Author Topic: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures  (Read 39539 times)

Offline mu

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #165 on: November 11, 2011, 01:00:30 AM »
Aww, what a cute little creature you were.  :love:

 :sad1:  What should we call you now, mu...., I mean TDFNAM?
:D  I was a regular little bundle of love, to be sure.

You must use the entire title--preferably in italics.  The italics are required from strangers.  You, as a friend, may omit them.

Sounds like some of the insects that we have here in Florida. :chuckle:
I remember being at Disney World, in February, at night.  It was 80 something and people were in the pools.  Seriously, I'd drop dead in Florida.  :dead:

Yeah, I have the same exact question as Moonbeam. After all, no one seems to want to write out DrTechnical. No way they are writing out your new login. You're going to have to help us with this one.
I think "DrT" is sort of an endearing type of abbreviation, or nickname.  Such an abbreviation is not appropriate in this case.  Least of all is "mu" appropriate, for obvious reasons.

Can I still call you "Uncle Mu" or are you "Uncle TheDeF NAM" (which would turn into "Uncle TheD")?
You may call me Uncle Mu, dear niece Kar.  But only because you're niece Kar.  I don't want to hear "Uncle Mu" from non-nieces.

The other names would make it sound like I was trying to hack the forum or something.  :chuckle:

Uncle Ted?  I can remember that.   :)
:facepalm:  Sure, Uncle Ted.

* The dreamer formerly known as mu reflects on the decision to change his name.  "Was this the move of a wise man?"

Offline mentalenforcer

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #166 on: November 11, 2011, 01:37:30 AM »
Defkom.  (DFKM)

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #167 on: November 11, 2011, 02:08:17 AM »
Uncle Ted?  I can remember that.   :)

I said "Uncle Thed," but there are many possibilities available in his acronym. c:

You may call me Uncle Mu, dear niece Kar.  But only because you're niece Kar.  I don't want to hear "Uncle Mu" from non-nieces.

Okay. 8D

The other names would make it sound like I was trying to hack the forum or something.  :chuckle:

Hack the forum...? An Uncle Thed would do that...? o__o;

* The dreamer formerly known as mu reflects on the decision to change his name.  "Was this the move of a wise man?"

Why did you change it? Does it have to do with when you said a couple months ago that you wanted to have a new MM name and start over?

Defkom.  (DFKM)

Deathcon? O.o

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #168 on: November 11, 2011, 04:15:54 AM »
As a fellow Beatles fan, I humbly submit the request to refer to you as Dr. Robert, as it is easier to type. And Revolver is arguably one of their best albums (closely tied with Rubber Soul).
What would you do if you were dreaming right now?

Offline DrTechnical

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #169 on: November 11, 2011, 06:36:44 AM »
How about you forgo the shiny puppy and change your name to:

"In a fearful stampede to save themselves from the terrifying menace of an original idea, the herd can become a mindless destroyer of the light." - Thomas Campbell

"I just had to get nice last night. My Mind is so free, you wouldn't believe ... you wouldn't believe" - Dave Wyndorf

"I don't understand. How can less be more? That's impossible. More is more." - Yngwie Malmsteen

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #170 on: November 11, 2011, 02:22:05 PM »
mu-nouveau. Or muveau
Drow, drow, drow your canoe
 The stream provides flotation
 Hysterically, hysterically, hysterically, hysterically
 Existence is hallucination

...have you ever met anyone who actually changed?

Offline mentalenforcer

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #171 on: November 11, 2011, 02:31:31 PM »
Defkom.  (DFKM)

Deathcon? O.o

I guess it doesn't get much mention since the cold war.  It's a play on this:

Also, It's a challenge to the common wisdom that 'known' starts with an 'N'.
the Dreamer Formerly Known as Mu

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #172 on: November 11, 2011, 09:55:31 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline mu

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #173 on: November 14, 2011, 12:38:04 AM »
Defkom.  (DFKM)
* mu searches the internet. . .  (The United Voice of Film Composers in Germany.)


Okay. 8D

Sorry, I had to try saying 8D at least once.  :D

Hack the forum...? An Uncle Thed would do that...? o__o;
There's not much point, since it pj's and my job to unhack it too.  :content:

Why did you change it? Does it have to do with when you said a couple months ago that you wanted to have a new MM name and start over?
I just don't know, Kar.  It seemed to be the thing to do at the time.

No, nothing to do with that.

Deathcon? O.o

As a fellow Beatles fan, I humbly submit the request to refer to you as Dr. Robert, as it is easier to type. And Revolver is arguably one of their best albums (closely tied with Rubber Soul).
I love that song!

He's a new and better man!
He helps you to understand!


Yes I love both albums.  My father was very fond of Rubber Soul; it seemed to mean something to him, so of all their albums, that one's pretty special.

