Dammit, coming in here brings a memory of waking up from a strange house dream, thinking it wouldn't count because it wasn't lucid (or lucid enough), and immediately going back to sleep, and now it's gone.
I've got to start writing at night again. It's the only way I can do it. I somehow lost the habit.
I don't know why it's always so hard for me to keep good habits, and stop bad ones from coming back.
I'm starting to pick up the habit of false-DJing again already. I had a strange house dream last night--lucid--with StarSeeker in it, and I talked to him. And then I "woke up" and DJed it, after which SC and I are like
and forget about it. Until I really wake up.
I've had DCs do things like this. Sometimes the fact that I'm a LDer gets on my open channel and they can see it and thank me or try to get me to help them or try to use my abilities for their personal gain. It sounds like yours here might just want to teach you to be lucid...maybe? ^__^;
When I'm not lucid, my DCs are often very helpful and seem to try to get me lucid. I even have "lucid school" dreams from time to time. They were very helpful when I was first trying to get lucid.
When I am lucid, it's usually like they couldn't care less, or have no idea what it is. They're not very. . .consistent in their behaviour. In any case, the way they behaved this time was very unusual.
I thought of you after I had this dream; the way you've described helping your DCs reminded me of how I think they were trying to get me to be.
But it is close enough...for a bronze award, because you don't have to be lucid for that one. But iadr won't say anything because he knows you'll make it there in a lucid.
Thank you, iadr. But I have done it! But I don't recall it well. I'll post it soon! But I hope to have another one still, and recall it. I want a nice Halloween strange house dream.
Ah, you have the most spectacular dreams, mu!
ty, that was a pleasant one.
Naturally, it's beautiful.
(You make it difficult to remain humble.)
Maybe their objects are like dreams, and when someone changes the object, the surroundings slowly change.
Yes I think their. . .objective was to get me to change something about the dream as a whole; perhaps use me as if I were a genie of some sort.
I'm actually a bit shorter than your guess
The height I indicated is my height; you were shorter than that.
I was basically saying that you shouldn't be surprised for me not knowing an author of children's books who writes in English since well, I'm not English
I'm not English either!
I guess I just thought he was more famous, like Peanuts or something. But that was translated into many different languages; I suppose that's sort of impossible with Dr. Seuss.
Portuguese (the well written one, obviously), of course. Then French. Then English. Then... I don't know any other languages, sorry.
Aha! (Don't know why I keep saying that.)
I saw you last night in a strange house. You're a helpful DC; I always seem to be lucid when you're around. Thanks!