Author Topic: LD Flying problems  (Read 2701 times)

Offline SmifoPL

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LD Flying problems
« on: July 08, 2011, 05:23:17 PM »
Right.. this is going to be hard to word without sounding stupid but i love! flying when i have a lucid dream its the first thing i do when i realise im dreaming before i try to change the surroundings i fly around in them for a while just to see the DC reactions to me flying...
anyhow if there are any experienced flyers i have a problem.. i can usually take off but i end up spinning out of control or going too high up and then some of my lucidity goes away and i become scared that im going to fall from a high spot even though when i took off i knew nothing would hurt me.. and one time i lost control and ended up flying out of the "earths" orbit .. like past the moon.. at this point it kind of turned into a nightmare i lost my lucidity and thought i was really drifting in space :'( does anyone have tips???

Offline Sunshine

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Re: LD Flying problems
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2011, 08:39:03 PM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Relyt

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Re: LD Flying problems
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2011, 08:39:58 PM »
I'm pretty sure it all has to do with believing that you can do it. In my first LD I flew extremely fast and had 100% control until I started to doubt and then I started to fall, but then I remembered that it was a dream and anything was possible and I regained stability. I know this isn't very helpful, but you can't be scared. You have to realize that it is your dream and can control every aspect of it, including gravity. Just think of it like the Matrix, a world where you can bend all of the rules to your will.
-Oh, no, no. I was just wondering if you could help me find my way.
          -Well that depends on where you want to get to.
-Oh, it really doesn't matter, as long as...
          -Then it really doesn't matter which way you go.
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Offline Relyt

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Re: LD Flying problems
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2011, 08:40:48 PM »
oops I didn't realize how old this thread was  :o my bad
-Oh, no, no. I was just wondering if you could help me find my way.
          -Well that depends on where you want to get to.
-Oh, it really doesn't matter, as long as...
          -Then it really doesn't matter which way you go.
                                                                                Lewis Carroll

Offline pj

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Re: LD Flying problems
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2011, 08:50:59 PM »
It got lost somehow originally.  Never worry about responding to old threads here!  I never saw it originally, otherwise I would have responded.  Yours is a good and useful response, and will be helpful to others who stumble across this thread.

Smifo has the opposite problem most people report, which is trouble getting in the air and staying there.  When you fly, you might try doing so with specific goals; getting from point A to point B, exploring a cloud, going around a lake or mountain, etc.  This will give you a focus beyond the flying, and perhaps might reduce the concern about the flying itself.
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Offline Serenity

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Re: LD Flying problems
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2011, 10:35:02 PM »
I missed this too!

I used to have the problem of staying airborne... Ever since my first successful dream flight, I now have Smifo's problem ;-D I just lose control and end up getting pushed around while in the air (like going too high).

What I've found helps is... Fixing a point on the horizon, and "connecting" to it, like with my 3rd eye. I've found that if I'm following an invisible line, then flying becomes a lot more stable. It plays upon pj's idea of having a point B to fly towards... my point B is that spot on the horizon.
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Offline Rebel Seven

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Re: LD Flying problems
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2011, 02:27:47 AM »
I also missed this!

Something I do that I have found invaluable is to summon boosters to your hands and feet, like Iron man's. Even if they don't visually show up sometimes, I still just believe they are there and they work! Does wonders for speed and control. Other things I do is focus on using telekinesis on myself rather than actually flying, or to airbend a strong wind behind you that blows you where you want to go.

Another general thing that I have done is to use my necklace that I treat as a power up. I imbue it with positive energy with visual meditation during the day (you don't even need to believe in energy flow, or totems, or amulets or anything for this to work) during the dream if I get stuck in the air or have any real power failure I can touch my necklace and re-absorb all the energy I need.  It is quite useful for all lucid needs!
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Offline SmifoPL

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Re: LD Flying problems
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2011, 01:37:43 AM »
thaanks guys i now have no problem at all with flying i listened to the point B suggestion and it does help from floating away

Offline Tyrannus Prime

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Re: LD Flying problems
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2011, 05:24:56 AM »
I think there are just people with flight imparements. I don't recall ever really flying in an LD, then again my LD's are few and far between. Once I think I dream shared with Naiya and I just weighed her down XP I think I just have a flying problem and that other methods of propultion work better for me..or will once I find them. XP
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 08:55:59 AM by Tyrannus Prime »
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Re: LD Flying problems
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2011, 03:12:22 PM »
it gets easier in time.  Try finding a cliff with a very steep drop off and then close your eyes and jump. You will fly, fall (its a dream so dont worry), float or may even be in a new scene when you open you eyes again. I sometimes will myself to a point, other times I just intend to fly and do so. I think the biggest barrier is not beleiving you can fly.  I have also aimed at houses, trees and solid rock and just gone through them. Its a wicked set of feelings.  I did hit a tree once and got smacked and went out of control.  Think there was a sneaky DC setting me up but couldnt find it
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Offline Caradon

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Re: LD Flying problems
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2021, 03:14:00 AM »
I've mentioned this before but just coming across this threat I thought I'd mention it again. How I learned to fly.

In the early days of my lucid dreaming. One night I had a lucid where I was struggling to fly, and I was flapping my arms like a bird in my dream. The next day contemplating the experience. I was thinking to myself how silly it seems to try to flap arms in a dream to fly. Since for one thing there is no real gravity. And if there was real gravity, like in waking life, flapping my arms would do absolutely nothing to get me off the ground. So why in a dream? Would I be trying to flap my arms like a bird? Makes no sense at all.

Thinking along those lines I realized I should be able to just move myself by will alone. That's when I realized, like a light bulb moment. Duh... At that point I had already been getting good with telekinesis. Using my mind to move objects around. Why not just use telekinesis on myself in the same manner?

So in my very next lucid dream I tried it and it worked perfectly! Instantly I had perfect control of my flying using telekinesis on myself. No silly arms flapping required...

But at some point flying became so natural in lucid dreams I didn't even need to think about how I was doing it anymore. Similar to walking in waking life, I think. You just do it, you're not thinking about how you're ding it.

Sometimes I wonder why it seems natural to us to try and flap our arms in dreams to fly. Since we have not been birds in waking life and have not had the experience of having wings and using them to fly.  I mean if I was falling through the sky in waking life with no parachute I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be trying to flap my arms and thinking it would do anything to help me.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 03:19:40 AM by Caradon »

Offline Wędajihs

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Re: LD Flying problems
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2021, 10:59:21 PM »
I often used a swimming motion when trying to fly while lucid, which didn't always work.
I had a hand signal that I used to make myself fly effortless but haven't used it in a while. Trying to avoid flying because I feel like there are better things to do while lucid... not that I can remember what those better things are when I AM lucid.
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