my consciousness, those of others, and worst of all, the woman I love. Needless to say, this doesn't sit well with me. I immediately summon my power, and break down the room I'm in. When I finally find my g/f, she is in a form of hibernation inside a tube/cell. He laughs that I'll never get out, and she won't either. I strongly enforce what I feel my mind was telling me all along, "I always have free will." I disintegrate the machine/tube she is in by breaking up every individual component within it. I then pin the man (Through telekinesis) to a wall with my left hand, and pull my g/f to me with my right. Suddenly DC's begin to show up everywhere attempting to trap me. At least a dozen or so men and women are shooting at me with what seems like nets. I am exercising my mind extremely hard at this point. I am levitating my g/f, I am flying away myself, I am stopping nets right before they get to me, and pushing cars/people/metal gates out of my way. When I finally get out of the confines of the mansion, I slowly wake my g/f up, and tell her it's time to wake up IWL. I tell her I'm going to wake up and write all this down. I wait for her to disappear, and I wake myself and type a very condensed version of all this into my phone.

Go back to sleep.

WBTB LUCID: I'm near the cargo area of Miami International Airport. I'm driving around looking for an address to a business, apparently I have a job interview for an aviation pants company? Either way, I am telling them my best and worst attributes, strengths/weaknesses, kind of like a normal interview. I am discussing my education and flight training. He then tells me to join the other employees in a group exercise. Apparently the goal is to stay awake. Whoever falls asleep is getting reprimanded. It's like someone was putting me to sleep. I realize that something is wrong and I become lucid. I stand up, and thank them for the opportunity but tell them I have places to go. I leave in a vehicle that is not my own. As I'm driving to find my way out of the area, I end up in a dead end, and I see a bunch of people walking around like zombies. At first they look like homeless folk (BTW, I don't like referring to those who are less fortunate as just "homeless people" but that's the best I can come up with at the moment.) As I take a closer look, they are all essentially skeletons. I see empty eye sockets, and blood residue on their bodies and the floor beneath them. When I realize this, I immediately do a u-turn.

I am now near downtown Miami, where I used to live with my father before he passed away. For some reason, I remember my car being parked outside the building. I am now on a bicycle. Right outside the building I run into my step mother (Long story short, gold digger only 9 years older than me who used my father and left with over half a mil after his death while I had no money for school.) She pretends to be concerned about how I've been, and asks why I didn't stay in touch. I get somewhat serious and tell her how she's the one who stopped answering all my calls. Suddenly a guy standing next to me gets in my face and starts asking me why I'm calling her. At this point, I'm just laughing at them, mostly him. I realize this is a part of my subconscious ridding itself of an issue I once had to deal with. I talk to myself and tell myself, "that's it brother, it's time to move on past this." I turn around and walk away, and my car is sitting there.

I get to my car and there is a parking ticket sitting there. When I open the door, there is a pipe full of marijuana just sitting in the front seat. I laugh at myself for being dumb enough to make such a mistake, but then realize it doesn't matter, it's a dream. I drive away, and am actually inside my old apartment where I lived with my father. I had momentarily lost lucidity, but I see my current computer on the desk, and it makes me wonder. I know I did not build this computer until AFTER we moved out of there, so why is it here. Am I dreaming? For some reason, this RC was EXTREMELY hard. I decide to levitate a small beanie baby that is on the ground, and it works, yet I am still unsure. I tell myself I want to fly, I haven't in a while. When I open the window, there's a building right in front of me, and I'm looking into someone's porch. It's an old man with his wife. The old man seems senile. He tells me that he knows I'm a dreamer, and that I should just relax, there's nothing to worry about. He tells me that he likes the extra room next door, it's good for playing the flute. His wife begins to play what is the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard in my dreams. It's a combination of the flute, harp and a stand up bass? I'm not quite sure, there's many sounds, but they all mesh well together. I decide flying is not the most important thing right now..time to rest.

I wake up.

Offline Caradon

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #36 on: May 06, 2011, 10:17:12 PM »
Wow, congrats on the great night. You had a lot going on.  I like the music at the end, that must have been awesome. Interesting that you found yourself in an old apartment. For some reason I'm always dreaming of apartments that I used to live in.

Offline Serenity

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2011, 03:47:52 PM »
Both dreams were quite intense!  :o
What would you do if you were dreaming right now?

Offline Rainbow

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #38 on: May 07, 2011, 07:34:24 PM »
Wow! Your dreams are amazing Bert! That rent-a-consciousness one was eerily like moonbeam's dream. I wonder if that's where your SC got the idea from? Cool how you recognized that you didn't have the computer until after you left that apartment - well done. And yeah... the music! Music in dreams can just be so incredibly uplifting and amazing  :)
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Offline Alice

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #39 on: May 08, 2011, 04:54:19 AM »
Interesting dreams, Bert!

Offline Bert

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #40 on: May 09, 2011, 10:26:16 AM »
Was out of town for my graduation in Daytona Beach. Was lucid throughout but our form of celebration was affecting my recall. :)

Offline pj

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #41 on: May 09, 2011, 11:17:05 AM »

Well congratulations, and thank you for reporting in!  Glad you survived the celebrations, and welcome home!
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Offline Bert

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #42 on: May 09, 2011, 12:04:56 PM »

Well congratulations, and thank you for reporting in!  Glad you survived the celebrations, and welcome home!

Feels like a chapter in my life has closed, and a new one is beginning. All I have to say is, Life is good.

Offline Bert

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #43 on: June 24, 2011, 12:01:03 PM »
I haven't been posting for personal reasons, but I have been actively lucid with some exceptions. Last night was unique so I thought I'd share.

I think I found my dream guide.

6/23 - 6/24

Lucid: Was lucid directly into my sleep. I was with two younger guys I hadn't met before. We're trying to find something or get somewhere, and I realize I really don't wanna go anywhere. I tell them this is a dream and they insist it is not. I begin to show them they are wrong by moving things around through telekinesis. I say out loud, "Just getting lucid isn't enough, I need someone to guide me and show me more, I need to grow." Right as I say this there is a man, maybe in his 40-50's, somewhat of a belly, but not an obese man by any means. He smiles at me and tells me he will check in with me from time to time, but to not worry, and be patient.

I turned around, and when I looked back he was gone. I decided I needed my mind to relax so I got into the lotus position as I usually do when I meditate, and I began chanting my usual chant. I was slowly transforming the world around me into what seemed like a kaleidoscope. This went on for a long time.

I woke up refreshed and relaxed.

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Re: Bert's Dream Journal
« Reply #44 on: June 24, 2011, 08:44:59 PM »
Congrats on having the first DG who isn't a complete and total jackass.

Well, there's PerireAnimus' DG, but he isn't around so he doesn't count.
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