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Topic 4: Leadership

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I would say you are our natural leader PJ. Someone who is fair, who only will get involved if he knows he can contribute to a solution and who everyone looks up to. You are the leader or at least one of them in my eyes.  :angel:


--- Quote from: IndigoGhost on September 21, 2011, 05:12:15 PM ---I would say you are our natural leader PJ. Someone who is fair, who only will get involved if he knows he can contribute to a solution and who everyone looks up to. You are the leader or at least one of them in my eyes.  :angel:

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He is the master sheepherder :)


--- Quote from: Moonbeam on September 21, 2011, 05:10:26 PM ---I guess it depends on whether or not we need leaders for what we want to do.  If somebody wanting something in particular to happen, they would have to be leader enough to get it going, show other people why it would be good, maintain it, etc.  With what we do now, I guess we don't really need leaders.  Again, probably a lack of vision or something on my part.

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How do we even know what we want to do?  Is a lack of coordination directly translatable to mean the membership wants to keep things exactly as they are?  The members, who are intended to be the owners, do not really have a voice.  Even if a thread gets started over an issue or idea, everybody always seems to be waiting for somebody else to make it happen or at least say with some kind of authority, "Yeah - let's do that!"

(There are exceptions, but they are rare enough to prove the rule.)

--- Quote from: IndigoGhost on September 21, 2011, 05:12:15 PM ---I would say you are our natural leader PJ. Someone who is fair, who only will get involved if he knows he can contribute to a solution and who everyone looks up to. You are the leader or at least one of them in my eyes.  :angel:

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You are most gracious, and I am humbled.

If I am going to continue to wield technical authority and access - those areas where I really have the most to contribute - then I cannot safely be a leader.  Even if I could, I just don't have that in me anymore.  I'm almost 51 and busy.  There's a lot of life away from this place that I intend to live.  It is time for others to step into that role - if we are to have leaders at all.



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