How about you forgo the shiny puppy and change your name to:


It's a deal!

mu-nouveau. Or muveau
What are you doing in my DJ?  :derby:

What does that mean?  :yes:

I like Doctor Mureau, as in "The Island of. . ."  :)

I guess it doesn't get much mention since the cold war.  It's a play on this:

Also, It's a challenge to the common wisdom that 'known' starts with an 'N'.
the Dreamer Formerly Known as Mu
Oh yes, now I remember.  I thought I had buried the memory deep in vodka, but no, comrades, it burns on.
* mu bangs a shoe on the table

mu-nouveau. Or muveau

:goodjob:  I like that one.  It sounds like a new color. 
Oh, now I get it.  It means like "new" or something, right?  Well, don't tell him he's clever and encourage him.

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #174 on: November 15, 2011, 02:35:01 AM »

Strange Wendy

I find a life-sized doll-woman in the garbage.  I feel very bad for her, but as I drag her out, I am mocked by those that are passing by, and I realize that this is because half of her is missing.  Therefore I feel bad for only half of her, and this is a rather strange feeling.  There's obviously little hope.

I take her to my grandparent's house and put her in the closet, then go to sleep on the living room floor, in front of the TV.  When I look a certain way, at a certain angle at the ceiling, it can't be seen and the hazy sky appears.

One day a man walks down the street, singing as he goes.  He drags a coffin-like box by a rope over his shoulder, and walks a skinny dog.  He refers to me by a made-up name, and sings it mockingly.  "William Massile."  Then he offers to sell me the box, which contains the rest of the doll-woman.

I put her back together, like a puzzle.  I drink a lot.

One day she seems to be complete, because she suddenly fades and disappears.

I wake up one morning and walk down the road to childhood friend G's house.  I begin to suspect I'm dreaming when I see large neon signs on the side of the old house, in the middle of barns and corals with horses.

Inside is a similarly out of place banquet; the guests are all "sophisticated" and dressed in a bizarre combination of old-fashioned ways.  I feel rather. . .inadequate.

There's a fat kid who seems to recognize me; with great excitement he summons me from earshot of the diners.  He knows the real "Wendy," as I learn the doll's name to be.  He introduces us.  She's very shy, and very beautiful, but I'm deeply saddened to learn she's got a boyfriend.  She tells me how insecure he is, and how he constantly needs her kindness.

The fat kid sits near the ocean now, and meditates or something, trying to "free his mind."  Wendy and I look at him, and look at each other quizzically.  I wonder if the two of us couldn't actually succeed in freeing his mind for him.

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #175 on: November 15, 2011, 02:37:21 AM »

Strange fragment

Something about Napoleon; he appears in a vision before me and prattles on about something, but I can't understand his French.  He's with an Irishwoman.  He's pretty fired up.

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #176 on: November 15, 2011, 03:56:06 AM »

Strange, stupid fragments

I'm a little kid, sleeping over my friend's house, watching TV.  We're fighting, and I see a small version of him on a desk in the corner, doing the same as he, mirroring.

We later walk to his cousin's house; the fact that his cousin is Italian is important for some reason.  We meet two girls on the street and they follow us.  We keep exchanging glances with them is this silly sort of game.  We get to the cousin's house, and play chess there, as the girls watch.  We use french fries in lieu of missing chess pieces.

I have a build-your-own electric guitar kit, and while others are engaged in their chess, I attempt to build my own.

Later I walk home by myself, and some cats follow me.  I talk to them.

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #177 on: November 15, 2011, 08:01:07 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #178 on: November 17, 2011, 11:01:45 PM »
Inadequate, that seems to be a common negative-feeling in my dreams.  A spectrum of inadequacy.  It would be a good DS if I could recognize it.  I hope I don't feel that way too often IRL, but I should RC when I do. 

I bet doll-woman is sick of always being kind and would leave him for you, seeing as how you put her back together and all.
For me it's more of a feeling of being uncomfortable around a lot of people, especially people that think a lot of themselves.  It's definitely from RL; usually there aren't many DCs like that.  It's not that I want to be like them; I just don't like them, and I don't feel like I belong there.  :)

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Re: Uncle mu's Fantastical Whaling Adventures
« Reply #179 on: November 17, 2011, 11:02:56 PM »


There's an area between my house and the neighbors' that seems like its own little world; even the ground feels close to the sky, and the grass high, even when it's below me.  I'm flying around there, at the level of the treetops, as I've been hearing peculiar voices lately from within them.

I seem to be little more than densely spiraling wind that flutters back and forth there, and my eyes see many directions, into many trees at once.  But I can find no owners of voices, or whence they come.  They're clearest in the trees, not louder.

In time I gather they are looking for meaning in old TV shows, like Twilight Zone and Bewitched.

I walk around the ground now, and follow something small that I can sense but not see into the neighbors' yard, under the fence.  It's perhaps a single point of light that drifts slowly about itself as it makes its way forward.  In time it assumes the shape of a young woman, no bigger than a fairy.  I give her photos and notes, and she sets off on a boat, which sails upwards into falling leaves.

It's a beautiful fall day, and I think I'll leave this scene entirely myself soon, to go deeper into it.  I do nothing, and love the scene.