So... I'm not a member of any guilds.. and I don't honestly consider myself an active enough member (i'm a bit hit or miss on attendance) to have the say that many here deserve... but I do feel the need to go ahead and throw my $0.02 in here... Because why not?
My main focus here will be pj. I may or may not branch into other things..
It appears to me, throughout all five of these topics, that the biggest concern our infamous founding father has... is that absolute power corrupts absolutely. He is more than happy to continue pulling the wagon, but feels that it is simply not enough of a community decision if he is acting as the powerplant and also the navigator and also the first officer and also comms... He has no intention whatsoever to unstrap from the wagon, and he's going to continue pulling it in whatever direction whoever decides it needs to go in, or be perfectly content to stand and guard it. His concern is that the one pulling the wagon shouldn't be steering it, as that in itself is too much power for any one person to have in a community-owned carriage such as this...
This is just what I've gathered, and my metaphor may not be perfect but I trust that if I'm wrong, I will be corrected.
Now... To pj, and with my apologies to everyone else involved not mentioned (I am, as I said, not the most active or informed member, I simply want to toss my opinion out there for reflection), I have this to say...
It is literally impossible for you to have absolute power, and I'd venture so far as to say that I have sincere doubts that you are corruptible under your own power, sir. Why? Because of all this. Because of what you've said and because of your obvious concerns. You care too much about the thing as a whole to ever do anything that wasn't in the community's best interest. I won't deny that having one person 'in control' may leave it open to mistakes, but what's the difference between one person's ability to make mistakes and a whole group of people's ability? None.. But at least a person in your position, of your mindset, would be quick to admit any mistakes, and easily as quick to fix them to the very best of their ability.
In short... Dude, I don't think there is a single person who's ever been a member of this community who's had any real interaction with you at all that believes you would ever intentionally do us wrong. You simply care too much. This place isn't your burden, it's your creation. Your child. Speaking from the perspective of a child to one's father.... Dad... It's okay for you to tell us what you think is best for us.. even try to push us in that direction. You raised us to have enough presence of mind to make our own decisions, that doesn't mean we don't want to at least try things how you think they aught to be.
Now.. I understand where you're coming from. You don't have the time you once did, you don't want to be in the 'father' role.. at least not completely. That's okay! We're gonna love you all the same. We know what you've done, we know what kind of a man you are, and we appreciate it. If the guilds and admins are sincerely concerned about us coming to a standstill.... how about doing something as simple as asking the question.. to everyone... be it in a newsletter, or a simple forum redirect that would have the member fill out a very small survey. "Are you happy with MM's current direction, etc. Would you like to see some sort of member management elected by a democratic system. Would you volunteer for a management position if it were available." Etc. etc. etc.. Surely the correct questions can be drafted up, I'm being very general here.
Anyway... Be at ease, pj. To my knowledge.. You have done nothing -
nothing - wrong. To anyone. You've done nothing that a reasonable person can't comprehend as being in the best interest of the community you helped to create.. and I don't know of anyone that would ever go so far as to call you a dictator. If all dictators were like you, I imagine we'd have a much less blood-filled history for this world...
So... yeah. I'm about out of steam... Did this post accomplish anything at all?
I'll feel a little silly if this thread (from a month ago) has already come to definite conclusions and all this typing has been for naught... I won't take a word of it back, I'll just feel silly if I'm beating a dead horse.